15345082? ago

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15305473? ago

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15301289? ago

15302562? ago

Excellent article. I hope more take the time to read this.

15311336? ago

"Only 10%"

I've come to realize that I don't get to choose who this information goes to. I put it out, and those who are ready absorb it.

I also hope more take the time to read it though. :P

15300816? ago

Lots of truth in newer vampire movies, and of course zombies. The zombies easily represent our new speaker.

15319108? ago

The Zombies are already here and can be easily viewed at the local Mall

15299811? ago

Nice try but no cigar. The Matrix was more literal than most people care to admit. We're living in an energy farm run by parasitic interdimensionals who use the sociopaths, psychopaths, narcissists, borderlines, and unawakened fools of this world to feed off the life force and emotional energies of the living. Those who blame Jews are only looking at one small part of that machine. Your toxic family, your toxic work environment, your toxic relationships, the toxic news are all examples of the energy farm at work. The interdimensionals also feed directly by setting up a nest in your home and attaching themselves to living humans, grinding them down, eating their souls.

The allusions to Jesus, Jews, and anti-Jews in the Matrix has to do with these being just one historical representation of grander archetypal forces that go beyond religion. For what it's worth, the people of Zion represent the Gnostics. The whole thing about gnosticism is seeing through the illusion of this world, seeing through its false creator, and connecting with the Real World and True God outside it. Exactly what the Matrix was about.

Ironically, modern day Christians are soundly asleep in the illusion as religion is a false construct. The only good thing about them is that they try to be good people and ally themselves with the higher divine force, but so much of what they believe is propaganda. Jesus brought a gnostic message and was persecuted by the Jews and Pharisees because of it. The pharisee spirit lives on today in organized religion who perverted that message and turned it into John 3:16 type disinformation. This is something the average person just doesn't get.

15329643? ago

You missed the point. Multiple layers and meanings. You focused on the obvious message that literally everyone got first watch.

15309085? ago

when your just a child getting real knowledge is dangerous. we were told not to eat od the tree of knowledge because we would fuck shit up...just like now. irs like giving fire to a baby. but just because we arent ready for knowledge now doesnt mean it will always be that way. God is love. he protects us, even if its from ourselves. gnostism is satanism. you have been converted. when jesyus returns EVERY knee will bow. including yours... jesus is not a gnostic. he died for our sins. he would not have given a rats ass about us only himself if he was gnostic. you make zero sense.

15304164? ago

nailed it

15303412? ago

If there is to be a one world religion that religion will be Gnostisim. Gnostism inverts what is taught in the Bible. It teaches that the One who told you to not eat the fruit is the same One who doesn’t want you to have knowledge. It teaches you that knowledge is the key to life and the universe. It teaches you to serve thy self. It is straight up Luciferian bullshit. Satanism in a nice pretty new age package. Look it up.

15304158? ago

um... literally what is the goal of christianity? to convert everyone to become christians. LITERALLY a one world religion. fuck off with that shit

15348460? ago

at least that religion stopped telling people to kill the non-believers...

15306334? ago

So you have an issue with Christ. Maybe you should calm down, chump. With all due respect of course.

15304144? ago

I'm not the poster, but reading along I knew this would pop up.

I see your claims, and his, but I am no wiser.

Does it seem reasonable that both God(the "dont eat apples" god) and Lucifer (as you say, the gnostics 'real benevolent(eat all the apples) god"), imagining those two opposing forces, do we really think it is reasonable to assume they sit around going "HA, He's talking to me... awww, no he's talking to you.. dangit." That's what is being described.... thats the fear you describe... They (gnostic) says "Real God" and even if that really was meant to be Lucifer and they were tricking you... wouldn't God (no apples God) still claim you if you thought you were talking to him the whole time?

Maybe its just a diffference of opinion. Religion too complicated...

15306357? ago

I just go with my gut and my gut tells me that thinking about myself more than others doesn’t feel right you know? I feel spiritually sick when I’m selfish. Gnostics are all about themselves. That is the core of those beliefs. I would say a perfect example of a gnostic would be BHO, HC and the rest of these savages we all want to see go down for their horrible deeds to humanity. We’ll all know soon enough what’s really waiting for us but until then I have to follow my gut.

15308366? ago

Any chance your gut might be influenced by a lifetime of persuasion?

15308093? ago

What the fuck kind of Gnostics do you think you've met my dude? They believe in Administration and control. Gnosticism literally preaches against the Archons, the very thing BHO worships.

Are you drunk?

15301841? ago

I was going to say this same thing. Your explanation is much better. I have been trying to get people introduced to https://www.lawofone.info. But no takers so far. It covers dimensions and negative beings.

15304166? ago

I have a very hard time taking 'mediums' seriously.

It's usually a lot like watching those bad 'haunted house' reality shows. You've really gotta want to believe it.

I've tried to be open about it though, I saw videos about all the things "Ra" says through the medium, but it's still a tad hard to swallow.

15321583? ago

At least you gave it a shot, which is a lot more than most. I don't particularly care where the information come from, as long as it rings true to me, or is at least worth contemplation. If someone farted in a bowl of jello and made those words, I would still be very impressed with the information. Maybe even more so.

15324116? ago


15345731? ago

Wow. I thought I was the only one. What flavor?

15308118? ago

Is it hard to swallow because of the channel? If that's the case, examine why. What makes one thing have greater authority over another and why do you care? Why do you assign power to A over B? Why don't you even consider C? Did you know C existed? If not, now that you do, how does it impact A and B?

Those are the things you have to do to get anywhere in this world, you have to understand your reasons why for everything that you do.

That is the essence of the Law of One. You're not here to choose, you're here to understand the choice.

15308405? ago

I understand what you said and agree with that concept re: appeal to authority fallacy, very true.

But thats not why, it's because its really hard to believe mediums because anyone can just say they are channeling spirits.

15345779? ago

It doesn't matter where they say the info comes from. What matters is the info itself. With the Law of One, I find that the material answers questions that are unanswered anywhere else, and answered in a way that finally makes sense of the reality we find ourselves in.

15300613? ago

Wonderful analysis. I agree, and applaud you for sharing the BIGGER picture.

15299654? ago

They Live is a documentary.

15319576? ago

Just watched it. Would have been a lot easier to just watch They Live than to have spent the last year getting through all the rabbit holes.

15298867? ago

Soylent Green

15297737? ago

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=10PywWdbgzE that's the link from the jpeg

15297594? ago

To any who will listen, the first step to unplug from the matrix is to take control of your body. STOP EATING MEAT, STOP EATING PROCESSED CARBS, and start eating vegetarian, hopefully as much raw and organic as possible. Anything about keto diets, or meat has required nutrients that you can't get from plants is DISINFORMATION.

Second step is to get control of your mind. STOP CONSUMING MEDIA, STOP PLAYING VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES. STOP DRINKING, STOP DOING DRUGS (except the natural ones, and with extreme care and moderation)

You have FREE WILL, and if you keep doing these things in spite of knowing that's the base of the control pyramid, then you are GIVING THEM CONSENT to keep going. Everything is about YOU. If you can CHANGE yourself, the world will CHANGE with you. You always have a choice, so choose WISELY.

15299012? ago


Good lord could you fucks just ascend past Fifth density already? Please? Fucks sakes. I'm so sick of you feckless children proclaiming the demonization of Meat. Learn how to live with it. Learn how to stop being a coward who thinks himself so great, he is above the Circle of Life. If you allow yourself to eat vegetation but not meat then you're a hypocrite of the highest order. What, because the plant does not show it's concern in a way YOU can interact with, it doesn't exist? Pathetic! All things have consciousness. The ALL is Mental.

15300414? ago

I stopped eating meat when I did a pipe of DMT after eating Nando's which wasn't sitting in my stomach particularly well.

Anyway, I ate my Nando's, which wasn't sitting very well in my stomach, and then smoked a pipe of the DMT. The entire trip was on how I had a stomach full of Chicken Souls.

I stopped eating meat after that...,

15345895? ago

Knowing about such activities, that almost sound plausible. Except chickens don't have individual souls. At least not the ones raised for slaughter. But we are talking about words now. I'm sure you felt what you felt.

15308234? ago

Man I've had people stone cold sober tell me they feel multiple energies radiate out of me. No amount of Chicken souls are going to change my meat eating requirements.

I'll let you in on a secret though, because I like you.

I have two kinds of hunger. Do you know what that's like? One kind is just, normal hunger. Like a furnace that needs some fuel, bit of light grumbling, that sort of thing. Standard hunger. Then, I have this...other hunger. Like the taste of steel in my gut, not painful by any stretch, but it's difficult to describe exactly. That hunger? It doesn't get satiated by eating food, it requires meat. It's funny, when you fast, by day 3 or so, your body stops being "hungry", assuming you have been proper fasting and not sneaking any food in, your body figures it out 3 days in. I was a little over a week in and I could still feel the meat hunger pangs and they were growing.

Gotta tell you man, I think I'm a pain eater. I think I need to feast on the suffering of others, not in causing it, mind you. But, it's how I help. I can eat the pain, I can change the way people feel, change the way they think, change how they approach things.

It's funny being human, y'know? You get told that if you think you're hot shit that you're just a delusion of grandeur. Eventually, you start to buy into it a bit. But then, this awakening started to happen. Let me tell you, these last 9 months? They feel like years to me. I feel like I've aged a decade in 9 months, y'know? These are weird times my dude.

I kinda wonder what DMT will be like sometimes, but I'm afraid I have to wait a bit longer before I'm willing to partake. The way the world is, the way I feel, it wouldn't be a good trip. In a few weeks, maybe a few months though? I look forward to it.

Who knows, maybe we'll meet again in this mental landscape. Have a good one mate.

15368542? ago

Reading your post, I had a vision. Last year I learned that time is slowing down (see Dr. Chuck Missler; I read about it in his "Cosmic Codes" book), and thus the Hebrew year might actually be accurate.

Let me tell you, these last 9 months? They feel like years to me. I feel like I've aged a decade in 9 months, y'know? These are weird times my dude.

I wonder whether those dreams in which we feel like we're running in slow motion might have to do with time slowing down?

Never tried DMT, but have been interested in it for decades. Not interested enough to seek it out (need to travel), or to try to make it myself.

15309160? ago

You might want to get yourself checked for Parasites. They have the ability to affect us so that they can get what they want through us plus a lot of parasites get into through eating meat

15348538? ago

They can also cause iron deficiency, which sounds like the hunger described.

15304224? ago

The entire trip was on how I had a stomach full of Chicken Souls.

Made my fucking day, I should try DMT lol.

15345479? ago

Just don't eat at McDonalds, they just feed you chicken arseholes.

15345839? ago

Yea I wont be eating at McDonalds no worries there. I dont really like chicken, but I will eat their eggs.

Please dont make this about PG, I just like omelettes and am decidedly middle class (ie: not an elite baby eater)

15302106? ago

FWIW Nando's chickens are probably not very happy. Pastured chickens who live like chickens are probably happier and grateful for a short healthy life without worrying about predators, a luxury their wild brethren (who will almost all be HORRIFICALLY AND NATURALLY EATEN WHILE THEY ARE STILL ALIVE) don't have. When I look around at the world, Few things seem more natural to me than eating other creatures. If the Creator truly intended for us not to eat meat, well I think I'll leave it there...

15302746? ago

Personally, I thought it was hilarious having a DMT based on having a stomach full of Chechen souls. I was already making the transition to not eating meat anyway. This just shoved me over the edge...

15304249? ago

I'm actually trying to eat MORE meat, I usually get by on pasta and the related funk.

Not my fault I was a microwavable latchkey 80s kid.

15298690? ago

no shocker for those who actually read data, but vegan/vegetarian diets (often low in vital nutrients, vitamins, and omega3’s) are associated with higher incidences of cancer, allergies, mental health disorders, a higher need for health care, and poorer quality of life. Be careful who you listen to. Think for yourself.


15302168? ago

When I look around at the world, Few things seem more natural to me than eating other creatures. And just because you can identify a vitamin by dissolving a plant in a test tube doesn't mean it will get absorbed by our bodies. Animal nutrients are far far more bioavailable than the same nutrients found in plants from what I've read. Improve the quality of the meat, yes. Go vegan? No way. Not for my family.

15298663? ago

disinformation is trying to convince big brained homo sapiens to eat like chimpanzees.

15308855? ago

Even chimpanzees will eat meat if they can catch it.

15298254? ago

Well it is a fact there are a few nutrients, especially B12 that are damned hard to get from plants. If you care to learn the required organic chemistry, you can even prove this isn't disinformation

15298736? ago

I should clarify I said vegetarian, not vegan. I still eat eggs and cheese, which provide enough B12. Thanks for this though it is a very legitimate point.

15302121? ago

Good point, mb. I pretty much agree then that considered. Very rarely eat meat these days, and reducing even that amount. But yeah full vegan isn't a healthy diet without B12 supplementation (and zinc can be a little tough to find too)

15297383? ago

The controllers are disproportionately Jewish, but that doesn't mean the conspiracy is specifically Jewish. Many of the controllers also Christians, Muslims, Atheists and Satanists. Almost all Jewish people are completely unaware of this and are also just victims of the Matrix like 99% of the population.

15309000? ago

But it originates and is controlled by Jews. Others are simply willingly evil or unknowing sock puppets who know they make a trade of power for use as a lever.

All roads leads to the Jews and especially the Rothschilds. Doesn't mean all Jews are in on it. We've all been targeted with specific lies. But without any doubt, the same evil described in the bible is the same evil we are facing today. These forces have been here a long time and they have been masked as "jew" for a long time. What we know today is that there a jews and there are "jews." According to the bible, it's the "jews" who are evil and behind this. All available information seems to confirm what the bible has been telling us for at least a couple thousand years.

15297615? ago

OP didn't mention or even allude to Jews. Hmm.

15297342? ago

That is the best explanation of the Matrix I have seen.

Ain't buying it though. Like most explanations of virtually anything, fails to recognize (maybe I should say address) that the duality of man also extends to the duality of creeds. (Torah v. Talmud, New Testament v. Talmud of Jimmanuel)

Still, a great read, well worth the time.

15297229? ago

The Rabbit hole is huge and deep. It envolved really throwing away everything you thought you knew about the world we live in. We are being ruled by aliens. If you dismiss this as fantasy it is only because you’re stupid. Wake up and realize nothing about this life is real. Everything is a lie. The only reality is God and Lucifer. But even they aren’t what we think they are either. One creator. Good vs Evil. Let the harvesting of the righteous souls begin.

15302166? ago

The rabbit hole is so fucking deep and complex I decided to leave Rabbit Holes for Rabbits, and the Q came along sucked me back in...

15300210? ago

I think you sound SPOT ON!!! hahahaha

Remember the scene when Morphenous says to Neil "What if I told You?" ...

Well ... what if I told you if you look through the matrix now, you'll NOT see that scene at all?

But I'm sure you already know that!

15345821? ago

Which scene exactly? What is the rest of the phrase "what if I told you?"

15355945? ago

The biggest matrix meme! https://www.google.com.au/search?q=what+if+i+told+you+matrix&rlz=1C1CHBD_en-GBAU824AU824&oq=what+if+i+told+you+matrix&aqs=chrome..69i57.3007j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

You CAN'T find it anymore! Taken out. History deleted.


BOOM! Crazy or what? How is that even possible? Memory remembers. History deleted, but those that experienced it remembers. You can delete/modify history, but memory remembers.

15362608? ago

I've seen that film probably 5 or 6 times, but I don't have a clear memory of that scene. It sounds like a line from tha Matrix, but I don't remember it for sure. But I do remember a bunch of other stuff that has changed.

15376599? ago

It's the biggest scene of them all!

Morpheous goes to Neil, What if I told you everything was a lie! There's memes of this everywhere on the internet.

15296936? ago

its pretty real. the puppet masters behind the human puppet masters feed on our drama energy and the low fear-based frequencies we emit. thus, they have to constantly keep us in fear and hype us up, from one drama-train to the next.

the simple fact that our stars in the skies look the same as a decade ago while our solar system is now in a totally different place in the galaxy - for those of you who remember that we used to be located at the rim of the milkey way: check it out; we are on the other side of the galactic center now, half way between center and rim - shows that its some kind of hologram.

we shouldnt have dark nights anymore, so close to the galacitc center, and we shouldnt be able to see the milky way anmore. go figure...

15300356? ago

Look up mandela effect galaxy position. You'll love it, and it'll answer a lot of your theories.

15306784? ago

indeed, check it out... i have known about mandela effects and time line jumps for more than a decade, but still got shocked when, at the beginning of this year, i learned about this biggest mandela effect ever.

too bad that most people dont remember that we used to be located at the rim of the milky way. the fact that our starry sky still looks the same is, for me, evidence that we live in some kind of hologram, or call it the matrix.

the matrix is not only the system installed on earth, by humans; the matrix is a much bigger construct, and its created by tech installed inside the earth, inside the moon, and in/on saturn. what we see in the sky is a complete illusion.

15308683? ago

Do you think CERN has anything to do with Mandela Affect?

I looked up the google trend of Mandela Affect, and it closely correlate to when CERN was activated - maybe 2 hrs afterwards.

15346325? ago

You are saying that people first noticed the Mandela effect two hours after CERN started up? Source?

15355270? ago

Years. My apologise, I meant YEARS.

CERN first test 2008 https://www.google.com.au/search?safe=active&rlz=1C1CHBD_en-GBAU824AU824&ei=SYwEXIK2GoTHrQHZ6bKwBA&q=when+was+cern+first+test&oq=when+was+cern+first+test&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i22i29i30.92681.93798..93982...0.0..0.253.2306.2-10......0....1..gws-wiz.......0j0i71j0i22i30.lQ3QHry3O3k

"Mandela affect" google trend - note the viral in 2016 https:// trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=%22mandela%20affect%22

So wasn't 2 years as I stated. 2008 CERN started, and people started noticing in 2016, so 8 year gap. If thinking from a project point of view, first test to see if it works, to starting to experiment, 8 years is plausible.

This chick does a great video series, and has a video on this topic: https://youtu.be/v5woJuiNhLE

15362420? ago

On the other hand, what if the timelines diverged years ago due to some other sort of fuckery, and the Mandela affect is the result of them reconverging?

15376653? ago

I think it's actually CERN screwing our 'history' up with those dark matter, or anti matter.

It's not a timeline, because someone did a Jackson 5 video on Michael Jackon and the Jackson 5, there's now 6 of them, and one of the photo is a kid that just doesn't seem to grow up, or is too old.

Also, there's a new egyptian god that has a beatle as a face, and it looks photoshopped in.

15385326? ago

Do you have links to this stuff?

15393568? ago

Yes Patriot. Jackson 5 Mandela Effect, this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31GY-HfFQSg He explains it very well. Keep an eye on the 6th member, he's always either too old or too young. Never seem to 'grow' up with the other Jackson.

Also, this chick is very good: Affected Collective https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtuhOZGJBlA She does a lot of videos on this stuff. One video, she goes back in history and checked the progress of CERN itself. Like once it got activated once, it seemed to create its own history to expand itself faster and faster. It's really bizarre. Not sure if this is the actual video, but it's in one of her videos.

15396635? ago

Thanks. Watching the Jacksons one now. Wow, that is some weird shit!

15400967? ago

hahaha yeh. Once you see that proof, time travel don't make sense. TImelines don't make sense.

Only way is them altering the 'history', and not doing a good job. I think it's just a side effect of them doing something, and there's a wave ripple that affects other stuff.

All I know is this world is not what it appears. Once we know that, we can question other stuff and build truths, and make our life better.

15309281? ago

heard that quite a few times.... may be...

15296655? ago

They like to broadcast what their intentions are for the goyim ...

15296819? ago

they have to, its universal law that they have to tell us what they are doing or up to because this is a free will planet. if we dont state our non-consent, at least in thoughts, it being taken as silent consent.

15299025? ago

If you didn't pour your energies into the systems that control you, they wouldn't have any power.

That's the secret to the control. Recognizing that everything you hold dear that isn't other people, ISN'T FUCKING REAL.

15296448? ago

Important movie for me, I saw it when it was released.

The concept of a software/holographic reality intrigued me. It led me to discover the holographic universe theory. The thought that in order for there to be a "hologram" there needed to be an external container troubled me. That destroys the point. If reality is a hologram, who cares? It's not the corporeal reality, the container is, that is what I want to know about. As my thinking hadn't moved on yet, that was unacceptable.
Then I was, well all I can say is led to John 1 and I started to think, is God non-corporeal? And if other Quantum Mechanics guys are telling me the universe is just probability at the fundamental level and only comes into existence through the application of consciousness, well... is that not the sort of description someone would come up with if they were seeing the process of thought from the inside? What if the holograms external container was thought, analogous to a complex lucid dream. How does that apply to John 1... God is thought and all the is and ever has been is God. We live in a version of the Matrix and it is the mind we call God. How does a universe appear from nothing as a big bang?

A few years later I discovered this was not a new idea, it's from Egyptian (Hermes Trismegistus) times. Who'da'thunk it.

15346011? ago

How does a universe appear from nothing as a big bang?

A lot of people want tus to believe that the big bang, like climate change, is "settled science." It isn't. The universe (God, or All That Is) is eternal, as are we.

15348616? ago

It's a story they made up to have a starting point. The big bang is bullshit, and they based everything on it. We really have no idea and should keep it that way.

15300275? ago

It's not a hologram. It's a computer simulation, we're in. It's real for us. This is real.

This universe is not what you think it is. Unlearn all the things you think is real, and question everything.

Learn the rules, and make your own reality.

15305133? ago

I don't think that has been proven yet. Plus it's pushed by the transhumanist luciferian doctrine people.

15308713? ago

It's very hard to prove. Just keep eyes open, ears open, and keep digging.

Transhumanist luciferian doctrine people, can you name some?

15310336? ago

Ray Kurzweil, Morgan Freeman, Nick Bostrom

15300547? ago

From what I can gather we are actually a simulation within a simulation within a simulation and just about go a fourth level in once they perfect Artificial Reality.

I once got to to lift of about 3 inches off the goggles that we are looking into in our simulator during a meditation and the googles had alien type writing around the edges of the screens which we can't normally see. This only lasted a few seconds and then so got pulled back into this reality. One thing so did discover is that this reality simulator that we are in is SUPER FUCKING ADDICTIVE...

15301003? ago

I wouldn't be surprised to be honest.

Anything is possible now.

15296351? ago

Philosophize this episode about Simulation and post modern societies. http://philosophizethis.org/simulacra-and-simulation/

15296282? ago

The ideas in the matrix are not originally the wachowski brothers. I’m not just talking about messiah complex stories. I’m talking about the idea of humans being used his batteries and living in a projected reality. Keanu paid the ultimate price.

15296095? ago

This movie is the most accurate satire I've ever witnessed. Don't be mistaken, you are the one.

15296034? ago

Here's a better link than youre second one.

The actual source


15295756? ago

Be carefull, Patriots ! gettin verrry ugly and inhuman in this "rabbitholes"!

much of work is done on the chans! prooven & long ago.

Lot of unimaginable shit "they" did ! thousands of years !

Godspeed my Friends. Stay safe. edie

15295753? ago

It's crazy that people saw that movie and thought "can you imagine?". Clearly what is, even if parts are metaphor (but less so than most think).

15295597? ago

Jay Dyer is a must read for Hollywood films steeped in symbols and esoteric themes


15295586? ago

I have a hard time NOT imagining this to be plausible. It explains (simply) almost everything.

15295048? ago

Awesome read thx

15295000? ago

Now comes the 'conspiracy' label. Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. The end won't be for everyone. That choice, to know, will be yours.

Come on man, let's go there. I've been searching for the truth for so many damn years, and here we are right on the cusp. It's like dangling a juicy steak in front of a dog!

15305170? ago

You want the truth? You Can't handle the truth!

The truth is that Trump is a mason and the entire Q thing is just part of the show. It's Hope & Change but this time for the woke right.

Read it and weep: http://christianobserver.net/the-trump-chronicles/

At least Q didn't lie when he said we are all watching a movie. Only in this movie, the bad guys win and manage to con the entire world!

15307879? ago

Dude, it's possible. Fuck, anything is possible. However, at the moment, it appears to be untrue. I know some people need arrests first, but I can see the good he's doing.

15302436? ago

Everyone is approaching the singularity. As we approach singularity currently reality REEeEEEs to grab your attention. By grabbing your attention you cannot reincarnate out since you are focused on this illusion. You are trapped in this conscience decision you allow yourself be in.

The closer you get to freedom, the more intense the illusion begins. Trump and random drama only serves to keep you focused in this hell, while heaven awaits for those who wish to return to the all.

15301495? ago

The truth is that the an evil AI controls the Draco who control the cabal.

Also, cannabis is illegal because it cures all diseases and replaces all pharmaceuticals.

These are real facts, either of which can make someone go crazy.

The rabbit hole is deep!

Q is bringing up the matrix because the archons are an alien race controlled by the evil AI and they eat our negative emotions.

Deep enough yet? I reached the end already and it's hard to stay sane and sleep at night.

15302109? ago

And when the Archons can't get at you directly, they will then try to get to you through friends/family etc...

15300256? ago

In this reality construct the "Truth" can be what're you want because it's ultimately only your Truth that really matters for you.

The gift of this experience is being able to define it however we want..,

15295719? ago

Fun movie, sequels were crap. Problem is both brothers became tranny-sisters and adopted the bluepill after all.

15303995? ago

really, I did not know this... you mean the wachsadakadiski bros right?

Otherwise I really missed part of the sequels....

15307509? ago

really, I did not know this... you mean the wachsadakadiski bros right?

shimsters, look they're happy now

15308333? ago


15301096? ago

Do you really take their sex changes at face value? Both of them? Something really strange there, I always thought.

15307540? ago

Do you really take their sex changes at face value?

I don't know what you mean. It's fact and not something I cared to research into why. Changing your gender, midlife, is a midlife crisis rich sycophants deal with.

15302092? ago

That probably had to do a deal where if you want to make this movie, you have to have a sex change operation or some other sort of wierd ass shit

15295694? ago

Q means the end meaning the ET deception and the cover up. Also, very negative ET's that have controlled our society for thousands of years. ET's, hidden technology and DNA is what it's all about.

15345592? ago

I'm a firm believer that (due to replicated architectural styles and monuments across continents worldwide) humanity is currently on it's second or third iteration of global advanced civilisation. The question is, what happened inbetween and why has this been erased from our history.

15346911? ago

I think it's the third or fourth. We are the last. It's been erased because of the deception. It's about advanced tech we should have had 100 years ago. If there were advanced civilizations then there's also advanced technology, more advanced than what we have now. We are dependent on fossil fuels.

15353314? ago

And -- many of us think those fuels come from FOSSILS! I don't think so. I think it's a natural process of the Earth (not a planet, not a wandering star, not something not fixed on its foundations).

15303964? ago

All of you have fine theories, I respect them all. The gentlemen below claiming they are actually demons, you saying they control our society... David Icke, reptiles, greys, demons etc.. I'm totally hip to it man, I dig it

That said, all I ever see, as a joe schmoe with skin in the game is people making those claims, it's fine to say "I think it might be" but when someone say "It really is..." I think some documentation and evidence is in order, not platitudes, or wishy washy, something hard and tangible. Not taunting or trolling, I am merely remiss over the lack of the aforementioned because I find it all very interesting.

15316167? ago

I totally hear you, except it wouldn't be the great deception if there was easily found tangible evidence. A great deal of effort has gone into the deception. You have to dig and then use your heart discernment. Learning discernment is part of this whole thing. Its listening to our inner voice, coupled with our logic. It's a leap of faith too.

15318481? ago

My inner voice definitely doesn't trust anyone, so I guess that counts, I still watch the videos, just in case the time comes, I suppose there is something to be said for being prepared to discover... whatever the truth may be... Also gotta be careful not to want it so bad, that I could fall for a false flag. One thing's for sure, if the saucers show up, I'm gonna be looking for pixelation and rendering errors on those suckers. I dont wanna be bluebeamed.

15300600? ago

I think you'll find it's even deeper than ET's

Doing things like Auahuasca and DMT literally blow what you think is reality completely out of the window

15345431? ago

Definitely interdimensional.

15301662? ago

i have 4 hits of DMT . waiting for mass arrests so i can go fight the archons while they are weak. maybe communicate with john titor

15302029? ago

Some of us have been clearing all of the false programming/beliefs within ourselves for years. It will be really nice to start seeing all of the hard work manifest into 3D

15299865? ago

Correct, and beyond the ET conspiracy is the demonic conspiracy to enslave, consume, and destroy our inner divine light. But it's a russian doll with nested layers so yes, the ET stuff is the next big enchilada.

15299408? ago

I want to do target practice on some evil ETs!

15302073? ago

From the "I've incarnated on Earth to learn/be taught" perspective, what we define as "Bad" people are generally the best teachers. Even if it's "That's not how I want to be" perspective

15353188? ago

"I want a new duck"

15298700? ago

Incorrect on one front; these beings are not negative. They are Service to Others polarized and have undertaken the task of giving us the necessary catalysts required to Ascend. You should learn to forgive them, not for what they do, but for why they do it. They've chosen to help us learn, to teach us, to sow some chaos. You can thank your father, YAHWEH for the mess we're in, as well as yourselves of course, for allowing it to not only happen, but continue to fester.

See, the thing is, we like thinking we're "Not to blame" But really, who else can we blame for the sorry state of mankind if not mankind itself? I mean really, how many of you truly "think"? How many of you truly "act"? How many of you actually "decide" anything of real significance, consequences be damned? The answer is, too fucking few of you. So here we are, in this mess, where you have to learn to take responsibility for yourself and your choices in life.

If you support evil, then you cannot wash your hands completely of blame. You support the concept of nations? Of religiosity? Of race? Then you are lost. We are All One, none of us exist in a vacuum. WWG1WGA is more than just a rallying cry. It's the Truth. We're all returning to the One eventually, the coming Solar Event(within the next decade) will be the big change, the ultimate change. To quote the scriptures, it will be the time of "Judgement". Though, Judgement is so harsh a term. I prefer the term Crowley used, Adjustment. The 8 of Tarot, Adjustment. Balancing herself precariously on the point of a sword, balancing and adjusting to her constantly changing surroundings, being prepared for all things and all eventualities. Balance.

15345498? ago

You support the concept of nations? Of religiosity? Of race? Then you are lost.

You've taken it too far here. There is nothing intrinsically bad about those things. It is like saying a gun is evil.

15353054? ago

Or, think mirror: a nug is live!

15300310? ago

I think if you go and watch Westworld, replacing the humans that created the hosts with ET's instead of humans, you'll get a very idea about what's really been going on on this planet

15299955? ago

They are negative. There are Service to Self entities. And because they exist, the Service to Others don't need to initiate these catalysts themselves, they merely need to step back and allow it where needed.

15300004? ago

Service to other, not self. If it were self, they wouldn't have assisted in being the Service to Self Catalyst that Earth lacked. I don't really care what people believe, but get your facts straight.

15345514? ago

You sound like a confused Law of One reader.

15309020? ago

So HRC, Obama, the Podestas, Epstein, Weinstein, Feinstein, Schultz, etc. are all STO then too right because they were the catalysts we needed to initiate the Great Awakening...

15353041? ago

In other words: there is no true altruism. Those who express it, are helping others whom they think will, one day, help themselves.

Even if it's only "my progeny" not "me".

15298930? ago

Nice breakdown. Also means we are 1 step up from the bottom (Obama) and about 1 million steps from creating the place Thor lives...then once we get there, we (America) can help mankind....it's going to be a while. :)

15298906? ago

Book of Enoch the evil fallen angels get no deals. Also Acts 7 Stephen's Letter that got him stoned to death was about the adoption of Molech worship and their symbols see verse 41-43. If these "beings" are good then they always have been. The others that turned away from God? Judgement.

15296175? ago

Hopefully we make some new ayylmao friends & I want a flying saucer really bad

15295206? ago

It's a good write up but there's no mention of the Nephilim in there and that was a very important part of history, considering it was the reason we had the great flood.

Also, for the most part, we have no idea what's true and what isn't. The cabal have hoarded this information from us and even from themselves. Only those at the very top know the truth about our origins and purpose.

15298942? ago

Book of Enoch wonder why it was banned?

15352731? ago

Doesn't fit the Heptadic Structure.

15298991? ago

Shit have you seen human women? I'd want a piece of that sexual energy, too.

15302136? ago

God sure got one thing right when he made the human woman.

I literally can't get enough of them...

15296054? ago

Funny how Agent Smith wasnt even mentioned...

Not to be a dick, every single one of those comparisons was a stretch.

15300148? ago

Agent Smith was mentioned.

15300598? ago

Didnt see it.

15295302? ago

The emphasis being human timeline, to which the write up adequately addressed for its specified audience. The key in being the exposure of a pro- semite first civilization version of our history.

15294916? ago

Svali talks about the Matrix in one of her interviews. She said she nearly fell off her chair when the movie was released, because that's exactly how they view themselves. Lots of Svali archived on Coreys Digs. http://archive.is/search/?q=svali

15294888? ago

used for energy, and controlled their mind.

This. The evil aliens plan on overwriting people soon. They plan to extend their lives by using ours. Watch the chipping of people. That is one of the vectors. They use the materials from aborted fetuses to synchronize with the brain of their victims. They already control many in the deep state. The sons of Kayn are already here. Their deep state puppets hide this truth.

15300331? ago

They are doing it in Hollywood now, and ages ago, and still doing it.

One person labelled as hollywood star whacked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luESvhf7EUA

Aliens have slowly been taking over positions of power for a long time

15294807? ago

Anyone can concoct these kinda of seneraios. Even as a kid.

Someone made some movies about it.

Who gives a flying fuck? Why are morons still hell bent on referring to Hollywood for anything even though they are the enemy. Let it go already...

15297960? ago

Try reading Sun Tzu. Realize you strive to know your enemy as well as you know yourself. Failure means defeat before you even start. You might even adjust your definition of moron. The choice to know is yours.

15513118? ago

I know hollywood, I studied them for 30 fucking years.

I now want to put them in the past, not stay tethered to them like a faggot.

Get it?

15295992? ago

However you want to label it, Karma, The Secret, The Universe, whatever floats your boat, but 'intention' is very real. Natural Law is very real. The way to circumvent 'do no harm' is through honesty. If you rob your neighbor, Karma will rebalance. But the 'hack' is if you tell you neighbor in advance of your intent, and he does nothing about it, that somehow fulfills 'Karma' when you actually show up and rob his ass and the repercussions from such a douchebag action are mitigated. I don't understand why it works, but that's the idea. Take 'The Secret', there is a specific area that discusses 'debt'. The universe / Law of Attraction doesn't give a shit how you approach it, it only cares about what is put out into the Universe with your 'intent'. "I want to get out of debt." (a presumed positive statement) / "I'm sick of paying off these bills and being in debt." (A negative statement but in context a positive) / "I'm no longer in debt." (A positive statement). Unfortunately in the previous examples, the UNIVERSE / INTENT / Law of Attraction only understands the 'DEBT' as the focus and what you are putting into the Universe. So guess how you are going to be renumerated? More debt. "What will really bake your noodle is would you have broken that vase if I hadn't told you?"

Take Hollywood. [[[THEY]]] KNOW this 'principle'. They know the universe doesn't give a shit about what is put out into it, only that something is put out into it. We look at it as fiction. But seeding your mind with 'fiction' or 'fact' has the same effect on your subconscious brain. That's all they need. So all the bullshit that Hollywood puts out, Violence, Smut, Murder, Cannibalism, Horror, Necro (Zombies), ad infinitum, is literally a seed farm to our subconscious and putting out to the Universe what we are to expect, whether we think its real or not. Negative vibes, energy, whatever you want to call it. The Universe doesn't care. As long as it's negative. Even Trump mentions not watching the Kashoggi murder footage, HE understands the power of 'words'. Listen to what he says, he ACTUALLY IS SUPER POSITIVE. He ALWAYS builds people up. He always has positive things to say about some people that I find myself literally flipping off and screaming at my screen over. He does lay down fact and pain in his tweets, but they are always marked with honesty.

So even if you don't give a flying fuck, THEY DO and that is how they've been fucking us over for a very long time. I want vengeance, but once the rebalancing happens after the MIL Tribunals, my mindset wants more than getting even, but that is where I will have to expand my own thinking, not be an NPC, and rewire my thoughts to want positive on everyone, that's how we'll get to a higher plane / dimension / tech / whatever you want to call it.

Mine and a few others' 2 cents.

15298244? ago

That is some great analysis anon. The rewiring will be the Key.

15296361? ago

Excellent compilation of TRUTH.


15295367? ago

Because they like to tell us what they are doing to us. That way they can believe that they have our consent even if we don't truly understand what we are being told.

15294438? ago

It's shitty, but check out another Tranny Wachowski Sisters film Jupiter Ascending. That shit is right in three pocket of conspiracy.

Also with the CBS News article confirming Chem-trails, check out Snowpiercer. They tell us in advance the bullshit they are pulling, wrapped up as fiction.

15299042? ago

video follow up on CBS report https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUZktdjy2w0

15294925? ago

Yes. The procedures used to be called Notion Seeding and Positive Mention Encoding. It's used to inject a concept into the groupthink that they want both attention drawn to and credibility drawn away from.

Think about that and think of the bizarre movie fixations that all seem to come out at once, even though there doesn't seem to be a market driving for it. Flurries of films that follow a common theme played off as 'competition'.