I've been mulling over this info and movies for a while now trying to grasp what it is that's going on. Here's the matrix thread for starters.
Something I've picked up on from others talking about content on netflix and films and tv. Some things sound eerily similar to today's events with Q. There are many instances of the number 17 which could be a coincidence but we have full blown recent productions that use words currently being used in the movement. "Deep state" was apparently used in the recent Mission Impossible movie. I think I recall something about the show Homeland Season 2 having eerily similar plot points to recent events with Q. I have my own content I like to study, mainly the biggest influencers. Star Wars made by Disney and the Marvel films. These are the largest franchises which bring people back.
Star Wars is so easy, I don't even want to go into it. The old guard is fading, and the new blood to take over are non-white men and and some white women among all other women. This is quite literal with the dying star being consumed to power a weapon which shoots out across the galaxy. Since that dying star won't be consumed for evil, it'll become a new star. Harrison Ford's Han dies giving birth to Ridley's Rey. The war conflict is essentially moot and has been the entire time just like all our modern wars. Infact Episodes 1-3 with the emperor were apparently lies according to episode 8 and the rich arms dealers. The war is essentially pointless, and the jedi and sith should work together. The conflict at the end of 8 is that there is a lack of understanding as to why they can't. And if you aren't a banker nor an arms dealer, you should be rebelling against those currently in power. Not the white supremacist, literal nazi empire, but you can if you want to since they're also bad people. Their fleet and bases have been completely destroyed so many times that they're a non-threat, but if you see them, know that they're bad. Who appear to be on both sides of the wealth and naziness?
If you looked at any of the footage of demonstrations during the Kavanaugh hearing, people had the Rebel symbol on their signs/balloons and such, with phrases for combating the Kavanaugh appointment. "Resist"
It's a sad joke really. But to me it seems like smoke being sprayed at the base of a fire before it can consume everything.
As for the Marvel films, the little people need powerful people to exercise their will outside the rule of law to save the little people from threats they won't see coming nor know about. Collateral damage should be expected. Several movies openly feature even primary villains as people that are lashing out in anger for their losses due to collateral damage. Respect those that play by the law of the jungle and trust them to have your interests at heart. Accidents happen. Trust us.
And then the Marvel films sync up with Star Wars. Captain America Civil War organizes the conflict into two camps. Both arguments and the resolution currently serve the status quo. The good guys in the movie are against government oversight. The losers' side is for the government oversight. No government oversight is proven to be correct. The conflict is staged in this earlier movie. Thor Ragnarok begins to deal with the concept of open rebellion.
The rock creature jokes about a rebellion failing due to not enough pamphlets. Ends up getting his rebellion. The rebellion ends up serving a great cause to rescue good people. The Angry Hulk is told to stop when every other time he's been off the leash. There's only two times they don't want Hulk to smash. When he can hurt small people. And when he tries to stop prophecy. The whole movie teaches you that prophecy is good, that fulfilling a prophecy is actually the smart play to victory. This upholds the status quo of the bible. Not only that, but the slave character Asgardian is a gun collector and uses guns to go down in a blaze of glory to save people and die rather than continue on. Don't be a gun collector. Be a hero on the team upholding the status quo and exercising the prophecies guiding small folk, or be a little person and be saved, guided, and possible collateral damage and to be accepting of that.
The end credit sequence of Thor Ragnarok actually says this. https://youtu.be/ZEL4Fq4zUus It seems to fit very well with the Matrix post's conclusion.
Is Hollywood trying to nullify the violent reactions of people? Have people projected that the crimes against humanity are too great to hide any longer? How much longer would we have gone oblivious if it weren't for the wikileaks emails?
Let's try and unpack Avengers: Infinity War while we're here. Thanos has been exercising population control measures without opposition for a very long time in relative secret considering we only have some personal accounts but not on screen visuals of the culling events until Infinity War. We're taught to sympathize and empathize with Thanos and his quest to save the universe through this measure of culling. The concept of will power is heavily used throughout to explain the state of heroes and to explain the prerequisites of success. Will power is a respectable concept, something I'd consider to be a high-jacking. He succeeds and the movie ends with that being what audiences process for an entire year until the sequel where we suspect the heroes will resolve and undo. The threat actually strikes audiences, not just for killing their hero they like, but for the what if scenario if half of the earth population were killed.
So we have the "rebel only against white supremacists and ultra rich privileged folk," and the rebellion will be playful, and you shouldn't wish death upon those you rebel against. The final scene of Episode 8 is a child picking up the role of rebel. Even Rogue One may have been a setup for that. The rebels all die yet succeed to some extent. Maybe that line, "I rebel" was cringey on purpose. There's so much to unpack really with all this. Sorry to just give you guys my mess, but here ya go.
15305396? ago
if you want to know what the "Matrix" really is?
Look it up in Black's Law Dictionary 5th Edition.
Black's Law Dictionary 5th ed. (West Publishing, 1979) ISBN 0-8299-2041-2
15305386? ago
https://invidio.us/watch?v=ZEL4Fq4zUus :
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15305355? ago
Right? WL woke me up.