15171236? ago

BREAKING: 8ch anons CONFIRM @NeonRevolt is secret lovechild of George Soros and Anne Frank (www.pc-mag.com)

15171533? ago

Anne Frank didn't happen. Shit was written later be her father. Blue ballpoints were not invented till the sixties. Her diary was forged. Lulz. JD911HDNW

15167186? ago

This is bullshit

15166849? ago

Neon "look at me, I'm so important" revolt

15166837? ago

It's funny how neon was here for less than a week before he ran away because he couldn't handle being questioned about anything. He prefers the sheep to just lap it up and not ask questions.

15166822? ago

Neon purposely causes division and fights so that he can play the victim and get more attention.

15167489? ago

You spelled srayzie wrong. Go through her history, there's always a boogieman. Hojuruku (sp?), Corsi, Sarah & Neon to name the recent ones.

15172175? ago

@NeonRevolt is merchandiser.

15177005? ago

I know, I'm not at all a fan of it.

15166426? ago

I never really followed Neon until he was brigaded into silence here, I even used to talk shit about him trying to profit. I know the people who attacked him are shills, I've seen it daily since pizzagate came here. That's alone makes me believe Neon is on our side. Read both sides of the story. Go through @NeonRevolt's comments and read those threads https://voat.co/u/NeonRevolt/comments.

15167048? ago

Neon believes in Q, I have no real doubt of that. But he's a fucking ego maniac who wants to be the hero of the movement. Which means he's not really in it for to MAGA, he's in it for himself

15167273? ago

So is/does srayzie, the other side of that argument, and Neon's friends aren't trying to destroy this sub.

15168069? ago

Show me one instance where @srayzie attacked and attempted to discredit anyone. If you are going to talk about someone on Voat you should at least have the decency to ping them you barn-dweller.

So is/does srayzie, the other side of that argument, and Neon's friends aren't trying to destroy this sub.

Yeah not this particular sub. Just every single other place people talk about this stuff. Who hasn't he tried to discredit at this point? He started all this division here. If you can't see that you are either @neonrevolt himself or you are functionally retarded.

15168419? ago

Show me one instance where @srayzie attacked and attempted to discredit anyone.

Srayzie has attacked plenty of people, but where did this comment come from? Just for kicks, here's her or one of her cronies attacking QRV... https://voat.co/v/QRV/2849499

Yeah not this particular sub. Just every single other place people talk about this stuff.

Do you have proof of this? Or, are you just creating a narrative?

Who hasn't he tried to discredit at this point? He started all this division here.

He had a good point because srayzie's compromised. Srayzie and SBBH started all the division here and they're still at it, even after Neon went to Gab.

If you can't see that you are either @neonrevolt himself or you are functionally retarded.

Of course you wrap it up with some ad hominem bullshit. <yoda>A shill handbook master you are, hmmm</yoda>

15169008? ago

Do you have proof that was "one of her cronies"? I guess anything anyone posts that's supportive of @srayzie or GA is going to be "one of her cronies"!

15169187? ago

Derp.. It wasn't the positivity, it was the trying to draw people away from QRV.

15171136? ago

QRV being anonymous is what is caused the problems here! It tends to not be appreciated on voat for good reasons.

15169373? ago

What does it matter where people post so long as they aren't being censored. This anonymous stuff is causing disruption for no benefit. At least if you could see user-names you could justifiably ban the sub disruptors.

15169611? ago

What does it matter where people post so long as they aren't being censored. This anonymous stuff is causing disruption for no benefit. At least if you could see user-names you could justifiably ban the sub disruptors.

Everyone would be censored by you SBBH clowns, that was proven. Glad you hate anon, it makes me like it more. Happy Thanksgiving!

15170997? ago

Proven where? How? You "muh SBBH bad" numb nuts are so lame!

15169732? ago

Yeah, I bet it does.

15168717? ago


you're neon revolt. clear as day

and what a pathetic argument "this user is attacking people - look, here's evidence of a completely different user to them attacking people"


15168648? ago

Srayzie has attacked plenty of people, but where did this comment come from? Just for kicks,

here's her or one of her cronies attacking QRV...

K, and where is your proof of that? See the problem with having a board set to anon yet?

Do you have proof of this? Or, are you just creating a narrative?

NeonRevolt fired the first shot. This was posted on the 8chan Patriots Awoken board. Here is srayzies response.

You do the fucking math.

15168895? ago

K, and where is your proof of that? See the problem with having a board set to anon yet?

It's obvious, the fact that you're subtly pushing for this sub to remove anon speaks volumes too.

NeonRevolt fired the first shot. This was posted on the 8chan Patriots Awoken board. Here is srayzies response.

You do the fucking math

I've done the math and so has everyone else. I knew about srayzie when she was still posting Neon's threads in her sub. I know I'm not the only one who saw it. He came with some weak shit, but his intentions were good and his spidey sense was dead on.

15169033? ago

I'm not subtle about it all. Anonymity only allows trolls like you to flourish. Noone gave a shit about that when everyone was on reddit. Funny how the ones most benefiting from remaining anonymous and stirring up shit are the same ones stridently defending it.

Post links and prove it then. It shouldn't be difficult given how convinced you are and can't stop repeating it. I'm sure you must have lockers full of evidence. So show the world.

I know you won't because you faggots never do. Accusations, accusations, accusations and that's all you got.

15169226? ago

Look at the thread your in and look what you idiots do to QRV on a daily basis. And you're calling me the shill? lol deflect much?

I have provided enough evidence to prove srayzie is a shill and that it's SBBH shilling in this sub.. everyone knows.

15171014? ago

Since its anonymous, no one knows who the fuck you are.

Since you sound like a dumb mother fucker, no one probably cares who the fuck you are!

15169267? ago

Wouldn't be easier to just post it instead of trying to appeal to authority on an anonymous message board?

15169493? ago

There is no appealing to authority in an anon sub. That's why you fags want QRV to not be anon, so you can name fag, and appeal to authority. You have your fallacy ass backwards.

15169508? ago

I have provided enough evidence to prove srayzie is a shill and that it's SBBH shilling in this sub.. everyone knows.


Deflecting again. You are really awful at this.

15171718? ago

And that proves what exactly? Walk me through it because I'm not seeing whatever it is you are trying to prove.

15168750? ago

NeonRevolt wrote that on 8chan ? Fuck. What a divisive fuck.

Is there any evidence of @Srayzie attacking Neon prior to that ?

15168845? ago

Well, it was either him or one of the reddit mods. I think he is either one of them or at the very least they have a cozy relationship.

No, she was actually donating to him before that on Patreon. I don't have a link to that but here was her post welcoming the refugees after they created the new board.

15171005? ago

Neon Swansong you mean?

15166821? ago

[comment removed by moderators]

ThanQ for understanding
-Neon Swansong

15168357? ago

We are censoring content for your own comfort and security. Don't forget to support the Cause!

God Bless

-Neon Swansong

15169021? ago

And don't forget to buy a t shirt and matching pen!

-Neon Swansong

15166382? ago

Qiggers sure are full of unwarranted self importance. Don't go away mad, just go away.

15166226? ago

You guys take this stuff way seriously.

15166171? ago

Look at the SOROS FUNDED PUPPETS downvote brigading this Important announcement! This all started once NeonFaggot and his vile cult showed up!

15166914? ago

@NotHereForPizza is Neon's main alt.

15168060? ago

I wouldn't doubt it.

15167451? ago

We’ve suspected that. What are his others? He’s been on Voat this whole time?

15167773? ago

I'm nothereforpizza

They do this every single day to me.

15167924? ago

It all makes sense now

15167400? ago

How did you know?

15167333? ago

You homos always play this game, everyone's amalek or sgis or whatever boogeyman you're creating at the time. Your game is old and weak. I'm not either of those people btw, but go ahead and suggest otherwise.

15168096? ago

Ok neon.

15168605? ago

Ok amalek.

15171451? ago

Hitler did nothing wrong.

15169087? ago

You don't deny it. Can I get 25% off if I buy 2 shirts?

15168072? ago

But can you admit you're a narcissistic faggot?

15167521? ago

I know who you are NR. You have a lot of accounts on both Voat and Reddit.

15167673? ago

You're just srayzie running a weak game. Prove to me Neon has a lot of accounts on voat and reddit. Not by saying "this is his account and this and this" I mean actual proof. I'm open to changing my mind and adding him back to the compromised list with srayzie

15167910? ago

If NeonRevolt was compromised wouldn't that make @srayzie the opposite?

15168275? ago

If she is compromised, she's doing a pretty shitty job at working against the movement: https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2864950

15168925? ago

So true. That's why she isn't usually accused of going against the movement. Instead NR and his faggot army and alts accuse her of being aligned with SBBH. That's all they can come up with since they lack creativity!

15169259? ago

Those who scream the loudest...

15169317? ago

Filthy Jews!

15168063? ago

Absolutely not, I know srayzie's compromised. "She" always has a new boogeyman to bring attention to "herself", she's a completly different person than she was during the prime of pizzagate and she's worried about the dwindling number of active users in GA. That's why this keeps getting brought up in QRV and why we get threads like this... https://voat.co/v/QRV/2849499

15168990? ago

@youllrememberme is an insecure and jealous person. He's also been called out as a connoisseur of child porn.

15169058? ago

Same old stupid game.. "youllrememberme blah blah 1990". You people really are stupid.

15168940? ago

"Dwindling number of active users in GA"!? Guess you don't pay attention. GA has been gaining in users AND activity! Go look at v/voatstatistics and see for yourself LIAR!

15169167? ago

Oh please, you constantly had 1000 active users 2 months ago, when the merge happened, now it's under 500. That's what you get for shilling QRV.

15170965? ago

100% horseshit! Nice try

15168297? ago


^ From what I have seen from her, She delivers. Makes sense why shills would scream "SHE'S COMPROMISED!"

It's because she's a BIG THREAT.

15168598? ago

It's because she's a BIG THREAT.

LMAO! She's a fake http://archive.is/fn3AA and so are all her sbbh buddies. Look at her sub, all she ever stickies are her threads and everything is always about her. Drama, drama, drama, hojuruku, Corsi, Sarah, Neon, drama drama drama. Have a happy Thanksgiving I'm over arguing with the voat shill crew. Everyone sees what your up to.

15168748? ago

Projection will get you nowhere.

I recommend you get a new playbook.

15168112? ago

Having fun @freshmeat?

15168967? ago

thats not me retard i dont use anon, stop pinging me

15169059? ago

Q predicted this.

15172142? ago

Everyone predicts that @freshmeat is a faggot.

15168435? ago

Wrong again.

15166416? ago

10 signs you're probably in a cult

  • The leader is the ultimate authority

If you’re not allowed to criticize your leader, even if the criticism is true, you’re probably in a cult.

  • The group suppresses skepticism

If you’re only allowed to study your organization through approved sources, you’re probably in a cult.

  • The group delegitimizes former members

If you can’t think of a legitimate reason for leaving your group, you’re probably in a cult.

  • The group is paranoid about the outside world

If your group insists the end of the world is near, you’re probably in a cult.

  • The group relies on shame cycles

If you need your group in order to feel worthy, loved, or sufficient, you’re probably in a cult.

  • The leader is above the law

If you’re held to a different moral standard, specifically in regard to sex, you’re probably in a cult.

  • The group uses “thought reform” methods

If your serious questions are answered with cliches, you’re probably in a cult.

  • The group is elitist

If your group is the solution for all the world’s problems, you’re probably in a cult.

  • There is no financial transparency

If you’re not allowed to know what the group does with their money, you’re probably in a cult.

  • The group performs secret rites

If there are secret teachings or ceremonies you didn’t discover until after you joined, you’re probably in a cult.


It's an NPC Botnet hitting you...

15167074? ago

your serious questions are answered with cliches

Comments like yours just prove we are over the target

15167140? ago

That Q is a cult, indeed

15168359? ago

Go educate yourself, then get back to us.

That is, if you are capable of thinking for yourself.

In before, "You're a cult and don't think for yourself" like an uneducated, ignorant tard that knows absolutely nothing about what "The Great Awakening" even is.

15172160? ago

If your group is the solution for all the world’s problems, you’re probably in a cult.

Cherry picking facts and information is a Qtard favourite! I picked up the above for you.

15172780? ago

You are only proving my point.

So which are you? A shill, or a low IQ NPC?

15173501? ago

questions are answered with cliches, you’re probably in a cult.


15174998? ago

I love your "get out of argument free" card you are using here. Because you know you can't win if put to task.

15165970? ago

"The Cabal is attacking me, you guys! It had absolutely nothing to do with me accusing everyone on Voat of being shills upon arrival! The bot-nets are after me now!"


15166887? ago

Ahahahhaha there are even capital letter decrying what we're required to feel in their titles. Goddam boomers are stupid as shit. Same NPC shit the BlueNPCs do.

15167828? ago

It's pretty depressing, tbh. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. I'm just waiting for NiggerRevolt to start selling 'SPOILER ALERT: Q WINS' t-shirts. I suspect there are a fair amount of people who would unironically wear them.

15172099? ago

This is a great idea! @ NeonRevolt you will be too dog in merchandising! See above!

15165969? ago

Well he's not wrong there were a lot of botfags here but looks like a lot more of us now.

15165879? ago


15165853? ago

@neonrevolt is sowing discord!

15165837? ago

I have to declare I love this space! I am incredibly interested in the future of this experiment.

15171477? ago

I know, you can almost taste the saliva off the bus seats.

15167951? ago

Oh, just wait until you hear the Oracle speak! It is magnificent and you will never feel so alive!

15165777? ago

Its in all caps.

It must be important.

15165991? ago

I dunno... it doesn't say "BREAKING" before the title.

15165765? ago

Welcome to all the warts and liver spots associated with a free speech site.

15168237? ago

It's really not so bad once you get used to it.

Doesn't take long until you are able to easily identify the bots and shills and can then just ignore them.

15165754? ago

Neon is legit.

15166810? ago

A legit narcissist!

15165883? ago

Neon got legit destroyed as soon as y'all came over from Reddit. You got outed as a liar and being completely full of shit and In Cahoots with the changed mods on Reddit that are shady as fuck.

15171482? ago

and he loves the cock.

15166957? ago

Ayyy... this^

He's literally hiding behind alts and stealing research to sell Tshirts.


15165736? ago