15077559? ago


15077716? ago

Reported for harassment. Put a fucking bullet in your head.

The collapse of civilization is complete. The purchasing power of the US dollar is worth three cents, compared to the dollar of 1913. Taxes? Where do we start. ✡Income tax✡, which exists solely to pay for the existence of the Federal Reserve–taxes going to the pockets of private individuals for the ‘privilege’ of printing worthless currency. An unconstitutional marxist welfare state to steal more income from the working and give it to the lazy, the nonwhites, and the foreigners. Endless war solely for the sake of other nations with no annexations or financial benefits for the US, wasting trillions in taxes and tens of thousands of lives. All laws, everywhere, at every level, are completely ignored by the government. The governing class is universally guilty of multiple felonies, and at least half of whom are guilty of outright treason. Genocidal invasion from the third world. Rape, murder, theft, etc. running rampant throughout once-safe streets as niggers and dune coons reap the fruits of their invasion. Terrorist attacks against people who are imprisoned for fighting back against the terrorists. Faggots and trannies holding parades where they spew their juices riddled with incurable STDs all over the streets. You get fired from your job or arrested if you so much as disagree with this shit. And gun confiscations from actual citizens so they can’t even defend themselves against any of it or reverse it. NOT THAT THEY EVER WILL. And that’s the problem. One hundred fucking years of this. Never stopping, never slowing. And what have the people done? NOTHING.

  • They didn’t rise up in 1913 when the US stopped using gold and silver as money and started using private paper currency.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1917 when the jew puppet Wilson said, “We’re going to war for the Europeans and getting nothing out of it in return.”
  • They didn’t rise up in 1920 when jewish feminists brainwashed men into granting women the vote, setting a deadline on the collapse of our nation at no later than 2020 (every single civilization in human history that enfranchised women fell within 100 years).
  • They didn’t rise up in 1933 when FDR unconstitutionally made “owning gold” illegal.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1934 when the National Firearms Act unconstitutionally banned the ownership of weapons.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1935 when the marxist Social Security Act was passed, nor during any of other FDR’s illegal acts.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1941 when the jew puppet FDR said, “We’re going to war for the Europeans, again, and getting nothing out of it in return, again.”
  • They didn’t rise up in 1946 when Bretton Woods was signed.
  • They didn’t rise up against any of the proxy wars in the Cold War (which gave our nation absolutely nothing–no annexed land, no reparations, and we paid to rebuild our enemies).
  • They didn’t rise up in 1965 when the Immigration & Nationality Act openly committed genocide on Americans. The politicians admitted it. No one did anything.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1968 when the Civil Rights Act unconstitutionally destroyed freedom of association.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1973 when Roe v. Wade legalized murder of the innocent.
  • They didn’t rise up after all the contra deals in the 1980s showed the US was deposing democracies and installing dictators.
  • They didn’t rise up in 1990 when the first Gulf War began the march for Greater Israel.
  • They didn’t rise up in 2001 after 9/11 when jews false flagged the US yet again for Greater Israel.
  • They didn’t rise up in 2003 when the Second Gulf War was declared. Nor when it was proven the war was carried out under false pretenses. Nor when any of the post-Cold War wars STILL failed to get us land or reparations, and we paid TRILLIONS MORE to rebuild our enemies.
  • They didn’t rise up in 2008 when the economy collapsed and the banks were given trillions of dollars to give bonuses to their executives who caused it.
  • They didn’t rise up in 2015 when faggot “marriage” became “legal.”


15083331? ago

You put so much into that post, and I didn't even read any of it. Hope you don't mind.

15085843? ago

Reported for spam. Thanks for admitting you were proven wrong.

15087186? ago

Didn't even read context, know it's @Tallest_Skil.

I bet you tell people on the street IRL that you're reporting them.

15093275? ago

Commit suicide, paid shill. Thanks for admitting you were proven wrong.

15096865? ago

Only satanists libel others without evidence.

Provide a pay stub proving I'm paid to post, or acknowledge your love for satan.

15103231? ago

Reported. Thanks for admitting you were wrong.

15110294? ago

Reported for acknowledging your love for Satan.

15064940? ago

At work the manager asked us if this statement is true: "Perception is reality." I said no because it is unrealistic and people believe things that aren't true all the time, myself included. However, what we perceive IS our reality at that point in time in a sense. Thanks OP for the reality check, much is happening and that is encouraging.

15064123? ago

All these people that we have been told many times that are killing children are still free. They won't be arrested today. Probably not tomorrow either.

OP doesn't care about that and why they are posting this crap.

15066197? ago


15062812? ago

Much needed and appreciated encouragement.

15061843? ago

You missed a few. 1000s of children still abused, the election still was stolen, migrants still flooding in 2000 per day, Californians burn to death and the state burns to the ground. This trusting the plan sure is piling up the bodies. I thought Q was a good guy? WTF

15061864? ago

Thanks for sharing your thoughts anon.

15061424? ago

When America sleeps expat anons is Asia are still digging...and eating popcorn! WWG1WGA

15061873? ago

Godspeed anons WW!

15059520? ago

The MSM will either 1) NEVER report on a news event if it shows socialism in a bad light or 2) ALWAYS turn real news into fake news that helps their agenda.

Since I stopped paying attention to the MSM my blood pressure is down and I am a happier guy. Plus it has made me do my own investigations on news events at home and around the world. It is a very much different world than the one reported to the public by the MSM. Citizen journalists rock!

15059598? ago

True story there.

15059022? ago

Thank you. I'm an honest Q skeptic and all I get is "you're a shill" when I ask questions. These are the things you need to be posting to me.

15059176? ago

Understood. We endeavor to be better. Hopefully we can maintain a similar thread daily.

15058850? ago

I love those infographics, and whomever is making them.

15058785? ago

And day 2 of El Chapo's trial. A big wheel in the CF shenanigans. Timing?

15058839? ago

His peices first? Could be.

15058869? ago

Maybe the "tenuous link" (mainstream credible) into gutting HRC and co? That would be amazing.

15058547? ago

Gateway Pundit reporting DOJ going after Assange. If Patriots were truly in control as Q says why isn't the DOJ going after Obama Clinton's Soros and a multitude of other deep state rats.

Also Mueller is targeting many of Trump's friends but Trump is doing nothing to help them out.

Are Trump and Q deep state LARP's?

15058827? ago

Assange will be pardoned instead. Muller went after low level snakes... and he's been up to more.

Obama and Soros are screwed. Keep paying attention.

15059436? ago

Patriots in control?

Sounds like it's still Obama's DOJ in control!

15059579? ago

I can't help you with your lack of understanding.

15059882? ago


15059974? ago

No thanks.

15057584? ago

What does this mean for the future going forward?

15056754? ago

Simple people only care about big things happening to appease their need for entertainment. Don't mind the incessant whining. Things are and have been happening for some time.

15055861? ago

When you said, "I could go on", my immediate reaction was, "PLEASE DO!"

15055267? ago

why hide in the shill comments - i am cyberkrxn right here? be a man and find my instagram - fanon hanon - hider coward liar

15055305? ago

I'm not interested in your Instagram account.

15055756? ago


15055020? ago

Oh yeah because election fraud hasn't been in the public light for decades

15055058? ago

Like it is now?

Prove it.

15055301? ago


Took a minute of searching. Go back and look at old American press covering each election and everytime there are miscounts and hidden/found ballots e.t.c. nothing ever comes of it. It's been a running joke that dead voters vote democrat for decades.

15055324? ago

...and all of it was spun and buried. Nothing like what's happening today.

15055965? ago

Indeed, that's called Project MOCKINGBIRD.

Keep watching...

15056120? ago

I'll try but I'm not an American so im trying to focus on my countries politics a bit more, you know.

15056168? ago

Understandably, I'm a Nationalist myself.

15056230? ago

I hope we are able to repair our countries in time.

15056261? ago

Likewise, I have high confidence. After America is covered, we will be able to help the rest of the world too.

15054766? ago

Hahaha love this, thank you for posting. "Yup! Fuckall Happenning today!" lmao

15054675? ago

are you suggesting Trump fucked Brexit? lol

15054366? ago

Seriously...that is a list of fuck all. Really.

15054431? ago

Hey, a DA just got shot in the face. Don't tell me nothing's happening.

Don't piss on my leg and tell me nothing's happening.

15053939? ago

Best nothing ever...

15053715? ago

Godspeed awsome share Patriot! Thank you

15053787? ago

Have a good one!

15053504? ago

We should do this kind of thread every day

15053641? ago

It's a good idea. Keeps things centrally located and updated. That increases the odds of people making connections together.

15053354? ago

Can we just light Israel up already with a MOAB? Maybe if we aim it right we can take out Sweden in the same bomb blast.

15053177? ago

All are literal nothings and some have been going on for years.

Wow. It's fucking nothing. And still waiting for that DECLAS that was going to tear down the house. Was having the dims in power part of tearing it down?

Good goys. Don't do anything. Believe in the plan and be passive.

15053221? ago

Nothing but negativity and vitriol. Typical Soapbox behavior.

15053270? ago

It's vitriol that comes from a good place. I want things to change. This Q bullshit is directly counter-productive because it turns otherwise productive people into couch warmers.

15057050? ago

Mr. Vitriol, you must have missed the part about how we're supposed to research, share information, meme the hell out of leftists, archive information, and be ready to help normies when the real SHTF moment comes.

I have done all those things. Have you done anything at all?

15053410? ago

False assertions based on poor assumptions.

15053555? ago

False assertions

Literally true facts. Nothing is happening. You're being fed an endless stream of hope that gets you hyped and, when nothing actually happens, you rationalize it away.

This is literally how a cult operates. You're being conned on a scale unprecedented in modern history.

15053607? ago

Keep telling yourself that you have it figured out.

15053717? ago

State one thing that Q has predicted that came true.

15053763? ago

Here's plenty. https://bookofqproofs.wordpress.com

You won't accept them, the others will.

15052839? ago

MSM not touching any of this

15052764? ago

Great reminder!

15052725? ago

I can't view it from work, since it's considered a file-sharing site. But at least I can visit the sub, so that's something...

15052930? ago

That's a great link. Summarizes the indictments really well.

Thanks for sharing.

15257302? ago


15052602? ago

Macron and the Flying Merkel are hated here too !

15052600? ago

Inflated value, normal activities, and yet another attempt to claim cause after the fact.

Unsurprising and exactly the behavior that makes you subject to ridicule.

I wonder if they're interested in buying my amulet that protects me from elephant attacks?

15052892? ago

Head firmly in sand. Can't see forest through the trees. Noted.

15052957? ago

You mean 'doesn't see things that don't exist because he isn't schizophrenic.'


15052970? ago

Thank God blind people don't think about the people around them who can see.

15053026? ago

That you think that's not a non sequitur is amusing. Y'all are pretty much a bag of logical fallacies.

Hell, you probably don't even know what non sequitur means. You probably won't even decide to educate yourself by looking it up. I'm used to you QTips.

15053191? ago

Fully aware of what a non sequitur is. Unlike you, I don't assume you are unintelligent.

You are uninformed and refuse to review the overwhelming circumstantial evidence. That's not because you're dumb.

15053427? ago

No, you're right, it's because I am smart. I don't express belief when it's just circumstantial evidence. I insist on substantive evidence before I believe.

Until such time, I expressly do not believe. That doesn't mean I say, "I'm certain it is untrue." It means I say, "I don't have substantive evidence and don't have enough information to conclude anything."

15053453? ago

Those who insist that they are smart and have it figured out rarely do. I know I do not.

I seek truth, and will continue to until dead.

15053756? ago

It's like you didn't even read my post. I'm unsurprised.

15053776? ago

That's the least of your worries.

15054144? ago

Err... Why would i be worried, again?

15054172? ago

See a Doctor.

15054305? ago

Do you always just respond with gibberish?

15054388? ago

No, see previous comments.

15051961? ago

The problem is too many Anons are expecting things to happen too quickly and in exactly the way they want them to happen. That is not how you win a war, especially not a war like the one we are in now. What Q and the POTUS are trying to do won't work if they just go in guns blazing. This isn't the movies, this is the hard reality, and if we're going to win this without starting a Second Civil War we need to do it right. We need to get these people with so much evidence they will not be able to weasel their way out. We need to make what they did "undefendable" because it traps them and corrupt supporters, and it also forces those who haven't yet been Red Pilled to finally see the truth whether they want to see it or not.

Remember also, there is an executive order in place. Mid December a report has to reach the desk of the POTUS on the extent of voter fraud and those Congressmen and Women whose election is in question will NOT be permitted to take their seats in January. This is what Q meant when they said the vote has been secured. The Dems have won nothing and only succeeded in discrediting their entire party.

15057252? ago

Most people don't know how the real world works. They only know what they see on TV.

I knew a 20-something who got locked out of his house while his parents were out of town. Since he was a problem child, didn't drive, and needed to get back and forth to a local college, his parents had asked me to drive him around and watch out for him a little.

I called the parents, who told me to call a locksmith to open the house for the son. I did so, and the whole time the locksmith was working to get the back door open, the son was complaining about how long it was taking. The locksmith told him that lock picking doesn't work in real life like it does on TV.

"Law & Order" can go through a case in an hour, but that's through the magic of television. It can takes months or years in real life.

15099327? ago

If you believe CSI they can find your exact home location and address using just an IP address, or they can perfectly enhance a fuzzy picture or security camera footage. Those things aren't possible in the real world. You can't magically reveal detail in a blurry picture using just an algorithm. You might be able to write a program that can guess what the detail in a fuzzy image might be using AI, machine learning, and source code so complicated it might as well be the Black Speech of Mordor. TV shows make these things look simple to move the plot along...the real world is different.

15052156? ago

The posts pushing the "tired patriot" and "Frustrated foul mouthed skeptic" programme aren't Q movement, they're here to divide and detract to kill interest. It's easy to tell who's who, really. Just read The Gentleman's Guide to Forum Spies.

15099395? ago

If we weren't being effective, if we weren't being successful or making a difference why would "they" care? Because when you attack something like a Conspiracy Theory and try to suppress it that gives it Legitimacy. If it isn't true if it isn't real then why attack it. Why try to suppress it? The very act of doing so draws attention to it and makes people ask the question "if this isn't real why are you so hell-bent on stopping it, what aren't you telling us?" That is exactly why the CIA has used a campaign of "ridicule" rather than complete suppression against the UFO Movement for decades. These attempts to stop and censor us means only one thing...WE ARE WINNING!

15054669? ago

Yeah, they are all attention whores. Their abuse towards you for calling them out is fucking hilarious.

15053808? ago

Do you have link Patriot?

15057936? ago

/pol/ has a link iirc...

15052878? ago

It's a good guide.

15051861? ago

What is the name of 2 Israeli cabalists?

15052867? ago

One was the defense minister. Quit because of the ceasefire.

15052985? ago

Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab and Work and Pensions Secretary Esther McVey quit this morning. Junior Northern Ireland minister Shailesh Vara, junior Brexit minister Suella Braverman, two parliamentary private secretaries, and two other aides have also stepped down.

15053005? ago

Big news around the Brexit issue yes?

15053209? ago

It's a cluster fuck big time. Right now the deal is as bad as staying in so it's a no deal really, I will be surprised it Parliament votes yes on this, if they do there was a lot of money paid to these people big time. Only a Hard Brexit is what's left. Even if the UK wanted to remain in the EU, the EU will rape the UK and it will cost them big time to get back in. If they give the people a final say, most will probably vote Remain because a Hard Breixt is too scary for them to comprehend but they are sheeple who don't see the big picture, Globalist Deep State Banksters etc.... If another vote comes I would vote "Leave" again even though leaving makes my future more difficult but I see the big picture and have known about it for a long time so I would vote against my self interest and vote based on anti-globablist principles. It's still a big bloody mess though.

15051532? ago

How about fixing the stolen elections before the democrats have a 2/3 senate majority and a 3/4 house majority. How long do these pieces of shit get to keep finding new votes before they finally call it finished?

15051555? ago

They don't swear in for like 6 weeks, let's find out all of them at once and have a clean start.

15051419? ago

Which RINO's were highlighted? Not doubting; just missed those stories and would like to read them.

15051439? ago

Lots on Flake yesterday, but he's already known. Not positive about the 2nd one.

15051377? ago

We are all Waiting for the last 10 minutes of the movie. It's getting there... slowly.

15057269? ago

There's more than one movie.

15053890? ago

Patriot, the climax hasn't even happened yet!!! We're not even half way!

15050983? ago

Who are the real drug runners? Hint: it ain't the illegal beaners.

15051239? ago

Cocaine Industries of America has everything covered.

15051252? ago

haha, right on. glad not everyone is retarded

15050748? ago

I think people want to see the big names go to jail .. Hillary, Obozo etc. There is always a lot going on everyday.

15050689? ago

Look at all that fuck all happening, I should go post about how Q is a jew and wrong or something. Since I care SO much about channeling my supposed butt hurt over and over at people I claim are stupid followers and I just want them to know how dumb and racist they are.

15050969? ago

Voat is exhuasting for this reason

15051041? ago

I'm at the point where I just think "seriously?" and then downvoat. Numb to attacks.

15050489? ago

This sub is better with keeping me informed than the rest of voat.

15050488? ago

Stupid post by another delusional Qtard.

Things happen in the news every single day. Politicians resign, scandals occur, people die. None of these can be directly tied to your beloved Q cult and many are completely irrelevant. When will you deranged fanatics wake up and realise you're living in a 4chan fantasy LARP?

15050737? ago

Then it should not bother you so much, but it apparently does, which lends credence to the theory that these are significant developments and not everyday occurrences.

15050562? ago

When you are you going to stop shilling?

Before, or after being exposed? https://voat.co/v/voatdev/comments/2854926

15050687? ago

You have to label anyone who questions your cult as a "shill" because you don't have any argument of substance. You're a deranged faggot playing a LARP.

15057320? ago

There must be something to it, if all you shills and most of the media are spending so much time fighting it.

Of course, you could just be in your mommy's basement bored with nothing better to do.

15050767? ago

You spend an inordinate amount of time attempting to convince me of such... it's less than effective.

15050361? ago

This is all good news. The hilarious thing about Democrats is that they will never tell the truth as long as there is a politically expedient reason not to. I bet if Hillary Clinton's house was burned down by a rabid angry leftist they would say that a right wing leaning person did while screaming that they were actually trying to put the fire out. Hilarious.

15050174? ago

POTUS QTeam and the U.S. military have the means and ways to take out the satanic globalist cabal very fast yet to date zero arrest's. There was no red wave Nov 6th and the plan has cost Trump the House. Trump's base has become demoralized and are wondering just who POTUS and QTeam are really working for the base is sensing they are being played by LARP's.

15057436? ago

If you had read everything Q and associated writers have posted, you would know that the military takeover plan was rejected because of the deaths of bad and good people that would occur. The slower, safer plan of putting in a good president and doing things within the system would get us to the same result, but slower and with fewer innocent deaths.

The only ones in Trump's base that are demoralized are the ones who haven't heard about Q yet or don't have a strong religious faith. Everyone I know personally is still gung-ho for Trump and what he's doing so far and plans to do.

There have been wars in history that lasted many years. This may be the biggest war in recorded history. Have a little patience.

15059911? ago

How fucking stupid are you there was NO RED WAVE on Nov 6th.

15065864? ago

That photo of tanks inside a plane are from a brochure from many years ago. It explained that part of the testing of new plane models includes flying one without seats, but with water tanks, so they can pump water from one part of the plane to another to see how the weight distribution affects the flying. I've seen the rest of the brochure.

We won the Senate, which was the main objective. That allows judge appointments to go forward. There are a number of other things that the Senate win allows Trump to accomplish.

If chem-trails were real, I should have seen them by now. I've never seen them, and I've been all over the eastern half of the country and am outside a lot. Right now there's a big bright blue sky outside with no clouds at all.

By the way, Q has posted that there will necessarily be disinformation posted. Perhaps the red wave talk was to motivate us to vote, so we wouldn't lose the Senate or lose the House worse than usual. The red wave talk got the left to talk up a blue wave, which didn't happen either.

15053487? ago

I for one am not asleep nor demoralized and call bullshit on your shill nonsense.

15050858? ago

No they're not.

15050350? ago

Keep being asleep and living in that reality. I've seen the game plan, know who's playing, and that they've already won.

I'm sorry you can't see anon.

15052795? ago

If they have already won please do explain to us why the world's population is still being systematically sprayed by fucking poisonous chemtrails?

15057353? ago

I have never seen these "chemtrails." Perhaps they're only in the western US, as I've been all over the eastern US, and I've never seen them.

15054124? ago

I've wondered about the chemtrails as well. I do get why they need time to get good judges ect in place and while they're at it catching them in more crimes. It's just hard to watch them committing these acts like the CA fires and not begin to lose hope. I do think Q is legit though. We just don't know everything that's going on behind the scene.

15050173? ago

Indeed, Patriot. Great post, thank you!

15050157? ago

Wow! Really nothing to see here

15050081? ago

You could add today is the deadline for Clinton Foundation tax return to be submitted. If they fail to submit = illegal. If they do submit it'll be fraudulent return = illegal.

Plus, todai is when judge is supposed to give ruling on cnn a-hole getting kicked out of WH press pool

15064332? ago

Why are you saying it would be fraudulent?

15086318? ago

If you go to Jason Goodman's yt Channel where he's done a whole series with Charles Ortel you will see that the CF itself has been operating illegally from day one and ALL subsequent audits/tax returns have been as well.

Chttpsharles has been following this in anal-like detail for a looong while now ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oK1tV2rszSY&list=PLBlSynguD0vanqruwm6O9DRmOnODZvFGj

15088641? ago

Did YOU watch that? It's all BS.

15109848? ago

Charles Ortel? You saying he's bs? Or Jason Goodman? I can believe that about Goodman but Ortel too?

15116777? ago

Yes, open your eyes, think for yourself.

15050109? ago

Outstanding! I wasn't aware of either of those.

15049720? ago


15049714? ago

65 years since they assassinated JFK, official story still rules. 17 years since they got away with 911, the truth of that will come out when your grandkids have kids, maybe and all responsible lived out comfortable lives. Until there is actual arrests why should anyone expect anything to change? The best thing to do Imo is watch, learn, share the things like the poster has shown but keep it yourself in your personal life and don't let your ego rule your thoughts.

15053956? ago

Maybe it's like fakepedia. Over time, the 'official' becomes irrelevant to people? I hope so

15049631? ago

The "nothing" that really makes me step back and question things is the fact that nothing is being done about the election fraud. I mean it is so fucking blatant in broward and AZ it's disgusting. And the Republicans that got stolen from just bend over and take it up the ass like the GOP always does they don't even complain.

"Midterms are safe." From who, the voters?

This sure doesn't look like "Patriots are in control" to me.

15049984? ago

Are you part of the DHS? Are you part of any Intel Comittees? Or do you just get your news from News sources, second hand and all that? If you answered yes to the third and no to the first two then guess what my dude.

Such things would be on a "Need to know" basis and since we're still only DAYS INTO INVESTIGATION. GUESS WHAT? YOU PROBABLY DON'T NEED TO KNOW YET.

15049627? ago

Nice. It is difficult to maintain objectivity when the media cycle is 24x7 with new outrage being manufactured by the hour. This disrupts the short term thinking and it becomes easy to miss the events which shows us what is happening. It's by design that the media fuxks with the public like this.... its how they keep the public busy. It's how they hide the shenanigans. The emotional fog is akin to the fog of war.

These lists are definitely helpful to keep perspective.


15053837? ago

Do what I do, DON'T watch the media cycle!!!

Just read voat, and check their sources.

Do this every day, you'll save a lot of time being up to date with the latest without the fake media nagging at your unconscious mind.

15049571? ago

That's a list of headlines from 'news.' It proves nothing because it lacks any link of causation to the Q movement, i.e., proof that Q’s conduct was sufficiently connected to these occurrences.

15050270? ago

Q being real is a moot point. If shits happening and we are talking to an autost in Tuba City Iowa I dont give a shit. The shit is still happening and people are waking. Dont be a concern fag

15050007? ago

You're missing the Q for the Trees my dude. It's irrelevant to whether or not Q is real, it is testatment to the fact that THINGS ARE IN FACT HAPPENING THAT WE NEVER WOULD HAVE GUESSED MIGHT OCCUR IN OUR LIFETIME. GAZA CEASEFIRE? NAH BRO THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT ONE BIT.

15053407? ago

eh, shillers gonna shill.

I haven't heard anything about this ceasefire; is it different than other ceasefires? I know periodically they stop shooting at each other, and sometimes that's by plan and discussions with quasi-neutral parties.

15051117? ago

How does one have anything to do with the other? This is pure speculation.

15049317? ago

Those who say that nothing is happening are either denying reality and or running scared (panicked), or they truly are clueless and still asleep. My money is on panicked & desperate.

15049403? ago

15053876? ago

True that.

It's like taking a post from Reddit/FB/Twitter and showing it. Doesn't make sense to judge a site based on 1 post.

15050702? ago

Wow. We are all significant enough to get a direct mention straight from the enemy. Cool.

15050788? ago

Guess we are over the target.

15049282? ago

Well said!

15049271? ago


15049266? ago

The lack of people looking at the situation and big picture logically in these comments makes me want to just put my palm through my face.

Apparently they missed the part where Q has told us to "Expand your thinking" literally 51 fucking times now.

15049168? ago

What could any of this possibly have to do with the possibility there is a secret government administration informing on the internet or lack thereof?

Quite possibly the weakest "QAnon Proof" there has ever been.

15049191? ago

Never said this was a Q proof you assume too much you poof goof.

15051538? ago

after days of being called "fag fag fag fag fag shill fag pedo fag cabal fag pedo cabal shilling fag" a poof goof is pretty much the nicest thing ever. Thank you for such politeness

15053563? ago

So the Soros checks can still be cashed explains why you're still hanging around?

15066083? ago

lmfao I am not sure how many times I can state the same shit over and over again. I've been a registered Republican for just about 20 years. I studied Political Science at a Top-50 university and was in many Republican, Conservative, Catholic/Christian, and other related organizations. I am not sure how else to say that , just because it seems like both QAnon is completely bullshit and his community of followers are displaying increasing signs of mental disease and defects , that does not make me "cashing Soros checks".

It seems like people here need to just take a minute and examine themselves. If you get dressed to go out, and your friend picks you up and says, "Dude, you need to get changed, I'm sorry to say it but you look ridiculous..." Do you argue with your friend, knowing they probably aren't trying to hurt your feelings but genuinely explain to you and help you? Or do you go look in the mirror, think, "Maybe I wasn't right about this outfit...." and get changed, then go out and have a good time?


I consider it my duty as a "Patriot" and "good guy" to try to show people like you that you're barking up the wrong tree, and the quicker you stop believing QAnon is going to save the world, you're able to devote your time and energy into MEANINGFUL ACTIONS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS towards betterment, not keyboard commandoing waiting for those Tribunals.

15066677? ago

Yeah and after serving 5 tours in Afghanistan and clerking for Justice Alito for 2 years, I think I can refute your same old shit time after time. Do some research if you're not a shill, look at the Q proofs, offer something tangible to support your distrust of Q. Otherwise, quit cashing dem Soros checks and get out of my face.

15067259? ago

I... don't believe you.

15067857? ago

I know. Shills have a hard time with sarcasm. LOL

15051575? ago

Humor and civility are good things.

15066100? ago

I shall sacrifice my queen to take your pawn. Stop looking at me swan.

15049148? ago

You literal fucking brainlet.

  1. To be replaced by more of the same.
  2. UK will still burn. Good. Cucks deserve it.
  3. Changes nothing, both now and long term.
  4. Totally irrelevant.
  5. US is already only 56% white anyway.
  6. Only by a woke 30% minority and this didn't happen today.
  7. This didn't happen today.
  8. Q is Mossad.
  9. Whatever.
  10. Whatever.
  11. Never gonna happen. You have been saying this for 2 years now.
  12. No its not. It has been coming into effect for 20 years now. Fuck both jews and niggers.

15049176? ago

You've been repeating the same nonsense for 2 years?

Yet you bash Q for not delivering yet?

Please give me a list of your accomplishments for the past 2 years on making this country great again.

Your copy pasta isn't effective.

15049875? ago

You've been repeating the same nonsense for 2 years?

Nigger what? Who am i and what have i been repeating?

Yet you bash Q for not delivering yet?

Q is a jew. His point is to not deliver. He delivers when he doesn't.

Please give me a list of your accomplishments for the past 2 years on making this country great again.

Well i killed 0 niggers and jews, so i guess its 0.

Your copy pasta isn't effective.

You don't know what copy pasta means.

Refute any of the things i listed from 1-12.

15049101? ago

How about almost none of that shit listed is even related to the "great prophesies" or even matter to draining the swamp.

15049153? ago

Arresting legislators isn't draining the swamp? Wtf is draining the swamp to you?

Put your head back into the sand I guess.

15061607? ago

Almost all the shit listed is stuff happening in Europe. ONE line mentioned Dems arrested for protesting. That isn't draining anything. Cpl arrested for beating a woman is a coincidence.

Do you go outside and stare at clouds to see if you can imagine some might look like the letter Q?

15061728? ago


15049420? ago

No no no. Don't you get it?

It only matters if it's the people THEY want to see arrested!

15048899? ago

love this

15048803? ago

Add El Chapo declaring he had deals with Calderon, Peña Nieto AND THE DEA

15051685? ago

Exactly! The CIA was in on a piece of that action as well i bet!

15049128? ago

That's right, that barely popped on my radar yesterday.

15048673? ago

Thats not really anything that im looking for. I want to see hilldog and pedo-sta swinging from a rope. Soros and obama too.

15050828? ago

Do you think we are ready for that yet? What do you think happens if they were arrested today? They know what they are doing.

15049434? ago

What happens to a chicken if you just cut off it's head?

15051554? ago

It dies.

15052126? ago

lol okay, I had that coming.

Let me be more specific: What happens to it's body? What does it do before it dies?

15048733? ago

10 course meal... that's the final few courses.

15048605? ago

15048489? ago

Good post. Just because it’s not a spectacle on msm doesn’t mean it’s not news. Remember NK? Anons didn’t think it was a BOOM because the msm didn’t push it like they would a cabal potus accomplishment. Had it been hussein it would’ve been the feel good story of the century.

15056751? ago

Correct. People call the msm fake news but STILL look to them for acknowledgement! Like WTF!? If they don’t hear it on the MSM FAKE NEWS they make it seem like nothings actually happening. Wake the fuck up people. If your still looking to msm for verification of happenings you are not woke but a programmed mockingbird bot. Shit off the fucking news including fox. Listen to Q, trump tweets and official WH channels.

15058460? ago

You’re soooo right.

15048610? ago

A lot of us on here thought NK is a HUGE boom and still is. Put away the election fraudsters and over turn those races and we got the BIGGEST BOOM EVER.

15064330? ago

So, we're just settling for that now?

15049082? ago

Agreed. But Q called out an anon about a week after the peace talks with Kim. The anon was asking Q where all the booms were. Q replied “NK”. Q 990.

15048520? ago

No shit. NK is still a huge accomplishment that NO ONE else could clean up until Trump.

Everyone is kind of ignoring it's importance because the MSM did.

15053508? ago

How many billions did trump give NK is the question

15069832? ago

prolly not as many as Obummer gave Iran

15086566? ago

It was Iran's frozen money. Fuck Obama

15053524? ago

You're thinking of the other guy, and Iran. Read the the Art of the Deal.

Your comment is weak.

15054171? ago

Iran got their OWN money back that was frozen in accounts. It wasn't America's money. Oy vey, goys, Iran is the enemy!!! Israel is our bestest ally oy vey. I've noticed many jews in this Q movement that came here...

15054191? ago

Found the Iranian Guard member.

15054266? ago

To a jew everyone is an "Iranian" or a "Nazi".

We're all Palestinians now.

15051080? ago

100% correct on that one.

15050186? ago

Defuse a bomb, get no credit. Let it go off, but you save a kid from certain death in the aftermath? You're a hero.

15048471? ago

Uh, none of this happened "today", though?

15048488? ago

It was yesterday. I'm retarded.

15048453? ago

Thanks for posting. It will be harder for us to identify wins without news sources reporting (even in a biased manner) on things. Seems MSM has given up all pretense of covering anything good for trump or Republicans.

15050268? ago

Thats what these MSM "journalists" are paid to do and they better not deviate one word from the "4:00AM" narrative or they will be out looking for a job collecting their shill money elsewhere.

15048342? ago

Shit is happening..Not where some are looking for or as fast as they want but they are happening....I want to see many of the big names go down and I think it will happen in its own time. I dont want to see them get popped then get off because some lame assed judge lets them go with a slap on the hand.......WWG1WGA

15054606? ago

The big names will go down when everything is gathered to bury them.

It's hilarious that the concernfagging cunts think that you can take apart the entire cabal in 10 fucking minutes, and when you call them out on that, they scream that you are a leftist.

15052666? ago

The big name arrests are close to the final act! The senate is supposed to be working in overdrive to seat as many Federal judges as possible before the New Year! We need Trump appointments on the bench or the assholes will just get the venue moved to judges they own!

15055252? ago

So true! A great piece of music builds towards the end and then the grand finale. This plan is beautifully orchestrated!

15055583? ago

It is a beautiful thing to watch as it's unfolding! This has been in the works for a long time and very well planed ,total genius!

15051030? ago

you will never see a big name go down. Notice those "arrested" have no names

15052367? ago

When you want to demolish a building, you don't shoot at it. You weaken the structure from bottom up.

15050467? ago

This shill disagrees with you: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2854709/15048258

15054642? ago

You mean, advertising your own post?

You're one of the fucks who think that the cabal can be taken down in 10 fucking minutes. I'd like to see you do even 10% of what Trump has done.

15054874? ago

You're one of the fucks who think that the cabal can be taken down in 10 fucking minutes

WTF is wrong with you? I say the exact opposite. Why are even attacking me for providing a factually accurate post? Cool off or fuck off. Either way you're only helping shills with that attitude.

In case it's not clear, you are completely wrong as to promotion of "my" post. I responded to that post and was down voted.

My post: https://voat.co/v/QRV/2854709/15050483

15054947? ago

It just seemed odd that one would advertise a shill post from another thread. Normally, the reason it's done is because the person is an attention whore and wants more people to see their own post.

15063065? ago

I presented it link as a shill post. Was simply sharing. Lots of shills so I guess some friendly fire is to be expected.

Peace. WWG1WGA

15063394? ago

Personally, sharing shill posts just gives them the attention they deserve, not something I'd personally do.

Peace to you too.

15050685? ago

oh well everyone has their own opinion and is welcome to it........WWG1WGA

15050077? ago

I remember the bumper sticker - Shit Happens. Maybe a bumper sticker or meme written in present tense would capsulize current events better- Shit is Happening.

15064308? ago

YES! Memes will win the day, and already have. Without memes 2018 would've been a total loss.

15049377? ago

This is crazy......could this be real? Is this mess really getting cleaned up? I was hopeless for so long...

15050631? ago

Meme it into reality. Our collective consciousness is very powerful. Even God himself said that there was nothing we couldn't do if we were united. That's why he confused our languages when they were building the tower of Babel.

15054252? ago

So....he didn't want us doing it before, why the fuck would he want us doing it now. LMAO Your logic is illogical my friend.

15050646? ago


15053772? ago

What he said is true. This universe we live in, it's all made from thought. That's the smallest particle. Not atoms. Why? Because atoms is made up of smaller particles, we just can't see it.

15049957? ago

Stay vigilant the election fraud is imo the trigger for a lot of shit coming down....Everyone thinks it should happen NOW but it takes time to put the evidence together...Research think the EO on election interference..Never interrupt the enemy while they are destroying themselves....When we were told the midterms are safe...well, wait and see how this plays out....Its not over til the fat lady sings...shes just warming up..Dont react with your emotions especially with all the shills in here....They want you divided....as long as things are happening no matter if they seem irrelevant you can see the panic....Think logically.....The mid terms was a major set up.....Why do you see all this election fraud coming out but not much is being said? Many think you need to jump them immediately.....With all the information and evidence they are left with no defense....Check mate...all these congressmen (ladies) are not seated til Jan. What happens if they are found to be fraudulent? Special elections? Sometimes you need to step back and look from an overhead view.......WWG1WGA

15064315? ago

Yes, keep waiting, it will fix itself!

15050104? ago

The elections being a setup is NOT logical. It's the biggest governmental response in our borders in 200 years. Our entire government has been occupied by a hostile occupying force. That's fucking HUGE. But now they are being routed? God I hope so. If the american people found out there'd be blood in the streets thinking that guy they don't like is a foreign occupier. They might even be right. Holy crap.

15049715? ago

I keep telling people to either do their digging or Ask an Autist. Seriously. There's no reason for hopelessness. Literally no reason.

15049994? ago

I'm afraid I'm what passes for an autist in my circle. And I suck, because I'm utterly befuddled. the smartest folks I know say it's Jews doing this.

15050066? ago

Depends on what level of understanding you want. On one level, yes, there is a Jewish Element found in the Zionist movement. Not all Jews are Zionists but All Zionists are probably not people you'd consider "good".

But that's only one level of understanding. It goes as deep as you are willing to dig. Up to a cosmic understanding.

15050260? ago

Lay it on me. It sounds like you know precisely what this is. We talking about secular acknowledgement of the biblical apocalypse? Something far stranger?

15064318? ago

flat earth

15048725? ago

A lot of these people "resigning" are being essentially gagged until a later date. It's not to alarm/alert otehr criminals that "shit is going down."

In other words, they think that they have more time when people aren't being arrested left and right. Their guard isn't as raised either.

People don't look at both sides of the coin in play.

15064304? ago

You don't know that. Several of the RINOs that resigned just said they were sick of Trump, it didn't have to do with them getting arrested. Stop looking for magic when there is actual evidence of things unfolding.

15049126? ago


15048823? ago

Exactly, let them commit more crimes and/or implicate more people as they try to escape.

15050150? ago

Cool, unless you are a victim.

15048889? ago

You aren't looking at the big picture here.

How big is the deep state? What are they going to do if you start doing things that will undoubtedly alarm all the rest of them?

15050690? ago

Start doing things? Real question then, NoName wasn't punished? He did die of natural causes? Because it seems Q group is going both ways on this..

15049925? ago

Yes, what are they going to do? Start fires that are killing people and destroying properties? Enact false flags shootings, bombings and accidents that kill more people and terrorize the nation? Launch wave after wave of "caravan" invasions?

No, we can't push them into doing such things. After all it's not worth it just for securing an extra few years of prison time to their sentencing.... Right?

15050113? ago

No. They will run. They will hide. and then we will have to track them down. How much resources and manpower do you think it will take to track down and catch that many people who are actively trying to escape before you even reach them?

You have to arrest them all at once or in the very least, very large groups of them at a time. Then they don't even get a chance to run and hide. Plus that's not to mention some of them might try to take a bunch of people out with them if they have nothing left to lose, yes.

We only have one chance to do this right. We cannot let our emotions tempt us to make premature actions that run the risk of ruining everything.

Unfortunately means people are going to suffer and die in the meantime. However this is a war, and people die in wars. Military and civilian alike. However if we want to actually fix the problem and not just keep putting another band-aide over it.

I don't like it anymore than you or anyone else here does, however this is the reality we have to face.

15050704? ago

We have the NSA.

They have nowhere to run.

15050780? ago

Yeah we can find them, but we still have to go catch them. A lot of them. Consider the technology some people have access to that could protect them and others.

People make it sound like we can just walk up and arrest them all like it's no big deal, just a walk in the park and no resistance at all.

15050814? ago

Oh I'm saying there won't be resistance, I'm just saying their end is inevitable now.

15050874? ago

Oh no doubt.

However It's the resistance that is currently being taken care of. People have places they could go, people that can protect them. That can retaliate if something is done about them.

It's that last one that is likely the biggest reason nothing "big" has happened yet. I mean, you have seen what they did to the world trade center and these California "fires" right?

15051280? ago

Well Trump n friends have apparently stopped many attacks. I think the only reason these fires are happening is because the cabal is finally pulling out their advanced tech which a counter hasn't been invented yet.

15052070? ago

Yeah pretty much. They have really rolled up their sleeves.

They are mad. lol

15050206? ago

they found Saddam hiding in a hole. and they obviously knew and found OBL for a long time (they just didn't get the green light to take him down as soon as he was first found). you really think all the running and hiding rats would get away for long out there? plus while running and hiding they won't be in power positions ruling over us and making our lives miserable.

15050656? ago

Just how easy do honestly think these people are to stop?

Have you see what they are capable of doing?

15056584? ago

that's exactly my point. they are capable of doing all these things because they are in positions of power. once they are out of those positions (either by being arrested or by running away and hiding) then their power will be greatly diminished. at that point their main concern will be to survive another day. they won't have the luxury or the resources to plot bad things as they do right now from the comfort of their offices.

15056690? ago

The issue is rooting some of them out/disarming them and their allies first before getting at all the others.

There is currently a shadow war taking place.

15048258? ago

Let's count the things that matter:

  • Hillary Clinton arrested? NOPE.
  • John Podesta arrested? NOPE.
  • Tony Podesta arrested? NOPE.
  • James Alefantis arrested? NOPE.
  • George Soros arrested? NOPE.
  • Bill Clinton arrested? NOPE.
  • Barack Obama arrested? NOPE.
  • Loretta Lynch arrested? NOPE.
  • Lois Lerner arrested? NOPE.
  • Joe Biden arrested? NOPE.
  • Debbie Wasserman Shulz arrested? NOPE.
  • Huma Abedin arrested? NOPE.
  • Dianne Feinstein arrested? NOPE.
  • Nancy Pelosi arrested? NOPE.

Also -- having someone "resign" is not really a form of Justice. That means they get out of having to be held accountable for their actions AND they get to collect a fat pension and retirement benefits thanks to the American taxpayer. They get to live out their golden years and have a comfy life that is much better than how you or I live and we end up paying for it all.

15050483? ago

Shill confirmed. Posts like this literally advocate for the protection and freedom of criminals. Either you are a shill or have a sub 90 IQ.

Look up RICO. How do they work?

Posts like yours, which is almost certainly why you are a shill, requires people be "prosecuted" and then set free from the criminal elements protecting them. Which in turn provides ammunition by the criminals to justify cries of "persecution." Setting the state of legal and media protections for all future prosecutions. Basically ensuring perpetual legal protection for the criminals. This is what you demand.

You can't start the prosecutions until the swamp is drained. We all know the swamp is being drained. Both the mid terms and the SCOTUS appointments are critical in the prosecution of the people you've listed. Anyone who want to protect the people you've listed are demanding they be prosecuted before the swamp is drained. Resignations are a critical part of displacing the criminal elements so that prosecutions can begin. The terminations were never intended nor claimed to be a measure of justice and all those painting it as such are completely dishonest. Yet you've prainted it as such. Claiming they don't matter is only low IQ talk or a shill talk.

Either you are a shill or have a very low IQ.

15050420? ago

Always arrest the leaders or major players last. Why? Because if you get them first, everyone is ready to quit and it all loses steam and momentum. If you get the smaller players first however, they all want to escape so they "squeal" on the big players. This just builds momentum. Those who demand arresting the big fish first likely are trying to weaken the action, not strengthen it. This might be deliberate or not.

15048956? ago

Nice post patriot. Spot on.

15048924? ago

Posts like this literally advocate for the protection and freedom of criminals. Either you are a shill or have a sub 90 IQ.

Look up RICO. How do they work?

Posts like yours, which is almost certainly why you are a shill, requires people be "prosecuted" and then set free from the criminal elements protecting them. Which in turn provides ammunition by the criminals to justify cries of "persecution." Setting the state of legal and media protections for all future prosecutions. Basically ensuring perpetual legal protection for the criminals. This is what you demand.

You can't start the prosecutions until the swamp is drained. We all know the swamp is being drained. Both the mid terms and the SCOTUS appointments are critical in the prosecution of the people you've listed. Anyone who want to protect the people you've listed are demanding they be prosecuted before the swamp is drained. Resignations are a critical part of displacing the criminal elements so that prosecutions can begin. The terminations were never intended nor claimed to be a measure of justice and all those painting it as such are completely dishonest. Yet you've prainted it as such. Claiming they don't matter is only low IQ talk or a shill talk.

Either you are a shill or have a very low IQ.

15049952? ago

Look up RICO how do they work?

Look up your justice system, how does it work? Oh right, everything is Admiralty Law, which means it's all banksters all the way up and down the food chain. Oh shit, we might have a problem with corruption in there, might need to get some Judges in there to shape things up to CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. NOT FUCKING ADMIRALTY LAW. Ya think?

Either you're a shill or have a very low IQ

Or maybe I'm capable of taking the birds eye view and looking at the situation objectively. Maybe, just maybe I'm not an NPC normie incapable of doing his own digging. Maybe, just maybe, you didn't look as hard as you thought you did.

Posts like this literally advocate for the protection and freedom of criminals. Either you are a shill or have a sub 90 IQ.

At no point did anyone say "yeah they deserve to not get arrested." You and that Molyneux guy have the same warped perspective. "Justice Delayed is justice denied." Right. Because life is just black and fucking white. So either we get them all, right fucking now, or we're a failure as a system of justice. Never mind making sure no innocents are caught up, never mind making sure you clean out this GLOBAL FUCKING PROBLEM RIGHT THE FIRST FUCKING TIME SO THEY DON'T COME BACK FOR ROUND TWO DURING OUR MOVEMENT TOWARDS A GOLDEN AGE. Nah, we need to just run this like it's a fucking cop flic, everything will just fucking work out fine. No fucking extra problems there whatsofuckingever.

It's utterly galling when boys think themselves Men and believe they understand the Generals perspective. Take a step back, put your god damn pride down and understand, this game is so much bigger than you're willing to give creedo too.

Posts like yours, which is almost certainly why you are a shill, requires people be "prosecuted" and then set free from the criminal elements protecting them.

I'll never understand the types like you who believe walking the streets means you're "free". No wonder Democracy is considered a good idea by your lot.

Which in turn provides ammunition by the criminals to justify cries of "persecution." Setting the state of legal and media protections for all future prosecutions. Basically ensuring perpetual legal protection for the criminals. This is what you demand.

So in other words you can't think past the sale. You literally can't see the dominos being placed. You literally are blind to the apparatus that you are trapped by. You think you're free but can't see the Matrix around you. I'm sorry, but you're blind my boy.

You can't start the prosecutions until the swamp is drained. We all know the swamp is being drained. Both the mid terms and the SCOTUS appointments are critical in the prosecution of the people you've listed. Anyone who want to protect the people you've listed are demanding they be prosecuted before the swamp is drained.


Resignations are a critical part of displacing the criminal elements so that prosecutions can begin.


The terminations were never intended nor claimed to be a measure of justice and all those painting it as such are completely dishonest. Yet you've prainted it as such. Claiming they don't matter is only low IQ talk or a shill talk.

Either you are a shill or have a very low IQ.

I'm sorry but I can't english this word salad, could you re-toss it for me? Maybe that time I'll understand the garble.

15048376? ago

Honest questions: Do you know how the take down of a crime syndicate works? with tha said, just how big is the deep state? (A crime syndicate subsection of the cabal here in the USA.)

Don't let your focus tunnel vision on a handful of details, so much so you completely miss the big picture. Which is: The take down of the largest crime syndicate in the history of the world.

I don't know about you, but something tells me that isn't exactly going to be quick.

15049411? ago

I'm PISSED that the govt. Let it get this bad. This could very well be more smoke and mirrors. Trump just had a church service at the white House. Could it be? Is there hope?

15049788? ago

I'm PISSED that the govt. Let it get this bad.


Wanna know why? Because my friends, you're here to grow. To learn. To understand you cannot, EVER defer personal responsibility without negative consequences. You cannot EVER go on autopilot and say "It wasn't my fault". Karma is a deeply misunderstood concept. Karma means action. Your actions have a reaction. You create the world you live in. Either through apathy(Hey, Government, can you take responsibility for me?) Or through Action(Nah fuck that, I'll do it myself or with a coalition of people we can hold to direct account for their actions. Not this "Voodoo ass government" with lifetime positions, internal "Security reasons" to "hide """Sensitive""" intel from the citizenry, treating us like criminals, tleling us WE have to prove to THEM WE can be trusted.

Again. You're here to decide. I don't care what you decide, in fact, neither does the Universe. The point is deciding. Making choices. That's what you're here to do. Stop turning to tohers to save you.G et up on your own two feet and change the world one mind at a time.

15049978? ago

In order to change the world one mind at a time one must have a clear idea of the truth, or else you are part of the problem. I have NO IDEA what the fuck is going on. Not even a clue. I'm all for the idea of personal responsibility but some problems REQUIRE tanks. Tanks are too expensive for me to operate and maintain by myself. So a bunch of guys got together and pooled their money. My brain is fried im just going to sit here and watch for a while. And I'm not a nigga

15050035? ago

None of them require tanks. All it requires is opening yourself up to the fact that everything you know might be a lie. Everything you think you know to be true must be questioned until you are left only with what you are certain is true, what you are uncertain is true and the tools to determine what Truth is.

Trivium Method of Learning is your first step, good luck.

15050302? ago

I already know everything I know might be a lie. Now you're going to lay on me that Christianity is purely a Jewish invention of control, right? Sorry, can't accept that from an anonymous person on the internet. This is my culture. My heritage. I won't toss it for whispers from dark corners.

15048985? ago

In sales (and that's what politics is) never over promise and under deliver.

15049124? ago

This isn't just politics, this is also shadow war.

People are dying everyday while they try to set up the conditions they need to make big actions.

15049095? ago

Yes because selling a product is PERFECTLY SYNONYMOUS with taking down the most powerful, complex and longest standing corporatized criminal mafia backed by a secret society, ever.

15049473? ago

A Ferrari is not the same thing as a rubber washer but the principle in sales remains the same. We all know there has to be disinformation, ( and allowances are given) but you need to be aware that you will threaten the following of your base if you over do it.

15048873? ago

Don't let your focus tunnel vision on a handful of details;

Two years of Trump, AFTER the supposed decades of help from 'the military'. And you excuse zero progress as 'too big of a picture'.

Ultimately Q is bullshit. It tells you 2500 crumbs, a handful can't be proven or disproven, the overwhelming majority can be disproven but because of a single 'disinformation is necessary' you credit it as purposefully wrong.

Ohh "11.4 Podesta arrested", HE MEANS 2018 YOU IDIOTS. 11.04.2018 passes and "HE CAN'T ARREST BECAUSE OF THE HATCH ACT".

Now we have Killary running for 2020 with Mrster O and we'll have two more years of "THE HATCH ACT" excuse and two more years of "WE DIDN'T HAVE MAJORITY BECAUSE OF VOTER FRAUD 2018".

You're all worse than the faggot lefties that at least want to get free shit on the backs of immigrants arriving to live in 1st world poverty.

"You're impatient do you know how many lifetimes this has gone on". You're going to be saying that to your radical muslim grandkids just before they behead you for never bothering to use it.

Trust Trump, Trust Sessions, remember? Sessions ratted out Trump as his reason for resigning, not threats or public pressure, Trump.

American military is cucked to the CoC and the top is here to escalate WW3 for the NWO, and they're just pulling the wool over yours eyes so you don't see it coming until there's a big flash in the sky.

15049647? ago


15049802? ago

irrational positive thinker alert

15049481? ago

I'd welcome a flash in the sky at this point. At last I'd know for sure I wasn't insane.

15049059? ago

If it was really that easy, don't you think they'd have done it by now? Stop letting your EMOTIONS cloud your ability for logical thinking.

And you call us worse than lefties. Go look in a damn mirror, you hypocrite.

15049238? ago

Stop letting ignorance be the basis of your decision making. Theres nothing to support the claims this is a military operation or that anything is occurring.

Niggers run on feelings. You're being a nigger trying to spread ignorance.

15049331? ago

The irony of your comment is astonishingly tragic.

15049817? ago

Whatever circular logic you need to 'believe' an anon savor.

15049886? ago

That isn't circular logic, and you also appear to fail to see the irony in your statement.

15050732? ago

80% private 20% public, 99% misinformation.

All of you think justice will be served and forget it's more likely that the justice portion is misinformation. Nope, you're all Jesus loving idiots with 'faith' the system will get them, meanwhile the system only gets larger. "ohhh 450 new lawyers for the doj", great 450 more corrupt harvard spooks

15048479? ago

  1. Identify member of crime syndicate
  2. Shoot them in the head
  3. Identify next member of crime syndicate....
  4. Shoot them in the head

Repeat as necessary until the problem is solved. Do you think the crime syndicate can take on (and win) fighting the US Marine Corp? Or the Army Rangers? Or the Special Forces? We have the power. We have the men. We have the weapons. The only thing we lack is the resolve to get the job done.

15048954? ago

This poster has raised a very legitimate point. POTUS and QTeam have all the means necessary to take out the cabal world wide in a very short period of time so yes people are disillusioned and are questioning the plan and who POTUS and QTeam are really working for. The Cabal is still intact GOP has lost the house not a single arrest chemtrails continuing the base is becoming more and more demoralized there was no red wave at the mid terms shit needs to get real and fast or the people are going to think they are being played.

15048931? ago

I see you are a shill promoting civil war and violence.

15048858? ago

That is plan B, they are trying to do this legally first.

15048781? ago

There's a case to be made for YOU "supporting the new world order" by trying to goad people into doing what the NWO wants, which is to start a civil war.

By your own logic, what does that mean would happen to you? Should the Marines go hunt you down? Do you understand the ramifications of such a ham fisted idea?

15048616? ago

Stop and think logically: What would happen if they did what you just said?

15048737? ago

The cabal would be dead.

Whereas under your "brilliant plan", they would still be alive.

In which scenario do you think they're still free to scheme and plot?

15048790? ago

You aren't very good at this, are you?

Lets try this again: If you have a HUGE group of connected people all over the country who are all guilty of crimes. What are they going to do if you just simply start killing them one by one?

15049442? ago

They panic

And then a short time later, they die.

15049485? ago

They panic, then they run, and then they hide.

Then you have to chase them and find them first before you can make them "die."

Which is easier, the above, or identifying all of them, and then catching all of them at once so nobody even gets a chance to run?

15050691? ago

"We have it all"

they already have it all (and that part I believe, NSA has its sticky fingers everywhere

So yeah, I don't buy your argument.

If manpower is the issue, it would be for your approach too.

15048395? ago

They don't know anything. All they are here to do is to dissuade you.

15049226? ago

The only conviction they have is the dollar they got for making that post.

15049393? ago

I wonder how much this shill is going to get. https://imgoat.com/v/163725/3BsYOOd

15048634? ago

I'm just pointing out the holes in their logic for everyone else to see.

15048674? ago

Uh huh.

15048624? ago

Yes fellow patriots are dissuading each other. Come on man.

15049450? ago

We've been lied to so long. Those of us paying close attention are likely suffering some kind of mental exhaustion and demoralization. This is nuts.

15048645? ago

I try not to come on man if I can help it.

15048229? ago

This was for yesterday! Nice list though!

15048377? ago

Shit, you're right. Still working for me though, I had to look up half of these to see what they were about.

15048079? ago

Just a reminder of the "nothing ever happens" happening today.

It's only 0730 here, and we're already booming.

15048654? ago

Can you provide a little sauce on the Gaza truce happening, please?

15057689? ago

You know how not to be a faggot right? and back your claims up right?

15058503? ago

I did. You can call names all you like. It's called projection.

15058730? ago

That seems to be a common term among q cultists. Calling people shills and saying people are projecting. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2852758/15036826?context=10

15058786? ago

Glad to see you are observant.

15058797? ago

Just trying to break the mold you came out of.

15058873? ago

Name another quite like me. You can't even name me... seems unlikely.

15059066? ago

That doesn't even make sense. I literally just linked another thread of someone doing the same shit and you say some dumb shit like this.

15059128? ago

You can't make sense out of common english? I'm sorry you don't understand anon.

15059232? ago

Name another quite like me. You can't even name me... seems unlikely.

This doesn't even make sense. I said you parrot the same terms as other Q posters and showed a link of some deranged Q poster saying "projecting" just like you did. Just because I don't know the name of your account doesn't mean shit when you're spouting off the same shit everyone else here says. Just stop responding dude. you're embarrassing yourself.

15059247? ago

I'm anon. It's not possible to embarrass myself. Me ego is removed.

Yours seems firmly in control.

15060238? ago

Another repeated phrase. I highly doubt you know anything of removing self from ego. I Am Me Self. It'd be curious but I've heard this phrase before from you lemmings.

15060556? ago

My actions make my intentions clear. You are offering nothing of significance.