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15048258? ago

Let's count the things that matter:

  • Hillary Clinton arrested? NOPE.
  • John Podesta arrested? NOPE.
  • Tony Podesta arrested? NOPE.
  • James Alefantis arrested? NOPE.
  • George Soros arrested? NOPE.
  • Bill Clinton arrested? NOPE.
  • Barack Obama arrested? NOPE.
  • Loretta Lynch arrested? NOPE.
  • Lois Lerner arrested? NOPE.
  • Joe Biden arrested? NOPE.
  • Debbie Wasserman Shulz arrested? NOPE.
  • Huma Abedin arrested? NOPE.
  • Dianne Feinstein arrested? NOPE.
  • Nancy Pelosi arrested? NOPE.

Also -- having someone "resign" is not really a form of Justice. That means they get out of having to be held accountable for their actions AND they get to collect a fat pension and retirement benefits thanks to the American taxpayer. They get to live out their golden years and have a comfy life that is much better than how you or I live and we end up paying for it all.

15050483? ago

Shill confirmed. Posts like this literally advocate for the protection and freedom of criminals. Either you are a shill or have a sub 90 IQ.

Look up RICO. How do they work?

Posts like yours, which is almost certainly why you are a shill, requires people be "prosecuted" and then set free from the criminal elements protecting them. Which in turn provides ammunition by the criminals to justify cries of "persecution." Setting the state of legal and media protections for all future prosecutions. Basically ensuring perpetual legal protection for the criminals. This is what you demand.

You can't start the prosecutions until the swamp is drained. We all know the swamp is being drained. Both the mid terms and the SCOTUS appointments are critical in the prosecution of the people you've listed. Anyone who want to protect the people you've listed are demanding they be prosecuted before the swamp is drained. Resignations are a critical part of displacing the criminal elements so that prosecutions can begin. The terminations were never intended nor claimed to be a measure of justice and all those painting it as such are completely dishonest. Yet you've prainted it as such. Claiming they don't matter is only low IQ talk or a shill talk.

Either you are a shill or have a very low IQ.

15050420? ago

Always arrest the leaders or major players last. Why? Because if you get them first, everyone is ready to quit and it all loses steam and momentum. If you get the smaller players first however, they all want to escape so they "squeal" on the big players. This just builds momentum. Those who demand arresting the big fish first likely are trying to weaken the action, not strengthen it. This might be deliberate or not.

15048956? ago

Nice post patriot. Spot on.

15048924? ago

Posts like this literally advocate for the protection and freedom of criminals. Either you are a shill or have a sub 90 IQ.

Look up RICO. How do they work?

Posts like yours, which is almost certainly why you are a shill, requires people be "prosecuted" and then set free from the criminal elements protecting them. Which in turn provides ammunition by the criminals to justify cries of "persecution." Setting the state of legal and media protections for all future prosecutions. Basically ensuring perpetual legal protection for the criminals. This is what you demand.

You can't start the prosecutions until the swamp is drained. We all know the swamp is being drained. Both the mid terms and the SCOTUS appointments are critical in the prosecution of the people you've listed. Anyone who want to protect the people you've listed are demanding they be prosecuted before the swamp is drained. Resignations are a critical part of displacing the criminal elements so that prosecutions can begin. The terminations were never intended nor claimed to be a measure of justice and all those painting it as such are completely dishonest. Yet you've prainted it as such. Claiming they don't matter is only low IQ talk or a shill talk.

Either you are a shill or have a very low IQ.

15049952? ago

Look up RICO how do they work?

Look up your justice system, how does it work? Oh right, everything is Admiralty Law, which means it's all banksters all the way up and down the food chain. Oh shit, we might have a problem with corruption in there, might need to get some Judges in there to shape things up to CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. NOT FUCKING ADMIRALTY LAW. Ya think?

Either you're a shill or have a very low IQ

Or maybe I'm capable of taking the birds eye view and looking at the situation objectively. Maybe, just maybe I'm not an NPC normie incapable of doing his own digging. Maybe, just maybe, you didn't look as hard as you thought you did.

Posts like this literally advocate for the protection and freedom of criminals. Either you are a shill or have a sub 90 IQ.

At no point did anyone say "yeah they deserve to not get arrested." You and that Molyneux guy have the same warped perspective. "Justice Delayed is justice denied." Right. Because life is just black and fucking white. So either we get them all, right fucking now, or we're a failure as a system of justice. Never mind making sure no innocents are caught up, never mind making sure you clean out this GLOBAL FUCKING PROBLEM RIGHT THE FIRST FUCKING TIME SO THEY DON'T COME BACK FOR ROUND TWO DURING OUR MOVEMENT TOWARDS A GOLDEN AGE. Nah, we need to just run this like it's a fucking cop flic, everything will just fucking work out fine. No fucking extra problems there whatsofuckingever.

It's utterly galling when boys think themselves Men and believe they understand the Generals perspective. Take a step back, put your god damn pride down and understand, this game is so much bigger than you're willing to give creedo too.

Posts like yours, which is almost certainly why you are a shill, requires people be "prosecuted" and then set free from the criminal elements protecting them.

I'll never understand the types like you who believe walking the streets means you're "free". No wonder Democracy is considered a good idea by your lot.

Which in turn provides ammunition by the criminals to justify cries of "persecution." Setting the state of legal and media protections for all future prosecutions. Basically ensuring perpetual legal protection for the criminals. This is what you demand.

So in other words you can't think past the sale. You literally can't see the dominos being placed. You literally are blind to the apparatus that you are trapped by. You think you're free but can't see the Matrix around you. I'm sorry, but you're blind my boy.

You can't start the prosecutions until the swamp is drained. We all know the swamp is being drained. Both the mid terms and the SCOTUS appointments are critical in the prosecution of the people you've listed. Anyone who want to protect the people you've listed are demanding they be prosecuted before the swamp is drained.


Resignations are a critical part of displacing the criminal elements so that prosecutions can begin.


The terminations were never intended nor claimed to be a measure of justice and all those painting it as such are completely dishonest. Yet you've prainted it as such. Claiming they don't matter is only low IQ talk or a shill talk.

Either you are a shill or have a very low IQ.

I'm sorry but I can't english this word salad, could you re-toss it for me? Maybe that time I'll understand the garble.

15048376? ago

Honest questions: Do you know how the take down of a crime syndicate works? with tha said, just how big is the deep state? (A crime syndicate subsection of the cabal here in the USA.)

Don't let your focus tunnel vision on a handful of details, so much so you completely miss the big picture. Which is: The take down of the largest crime syndicate in the history of the world.

I don't know about you, but something tells me that isn't exactly going to be quick.

15049411? ago

I'm PISSED that the govt. Let it get this bad. This could very well be more smoke and mirrors. Trump just had a church service at the white House. Could it be? Is there hope?

15049788? ago

I'm PISSED that the govt. Let it get this bad.


Wanna know why? Because my friends, you're here to grow. To learn. To understand you cannot, EVER defer personal responsibility without negative consequences. You cannot EVER go on autopilot and say "It wasn't my fault". Karma is a deeply misunderstood concept. Karma means action. Your actions have a reaction. You create the world you live in. Either through apathy(Hey, Government, can you take responsibility for me?) Or through Action(Nah fuck that, I'll do it myself or with a coalition of people we can hold to direct account for their actions. Not this "Voodoo ass government" with lifetime positions, internal "Security reasons" to "hide """Sensitive""" intel from the citizenry, treating us like criminals, tleling us WE have to prove to THEM WE can be trusted.

Again. You're here to decide. I don't care what you decide, in fact, neither does the Universe. The point is deciding. Making choices. That's what you're here to do. Stop turning to tohers to save you.G et up on your own two feet and change the world one mind at a time.

15049978? ago

In order to change the world one mind at a time one must have a clear idea of the truth, or else you are part of the problem. I have NO IDEA what the fuck is going on. Not even a clue. I'm all for the idea of personal responsibility but some problems REQUIRE tanks. Tanks are too expensive for me to operate and maintain by myself. So a bunch of guys got together and pooled their money. My brain is fried im just going to sit here and watch for a while. And I'm not a nigga

15050035? ago

None of them require tanks. All it requires is opening yourself up to the fact that everything you know might be a lie. Everything you think you know to be true must be questioned until you are left only with what you are certain is true, what you are uncertain is true and the tools to determine what Truth is.

Trivium Method of Learning is your first step, good luck.

15050302? ago

I already know everything I know might be a lie. Now you're going to lay on me that Christianity is purely a Jewish invention of control, right? Sorry, can't accept that from an anonymous person on the internet. This is my culture. My heritage. I won't toss it for whispers from dark corners.

15048985? ago

In sales (and that's what politics is) never over promise and under deliver.

15049124? ago

This isn't just politics, this is also shadow war.

People are dying everyday while they try to set up the conditions they need to make big actions.

15049095? ago

Yes because selling a product is PERFECTLY SYNONYMOUS with taking down the most powerful, complex and longest standing corporatized criminal mafia backed by a secret society, ever.

15049473? ago

A Ferrari is not the same thing as a rubber washer but the principle in sales remains the same. We all know there has to be disinformation, ( and allowances are given) but you need to be aware that you will threaten the following of your base if you over do it.

15048873? ago

Don't let your focus tunnel vision on a handful of details;

Two years of Trump, AFTER the supposed decades of help from 'the military'. And you excuse zero progress as 'too big of a picture'.

Ultimately Q is bullshit. It tells you 2500 crumbs, a handful can't be proven or disproven, the overwhelming majority can be disproven but because of a single 'disinformation is necessary' you credit it as purposefully wrong.

Ohh "11.4 Podesta arrested", HE MEANS 2018 YOU IDIOTS. 11.04.2018 passes and "HE CAN'T ARREST BECAUSE OF THE HATCH ACT".

Now we have Killary running for 2020 with Mrster O and we'll have two more years of "THE HATCH ACT" excuse and two more years of "WE DIDN'T HAVE MAJORITY BECAUSE OF VOTER FRAUD 2018".

You're all worse than the faggot lefties that at least want to get free shit on the backs of immigrants arriving to live in 1st world poverty.

"You're impatient do you know how many lifetimes this has gone on". You're going to be saying that to your radical muslim grandkids just before they behead you for never bothering to use it.

Trust Trump, Trust Sessions, remember? Sessions ratted out Trump as his reason for resigning, not threats or public pressure, Trump.

American military is cucked to the CoC and the top is here to escalate WW3 for the NWO, and they're just pulling the wool over yours eyes so you don't see it coming until there's a big flash in the sky.

15049647? ago


15049802? ago

irrational positive thinker alert

15049481? ago

I'd welcome a flash in the sky at this point. At last I'd know for sure I wasn't insane.

15049059? ago

If it was really that easy, don't you think they'd have done it by now? Stop letting your EMOTIONS cloud your ability for logical thinking.

And you call us worse than lefties. Go look in a damn mirror, you hypocrite.

15049238? ago

Stop letting ignorance be the basis of your decision making. Theres nothing to support the claims this is a military operation or that anything is occurring.

Niggers run on feelings. You're being a nigger trying to spread ignorance.

15049331? ago

The irony of your comment is astonishingly tragic.

15049817? ago

Whatever circular logic you need to 'believe' an anon savor.

15049886? ago

That isn't circular logic, and you also appear to fail to see the irony in your statement.

15050732? ago

80% private 20% public, 99% misinformation.

All of you think justice will be served and forget it's more likely that the justice portion is misinformation. Nope, you're all Jesus loving idiots with 'faith' the system will get them, meanwhile the system only gets larger. "ohhh 450 new lawyers for the doj", great 450 more corrupt harvard spooks

15048479? ago

  1. Identify member of crime syndicate
  2. Shoot them in the head
  3. Identify next member of crime syndicate....
  4. Shoot them in the head

Repeat as necessary until the problem is solved. Do you think the crime syndicate can take on (and win) fighting the US Marine Corp? Or the Army Rangers? Or the Special Forces? We have the power. We have the men. We have the weapons. The only thing we lack is the resolve to get the job done.

15048954? ago

This poster has raised a very legitimate point. POTUS and QTeam have all the means necessary to take out the cabal world wide in a very short period of time so yes people are disillusioned and are questioning the plan and who POTUS and QTeam are really working for. The Cabal is still intact GOP has lost the house not a single arrest chemtrails continuing the base is becoming more and more demoralized there was no red wave at the mid terms shit needs to get real and fast or the people are going to think they are being played.

15048931? ago

I see you are a shill promoting civil war and violence.

15048858? ago

That is plan B, they are trying to do this legally first.

15048781? ago

There's a case to be made for YOU "supporting the new world order" by trying to goad people into doing what the NWO wants, which is to start a civil war.

By your own logic, what does that mean would happen to you? Should the Marines go hunt you down? Do you understand the ramifications of such a ham fisted idea?

15048616? ago

Stop and think logically: What would happen if they did what you just said?

15048737? ago

The cabal would be dead.

Whereas under your "brilliant plan", they would still be alive.

In which scenario do you think they're still free to scheme and plot?

15048790? ago

You aren't very good at this, are you?

Lets try this again: If you have a HUGE group of connected people all over the country who are all guilty of crimes. What are they going to do if you just simply start killing them one by one?

15049442? ago

They panic

And then a short time later, they die.

15049485? ago

They panic, then they run, and then they hide.

Then you have to chase them and find them first before you can make them "die."

Which is easier, the above, or identifying all of them, and then catching all of them at once so nobody even gets a chance to run?

15050691? ago

"We have it all"

they already have it all (and that part I believe, NSA has its sticky fingers everywhere

So yeah, I don't buy your argument.

If manpower is the issue, it would be for your approach too.

15048395? ago

They don't know anything. All they are here to do is to dissuade you.

15049226? ago

The only conviction they have is the dollar they got for making that post.

15049393? ago

I wonder how much this shill is going to get.

15048634? ago

I'm just pointing out the holes in their logic for everyone else to see.

15048674? ago

Uh huh.

15048624? ago

Yes fellow patriots are dissuading each other. Come on man.

15049450? ago

We've been lied to so long. Those of us paying close attention are likely suffering some kind of mental exhaustion and demoralization. This is nuts.

15048645? ago

I try not to come on man if I can help it.