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15048258? ago

Let's count the things that matter:

  • Hillary Clinton arrested? NOPE.
  • John Podesta arrested? NOPE.
  • Tony Podesta arrested? NOPE.
  • James Alefantis arrested? NOPE.
  • George Soros arrested? NOPE.
  • Bill Clinton arrested? NOPE.
  • Barack Obama arrested? NOPE.
  • Loretta Lynch arrested? NOPE.
  • Lois Lerner arrested? NOPE.
  • Joe Biden arrested? NOPE.
  • Debbie Wasserman Shulz arrested? NOPE.
  • Huma Abedin arrested? NOPE.
  • Dianne Feinstein arrested? NOPE.
  • Nancy Pelosi arrested? NOPE.

Also -- having someone "resign" is not really a form of Justice. That means they get out of having to be held accountable for their actions AND they get to collect a fat pension and retirement benefits thanks to the American taxpayer. They get to live out their golden years and have a comfy life that is much better than how you or I live and we end up paying for it all.

15050483? ago

Shill confirmed. Posts like this literally advocate for the protection and freedom of criminals. Either you are a shill or have a sub 90 IQ.

Look up RICO. How do they work?

Posts like yours, which is almost certainly why you are a shill, requires people be "prosecuted" and then set free from the criminal elements protecting them. Which in turn provides ammunition by the criminals to justify cries of "persecution." Setting the state of legal and media protections for all future prosecutions. Basically ensuring perpetual legal protection for the criminals. This is what you demand.

You can't start the prosecutions until the swamp is drained. We all know the swamp is being drained. Both the mid terms and the SCOTUS appointments are critical in the prosecution of the people you've listed. Anyone who want to protect the people you've listed are demanding they be prosecuted before the swamp is drained. Resignations are a critical part of displacing the criminal elements so that prosecutions can begin. The terminations were never intended nor claimed to be a measure of justice and all those painting it as such are completely dishonest. Yet you've prainted it as such. Claiming they don't matter is only low IQ talk or a shill talk.

Either you are a shill or have a very low IQ.