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15048079? ago

Just a reminder of the "nothing ever happens" happening today.

It's only 0730 here, and we're already booming.

15048654? ago

Can you provide a little sauce on the Gaza truce happening, please?

15057689? ago

You know how not to be a faggot right? and back your claims up right?

15058503? ago

I did. You can call names all you like. It's called projection.

15058730? ago

That seems to be a common term among q cultists. Calling people shills and saying people are projecting.

15058786? ago

Glad to see you are observant.

15058797? ago

Just trying to break the mold you came out of.

15058873? ago

Name another quite like me. You can't even name me... seems unlikely.

15059066? ago

That doesn't even make sense. I literally just linked another thread of someone doing the same shit and you say some dumb shit like this.

15059128? ago

You can't make sense out of common english? I'm sorry you don't understand anon.

15059232? ago

Name another quite like me. You can't even name me... seems unlikely.

This doesn't even make sense. I said you parrot the same terms as other Q posters and showed a link of some deranged Q poster saying "projecting" just like you did. Just because I don't know the name of your account doesn't mean shit when you're spouting off the same shit everyone else here says. Just stop responding dude. you're embarrassing yourself.

15059247? ago

I'm anon. It's not possible to embarrass myself. Me ego is removed.

Yours seems firmly in control.

15060238? ago

Another repeated phrase. I highly doubt you know anything of removing self from ego. I Am Me Self. It'd be curious but I've heard this phrase before from you lemmings.

15060556? ago

My actions make my intentions clear. You are offering nothing of significance.