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15037375? ago

Lot's of US Code 2703's for Google and Facebook ... Required disclosure of customer communications or records

15042865? ago

These are PR/TT applications. That's pen register and tap and trace. They're an investigative tool where the government asks for log of called numbers or texted numbers. Pen registers allow them to see who you called. Tap and Trace allow them to see who called you. They can't listen to your calls like a real wiretap warrant allows, but unlike a wiretap an pen register doesn't require a warrant because the government is asking the phone company for the records. The phone company is the owner of this records not the caller. So less probable cause is needed for this than a warrant.

The background to this release is in 2013 national security reporter, Jason Leopold asked for certain sealed court proceedings to be unsealed when the case was closed so he could publish how often these tools were used by the government.

In Feb 2018 after a lot of back and forth with the government, the judge gave him a partial victory.

the petitioners’ petitions to unseal are granted in part and denied in part.

None of these are active cases.

None are sealed indictments. Many types of court proceedings are sealed. Indictments only count for a very small number of sealed cases.

15054743? ago

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15043854? ago

Wow. Non-fantasy, unbiased, well explained, accurate, info. This will never fly here!

Thanks for the explanation. What's your story... you sound well versed on such matters... is this copypasta, or did you research it yourself, or already know how to interpret the data?

15046928? ago

It's not copy and paste. Never heard of this order until it was posted tonight. Took me about 5 minutes of research to find out the basic gist and a little bit more to find the documents I posted.

First thing I did was ignore the data and the OP's suggestion.

Want to find out who's committing Pizzagate/pedogate and has a Sealed Indictment against them? Go through the Sealed Indictment list and look for U.S.C. 2252, U.S.C. 2251, and U.S.C. 1956

They are not going to reveal a list of sealed indictments, so this was probably something else. Then I just read the top of the attachment listed. Attachment A planly states it's a list of docket numbers for Pen Register and/or Trap and Trace applications. I knew what Pen Register was, so I knew this was clearly not indictments.

On the other forum, OP posted this link ...........

That document says ...."application of Jason Leopold to unseal...." and "...disclosure of pen registers..." So that gave the hint of the backstory. I knew Jason Leopold was a report who often uses the Freedom of Information Act. So I just googled Jason Leopold and pen registers and got these results

Here's an article by him. It seems like other disclosure of previous years might have already happened, since this article is from 2016.

In a major victory for journalists and privacy and transparency advocates, a federal court has started the process of unsealing secret records related to the government's use of electronic surveillance.

US District Court Judge Beryl Howell said at a hearing Friday morning that absent an objection by government attorneys, the court would post to its website next week a list of all case numbers from 2012 in which federal prosecutors in Washington, DC applied for an order to install a pen register or a trap and trace device.

15051211? ago

Well that's great work there, nice job.

I wrote an article that debunks the 60k sealed indictment claim... you might be interested in reading it. The whole thing is a sham. There is no evidence of anything unusual taking place in the court system this year.

15051453? ago

Wow. Pretty impressive. I've noted this bit too,h_211,al_c,lg_1/f11c2d_f2d0031fbcad41ddbc42ca6804d2b73e~mv2.png

I think you should highlight that right off the bat. Even when the number is spelled out for them in a report they are cited, they get the number wrong. Amazing. It clearly says 284 sealed indictments and they still say 1,077.

15052814? ago


It's because the 1077 category is the smallest you can go in PACER (sealed criminal cases with case type 'criminal'). Since we cant break it down further than that with the 2018 numbers, 1077 would be the proper number for comparison, in regards to category-category.

The only reason we know that there were 284 sealed indictments in that category was because the team that did that research in 2006 had special authority to examine the contents of sealed cases. Members of the public (like the 2018 research team) do not have that power. We can only look at cases 'after' they become unsealed, to determine whether or not they were indictments.

Technically 1077 is the right number, but the 2018 team screwed up the search settings and didn't restrict their searches to only that category... because of that, it's NOT the right number. The right number would be 24,375. Then you get into the stuff that I talked about... where the 12 year gap and different methodologies still make it a poor comparison. Running the same methodology in PACER on recent history is the best comparison, and those numbers show everything is normal.

This all started from a single paralegal on twitter back in 2017. She didn't understand case types, and screwed up the first PACER searches that she ran. She thought she was looking at sealed indictments, and started making a big deal about it, and it snowballed from there. The truth was that she was looking at totally normal, expected court filings. When she was informed of this early on, she ignored it and kept making updates.

15043024? ago

15043248? ago

Yeah, don't click those links, you'll get shill cooties or something.

Whatever bad thing comes from accurate information you'll definitely be infected with. You don't want accurate information covered in shill cooties do ya?

I mean you're willing to ignore the plain language at the top of the document that clearly says it's a list of docket number for "pen registers and/or trap and trace applications", aren't you? I mean I'd rather be lied to than get Shill Cooties.

I mean he's quoting from the court documents themselves! And linking to the backstory!!


The antidote is to keep believing the guy who told you it's a list of sealed indictments related to pizzagate when it's clearly not.