16324994? ago

ok--what now ?? I don't see any numbers like 2252???

15043354? ago

Which explains why the Democrats were so desperate to win the House of Representatives.....so they will have lotsa good smoke screens to conceal this sort of thing....best defense is a strong offense.

15043212? ago

Is there a table or database somewhere that I can mine this data. I'd like to see what the top 10 charges are, that sort of thing.

15042108? ago

Is this real??? 18 code US 371 — ‘conspiracy against USA’ — how many of these cases are brought a year? Just a coincidence?

15041648? ago

I heard something on the net that said a sealed indictment can have up to 98 people on it. If we have 60,000 plus sealed indictments times 98 per sealed indictments that's 5,880,000 potential people that are indicted. That's bigger than we know. I don't if this is true, because I am not a lawyer. Can somebody verify this, because this could be huge if true.

15051208? ago

Yes, you can have many people on an indictment. I've see mob cases with over 20.

However, there are not 60,000 sealed indictments. People don't know what they are looking at.

Court proceedings are public records and you can look them up on the PACER system (Public Access Court Electronic Records). When you find a docket that is marked SEALED in PACER you have no idea why it's sealed. People are counted every sealed case as a sealed indictment and it's a fundamental mistake. There are many reasons why a case can be sealed as this document shows. This is not a list of indictments, but a list of applications for tools called pen registers and trap an trace orders. These are investigative tools that don't require a warrant. Other things that would be sealed are search warrants, wiretap orders, cellphone tower info request, confidential informants, all criminal cases with juvenile defendants, all misdemeanor drug offenses, national security reasons, business trade secrets, and other reasons.

The 60,000 plus is ALL sealed cases of ALL kinds since late 2017.

15040671? ago

You have 18 US Code 201 -- Bribery of public officials listed twice.

Most likely because Pay To Play has become rampant in US Government. So listing it twice covers all bases.

15040424? ago

These are authorized surveillance warrants, not indictments.

15040207? ago

This document includes a partial list of sealed Sealed Indictments from October 1, 2017 through March 31, 2018 (BAH). In other words, I'm guessing more to come.

Source at https://www.dcd.uscourts.gov/news/standing-order-disclosure-limited-docket-lists-certain-sealed-applications-filed-us-attorneys

15040082? ago

So, I was going down through here reading everyone's comments when bam! Voat closed and my phone went back to the main screen. I had to open everything back up to make this comment. Touchy subject?

15039250? ago

There should be a 66 code 6 - Being stupid Satanic Assholes hell-bent on world domination and destruction.

15043717? ago

Yeah, I saw nothing about murder or other twisted things

15044456? ago

Seriously? What's this code then? 18 US Code 373 -- Solicitation to commit a crime of violence / murder

And this: 18 US Code 2252 -- Child Sexual Abuse & 21 US Code 2251 -- Sexual exploitation of children

15039186? ago

How can you tell who the charges are against?

15039022? ago

I've seen about 8ea+ MH-60's flying over the South West Portland Metro Area in a northern vector in the past couple days Always in groups of 2 or 4. I haven't been able to get a pic yet. They're equipped with two fuel tanks and no red cross. I've never seen them fly over before. Could be nothing.

15040795? ago

God Bless all planefags!

15040659? ago

Do you mean Portland ME or Portland OR? Portland OR is home to the Oregon Air National Guard, recently made famous by flying in two F-15Cs to intercept that stolen Horizon Air Bombardier Q400 turboprop over SeaTac. But all I can find about them is that they fly F-15C/Ds.

Oregon also has a pretty large National Guard contingent by PDX. Apparently they fly OH-58 Kiowas but they might have other equipment on loan from somewhere else.

They both regularly do exercises in the area.

See if you can get a tail number if possible.

15041228? ago

South of Portland, OR. I get LOTS of air traffic over my property. Never have I seen military helo's on this flight path, at such a low altitude, in this frequency. Possibly heading to Hillsboro Airport but who knows. I checked flightradar24 as they were in flight and they didn't show. They very well could have been OH-58's (If they can be outfitted w/ fuel tanks as I pictured). Once again, this may be nothing, just an observation. Also, I haven't seen or heard anything today.

15041349? ago

I don't know if you saw my edit, but I did see a convoy of something or another last summer as you describe. I think they were Black Hawks or Pave Hawks. Maybe 10 of them, flying very low in formation, south from out of PDX. I was about five miles due south of PDX at the time.

15041536? ago

Yeah, I fear for my wine glasses when they fly over!

15040283? ago

Do you mean UH-60 Blackhawks????

Isn’t the MH-60 an export version of a Sikorsky helicopter?

15040746? ago

Thank you!

15039243? ago

They're equipped with two fuel tanks

"fuel" tanks

15038899? ago

they all seem to say this"An application for an order or an extension of an order authorizing or approving the installation and use of a pen register" this is what that means... or a trap and trace device shall be made in writing by a prosecuting attorney upon oath or affirmation to a district court. so they are requesting this. closed could mena they were given authorization to use this....it doesnt mean the case is necessarily closed. but i am not a lawfag...

15039215? ago

Appreciate your sharing anon. That's the same understanding I have as a none lawfag.

15040812? ago


15038663? ago

Hashtag PizzaGateClosed

15038360? ago

I'm not a lawfag so I don't read legalese.


Why do they say "case closed"?

15039808? ago

Case closed = person has been charged and processed through the polpol and its up to the courts now.

15043270? ago

Case closed actually means the court case is over.

Why do they say "case closed"?

Because only closed cases are being released. These are cases that are done so the full court record no longer needs to be sealed.

15043810? ago

Looks like they are using cases that are already proven to demonstrate a pattern of criminal behavior to apply for PR/TT orders in order to spy on other members of their organization. And these wiretapping warrants would have been issued just weeks before the election.

15047198? ago

They are not doing that. This has nothing to do with pizzagate. This has been going on for years and this is not the first release of this information, it's just the latest. These do not represent the activities of a single organization. These are not wiretapping warrants. These cases are closed. In 2013 a reporter asked the court that previous sealed cases be unsealed, that the seal should have an expiration date. The reporter was try to find out how often the government uses PR/TT and some other tools. He did not get the other tools, but the judge agrreed to release some information about PR/TT applications.

See the explanation here. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2853543/15042865

15043565? ago

Ahhh thanks for clarifying, I had assumed it meant the police case was closed, but it its the COURT case that is something a little more exciting.

15042240? ago

What is "polpol"? Do you mean "po po"?

15043560? ago

its the same thing yup, call it polpol around here for some reason

15040384? ago

Thank you.

15039183? ago

Case file is sealed is all.

15040407? ago


15038159? ago

About 4 per page, that gives us an estimate of about 530. First several pages are pen registers, a step below all out wiretap. This is only through March 31.

15039230? ago

Yeah, probably just the tip of the iceberg.

15042353? ago

Or just nothing.

15042377? ago

Like the affair your wife had was "just nothing"?

15042419? ago

The more defensive you idiots get, the more embolden shills will get.

15042448? ago

Defensive? I don't think so. They already think I'm one of them.

This isn't only a defense game.

15042474? ago

Wouldnt know that by observing Q

15042497? ago

Only the blind cannot see.

15042635? ago

You be sure to let me know when its happening. I wouldnt want to miss it.

15042655? ago

Pretty sure it's going to be posted. I'm not going to actually come back here to tell you fyi.

I mean, you seem naive, so just to be clear.

15038104? ago

There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

15041407? ago

There will be 18 USC 373.

15038055? ago

Praise God, vindication for our friends at Pizzagate boards has been filed.... By THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! This is why they came today, we win!

15038001? ago

Holy shit! That's a mighty serious barrage of major felony charges! Fun fact: Over 90% of all federal indictments result in convictions. Them boys and girls don't play. This is yuge!

15047279? ago

This is a list of completely unrelated cases. This is just a list of when the government applied to use a pen register or a trap and trace application. This is not what you think it is. The first release of this info was back in 2016 http://apps.washingtonpost.com/g/documents/local/read-the-courts-order/2154/ See this comment. https://voat.co/v/QRV/2853543/15042865

15043498? ago

They're just filed. I can file a claim of you being an alien from Mars. They mean fuck all.

Remember when that crazy woman filed a claim that Obama was Kenyan and then went "IT'S ON FILE!" That didn't pan out, did it.

15045179? ago

Indictments are only issued by a grand jury in accordance with the Constitution. And an indictment can only be issued if the grand jury believes the prosecutor has presented sufficient evidence that criminal charges can be brought against the defendant. The indictment then goes to a court hearing where formal charges are filed. The rest of the process is the actual trial where a jury of peers decides if the charges have been proven or not.

Not sure what claim a crazy woman filed, but it sure as heck wasn't presented to a grand jury by a prosecutor. I am certain that you are confused what an indictment is and is not.

15044437? ago

Idictments can only be issued if a Grand Jury has been presented with evidence and they decide whether there is probable cause for an arresrt warrant/indictment, probable cause is what is needed not proof. You certainly can't just go make up something and file a claim. All that is involved is a prosectuor, evidence and/or witnesses and a grand jury, the grand jury then issues it's indictment or not. Ask any cop who has tesitied at a Grand Jury and how the system works. A Federal Indictment is not a 'file'. An indictment is ALWAYS the result of a secret grand jury.

15043711? ago

Yes, but this was filed by the United States of America, not a crazy woman. It's an attachment to their petition for an order to tap and trace. They are asking for permission to spy on individuals that have broken the law and they believe will continue to break the law. They wouldn't be able to file for such an order unless they are law enforcement.

15044162? ago

"Hey, we have no actual evidence but can we, pretty please, tap this guy's phone in case something comes up that we can use?"

If this is all they have, why all the bragging about DECLAS and taking down the house etc? At this point, I'm starting to believe Q is literally a DNC op or some antifa faggot having a laugh at all the gullible boomers' expense.

15041125? ago

Bigly !!!

15038768? ago

oh i like those odds!

15043845? ago

So if the Feds to declare Antifa a Terrorist organization, then Soros is violating 18 US Code 2339B -- Providing material support for terrorists... not to mention the 20 other violations for him. He is one that will need to hang... in honor of Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith, I would love to attend a George Soros public hanging for crimes against America and the world.

15037693? ago

Judge Berly Howell has been associated with SC Mueller. Are we sure these aren't related to the special council investigation?

15043279? ago

They are not. This should be the first of several releases. The cases go back to 2008.

15038079? ago

I bet they are. Mueller isnt going after Trump fellas...

15040125? ago

When I have heard this previously, it gives me such hope. But then I think about the ties between Mueller and Comey, and it seems very unlikely. But it would be the greatest ultimate burn of all time if it were true.

15038251? ago

Ultimate Q proof when that happens. They say the Mueller investigation should be wrapping up soon

15042238? ago

Mueller is not a good guy. I would love to eat my own words but there’s just no way lol

15043330? ago

Unlikely but not impossible

15042345? ago

He was/is a marine. You never know.

15037531? ago


15037485? ago

A DOJ plane flew to SEA last week, and returned yesterday.

Want to bet they grabbed some M$ records while they were visiting the Cybersecurity HQ?

15038659? ago

What is SEA please?

15038686? ago

Seattle international airport.

15037375? ago

Lot's of US Code 2703's for Google and Facebook ... Required disclosure of customer communications or records

15042865? ago

These are PR/TT applications. That's pen register and tap and trace. They're an investigative tool where the government asks for log of called numbers or texted numbers. Pen registers allow them to see who you called. Tap and Trace allow them to see who called you. They can't listen to your calls like a real wiretap warrant allows, but unlike a wiretap an pen register doesn't require a warrant because the government is asking the phone company for the records. The phone company is the owner of this records not the caller. So less probable cause is needed for this than a warrant.


The background to this release is in 2013 national security reporter, Jason Leopold asked for certain sealed court proceedings to be unsealed when the case was closed so he could publish how often these tools were used by the government.


In Feb 2018 after a lot of back and forth with the government, the judge gave him a partial victory.

the petitioners’ petitions to unseal are granted in part and denied in part.


None of these are active cases.

None are sealed indictments. Many types of court proceedings are sealed. Indictments only count for a very small number of sealed cases.

15054743? ago

This comment was linked from this v/GreatAwakening comment by @awaymay45.

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15043854? ago

Wow. Non-fantasy, unbiased, well explained, accurate, info. This will never fly here!

Thanks for the explanation. What's your story... you sound well versed on such matters... is this copypasta, or did you research it yourself, or already know how to interpret the data?

15046928? ago

It's not copy and paste. Never heard of this order until it was posted tonight. Took me about 5 minutes of research to find out the basic gist and a little bit more to find the documents I posted.

First thing I did was ignore the data and the OP's suggestion.

Want to find out who's committing Pizzagate/pedogate and has a Sealed Indictment against them? Go through the Sealed Indictment list and look for U.S.C. 2252, U.S.C. 2251, and U.S.C. 1956

They are not going to reveal a list of sealed indictments, so this was probably something else. Then I just read the top of the attachment listed. Attachment A planly states it's a list of docket numbers for Pen Register and/or Trap and Trace applications. I knew what Pen Register was, so I knew this was clearly not indictments.

On the other forum, OP posted this link ........... https://www.dcd.uscourts.gov/news/standing-order-disclosure-limited-docket-lists-certain-sealed-applications-filed-us-attorneys

That document says ...."application of Jason Leopold to unseal...." and "...disclosure of pen registers..." So that gave the hint of the backstory. I knew Jason Leopold was a report who often uses the Freedom of Information Act. So I just googled Jason Leopold and pen registers and got these results


Here's an article by him. https://news.vice.com/en_us/article/a39bmg/pen-register-orders-trap-and-trace-device-documents-release It seems like other disclosure of previous years might have already happened, since this article is from 2016.

In a major victory for journalists and privacy and transparency advocates, a federal court has started the process of unsealing secret records related to the government's use of electronic surveillance.

US District Court Judge Beryl Howell said at a hearing Friday morning that absent an objection by government attorneys, the court would post to its website next week a list of all case numbers from 2012 in which federal prosecutors in Washington, DC applied for an order to install a pen register or a trap and trace device.

15051211? ago

Well that's great work there, nice job.

I wrote an article that debunks the 60k sealed indictment claim... you might be interested in reading it. The whole thing is a sham. There is no evidence of anything unusual taking place in the court system this year.


15051453? ago

Wow. Pretty impressive. I've noted this bit too


I think you should highlight that right off the bat. Even when the number is spelled out for them in a report they are cited, they get the number wrong. Amazing. It clearly says 284 sealed indictments and they still say 1,077.

15052814? ago


It's because the 1077 category is the smallest you can go in PACER (sealed criminal cases with case type 'criminal'). Since we cant break it down further than that with the 2018 numbers, 1077 would be the proper number for comparison, in regards to category-category.

The only reason we know that there were 284 sealed indictments in that category was because the team that did that research in 2006 had special authority to examine the contents of sealed cases. Members of the public (like the 2018 research team) do not have that power. We can only look at cases 'after' they become unsealed, to determine whether or not they were indictments.

Technically 1077 is the right number, but the 2018 team screwed up the search settings and didn't restrict their searches to only that category... because of that, it's NOT the right number. The right number would be 24,375. Then you get into the stuff that I talked about... where the 12 year gap and different methodologies still make it a poor comparison. Running the same methodology in PACER on recent history is the best comparison, and those numbers show everything is normal.

This all started from a single paralegal on twitter back in 2017. She didn't understand case types, and screwed up the first PACER searches that she ran. She thought she was looking at sealed indictments, and started making a big deal about it, and it snowballed from there. The truth was that she was looking at totally normal, expected court filings. When she was informed of this early on, she ignored it and kept making updates.

15043024? ago

15043248? ago

Yeah, don't click those links, you'll get shill cooties or something.

Whatever bad thing comes from accurate information you'll definitely be infected with. You don't want accurate information covered in shill cooties do ya?

I mean you're willing to ignore the plain language at the top of the document that clearly says it's a list of docket number for "pen registers and/or trap and trace applications", aren't you? I mean I'd rather be lied to than get Shill Cooties.

I mean he's quoting from the court documents themselves! And linking to the backstory!!


The antidote is to keep believing the guy who told you it's a list of sealed indictments related to pizzagate when it's clearly not.

15037365? ago

Most are case closed?

15037331? ago

Have you tallied any numbers?

15037327? ago

Apparently this is from Oct 2nd... did we all seriously miss it or...

15038365? ago

Looks like all are surveillance of either phones or email, etc.. Many are "foreign assistance" maybe that trick where another government snoops on US citizens and then files with the US when they find something good.

15037448? ago


15037436? ago

It was just put up on their site without any announcement as far as I know.