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Are_we_sure ago

As mentioned in the PG thread. Document clearly says this is not indictments. These are for different types of sealed files, in this case requests for pen registers. These are not indictments.

ES-Trader ago

I agree with Are_We_Sure on this one. First, these are limited only to the DC Circuit Courts. Second, I've read the underlying Consent Decree. Third, I read the first 20-pages of the attachment and all cases have been closed.

KnightsofHubris ago

in 2013 Jason Leopold asked for certain sealed court proceedings to be unsealed when the case was closed so he could publish how often this tools were used by the government.

In Feb 2018 after a lot of back and forth with the government, the judge gave him a partial victory.

the petitioners’ petitions to unseal are granted in part and denied in part.

None of these are active cases.

None are sealed indictments.

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