15017160? ago

Thank you for your service!

14990178? ago

God Bless you and your family...I want you to know that my heartfelt gratitude and eternal prayers are yours for all that you have done to protect me and my fellow Americans. Your sacrifice is NOT in vain. My family tree has Veterans lining its branches all the way back to the Revolutionary War, so I understand your feelings of frustration, of confusion and of anger. My Dad hung himself when I was 2 years old, so I fully understand what you are saying. 2 of my brothers fought in Vietnam, came home to rocks being thrown at them and people hating them for doing what they believed was the right thing to do for God and Country. They told me that my Dad had survivors guilt because most of his friends had been killed in WWII and he was able to come home. My brothers have both made the same points as you have made, but have also made it clear that they still believe in what this Great Republic stands for and would lay down their lives to protect our Great Nation from harm. The enemy that infects us from within our borders is no longer able to hide in darkness thanks to you and all of those who have and do still serve, so do not lose faith. You have given everything for your Country, and you have every blessing and prayer from those of us who are truly grateful for your service. Never doubt that you have done the right thing, because YOU HAVE! Raise your daughter the way you were raised...To love her Country, respect the Flag and to be proud of her daddy for his PATRIOTISM!

14980112? ago

Dude, just about everyone on this planet has been tricked and deceived by these creepy old psychopaths. We are the 99%

14980100? ago

Dont ever question yourself PATRIOT....You are always and will be a MARINE....You are appreciated and respected by all PATRIOTS.....Gods speed and sorrow for your fallen brothers. It is because of your service we are where we are at now, in a state of awakening and cleaning of the corruption... Thank you PATRIOT.............WWG1WGA

14979047? ago

Please know that us normie US Patriots that were back at home, praying for you all and more that appreciative for your service, also, now wonder "Why?'. In no way would we ever question you brave men and women who sacrifice so much. But now, with the dark dirty truth coming to light, it makes it all the more real when you think about the many men and women who didn't come home and those that came back changed (either physically or mentally). We still love and honor you all. My brother served 2 tours in Iraq, my BIL served 3 or 4 as an Army Ranger and my best friends son, a Marine, returned critically wounded and less one leg. He was in Walter Reed and BO came by right after he was awarded the Purple Heart, and shook his hand. My friend has a picture of it that she proudly displayed. When Q came on the scene with all of the truth, I shared Q info with my friend. She now does not share that photo anymore. It is indeed shameful and unforgiveable. Your service, sacrifice and daily nightmares will not be lost in vain. They will pay, as NO NAME Has, in due time. Again, Thank you for your service and for sharing with us.

14978511? ago

Thank you Sgt. ANON USMC! I love you and owe you, those who fought beside you, before you, and now fighting my deepest gratitude. WWG1WGA!

14983711? ago

You owe me nothing. I Love you. Thank you

14978404? ago

I'm praying you know you are part of God's divine plan, and loved beyond measure.

14983721? ago

Thank you for praying for me.

14988771? ago

Of course.

14978327? ago

Marine platoon commander in Vietnam (1968-1969). Lost a lot of good Marines killed and wounded in Vietnam. 58,000 military gave the ultimate sacrifice there.

I know how it feels to be betrayed by your politicians and fellow countrymen.

When I returned from Vietnam, we landed at San Francisco airport. As we walked through the terminal, we were greeted by screaming anti-war protesters yelling obscenities, throwing cans, and trying spit on us. Welcome home.

And I was a Marine rifle company commander at the evacuation of Saigon (April 1975). Salt in the wound.

But, I didn't join the Marine Corps for praise or glory. I joined to serve my country, with all of its flaws and warts. I served with honor even if our politicians didn't. I served with honor when my fellow citizens were flooding into Canada to avoid the draft--and those same people enjoy the safety and freedoms of being a citizen today.

I know how you feel. But the disgrace is their's to live with and the honor is yours to keep. Stand proud.

Semper Fi

14983783? ago

Thank you, Sir. You paved the way for me, and sacrificed more than most men. I love you. Semper Fi.

14978300? ago

Fortiuos quo fidelious

14978293? ago

Thank you for your service, Anon. Youโ€™re worth more than you can possibly know.

14978208? ago

Marine thank you!! We need to keep fighting for what is right, the good fight, for the One who sees everything.

14978176? ago

Thank you, so very, very much. Your Pap, Dad and every single person here are more appreciative and more proud than you could ever imagine. Your struggle shows you have moral principles that govern a person's thoughts and actions; -point being You have a heart. I will keep you in my prayers as I do our President and every Patriot here. Thank you again and may God keep you and your family healthy, safe and always respected. Do not ever think those thoughts are rambling. Remember pardner, you are human. We all are. -difference in you and them is You are on the side of Good. Period. Chin up Devil-Dog and Semper-Fi!

14983796? ago

Semper Fi. NEVER Forget.

14978088? ago

I am a 20 yr veteran. My son was also with one of the first units in Iraq (10th Mountain) and took part in multiple assaults on Fallujah as a primary 50c. His doctors have told me he saw more combat than 98% of troops there. PTSD, TBI, 100%. He also questions himself in the same way you are.

Please look at history. We, as ground warriors, are not the hand holding the weapon, nor even the gun. The truth of yesterday, today, and tomorrow is that we are no more than the bullet. Sometimes the bullet is the shot heard round the world. Most of the time it's not - but we must fight like it is. Always.

Regardless, the warrior is not privy to why he is fighting. While you are right to be angry at why we were in Iraq, never question the valor of being one who stood up.

There is no free choice on a battlefield, only survival. Rank or military position means nothing because all real choices were made by politicians and those who control them. It has always been so with war.

You are a true warrior. Always be proud of that.

Those politicians - you know who - will be weighed and judgement brought.

14985378? ago

Tell your son he ain't alone. We're all doing this now. Now that it's looking more and more like Q is just another part of the shitshow, I dug all that crap up in my head this Veteran's Day hoping I could resolve some of it with what I was informed would happen. It didn't. So now I'm kind of in the same boat as your boy. Same diagnosis, same prospects, same thoughts. Tell him I understand completely.

14987200? ago

The "Q" is a psy-op. I've also been following since the beginning. It's someone with access for certain - but for what purpose? The shills, disinfo, and chaff make it useless other than as a "look here" effort, so I must assume that is what it's for. To keep people busy until something else happens where they aren't looking. Whether that "something else" is for or against "we the people", I haven't a clue. I do know how UCMJ works, and nothing can be done until the 2019 executive orders go active. If apprehensions are not made by Groundhog day 2019 we can be certain that "Q" is terrorism. We must be ready for that day.

14990090? ago

The something else is antarctica. Now all images of the structure have been scrubbed from the internet. At least the ones I was pointing people toward. This, all of this is meant to distract the entire world. Q wasnt kidding when he said bigger than you can imagine.

14977995? ago

Come on man. RISE UP. You a fucking hero to many. You have every right to be frustrated. We stand alongside you in this frustration. Not many have the balls to do what you and generations prior have done. Go into battle and come out alive. Thanks to you I'm sitting here talking shit on the internet. Stand tall and proud for your daughter. This fucking patriot thanks you for your service every minute of the day.

14983889? ago

Thank you for the 'shit' post. :) Semper Fidelis.

14977724? ago

Dear Patriot Friend, I pray that you will see that you are in absolutely no way a party to what the cabal has done to all of us. Your heart was in the right place when you decided to serve and served. Patriots love our country and fellow Americans, and do not hesitate to step up to the plate when the need arises. Most of us had absolutely no idea what really goes on behind the curtain. The realizations as we each take the jump down the rabbit hole, are horrific, and there is definitely a grieving process, for the life we thought we knew, which sadly never existed. We are here because we have a mission. We are patriots, world wide who want everyone to live in freedom, we want to leave the world a better place for our children. The evil people who have been in control own THEIR DECISIONS, and hopefully they will pay for their crimes against humanity. We've been lied to. What is important now is what we chose to do about righting the wrongs these people have done. Know that you are loved and respected by your fellow patriots. Hold your head high, YOU are the best of the best. May God bless you and give you peace, love, happiness, and good health!

14977723? ago

Remember there was only one sector of government that was not fully corrupted. The military leadership which has people in it who are willing to lay their life down in combat and were not corrupted by money.

14977620? ago

In the years to come, a decade or two down the line, you will have the the honor of telling your daughter with an honest face, that her dad was on the right side of history with the Anons.
She will be proud.

14977158? ago

You are valued. You are loved. You are worthy and we thank you for your service. The reasons behind their agenda you cannot control. The reasons for your service you can control. It came from love of God, country and your fellow man and that is ALL that matters.

"John 15:13 English Standard Version (ESV) 13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends."

14977172? ago

I love you. Thank you with all my heart.

15257884? ago

I love you too fellow Patriot. ๐Ÿ˜

14976746? ago

If it makes you feel any better, Marine, I'm a baby boomer grandma with no near family in the military (except WWII). I have the same anger over the DS putting ANY of our military in harm's way for any false notion. Your blood & risk is precious to us as well. <3

14976720? ago

Oh man, I don't know what to say. I'm not a veteran and not even American, still all the things I learned over the last years made me sick to the bone. I can't imagine what you're enduring, man. All I can say is that I deeply admire, respect and value your and your families courage and sacrifice. And I pray that you, more than anyone else, will finally witness true justice. God bless you

14976481? ago

If you can't seek honor in your service, then look to your heart instead.

14976477? ago







Who are we taught to trust?

Can we instead think for ourselves?

The possibilities would be infinitely expanded for the good.

This is saving the republic as step 1 and then more declas.

What if humanity was always in a master slave structure according to bloodlines, which only needs "a" theory of it (humanity as a species) at any one time to be about humanity as such as to create a "dialogue" (information bandwidth) of opposing forces out of nothing...well..keesters may apply...to escape from the hell of the rest of the world...with which satan has been their guide to dominate as a means to transcend it.

This is big.

No wonder the messages of Q and of MAGA are so incredibly important

Just the guilty ones.

14976243? ago

Weโ€™ve all been fooled. [They] get us to unwittingly give our consent for the evil they carry out.

14976137? ago

You are not alone our deal patriot. We appreciate you and love you for protecting us. Don't let the scum of this Earth take your patriotism away from you for their deceit. Ever! We honor you and so many others that have died and are not here to witness all of this. Again, thank you for serving our country. You are what make us proud.

14976063? ago

Thank you, we will never forget!

14976343? ago

NEVER forget.

14976021? ago


14975966? ago

Coming to this thread late. I am so touched by your caring, honest post, and the outpouring of love and support for you. There is so much love and respect here for you and fellow Veteran-Patriots reconciling the deathly corruption in our government and the horrors they put our military personnel through. The evil Cabal may have through their lies controlled our actions, but they never controlled our hearts and intentions. Every step taken had to be taken to get us all gathered here right now. We will never go backwards and weโ€™ll all leave it better before weโ€™re done. Much love, peace and always WWG1WGA

14976068? ago

Love to you. Thank you.

14994451? ago

Me again. A concerned Mom. My husband survived non-Hodgkinโ€™s lymphoma 15 years ago. So so sorry you had to go through that on top of your Iraq experience. I really cannot be at peace until I share a few things from his experience. I did heavy research about it, but Iโ€™ll keep it brief. A study indicated that people with non-Hodgkinโ€™s lymphoma were low on magnesium. Water softeners and purifiers strip water of minerals. Make sure for good health that youโ€™re getting enough magnesium. A good bottled water with minerals will have it. Even Dasani will be better than tap or well water. Evian is great. A good lymphatic cleanser like Flor-Essence tea once in a while is good too. Thereโ€™s a bottled brand you can just open and drink in 3 oz increments. I was upvoting all the comments until I ran out of CCPs and I saw a response that you use cannabis. There is a lot of research coming out about its benefits, but in case youโ€™re smoking it, too much is a depressant. Iโ€™ve seen this with heavy smokers. Itโ€™s just like too much alcohol. The Flor-Essence tea will help clean out any impurities. Thank you for reading, itโ€™s coming from a place of love and caring. Lastly though, Iโ€™m my husbandโ€™s second wife. You just never know when God will send someone your way. Stay open. Iโ€™ll be keeping you and your daughter in my prayers. God bless you. Love & Peace.

14995357? ago

I love you and I appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge with me. I drink nothing but bottled water. God knows what's in our tap. I eat healthy. No processed food (except here and there) and I dont drink alcohol anymore. It's been years. I would say my depression is the driver behind my marijuana consumption some times. I get to a point where I'm so depressed, I dont want to move. Cannabis changes my headspace into something bearable when that happens. I have been praying I will come across a solution to fix my brain. At this point, I believe polls and therapy won't work. I have taken all the pills and had all the therapy. I'm always open. I'm 34, twice divorced. Never met a woman who truly understands veteran mindset.

14999466? ago

This Mom Anon loves you too. If the cannabis helps, that's a good thing. So many people testify that it does and I believe it. Everything in moderation. There is research out there that overdoing it can have negative behavior consequences and I have seen that. You of course will know if it's making you feel better or worse. I hope you're involved in vet organizations and activities. Being out in fresh air with good people who have that shared experience and belief system, doing something for and by vets. Itโ€™s good therapy to be part of something bigger than ourselves. You have a lot to give to vets who have been through what youโ€™ve been through. Please stay open to new relationships. We all know FLOTUS is #3 and I think thatโ€™s working out well. I have told my kids to marry a peaceful person and to be one themselves. That mindset doesnโ€™t conflict with being a Patriot/Warrior/Vet. Being personally peaceful is good armor for the long haul. Iโ€™m Christian, but I do believe in the Buddhist quote, โ€œwhen the student is ready, the teacher will come.โ€ When youโ€™re ready, that person who is also ready will come, and youโ€™ll have lessons to teach each other, like it or not. And we keep repeating lessons until we get it, but I have lived long enough to learn that we can eventually get what weโ€™re supposed to learn in a relationship and it gets better or it goes away for someone better. I can see you are a loving Dad. That is so important. Iโ€™m sure you would agree that your daughter is a great teacher in your life and you one are one of the most important teachers in her life too. Being a parent is a hard job, but itโ€™s also the best job. It takes us out of ourselves and is a really noble endeavor to do it right. Thank you for reading. You are a beautiful soul, I'm keeping you and your daughter in my heart and prayers. Love and Peace always.

14975939? ago

Guilt is right, you should look for ways to make mends, do good. God bless you.

14976077? ago

I work towards healing daily.

14975917? ago

May Godspeed those who are fighting to shine light in darkness. Lord, please let this evil be exposed and prosecuted that we may know a peaceful world. Lord, I ask you to comfort all those who have been injured by this evil. Heal them that they are new again. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

14976080? ago


14975792? ago

God bless you. Thank you for your service. Remember your intent. It was to protect us and our way of life. That's a good thing. We're grateful for you.

14976088? ago

I'm grateful for you. Thank you.

14975786? ago

Brother (or Sister) you shouldnโ€™t question your worth as a veteran. You didnโ€™t do anything wrong, you served this nation honorably. Some of your words speak hard thruths however. Most of the corruption and lies that get our youth killed in wars is hidden, its a manipulation. I firmly believe the darkside has people in high places that can manipulate even the elect among us. The thing is, humanity has been manipulated for millennia and just now through this movement we are starting to awaken. What a glorious day lies ahead of us. You must focus on this as it will help you with your anger and frustration. These are two very destructive emotions and if left will lead to depression and hopelessness, so please focus on the fact that things are changing. In that knowledge that the world is awakening and justice is coming you will find some assemblence of peace. Go in peace, knowing God is on our side and he will give you comfort as he comforts all of us. Sleep well and Semper Fi! fellow Marine and Patriot! WWG1WGA

14976120? ago

Depression has been my Achilles heel. Hopelessness has waned with time, and the growth of my daughter. I have purpose again. Some days are harder than others, be we never quit. Semper Fidelis. Thank you for posting.

14978269? ago

Iโ€™m glad that hopelessness has left you. It can be a very long and hard road to walk. I know how difficult it is and the VA can do more harm than good at times. The VA is so in bed with big pharma it isnโ€™t funny, 26 years on a steady diet of Klonopin has robbed me of almost half a lifetime of life. Been over 6 months and the withdrawal is unimaginable. I look at my wife and I only remember (or can connect with) the years before the med and now, itโ€™s such a strange feeling and such heartache. The solution? VA reccomeds heavy doses of SSRI meds. I tell them FUKIT, Iโ€™ve had it with thier drugs. I remember when zanax hit the market, every one on the ward was given it, same with zoloft in the 90s, everyone on the ward was given the same dose no matter the diagnosis. Iโ€™ve been on over 20 different drugs over the years and Iโ€™ve dumped them all without too much of a problem, until Klonopin and the benzodiazepines. I try to help other veterans whenever I can but that has even gotten difficult. I will never give up or give in, oh how I know the heartbreak that brings those left behind firsthand. Many times Iโ€™ve felt the โ€œsuns gone to hell and the moons riding highโ€. I see both their faces and miss the friendship we had. Anyway I must stop typing as too many memories flood in. Yes you (or any other veteran)and I could talk for hours Im sure over some beer and our stories would be different yet familiar. I hope yor depression lessens and you never give up. When we give up or go hopeless the dark side wins โ€œdonโ€™t let them winโ€. The two quotations are from songs I relate to, Brothers in Arms by Dire Straits and Donโ€™t Dream Its Over by Crowded House. For all of you my Brothers(And Sisters)-WWG1WGA https://youtu.be/J9gKyRmic20

14975733? ago

God bless you for your service, don't ever question your worth when you have literally given your life for your country and the world. We love you, we are thankful for you. You are the most worthy among us! God bless!

14976140? ago

I am no more worthy than anyone else. I love you, thank you.

14975725? ago

Thank you for your service. God bless all the Patriots!

14976145? ago

Thank you. Semper Fi.

14975419? ago

There are almost 400 comments of support for you, Sgt. ANON, and I wish I could UPVOTE THEM ALL.

14976171? ago

I am trying to comment on all of them and show my love and appreciation. I am a bit overwhelmed by this response. Thank you. I love you.

14975312? ago

I love you, Sgt. ANON, for what you went thru on behalf of US, the citizens of this country, your fellow Americans and Patriots and even the dumbasses who have the freedom to say and do STUPID SHIT...forgive them they have been MKUltra-ed and indoctrinated since birth. Hopefully the time will come when no one will have to go thru that shit.

14976175? ago

And I love you.

14975296? ago

Before Q I didnt realize or understood the reason for anyone to risk their lives and fight in wars. Even with a Cousin who is a retired Navy Seal and a brother in law in the marines, i couldn't understand it. All i understood was the pain and suffering they experienced when they came back to live their lives at home broken and hurt. Their love for their country has disappeared and feel as you do full of anger and regret. Now that Q has opened our eyes to the truth, the anger and regrets are justified and we now have a true reason to fight. Its not a fight for corrupt government who controlled and fooled us all our lives, its a fight for true freedom and country and for your 4 year old daughter. It is to fight for what we truly believe in and it will be worth every moment. It would be an honor to fight by your side Sergeant, a true patriot, one I would gladly give my life to for all your sacrifices and dedication. You are loved and we thank you for your service.

14976183? ago

Your words fill me with honor. Thank you. We fight together. I love you.

14976981? ago

Love you too! God bless

14975114? ago

Well said, good man.

14975076? ago

I only regret opting risk death in the name of freedom, all for ungrateful liberals and democrats.. I redpilled while enlisted, (talk about wrong place wrong time).. But I upheld, and still uphold my oath. Like many, its the office and the constitution not public opinions and talking heads... You served your country to the best of your knowlegde. #neverforget

14976191? ago

NEVER forget. Semper Fi.

14974774? ago

As the saying goes, the truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off. Evil is being erraticated brother as we speak. Justice will be served!

14974572? ago

You are not alone, I'm sure. Many must feel that same anger, hurt and betrayal. But you must always remember you are worthy, good, appreciated and loved. And best of all WWG1WGA is actually true... WE ARE ONE!

Your in my thoughts, prayers and meditations. GOD BLESS and Thank you!

14976213? ago

Thank you for the prayers, thoughts, and meditations. I love you.

14974571? ago

I think no man should serve his country. Period. Never has a country existed that considers its soldiers as valuable as platinum lacing a long-shot comet... which would underpin every single decision to send them into battle or to spy in hellacious shitholes.

I've never questioned a soldier's valor. I will forever question those who abuse the soldier's valor. One day, perhaps, those born with the virtuous burden to offer their lives into battle will also come to question intensely the cost of their golden service under elites who give not a single shit about not a single drop of their blood...

Soldiers are the most abused fodder on earth in the flippant hands of those who govern.

14974387? ago

You are everything to us, EVERYTHING! Do not doubt that! We would not be here without you. From the bottom of my heart Thank you ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

14976234? ago

I thank you, with all my heart and love.

14973965? ago

Weโ€™ve all been conned... try not to take it personal... Semper Fi ๐Ÿ‘

14976241? ago

On the contrary, we should ALL take it personal. Semper Fidelis. I love you.

14973948? ago

Thank you sir for your service. You have fought for our safety not in vain. The Lord holds all Veterans closely.

14973947? ago

Patriot, you see how President Donald J. Trump has put all military on the high pedestal. He talks incessantly about our great veterans. He knows. He too is giving his life to the people who are fighting against an EVIL that this world has never seen before. Remember these words for our children and grandchildren, all future generations..."We will not bend, we will not break, we will never give in, we will never back down, we will never give up, we will never surrender, we will always fight on to victory. We are Americans and our hearts bleed red, white and blue. We are one people, one family, and ONE NATION UNDER GOD, and together we will bring back our country."

14973847? ago

Dear Sgt. ANON USMC, I thank you, from the depths of my heart and soul, for your service and sacrifice and for your brothers' service and sacrifice. This was very moving. I get the anger you feel over the lies and deception. I have loved ones serving in the military and in this climate the world is in, I pray things get better and I pray for our men and women who put their lives on the line, not just military, but police and first responders, as well. I pray for and wish you love, light, peace, and blessings. #WWG1WGA #SEMPER FI

14976283? ago

I thank you very much for your prayers and love.

14973810? ago

We thank you and all others who have fought to protect us from the evil of this world. Donโ€™t think for a minute that your sacrifice was not appreciated. We love you all. WWG1WGA ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

14976290? ago

I love you back.

14973786? ago

You brought this spoiled reject to tears. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

14976299? ago

Dry your tears. I love you. I'm honored.

14973760? ago

Real Honor is in the heart of what you say. You may rest proud for what you did because you did it with your heart and soul. May God bless you.

14973741? ago

Thanks for your service to your country!!

As an Australian who's father fought in Vietnam and has PTSD I have the utmost respect for anyone who serves their country, regardless of the arena they fought in. And yes the hypocrosy and unjustness of the politicians who send others, but not their own kids, and the poor level of treatment when veterans return broken physically or mentally, boils my blood too.

I am so sorry to hear that you also battling cancer, but all I can say is when things are getting you down, focus on spending quality time with your daughter - let her be your guiding light. And memorise those moments when u make her giggle or she tells you she loved you, cause thats the stuff that helps you get through the hard times.

Sending much Bro-Love and Best Wishes Sgt Anon !!!

14973497? ago

I remember a story told to me by the Godliest and most humble man I have ever knew. We attended the same church and our children grew up together. He was ask to plan and put together the materials for a big project. He spent hours of his own time and money and when he came to present it he was told that they had decided to do something else. As he left the office he was asked, "Doesn't that make you mad? You spent all that time and money and energy just to be told never mind we no longer need it." He just smiled and replied "It doesn't bother me because I did not do it for them---I did it for God." I have never forgotten that and will never forget it. That is the wisdom of Solomon. That Godly man died in his late 50's. He touched so many lives that he is still talked about at the Church he attended and his job. That has been many years. You Patriot and your family by serving in the military with pride and love have touch the lives of others as well as the heart of God. Don't concern your self with the evil doers and their motives---just keep living your life to please God. He will keep you in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him. Isaiah 26:3

14973465? ago

USAF Vet here, Father is an Army Vet. He was in Berlin when the wall came up. I was there when it came down. We have 4 pics in front of the Brandenburg gate to prove it.

No question, Afghanistan and Iraq are...products of the deep state. There is unfortunate but good reason that guys come home and can't live with what happened there.


AND YOU ARE STILL DOING IT. YOU COPY THAT? You ARE the good guy. The bad guys manipulate us all the time. Dharma BEFORE Karma. Waking up SHOULD piss you off. A whole lot more of us should be FUCKING PISSED OFF. Respond intelligently. The Constitution is still in jeopardy despite the heroics of the Trump administration (and Q). You are still needed. You might not have a rifle in your hand, but there are other ways to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. And someday, your experience might be badly needed in a more DIRECT way.

14973440? ago

I and many others appreciate your feelings, frustration and anger. But we love and appreciate you for serving while you thought it was the right thing to do. All the more reason to take down this ugly corrupt dishonest hideous Cabal. Patriots shoulder to shoulder, we fight and pray. Bless you and all honest patriots. Thank you!

14973413? ago

The system has massive problems. I'd personally argue that the existence of a system at all is the problem but that's taking things to a whole different area.

People that love their country aren't the problem.

14973390? ago

Thank you for your service. Our hearts go out to you Patriot. Keep the faith and never stop fighting the good fight. WWG1WGA

14973232? ago

You served your country. Your service was to the ideal of a great America. That alone is a sacrifice for us all. Even if the leadership of our country was compromised, you couldn't have known. We fight a new war now. A war we all have a part in. We may be anons but we fight as one. You are never alone in this war.

I donated to a local veterans group today. You and all veterans deserve our support. You have mine. We fight until we take back out country. All of it.

God bless anons.

14972986? ago

Shit, brother. Im thankful for your service and deeply sorry for the sense of futility this mess can instill in our service members.

It was not in vain.

W hat do you take for ptsd? I have been treating severe depression really successfully with homeopathy. I can recommend some remedies if youre open. There is also a family of homeopathic masters in India that are successfully treating cancer with homeopathy and they offer free evals. Let me know and ill post info.

14972966? ago

Not a marine just a civilian and guilty of encouraging the ruling elite to sacrifice the most loyal. I am sorry for doing this to you.

14976329? ago

Lol. I forgive you.

14972897? ago

what you do now decides...

14972893? ago

It's more about why you served than who you served. That may seem counter-intuitive, but if you take a "big-picture" view you will see that it's true.

This is some shit you will have to work out for yourself.

Good luck!

14972600? ago

I've been very outspoken for many years in my criticism of our "adventures" overseas with the use of our military. But never, EVER have I felt anything less than sincere & complete admiration for our service men and women. You patriots volunteer and fight for the very best parts of what this country has left and the amazing ideals it was founded upon.

Please don't ever question your worth as a veteran. No matter how badly our previous "leaders" have misused our military, we never EVER have anything less than admiration, gratitude and awe for what you and your fellow veterans have done. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

14973225? ago

This โฌ†๏ธ

14972810? ago

Thank you. With ALL my heart.

14972570? ago

I deeply appreciate your post and the emotion that you poured into the words. I deeply appreciate your service to not just the Marines, the citizens of the USA but, to all mankind. Blessings of God's Great Love and Healing to you and all the men and women who have fought to keep America free. Spend quality time with your daughter and teach her the real values of Life and always remember that you did your best, that you are Loved and that you do have great value. WE LOVE YOU and WE THANK YOU.

14972815? ago

I Love You. Thank You so very much.

14972524? ago

You brought tears to my eyes. I love you so much. Thank you for your service and everything that you did. Never forget, you are a patriot. We have your back, sir.

14972831? ago

I'm honored. I did not intend to create tears. I Love You. Thank you.

14972481? ago

"I am blessed to be a Dad to my 4 year old daughter."

Are you and your wife White? If so, then please have more children. We need more White children. This is the REAL battlefield, no Fallujah.

Then raise your girls to not be mudsharks.

Otherwise, everything you have done will have been in vain.

14972473? ago

Are you still having symptoms associated with your lymphoma? Cannabis tinctures. Go look up this guy, Blaine Alexander. https://www.scpr.org/programs/take-two/2014/07/21/38454/making-marijuana-infused-meals-with-a-professional/ I've had success in the past treating a dear family friend with cannabis infused meals. He was able to live a lot longer past his date. Please consider the option, cancer doesn't fight fair, neither should you.

14972876? ago

I beat the fucking shit out of the cancer, after 8 months of chemo and every cell in my body destroyed. Youth was on my side. I use cannabis now. I love you. Thank you.

14972467? ago

Make no mistake - you are a hero to all of us and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Sleep well knowing you worked without question to keep us safe.

14972901? ago

I'm no hero. I love you, and thank you.

14972466? ago

Put some of your anger on our shoulders. Iโ€™ll be glad to take some of the load off of you. We share in your anger, but all we can do is push forward and hope we can spread our knowledge and fight for this country in a different way. Thanks for your service.

14972928? ago

The simple fact I am not alone, is the reason I havent ended my own life. Where WE go one WE go all. Thank you. I love you.

14973860? ago

There is a lot of good in this world. Look for it....and get help. I have dealt with depression and I know how bad it can be. You are loved back!!!! ๐Ÿ˜

14972412? ago

His revelations have led me to question my sexuality.

I'm Trish Pantscotti and I support this message!

14972941? ago

Confusing. But thank you anyway.

14972339? ago

I left a message on their memorial web page. God bless you sir. I will remember them forever.

14972995? ago

Tears in my eyes. Thank you.

14972305? ago

You were doing what you believed was right...that is all that matters. The karma for the horrors unleashed is not yours... be proud soldier. Let us all Educate young men to know the truth so the next generation will know truly what they are fighting for. Sans peur!

14973011? ago

For God. For country. For the love of man. Thank you.

14972249? ago

What you were fighting for was for us, for your family. That is so incredibly worthy, words cannot properly describe it. The selflessness cannot be diminished for any reason. There will always be honor and respect for what you were fighting for, US. You have to remember that its not just you, we have ALL been lied to and deceived, but that doesn't change how we've led our lives. The only thing it should do is strengthen our resolve to save the world from this evil. The truth is setting us free.

14973030? ago

Thank you.

14972215? ago

What you have done for your country and for us all means no less today than before. You served out of love for your country and we honor and thank you for that.

14973031? ago

I'm honored. Thank you.

14972197? ago

But look who is rescuing America now - it's Military Intelligence and POTUS backed by The Military. The Military is why we've been able to know what we know, and feel confident that we have leadership in place who will fight for us. My son is also a veteran, and I'm grateful he made it home with 2 purple hearts. I feel resentful he was used the way he was, but now we can rebuild our country. God Bless America.

14973044? ago

God bless your son. I'm glad he made it home, especially with his wounds. Thank you. Semper Fi.

14972126? ago

Dying for the Luciferians. They have been lying to us for a long time. WW1 seems to have been based on a lie.

14973066? ago

It's all a lie.

14972047? ago

God bless you. Just know that your post here has touched the hearts of many

14973148? ago

I didnt plan on my words having this effect. Thank you. With all MY heart.

14972023? ago

Thank you for your service. I am also a vet and had similar feelings when I was red-pilled. You are loved and appreciated. God knows your heart and the reason you served. Stay strong.

14973156? ago

We are strong Together. Thank you Always Faithful.

14972016? ago

your post breaks my heart for what you must be feeling, I have wondered what impact knowing how many precious lives have been lost with corrupt leaders with ill intent has on patriots that have served. I do wonder, Patriot that served (Thank You!) if those wars did delay globalism over these many years? I wonder if spreading the idea of freedom (asking nothing in return) has prepared the world's people to fight for their individual freedom in their own countries based on the USA example of fighting for freedom. Thanks again !

14973187? ago

Mend your heart. Let mine ache for you. Thank you, so very much.

14971941? ago

I honor the men & women who serve and served, not the evil who used them. We/you had no way of knowing the "back story" that led to your enlisting or being drafted until somewhat recently. Go easy on yourself; your intentions and behavior was/is honorable. What THEY did and do is evil. May God bless you and your family and draw you near to Him.

14973217? ago

God bless you. In his name. Thank you.

14975632? ago

My pleasure.

14971925? ago

That was beautiful. God bless. My young brother went to Iraq during that time as well, came home and went back into combat, fighting leukemia. My understanding is there were bunches of soldiers coming home and getting diagnosed with blood cancers. Makes ya wonder WTF. Thank you for your service.

14973228? ago

WTF is an appropriate response. Thank you. I'm Honored.

14971888? ago

WWG1WGA were with you 100%

14971844? ago

The idea and cause you and others fought to defend is good and just. At its heart we hold this truth, that all men are created equal and they are given by the Creator rights, rights that are not given to them by mortal and fallible men and no man can take away.

The men who sent you to war may have been evil, but those who have fought and died in those wars are not.

Truly all of us just by participating in their world have had our part in helping them, but no more!


14973267? ago

No. Fucking. More. Thank you.

14971731? ago

I too am a Sgt Anon USMC. You did not fight in vain, your/our brothers in arms did not die in vain, and killing shitskins on thier own turf to sustain destabilization and furthering the economic expansion and dominance of these United States IS NOT IN VAIN! Thank you for your service fellow devil dog. And for the ones who have died before us, until val hallah, guard them streets.

14973297? ago

I love you brother. Always Faithful. Thank you.

14971651? ago



14973331? ago

Mother fuckers will pay, either way. Semper Fi. Thank you

14973264? ago

Amen to that.

14971544? ago

May love guide your way fellow soul and patriot. Sending deep love and peace your way. The Great Awakening that we are in the middle of has been hoped for and prayed for by countless souls before us and we are fortunate enough to be witnessing it happening first hand. Your sacrifice was not in vein. Everything has led up to this moment. Be peace, be love. WW1WGA

14973366? ago

Love always wins. Even in death. Thank you. WWG1WGA.

14971360? ago

YATYAS you are not alone brother 2nd tracks 08-12 exact same story i question it all even felt a little ashamed at times . I hope with everything in me Q is real and if the time comes they need my/our help i will gladly fight that battle . Im sure if we knew the whole truth to it all most of these sick fucks would never make it to trial

14973441? ago

YAT YAS Mother Fucker!!! I love you brother. Semper Fi.

14977258? ago

I got drunk one night and got that shit tattooed under my left arm. If i had a damn dollar for everytime someone asked me what YATYAS stood for id be rich lol. The funny part, or funnier i should say is my Ssgt had a tattoo gun and is the one that did it he got a bunch of us with that shit ive learned to love it. Hey love you too man be safe if this is for real when it goes down civi's are gonna need people like me and you .

14971227? ago

Happy Veteran's Day, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service. And for being self reflective and willing to look at what's really going on.

The experience was other worldly, and I am taken back to that desert shit hole every day when my mind begins to wonder.

FWIW, my cousin really had a hard time after coming home and tried many different modalities to deal with the PTSD; he said that nothing really alleviated it for very long (would always come back in the quiet moments when the mind has nothing to focus on) until he discovered something called Brain Spotting.

Many Blessings To You, Sgt. ANON USMC

14973464? ago

I thank you with ALL my heart. I wish your cousin well. I Love you.

15001653? ago

Here's a link to an interview with the guy who created the modality:


All the best and much, much love and gratitude to you, Patriot.

14971159? ago

Your heart; intestinal fortitude; and your intentions were true. Your service in that spirit is respected, honored and celebrated, regardless of what has been or is discovered. From a grateful GrammAutistAnon.................we are forever in your debt. WWG1WGA Semper Fi! We love you!

14973478? ago

All debts are paid. I love you. Thank you.

14971080? ago

Happy Veterans Day. You are a hero to me. I feel like a punk for never serving after reading Q. I appreciate everything you have done and sacrificed for our country, and thank you. Sending love and appreciation from NJ

14973502? ago

You are only a penknife you act like one. Dont regret. Everyone has a purpose. Thank you.

14970984? ago

Your service is much appreciated. Although I never served I was an Air Force Brat for the first 20 years of my life. Talking to my 75 yr old Dad just this morning he reminded me that he took an oath to protect this Countey from bad guys both foreign and Domestic, he is Still ready to do so, and being of the same cloth I have to say I am ready to lay my life for all fellow Patriots right here right Now!!!

14973516? ago

Thank you. Thank your dad for me. Those men paved the way for my generation. We will always fight.

14970965? ago


14973560? ago

Love always wins.

14970767? ago

What / where would we be without you?

14973632? ago

I cant answer that question....

14970755? ago

In 1984 I was given a call by the USMC to join their numbers, they liked everything, my grades, my conduct, My ASVAB scores...talked Officer Training...wanted me to sign on the dotted line and everything.....then I asked how has the Military changed since Vietnam, are we going to fight in other wars where people not involved would presume to pull the strings and play politics while others died...I didn't like the answer and recruiter thought I was asshole for wasting his time...I am sorry I will go war with a minimum of training and in a heartbeat if the cause is just. But given what I know now....I am not sorry I didn't join but my hats off to ya if you did.

14970639? ago

Semper Fi, bro. 0351 here, getting out in a month because we're regressing towards the PC dog and pony show peacetime bullshit and I don't want to die for Jewish politicans' foreign policy proxy wars.

14973683? ago

Say yes to EAS devil! Lol I love you brother. Always Faithful. The Corps never leaves your life.

14970603? ago

God bless you, patriot. Thank you for your service.

14973688? ago

God bless you.

14970497? ago

When your country calls, patriots donโ€™t hesitate! You were on ready for whatever duty you were called to do. Stand proud, you deserve it, you earned it. Thank you so much for your service. God bless you.

14973700? ago

I appreciate you. Thank you.

14973803? ago

You would probably smile if you knew who I am, a long lasting smile!

14976051? ago

Why would you hold back a potential smile like that?!

14970419? ago

Never question your worth, only your mission. The DS used a lot of people and threw them away. That says far more about them than it ever will about you. And don't forget, your worth never came from them. It comes from within and from above.

MAGA and Happy Veteran's Day from a fellow vet.

14973722? ago

Happy Veterans day. God and love always win.

14973982? ago


14970395? ago

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14970328? ago

Those who violate the honor of dedicated, sacrificial patriots like yourself are guilty of horrible crimes. Give it time. Know that other patriots around the world DO value your service, and DO honor you. That such good men and women as yourself have been abused in this way makes my blood boil, too.

Prayers for your healing. Though they try to steal your dignity, and foist the lie upon you, they cannot steal it unless you let them.

God bless you.

14970173? ago

Thank you for sharing Patriot and thank you for your service. Service men and women and their families was one of my first thoughts when I began to wake up. The anguish the truth will bring forth as we shift to a new paradigm. Unfortunately, while some may have sacrificed more than others, there will be a collective trauma as we begin to realize how deceived we were and how our choices may have contributed to enable those who seek to do evil. We did the best we could with what we knew at the time. You did the best you could with integrity and honor. I am glad you can be open to self-love and honoring your service. Sending you healing thoughts and prayers!

14973807? ago

Receiving your prayers... thank you.

14970158? ago

Please don't feel that way. You may have been deceived by those in power but your heart was pure. I thank you for all you've done for us. You are a true patriot. God bless.

14973820? ago

I'm honored. Thank you.

14970147? ago

Fighting for Israel was a mistake in every capacity. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.

14973828? ago

No shit, right? I'm sorry too. Thank you.

14974441? ago

Take this Medicine, brother.


14970075? ago

Before I knew the jq and the truth behind ww1 and ww2 I was at least aware of vietnam. How could you not know that young men that enlist have been pawns for the military industrial complex for at least 60 years?

14973839? ago

Very true. Thank you.

14970069? ago

Hang in there Brother, I to deal with great PTSD from war & the loss of Brothers. I'm 100% disabled through the VA even though I think otherwise. We were Soldiers now Veterans of this Great Land & took an Oath that we still hold deep. This is the time we must keep our vision straight & focus on the mission. Godspeed Brother & may God bless you & your family.

14974797? ago

I wasn't even a twinkle in my Papa's eye when he went to active duty in WW11. He was wounded three times. Once in a while he would speak about the horrors of the war and then he would consume alcohol to forget again. PTSD was not known about then. After his tank was blown up in Italy he was sent home to Canada to recover as the army surgeons were unable to take the shrapnel out of his lung. That shrapnel caused cancer in his lung that went to his brain and Papa passed in 1993, 13, August.

14975218? ago

My condolences anon, it sounds like he was a good man. It is not only the Veteran that goes through difficult times after deployments. The families of said soldiers also often deal with the symptoms of war. Many of us turn to drugs/alcohol to numb the pain only to lose control over it & become conflicted in our family values. May God bless you & your family.

14973854? ago

I love you brother. Semper Fidelis. God bless you and yours.

14970067? ago

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14970049? ago

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." - Matthew 5:9 Dear Marine, the U.S. Military is the greatest force for good the world has ever seen. Don't take my word for it... Jesus Christ makes the point very clear. "Peacemaker". You were there removing evil from the world. The World is a better place because of your sacrifice. The motives of evil people that start wars does not stain your glory. Your glory is the SAME as your dad's and grandfather's. No different. You all took the same oath to defend the Constitution. God loves you and your service. Your Maker in Heaven loves you. The Bible is filled with war and combat stories. Infantrymen are referred to as men of valor in the Bible. Your worth comes from your Maker. He calls you a MAN OF VALOR.

14973876? ago

Amen. Thank you with ALL my heart.

14969980? ago

No one who is as selfless and honorable as you should ever question anything you do. If everyone was as incredible a person as you are none of us would be in this position, and have selfish power hungry scumbags running our world. As a civilian, I can speak for all of us and say, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU, and we all LOVE ALL of our VETERANS!! I can't imagine how it feels to be in your situation, but it is clear that you are a stronger MAN than most. Having gone through half of what you have breaks many other people. WE are all here, especially for our veterans, to see this through so not one more life is lost in vain, EVER, for any reason. Be proud for who you are, and what you have accomplished. I know hearing your story has strengthened my resolve to never let myself ever blindly believe, or trust anyone in a position of power in this world without making sure that the words that come out of thier mouths match their actions! People like you are the leaders and trustworthy people who we NEED to be leading the world in the direction we all know it needs to go! God bless you, your family, and all of the families who have sacrificed, or were willing to put themselves in a position that put the most precious thing we all have on the line, and that is life itself!

14973928? ago

God bless you, and thank YOU. I am honored by your words.

14969966? ago

Very many heartfelt thanks to you

14973933? ago

I Love you. Thank you.

14969938? ago

Hold fast to the fact that you were fighting for what you believed in at the time. Although you may have been misled, as was I ('Nam), our belief was that we were fighting for the right cause. You did what only a few men will do, put your life out there for what you believe in. That makes you a hero and you deserve respect. I definitely respected the NVA and VC when I was in country. Especially the VC, they were fighting while at the same time raising their families near by.

Since WWI men in this country have been misled with lies and propaganda to get them to fight in wars. But those men deserve all of our respect for their willingness to fight for what they thought was right. There is nothing good that comes from war, only misery and death. It should only be fought in defense of ones country. Otherwise it's illegitimate and immoral.

From an old warrior, stand proud Marine, you are a good honorable man. Few could walk in your footsteps and few would dare try.

14973963? ago

I Love you brother. Thank you for laying the path for me to march upon. Never forget.

14969920? ago

Thank you Hero, from the UK.

14973991? ago

Im honored. Thank you UK. I hope to visit some day, when the world calms to an acceptable resonance.

14969895? ago

Rhank you for your service. Your heart was still pure even if those sending you were not.

14969892? ago

When the time comes, people who have military training/experience will be sorely needed to fight on the side of good. Whatever the flaws of your past behavior, you can make up for them then.

14974048? ago

IF that time comes... I welcome the fight. However, I pray it does not. War is the ugliest part of this life. Thank you.

14969876? ago

Thank you deeply and truly for your sacrifice. Kudos and respect for eyes wide open and thinking for yourself. The key is when you know better, you do better. No need to dwell on past unknown participation in less than honorable policies. Realizations like that is how we best grow moving forward in ways we would not expect. That's all that one ought to expect when coming to that point.

With regards to your ailments, I would strongly urge you to look into nature's recipes for wellness. I am speaking about full spectrum sunlight exposure


And also cold adaptation and cold therapy + massive seafood diet for neurological and mood healing. I can't stress enough how improbable their usefulness might be in your case. But investigate for yourself. For one bread crumb, the work you can find out by googling Dr Jack Kruse's writings on the role of DHA and cold in healing is tremendous.

14969817? ago

Thank you for your service. We've all been betrayed, globally, men, women, children. We will witness the destruction of the old guard. We will witness the destruction of the Cabal. All your ancestors, going back to the dawn of time, conspired to bring you to this moment in time. You are their witness and a participant in something magnificent. It brings me hope and light when before there was darkness, brother.

14969734? ago

That was bound to happen. I've always wondered how bad it was for those who did question it. I used to think if everyone refused to go to war we would have no wars.

14969733? ago

Waking up to the truth of where we were is painful. This does not mean your service is not appreciated. You were dropped into a bad situation many times. You fought for your brothers left and right of you. You survived. Now you can fight for your daughter. Weโ€™re with you. WWG1WGA.

14969721? ago

It is up to all of us patriots to get to the root of corruption and evil. Once we find out who is responsible, it is time to make them pay. The most dangerous man, is one with nothing left to lose. Lead the charge.

14969720? ago

You are loved beyond measure, Patriot. We know your worth. We need you. I need you. We're taking our country back, for you and with you.

14969699? ago

It takes a brave person to knowingly put yourself in harm's way for the common good, even if you aren't fully aware that the fight you are fighting is not what you are told at the time. All things happen for a reason, and if this movement ends up as we all hope, with justice served, our freedom will taste all the more sweeter because of the darkeness we have been traversing through for so long. Deepest heartfelt thank you to you and all vets for your service (and to your father and grandfather!). We owe so much to all of you!

14974104? ago

All debts are square. I Love you, and thank you with all my heart

14969647? ago

You did your duty and have nothing to be ashamed of! A soldier gets his orders and follows them and if anybody is able to save this world it will be Donald J Trump and the US Military! The scum are going to gitmo and the Marines will be guarding them until the scum are hung by their necks until dead! I went through the same dark hole after Vietnam knowing lots of good people died for that sham.

14974122? ago

Thank YOU, sir. Vietnam will never be forgotten, nor will you and the others who fought there. Semper Fi.

14969623? ago

They use our inability to organize against us. We need to organize and get ready. Itโ€™s time to fight patriots. You soy boys and flouridated weaklings need to THINK!! Now that o got your attention, I know there are a lot of boys who would throw against me right now, but why? I am a friend. Our country is being robbed by evil. We need to fix this shit. Letโ€™s organize and prepare for battle, not just prepare but go in!!! Iโ€™m not fucking around GO THE FUCK IN!!!!

14969515? ago

You are of utmost importance. Keep the faith.

14974144? ago

Faith is the only fuel. Thank you

14969503? ago

Maybe this will help. I do my best to keep a good foot in this shit hole world. I rescue animals, have spent 10's of thousands of dollars doing so, I give to many charities, mostly animal but people too. Salvation Army is a biggie. I live in NY HOME of the scam. Ive given money to homeless people, taken cats in from people who gave me a story, etc. I KNOW that along the line some of my good deeds were done for people who were lying to me about their plight. BUT, That DOES NOT take anything away from MY good deed. YOU and your family served in "good faith" as did mine. The fact that you were lied to my massive scumbags DOES NOT, CAN NOT and will NEVER dirty YOUR good deed. Please keep that in mind and TY for your service, You AND your family.

14974887? ago

I too donate what ever I can and sew bags and fill those bags with weather appropriate items, chocolate, bus tickets, Tim cards, candles, matches, water, snacks, etc. Though I am careful about the agencies/societies that I donate to. Research Salvation Army.

14993762? ago

There ya go NICELY done!! Its knowing there are people like you out there that keeps me from running into the street and gouging my eyes out.

14974154? ago

Thank you for being a giving, caring person. I appreciate you and your well wishes.

14993733? ago

Right back at you! We're all just trying to stay sane in an insane world

14993880? ago

The suspense is killing me.

15002258? ago

Its not doing alot for MY mental state either, hang in there

14969483? ago

I know we were all sold a lie for many years, But we Can now recover the truth, and right many wrongs... we can not bring life back to the fallen or those who were unjustly taken.... But we can ensure the truth is known... and the unjust be punished and wrongs righted...lets use our anger and focus it on the constructive "deconstruction" of the Deep State and punish the architects.

14969470? ago

I stopped reading comments after the first one. This guy is a despicable sack. A self righteous piece of shit. There is no way you could have known what was going on. I am proud and grateful to you and all your brothers and sisters in uniform. You did the only thing you could have done under those circumstances. It is the same for every combat vet. As you said and as veterans down thru the ages learned. You fright to preserve your life and the lives of those with you. The cabal has been at this for a long time and few of us were close enough to understand what the wars were about and who was controlling them. There is no dishonor assigned to any vet who fought under those conditions. You are needed to fight one more battle. The one we are in now! This is the fight that will bring honor to your fallen buddies to all those who gave their lives in wars that need not have happened.. Your participation in this war will bring real meaning to their sacrifice. Now we know who the real enemy is and we are going to destroy those who took their lives. Stay in the fight Marine your country needs you now more than ever. Simper Fi

14974191? ago

Thank you. Never quit. Always Faithful.

14969395? ago

You're service is appreciated and valued!!! Everything you did was for all the right reasons!! God bless you and your family and thank you for your service.

14969326? ago

I regret almost every day that I never enlisted. I wanted to many times and have reasons I didn't. But now looking back those reasons are all stupid and selfish. I am too old now but I talk to my kids all the time about the importance of patriotism and service to ones country. Damn, now that makes me feel even worse. Asking my kids to do something I didn't. I feel like a loser for never enlisting. If I could have 1 do over for my life that would be it. I would go back and enlist.

14974237? ago

I understand. I love you either way. Think about this.... MOST people DON'T enlist.

14969181? ago

You know what you did and why you did it. Don't let someone else's impure actions taint your own self worth.

Does a carpenter that builds a house, blame himself for the pedophile that molests children in that house? Does the mechanic that fixes a drunks car blame himself when the drunk driver finally kills someone? No that would be pretty silly now wouldn't it? The same applies for a soldier volunteering to serve. Propaganda is a hell of a thing, Be careful taking Q talk as gospel.

14969166? ago

I will never question your worth. You had belief in something that was sold to all of us. Your intent was patriotic and pure.

Thank you for your service

14969164? ago

You did what you did based on what you knew at the time, not what you know now. It isn't reasonable to beat yourself up over decisions you made that only afterwards you discovered were based on someone else's lies: your intentions remain honorable, your decision was honest. And that is no doubt true for those Marines that didn't make it.

You were worthy, the people in charge were not. Sadly, that puts you in good company. Remember, it's not the finger that's capable of evil--it's not even the hand: it's the brain.

14969117? ago

All have suffered. Good men have died. Beautiful children have been tortured, destroyed, murdered. Millions and millions and millions of people have been victimized, tortured, and murdered by the Satanist cabal and the Deep State they own. Add the abortions, the wars, and the dictators they installed and we are talking BILLIONS. All because of these evil Satanic men and women and their Nephilim overlords.

Can you fight one more time? This time it's for good, for truth, for the children. Many thanks to you. God bless you and give you HIS peace. We will share this victory.

14969108? ago

I my 70 years on this earth I never gave a moment's thought to enlisting in the military. It was certainly the furthest thing from my mind when I would have been eligible to serve. But thanks to Q a love of America floods my heart now. Thanks to Q, for the first time in my life I find myself wishing I could enlist and serve this glorious mission. Such is the power of truth! So I beg you, sir, do not despair. Q has turned millions of lives around for the good. You are blessed to be an eye witness to this great awakening and perhaps you were spared on the battlefield for a reason. Your President and We the People need you now more than ever.

14974287? ago

I will always fight, and protect my people, and my country. Thank you. Always Faithful.

14969039? ago

Major General Smedley Darlington Butler. Look it up.

14974310? ago

No need. Semper Fi.

14969032? ago

Donโ€™t be in any type of despair... you are now awake and your future generations will be too. I was in the Corps and I started to wake up once I was injured. I ended up with Plantar fasciitis in both feet. I didnโ€™t understand as no one in my family ever had these types of problems. Come to find out some SOB senator had boots made in the early 50โ€™s by a huge contract and 30 years later they were still being issued. They denied everything and then 2 days... only 2 days after getting my DD214 the commandant of the Marine Corps said 20% of Marines were getting injured and discharged directly related to these boots. These sick people and their greed and self financial focus... they are evil people. It is NOT your fault you believe as I, my father and his father before me that you were doing what we were told was (and I still believe) is the correct and honorable thing to do.

Semper Fi my brother from another mother!

14974323? ago

Semper Fidelis brother.

14969013? ago

We love and respect you brother for your sacrifice. Understand that not all wars were needless, the bad side on other countries probably force their hand and sometimes while to them it's about the money, they use righteous causes which actually exist in order to get support. But their motive is greed, yours wasn't brother! You protected your brothers and sisters out there too. You are way more valuable than you could ever imagine! God put it on my heart to tell you that you are precious in His sight. Hang in there, this one is on us and for you. Relax soldier.

14974361? ago

I thank you for your prayers. Love will win.

14968982? ago

This needed to be said a long time ago. Lets make this country RIGHT with itself and with its people. Theres nothing more important.

14968946? ago

Thank you for your service and Happy Veterans Day and the shill attacks on this post are disgusting proof that these people HATE the land we love. WWG1WGA

14974401? ago

Shills doing shill shit. Love wins, always. Thank you.

14968900? ago

Sgt, you're service was enjoined because your heart was right. Never question yourself. The evil wants you to feel demoralized. People who are demoralized don't fight well. This is also a divide and conquer war. You my fellow vet (USN) stand tall and proud. I salute you and thank you for being there when we needed you. And we still do.

14974422? ago

And always will. Thank you.

14968826? ago

God gave You this Life so You can choose on which side are You willing to fight.

Light or Darkness. Spirit or Flesh.

He gave You also His Beloved Son - Jesus Christ - so after Your death You will receive the Light of His Glory.

It doesn't matter what were the causes of wars in which generations of Your Family members have fought.

During the crucifixion Jesus wasn't thinking what was the agenda of the perpetrators and who decreed it.

None of it matters. NONE.

As Christ said to one of the saints - I am rewarding for the intention and the struggle, not for the outcome.

This life is not about the outcome or the reasons for wars. It's about finding Yourself on the correct side of life.

It's a test for the Soul.

From what I just read, You are on the right side - the bright side.

There are Angels around You, Your wife and Your daughter. Each one of You has one as Your partner thorough this life and I'm saying that as someone who has experienced God's presence physically, not simply read about it.

Your Ancestors can see Your efforts and they are Proud of You.

May God Bless Your Family.

14974535? ago

Beautiful words, that make my eyes tear up. Thank you. God bless you.

14968768? ago

Semper Fidelis Sgt. This post is coming from a Navy vet of the Viet Nam era. I've been around a little longer than you sir, and my eyes have been opened a little longer than yours. I've been researching this subject for 15-20 years now and it is heartening to know that you do get it. We all have been lied to and used for, actually, centuries now and, believe it or not, **"THE DAY IS COMING WHEN IT WON'T BE SAFE FOR THEM TO WALK DOWN THE STREET"! This is what these evil pieces of human filth have brought upon themselves and it couldn't happen to a better bunch. Never hang your head, you like every other vet answered a call that many, especially them would never have had the guts or the code of honor to answer. They are cowards who live in the shadows, and send their minions out to do their "wet work" for them, but light is now being shown on them and they are on the run, panicked and desperate. People like you and me answered our country's call and we all went and defended her and I know in my heart that if called upon again I would be there. Believe it or not sir, people like us are fighters and being American's we don't go down without giving a good fight to whoever the enemy may be. It will take time to understand the full impact of this truth but we will, as a free people we will get past this and we will all be better for it. This is for generations yet to come, to live free. Thank you and your father and grandfather for your service. Godspeed patriot. And WWG1WGA isn't just a catch phrase.

14974557? ago

Thank you for your encouragement, and perspective. Thank you for serving before me, and laying the path for my generation. Semper Fidelis. WWG1WGA.

14968744? ago

Thank you for this post. I constantly think to myself, Where are the Veteran soldiers such as yourself in these threads? You are the voices of experience that are exactly who everyone needs to listen to. Antifa gamer boys need a taste of what you've experienced, that war is no video game. I try often to put myself in your place, to imagine what I would have done, how I would have handled it, and I cannot. I probably would have died from fear. You have my respect.

14974584? ago

I have held back and lurked in here since the move from Reddit. I could never imagine this response I have received. Thank you. People crave truth. I have a shit ton of it.

14968726? ago

Just wondering if you have taken a PTSD Coping Skills Class? Did wonders for me and a lot of others, so much that I help facilitate classes now. PTSD can be coped with, but not eradicated like weed. See if course is available in your area of operations, or with VA. Semper Fi Anon

14974696? ago

I have been through extensive therapy. I have traveled a long uphill path to reach my current state of mind. I declared war against the fuckin poisonous mindset I have had after my experience, and never quit. I saw what happened to my brothers who didnt fight as hard. Suicide. Alcoholism. Prison. I knew I couldnt let myself succumb to PTSD.

14968706? ago

Semper fi solder.

14974703? ago


14968672? ago

God sees your heart.Don't you worry..those evil people who used and abused the citizens of this country are going to pay for every life they destroyed. Every single one. We love you guys. Stand strong. This is the day of vindication.

14968646? ago

Love you man. Thank you for this post. I used to be the guy who hated our military, and disrespected those in it because I knew in my heart it was going to eventually be aimed at me. Despite our vastly different past perspectives you have a strong patriot spirit and wish to do right, as do I. People of the world are no longer falling for devide and conquer bullshit. We are all brothers in the fight against evil.

14974755? ago

I Love you brother. Thank you for changing your perspective. Where WE go 1 WE go ALL.

14986047? ago

I wonder if you would be willing to let me bounce an idea off you via direct message. I have some campground building experiance and a homestead with lots of PTSD therapy potential. Animals love unconditionally if you treat them right. The place has a healing energy I can't really explain. Can our family help by sharing that? If you want to offer any suggestions, or just talk man, i think we can build a better society by being our better selves. What a strange new world right?


14986668? ago

I'm intrigued. What state are you located in?

14989360? ago


14989382? ago

I'm a California resident and native.

14968623? ago

Thank you for your service Vet. You were fooled, like the rest of us. You were put in the worst position because many have died because of the Lies. Just remember this comeback to Glory was started by and will be ended by YOU, the Military! Thank you for standing by those currently in the Military and fighting for vets like YOU and of course, the rest of the World.

14968615? ago

You are not alone, Anon. We are fighting pure evil.

14968613? ago

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

That includes those who risk their lives for their friend's sake. Thank you Patriot!

14974768? ago

Amen. Thank you.

14968570? ago

May God bless you for your sacrifice and heal You from the emotional and physical wounds. Never doubt that you are loved and appreciated. The evil people will rot in hell!

14968551? ago

Wow - powerful statement. Thank you for sharing your views on this. It is sickening thinking about how many of our brave men and women have been killed, wounded, and left with horrific after-effects from all the cabal-engineered wars. Very sorry for the losses you have suffered, what you have witnessed that can never be unseen, and the horrific impact all those experiences have had on your life. We honor you and thank you for your courageous service and hope that when all these SOBs go down, it will bring you an overwhelming feeling of peace that justice is FINALLY being served. God bless you Patriot!

14974788? ago

I am honored by your words. I appreciate you. Thank you.

14975916? ago

Heartfelt and much deserved, Patriot. We all honor YOU!!!

14968449? ago

God bless you Patriot! You are still under a sacred oath to protect this great country, remember that. WWG1WGA!!!

14974828? ago

I would never forget my oath. Thank you.

14968314? ago

God bless you patriot. You are not blame. Those who are must\will pay the debt.

14974845? ago

Yes they will. In this life, or the next.

14968312? ago

As soldiers and leaders, we do not pick our battles; they are picked for us. Your worth is not determined by their decisions, but by the fact that you served, and sacrificed. Don't let anyone tell you different. A former captain, US Army, Desert Shield/Desert Storm

14974859? ago

Hooah, Sir. Thank you for paving the way for us behind you.

14976225? ago

And Thank Q (you) for your service!

14968211? ago

Oohrah Devil Dog! The real country you should still love has absolutely nothing to do with the clown show group in DC. God, Family, Country and the Corp still come first in my book. Semper Fi brother! Happy Birthday and Thank you for your service

14974905? ago

Happy Birthday devil. Always Faithful. We fight for eachother.

14968194? ago

Stop with the Pity party Marine.

You served faithfully AND in good faith you have nothing to be ashamed of.

Semper Fi

14968127? ago

Ditto SIR!

14968083? ago

"You Is Kind, You Is Smart, You Is Important!"

Seriously. You did more than I and I feel like a schlep. I admire you

14974944? ago

I is grateful for your kind words. I love you. Thank you.

14968067? ago

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE ! Iโ€™m a 23 year old female who has questioned the meaning of life since day one and have finally found meaning to my life because of Q. I might not be a member of the military, but I would fight for this country and itโ€™s freedom any day of the week, which is something I wouldnโ€™t have felt before the I learned the truth. It angers me to no end that men and women have given their lives for what? For the โ€œillusionโ€ of freedom and to fill the pockets of the scum on this planet. WE LOVE YOU

14974976? ago

I could not for the life of me, imagine being 23 in these times. You are charged with spreading the meaning of patriotism to a generation in love with themselves. I admire YOU. Stay in the fight. Be a strong woman. I LOVE YOU.

14968013? ago

You want to fight back against those who put the US in so many wars - don't support any candidate funded by the oil lobby

14974981? ago

Fuckin, duuuuuuuuuhhhhh!!! Thank you.

14967982? ago

Smedley Butler was right. Read his book. But your heart was in the right place, it is not your fault you were lied to. Your country needs you to redpill your brothers in arms. Seek out "The Illusion of Democracy: A more Accurate history of the Modern United States. "

14967962? ago

My father served. His brother was career military. Many uncles and cousins served. Some of these were combat vets, some were wounded. I served too and had the same thoughts as you. It gnawed on me for a while and, at one point, I threw all my military stuff in the trash can. Man, was I disgusted. The stuff sat in the trash for a few days until I retrieved it. I eventually separated my actions/intentions from those of the evil cabal, dishonorable politicians, etc. Then, it took a while to get over the thoughts and feelings of being duped/stupid. After becoming 'aware' I think all of that is normal. Eventually, I got my head and heart squared away with it. Some guys never do and they become angry and stay angry after opening their eyes. No answers here except that I've gone through it and I know several others who have. It's a good thing in the final analysis. Thanks for your service bro. I wish you the best of luck with everything. Take care.

14975013? ago

Thank you. You're right about some guys not being able to shake the anger. Thank you, and your family for serving.

14967939? ago

Always FORGIVE , NEVER forget. Carrying hatred is like taking poison and expecting your enemy to die. Forgive yourself 1st, then remember "These people are sick, these people are stupid" and we ALL got duped, even (((them))). YOU sir, fought for ALL the right reasons, if you faced those hard things for LOVE... Then, what blame on you can there be for that? I salute you! WRWY! You are not alone! WWG1WGA!

14975028? ago

Never Forget. Thank you. Semper Fi.

14967937? ago

Yesterday i was banned by Breitbart from their disqus for in a comment pointing out that WW1 was engineered by globalists.

God bless you, thank you for posting! - What percentage of vets do you think have found out what you found out?

14975051? ago

Theres no way of telling. We veterans usually keep to ourselves and avoid discussion that makes our blood hot. God bless you.

14967858? ago

Well said. Nobody should be dying in banker's wars. People fight for power, and oil, and poppies, and gold.... not for freedom. If you want to fight for freedom and liberty, go to Washington DC and start shooting the Communists sitting in Congress. That would do more to protect the Constitution than securing some poppy fields in Afghanistan.

14975078? ago

We aren't fooled. We are Gods warriors.

14980053? ago

Yes, fooled into believing you're "God's warriors", you braindead idiot.

14983921? ago

Lol thank you. Sometimes it feels that way. God bless you.

14967848? ago

Integrity is what differs you from these animals! You are a great person and our love for you is unconditional.

14975083? ago

Unconditional indeed. Thank you.

14967830? ago

You, we, us are worthy!!! Never forget that no matter the masters that send us into battle, we in the military are pure of heart and purpose. Thank you for your service Sgt. I stand with you, WWG1WGA

14975088? ago

I stand next to you. Thank you.

14967748? ago

Thank you for your service. You donโ€™t know the possible outcomes of a life with a different past. If not for your presence in the Middle East maybe a band of Muslims would make it here to assault innocent Americans. You can just never know. I appreciate your bravery.

14975097? ago

Everything happens for a reason. Thank you.

14967728? ago

I know how you are feeling, because I feel the same. Once I realized that everything that I believed in, as far as my political beliefs and those voted and appointed into power, were just part of the NWO plan, I felt like my time served was useless. Seeing what the plan has been for so many years, lives lost here and abroad, countries invaded, people slaughtered, for nothing more that another step in the deep states direction makes me wonder what was the point in all of this. Just pawns on someone else's chess board. I am not who I was and you aren't either. I served, you served, and for the right reasons called belief. Nothing can take away our service or our motive. Now, we are in another battle against those that lied to us.Took away a chunk of our life. Used us for their advantage. When all of this is exposed, all these elected people, those they appointed, and the filthy rich manipulators are rounded up and face military justice, then we will have a measure of revenge. Vietnam era Vet!

14967724? ago

Thank you for your service! Your value is tenfold to a kings ransom. Priceless! This patriot here is forever grateful to you and all the people who have and continue to serve this great country.

14975113? ago

I'm greatful for the support and love from Patriots like you. Thank you.

14967701? ago

God knows your heart, as do we. Men that teach members of their herds how to keep their lives, and are willing to give theirs protecting them, are the backbone of this country. You are one of those men, and NO ONE can take that away from you.

14975122? ago

I'm honored, and humbled. Thank you.

14967661? ago

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14967610? ago

skills and bravery stand no matter what evil men commanded you. keep a good heart for our people.

14975144? ago

My heart is pure. Thank you.

14967580? ago

I come from generations of service members enlisted and officers. America and the people within these great states are in a debt to your sir that we can never repay with verbal expressions. From the bottom of my heart I thank each and everyone of those who serve. Without you, this great experiment means nothing. God Bless and God Speed to all those who suffer from doubt. Let me be clear, THANK YOU! From my family to yours.

14975157? ago

All debts are square. I ask for nothing. I love you, and thank YOU.

14967515? ago

Hence the rampant ptsd.

We love you soldier.

14975163? ago

I agree. I love you back.

14967455? ago

Globalists' decisions doesn't lessen your worth. Q just mentioned thanks for hanging on and those that died did not do so in vain and will be avenged. This is my decode.

14975194? ago

One can hope. Thank you.

14967396? ago

Our job as service members was to bear true faith. We did that. The people over us, those who commanded us, did not bear true faith. They betrayed us. It's one of the reasons I left the service with 11 years in. I could have hung on until retirement, but after seeing George Bush's celebrating the New World Order in a state of the union speech, I decided I couldn't support it any more. I couldn't bear the thought of building the NWO for the Illuminati. It was a hard transition. My earning power went way down. We struggled for years financially. I gave up the potential of a nice retirement. I blame the globalists, Trilateralists, Council of Foreign Relations-ists, and all the rest. I ended up making a decent life for myself, but I would have rather enjoyed the security of the service and the fellowship of my team mates.

I want these people to pay. I want them to receive judgment and experience the consequences of the pain they have inflicted upon the innocent of the planet. When Q says PAIN is coming, I look forward to seeing it arrive. Judgment day can't come soon enough.

14967395? ago

Thank you so much for all you have sacrificed. I am so appreciative of you and your fellow service members for the sacrifices you made (make). I pray everyday that the treasonous rats that have made you question your service pay the ultimate price for their crimes. May God bless you and keep you and your family safe.

14975234? ago

God bless you. Thank you for blessing me and my daughter.

14967366? ago

I don't feel worthy to call you brother, or fellow patriot. Sir, you are deeply appreciated. As a citizen, I'm in debt to you for your services and your sacrifice. God bless you and your family!!!

14975242? ago

My Brother, all debts are square, and God bless YOU. Thank you.

14967335? ago

You sir, represent all that is good and right. You were not fighting for evil. Your concern shows you have a mind and a soul. You are a person we all should admire and respect. None of us escaped being manipulated by the evil that rules our world. I thank you for your devotion to the America we all want. Thats who you fought for.

14975259? ago

I thank you. I fight for all of us. I fight for good. I appreciate your recognition of my soul.

14967291? ago

I have a wonderful wife, two kids, a beautiful home, and a great business and i question my worth daily when compared to men like you. The sacrifice you and your friends made for others is ultimately worth more than anything i could possibly gain in this world. All of us are forever in your debt, we will never forget.

14975314? ago

No. You are not indebted to me or anyone else who served. You are free of burden. We ask of nothing in return. I Love You, brother. God bless you and your kids, and wife. You worked hard to have that great business, and beautiful home. Thank you for your words.

14972532? ago

If you daughters become mudsharks, everything you have done will have been worthless.

14967283? ago

Thank you for your service to our country!

14967257? ago

My father was a combat Vet in Vietnam. He had that same feeling his whole life and he also placed the blame at the feet of the Democrats. He was never able to get past a lot of the baggage and it ultimately affected his relationship with every one around him. Please, for your sake, donโ€™t let those feeleings take root. Find a way to channel your energy and find a way to put the things you couldnโ€™t control behind you. Especially if you have or plan to have a family.

14975357? ago

I have fought hard to uproot the negative. I am a single dad. I have no choice but to live for my little girl, now. I LOVE being her dad so much, I could never let myself fade into darkness.

14967835? ago

Please thank your father for his service during Vietnam from a grateful patriot. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ

14967234? ago

All wars are bankers wars.


14967225? ago

i never served, but im right beside you

14975363? ago

And I'm with you.

14967218? ago

Your worth as a Marine, a patriot, a Veteran and a man is beyond question! We did the right things for the right reasons - for our families and our countrymen. YAT YAS! Semper Fi, Brother - 0369 USMC (Ret)

14975375? ago

YAT FUCKIN YAS! Semper Fi, Brother. I love you.

14967193? ago

You did what was asked of you by your country and for that we Thank You. You showed honour in your service. It is now the time for JUSTICE! God Bless You Patriot.

14975381? ago

God bless you. Thank you.

14967174? ago

We all were deceived. Thank you sir for keeping us safe, peace it seems can be bought. If war can be bought peace can be purchased. You matter.

14975394? ago

The currency of peace is blood. Thank you.

14967163? ago

You are worth it all American soldier. Through it all we have nothing without the likes of you putting it all on the line. Your service is the heart that pumps the lifeblood of this great country. Everything you fought for will soon be a reality. Never underestimate your purpose. We can fight and die beside you because of you. This country would already be dead and gone without you.

14975400? ago

I love you. Thank you

14967039? ago

Well said Patriot.

Know this, we give you special honor as a result of your special sacrifice.

As you put your life in danger, many of us at home put our lives, treasure and honor in danger every day to support you.

The evil here at home is hidden and is an enemy that is often cloaked in a mask of goodness.

At home, we fight in silence without special honor but with the same angst, trouble and uncertainty. The option for us to suffer PTSD is not available but yet real.

We look to Jesus for power, healing and authority.

I suggest you do the same. We are not able to provide you with the healing you seek.

Semper Fi.

14967007? ago

Thank you for your service. You didn't know you were doing what you did based on lies. You were doing what you thought at the time was for the good of our country. You are worth a lot as a patriot. We need every one and knowing you have my back makes me feel safer. I have your back too. We can't undo the past. We can only work for a better future.

14975428? ago

We fight together, now. Thank you.

14966968? ago

Love your enemies as you love your neighbor. We will all receive our judgement

14975447? ago

Amen. How true.

14966967? ago

I have wondered countless time how our military feels about having been sent to war, into their death...for the elite. I sure hope you know you did it for us, not them and I sure hope you know it is us thanking you from the bottom of our heart.


Army Veteran's Wife

14977326? ago

The honourable intentions were that they joined up to fight for freedom and to defend the notion of a sovereign country and way of life. But the brutal truth is that the actions of the US military in the modern era has done nothing but prop up central banking plus a bunch of other fucked up covert agendas.

Hate the war , love those sent to fight in these bullshit banker wars.

14975464? ago

Thank you. Thank you for being a veterans wife. You are invaluable. The stone in his life.

14966963? ago

It's all bullshit. We've been lied to, used, and slaughtered for at least 100 years. And we were tricked into defending these evil fucks. The commies are even worse. Might even be the same folks.

14966933? ago

I had some of the same feelings. Retired in 2010, 30 years AF. I've never been in your shoes Patriot Veteran. I've never been shot at or faced the dangers that you and so many more have. I spent my life as a maintainer on a few flight lines. I hope and pray my efforts in some small way made a difference to those "in it". I've also looked back at my history after becoming involved with the Q movement and it has caused me to wonder about my service. I'm not ashamed of it, I am still proud of it as you and all others should be. But now I have a new opportunity to serve, anonymously, but serve just the same. Whatever contribution we make, however large or small, we make to save our Country. Our Oath never expired...it never will. God speed Patriot. God Bless POTUS, Q, Anons and our Country. See you all on the other side. WWG1WGA!!!

14975482? ago

God bless you. Thank you for a life of service. I appreciate you.

14966921? ago

YOU didn't commit any crimes [they] did. You're a good man brother

14975504? ago

Amen. Thank you. I love you.

14966846? ago

Young man you listen to me! Do not ever disparage your service this country. You are not responsible for the actions of the government. You are a true Patriot in all of our eyes. You placed your life before the rest of US Americans. You are my hero. You pledged your life to uphold the Constitution against foreign and domestic enemies. We all owe you a debt of gratitude and much more. I'm married to a Vietnam Vet Marine, he sacrificed a lot, so did his family. NEVER IN VAIN. Stand straight, be proud and know that there are millions of us eternally grateful for your service. God bless you.

14975597? ago

You owe me nothing. I thank you for being married to a Marine, who without you, would not be the man he is. You are more important and valuable than ANY veteran. I am grateful for YOU! Always Faithful, ma'am.

14984652? ago

One grandfather was Army WW2, father USAF Chaplain, husband USMC Vietnam, and last but not least my son was in the Navy on a destroyer from 2006-2010. God bless all of you.

14966845? ago

God bless you and your family . We are humbled and grateful and honored for our military. Make no mistake. Your sacrifice as well as all our military should feel honor as it is well earned. We love you right back Sgt. And we always will. We stand for you and with you. Justice is coming. We will do our best to avenge you and all those who bravely and selflessly answered the call. Enjoy your daughter. Hold her close. Do so w a clear conscious and a full heart. God bless you and yours patriot. We are w you.

14975627? ago

My little girl is my everything. My heart, and soul are full of love. I stand with you. Thank you.

14966838? ago

Again, thank you for your service Sgt. Anon. None of us knew about the lies and corruption either. And there's still the huge majority of Americans that still don't know and will not know until this is all exposed. The MSM has been hugely to blame for not helping to expose anything.

God bless you and yours.

14975638? ago

Thank you and God bless you

14966819? ago

You are not alone. I quit active duty after 13 years because things were so insane. In was in a place (af space stuff) where there was a VAST amount of this stuff going 0n just below the surface... I would not be surprised if my entire squadron and its mission were a fake front some some more nefarious thing probably involving moving billions around to the right people. Knowing what I know now the tells are everywhere. Officers made HORRIBLE decisions. It was odd. The only smart decisions were made by the guys with the "worst" rankings. The "bottom third" officers were the ones to work with if possible. If you got the top guy be prepared for miserable insanity. I am convinced there were control files on people all the way down to the Captain level in some cases. I dont know for sure but I REALLY get that feeling considering some of the stuff I saw go down and how I saw stuff NOT go down when it should.

I know Q talks up the military but let me tell you what I would NEVER recommend it today. Not to a millennial I didn't like TBH. Maybe things are getting cleaned up but I bet there is ALOT of distance to still go. A lot of things are fucked. LIke there are more things fucked than not fucked by probably 3 orders of magnitude and the not-fucked things are shit that doesn't matter. ITs bad news. I caution anyone jumping up and down for the space force. It will be mostly made up of the AF's space assets is my guess. Some Nasa and SAP's as well. A LOT of deep state rot and deep state people will make that transfer. Who knows if they will clear that shit out in time or not. My guess is not.

14975650? ago

Have faith brother. It's all we got.

14973500? ago

Besides the 13 years of service you gained a vast amount of information that the public and the proper departments of the government need to hear. I thank you for sticking it out as long as you did while you learned of the evil that is gut wrenching. Young people need to hear about the stupidity to war so that they fight more for peace. I thank you for posting your experience for us too!

14967865? ago

Thank you so much for your service.

Regardless of your thoughts on your time spent in the military, please know that there will always be people like me who are grateful to you and others who have served.


14966802? ago

Thank you for your service and happy belated birthday Jarhead. Your sacrifice is deeply appreciated and your commitment to the call is good and pure. Those who send our brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers to the slaughter are the ones who will have to stand before God to answer for their evils. Stay strong, Semper Fidelis.

14975718? ago

Semper Fi. God gets the final say. Kill them all, and let God sort them out. I love you.

14966760? ago

This is not your fault, NEVER blame yourself for what the evil ordered you to do unknowingly. Remember, if it wasnโ€™t for the military, we wouldnโ€™t have Q right now. So pick yourself up soldier, and be proud on that beautiful day, we are winning. WWG1WGA.

14966759? ago

I am wiping away tears as I write this. This hurts my heart! Not only did the evil in this world make you feel like you were played, it made you feel like your service was of no effect. No matter how you ended up in Iraq, ALWAYS remember that it was YOU that chose to be there because of YOUR character. YOU chose to go to stand for our country and for us! DO NOT allow the evil to take away from the choice YOU made to allow your character to shine through.and to stand for what you believed was right! YOU were the one that made the choice to put your life on the line for the likes of me! Do not let the evil actions of the deep state to take away from the person you showed yourself to be! You showed bravery, courage, and love for your fellow mankind, and NOTHING can take that away! Remember what YOU did, and not the evil that perpetrated this war. YOUR choice speaks volumes about who you are!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SERVICE!

14975850? ago

Dry your eyes, anon. I love you. My love for this life, and the people like YOU in this world, keeps me moving forward, and not ending the fight. Thank you so very much.

14966793? ago

No, you're not wiping away tears as you write that.

14970061? ago

ืœืืŸ ืื ื—ื ื• ื”ื•ืœื›ื™ื ืื—ื“ ืื ื—ื ื• ื”ื•ืœื›ื™ื ื”ื›ืœ . .

14972509? ago

Your Lord Jesus Christ truly loves you.

14966895? ago


14967041? ago

14966758? ago

I fought for the Marines to my left and right first, but fighting for my country takes on a whole other meaning now. The Evil men and women who send our services members to their death... The wars based on LIES...

As Smedley Butler once wrote, War is a Racket.

So you find yourself on the same side as Smedley Butler. That in itself is a pretty big honor. Also, while I don't know the exact stress of military PTSD, I can tell you that a lot of folks are dealing with lymphoma and new advances in treatment are getting proven all the time, so you can look forward to a better future in terms of lymphoma treatment.

The anger and frustration grow as I type. Either way. I would die for all of you, and many others will and have. Hopefully, in the future, our veterans won't have to question their worth.

You don't have to prove your worth to any mortal man, and God already knows how good you are. I don't know how to stop anger, but keep my thoughts focused on God helps me -- it might help you too.

14975862? ago

God is the breath in my lungs. Thank you. I love you.

14966752? ago

Just for one moment, take a look at one of those wimpish, disturbed, freakish little leftie turds, and you will never again question your own worth. You a worth a million of them any day. You are appreciated more than you realise. Love and Blessings to you.

14975869? ago

They are just confused, indoctrinated people. People none the less. I appreciate YOU. Thank you.

14966725? ago

Your intent matters more than what their intent was. You did what you felt was right. The value is in why you did it, not in why they had you do it.

I'm a fellow Marine, long since inactive. I did eight years, though you seem to have done more. I'm available via PM if you need an active listener. I'm TheBuddha, if you want to have someone listen and be objective.

14966708? ago

My heart goes out to you. Thank you greatly for your service and for your love and protection of the United States and itโ€™s people. I cannot thank you enough for what youโ€™ve done to protect us. Do not regret what you have done. You did it in the name of love, honor, country and for God. Please do not!! I realize there is great evil and no one expected you to end it. Only to protect us, which you valiantly have done. I owe my freedom to you. I donโ€™t know you but I love you for your purity and for your protective instinct you have for us. God bless you and thank you from the depths of my heart. -Patriot

14975889? ago

From the entirety of my heart, Thank you. I Love you.

14966685? ago

You served HONORABLY with what you and we all knew at the time. THAT will NEVER change, hero! We're all a bit rocked by learning about the evil of the cabal and how they deceived all of us with their lies and corruption. But that is not on us. You weren't part of the corruption. You served with the noblest of intentions - NOTHING can ever change that fact. And that fact makes your service HONORABLE! Thank you for your HONORABLE service, HERO! Prayers sent to you for a peaceful heart and healing of past trauma! God bless you, Sir! We love you and all our veterans!! #WWG1WGA #MAGA

14966668? ago

I thank you for your service and commitment to our freedom.

14966654? ago

I was in DESERT STORM and saw the horror of what happened in the Balkans. You're my brother Marine, so listen to your USAF wingnut brother. We fulfilled our oaths to protect and defend! We are now asked to do it again in a different way. DO NOT EVER QUESTION YOUR WORTH AS A VETERAN or WARRIOR MARINE! You served us with honor, your brothers and sisters who went before you watched and read about your bravery and courage. As a combat vet I stand and salute in awe of your accomplishments on the battlefield. War is a place where honorable men have to do things a normal citizen would cower and shit themselves. Never forget who you are brother!

14975921? ago

Semper Fidelis, brother. NEVER forget.

14972569? ago

The Balkans. They created Kosovo as a second little Israel, a base for troublemaking, human trafficking, and one hundred other types of Deep State gangster activities.

14966638? ago

To you and all other Vets and their families, from a member of a military family as well... May God bless you and keep you; may He make the light of His face shine down upon you, "band of brothers & sisters."

14975936? ago

We fight together.

14966630? ago

You piece of shit went to kill people for corporate profit. go fuck your dead homies bitch

14975943? ago


14967452? ago

Me and my dead brothers (not homies) would do it all again... just so you may live in this beautiful world. I would still take a bullet for you. Love always wins.

14968936? ago

Please don't fight for israel again.

Please don't fight for the rothschild mafia again.

14972753? ago

No problem. I'm retired.

14967789? ago

Thank you so much for your service, sir.

Please know that there are countless people who are indebted to the sacrifices you and your brothers made, myself being one of the humble amongst them.

God bless you. God keep you and your family safe. Today and always.

๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ โค๏ธ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

14972767? ago

I thank you with all my heart.

14967099? ago

Go fuck yourself, again #149(666)30. Worthless POS shill

14966889? ago

It's my honor to be the first one to downvoat your comment to hell

14966565? ago

I have felt the same. But ultimately, as a troop - we were instruments of our nation's foreign policy. Doesn't matter if we agreed.

The nation needed us to go, for whatever reason, and we fucking went.

That's an extremely valuable and honorable action. We can stand tall that when the nation called, we answered.

14975958? ago

That's right. Semper Fidelis.

14966480? ago

God Bless you Patriot!! Please don't question your worth. You did what you believed was right. If your beliefs were based on lies, the responsibility is in the hands of the evil liars! Thank you for your service!!!

14966476? ago

Blessing to you and your family.

14966449? ago

You are precious to us Patriot. Do not doubt the worth of your service. The evil ones must fall but the sacrifice of you and your brothers is a thing of honor forever.

14966448? ago

I have watched in horror at the wars of choice the US has taken part in for the last few decades. However I have never questioned the heart of the soldiers. I have questioned many politicians and many generals (though thankfully there are a few good ones looking out for the enlisted man). I am heartened that the loudest cheerleaders for peace with North Korea comes from the military! It is soldiers like you that know the horrors of war, both to the civilian population and the soldiers that live through that hell. And I am so thankful when the loudest cheerleaders of peace over unnecessary wars of choice are you. But if the actual United States was in danger, you would be there to protect this great country. It is unfortunate politicians and many generals that abused that instinct to protect.

14966413? ago

My fellow Veteran,

You've done nothing that dishonors yourself, your family or our Nation.

I share your rage. I'm now too old to be effective in a fight but would happily sacrifice my life both to undo any Injustice that I've unknowingly perpetrated, and to ensure that it never happens again.

You, and all my comrades in arms, brothers all, have my everlasting support and respect.

God save us all.

Respectfully and sincerely yours,

Navy Anon

14968891? ago

As someone who researched the evil that they do for years before Q came along, i always felt a lot of heartache for you guys.I know you stood for what was right while the people in power did you wrong. They are the ones who need to pay the price. God bless you, always.

14966387? ago

Thank you for your Service <3 Don't let those Rat bastards take away the valiant fight & honorable service that you did for your/Our Country!! Thank you SO Much for your sacrifices & Service

14966351? ago

Thank you for your service, great Patriot!!!! More people appreciate what you have done then you even realize. God bless.

14966349? ago

I was diagnosed with Non-hodgkin's lymphoma and PTSD

Not under the watch of patriots. We will make sure we have it all.

14966346? ago

Father in heaven I pray your hand be upon Sgt. Anon. Let him feel your peace and know that the nation he fought for loves him back and is very grateful for his service and sacrifice. May he find healing and peace through Jesus Christ your only begotten Son. Amen.

14975984? ago

Amen. Thank you for your prayers. God bless you.

14969251? ago


14966345? ago

My dad fought on the front line in Korea. The Army recruiter went to his high school to recruit because they didnโ€™t have enough enlistments so soon after WWll. The Army had my dadโ€™s age legally changed, he was 16 years old and changed to 18 so he could serve. He was sent to Korea right after basic. He killed hundreds of Red Chinese, not by choice. He wore out 2 M1โ€™s. He was heavily decorated. He didnโ€™t talk a out it until he had little time left. He told me men do what they need to do. They fight!

14969182? ago

I can't even imagine doing that at 16 years old. Such courage these men show, and then carry that their whole lives in silence, a terrible burden. I understand why but I wish more of these brave warriors would speak out to the youth today. Respect to your father.

14969878? ago

Thank you! You served the greatest country on earth, Thank You!

14966334? ago

Thank you for your service. From the bottom of my heart, I deeply appreciate what you stand for and what you have sacrificed for this country.

14966306? ago

i am not in the military but my dad's father's brother died in WWII and i have also thought about this. just sending people to their death to see who wins. it is said since WWII they have killed at least 30-60 million still. i have a marine friend who, under obama, they literally set up their camp in the most vulnerable place. fighting terrorists trained by our CIA. it's all messed up.. however we can be glad for now we see the light.. thank you and your family for your service. let us rejoice in change and be proud of what you are.

no matter who was funding what.. your service means a lot to us. respect!

14976004? ago

Respect back. Thank you.

14966247? ago

I was half-way through my first term when I was shown Zeitgeist Addendum (2008), a film by Peter Joseph. I was quickly drawn to watch the first film in the series, Zeitgeist: The Movie (2007) which is the first time I'd learned of there even being a conspiracy theory behind 9/11. Between the banking system and the military industrial complex, and the fact that I was becoming aware of corruption within my command, I did my duty while attempting to stand my ground and promptly and honorably exit. I'm having a hard time dealing with the time I spent in and my contribution. I can't even imagine what you're experiencing, having served in combat.

14976014? ago

I battle daily. Stay in the fight. Never forget.

14973544? ago

You did your part and you were enlightened so that you can, now, enlighten others through your experience. I thank you for your service.

14977269? ago

Nicely put

14967485? ago

I have seen Zeitgeist too. Fuckin nuts. Love.

14966230? ago

There's value in stepping up to fight for a cause you know. It makes you a man.

There's greater value in stepping up to fight for a cause you only think you know. It makes you a good man.

To carry out their evil, they needed good men, because only good men step up in the dark.

They had to lie, because the men were good.

It wasn't worth doing the wrong thing, but it was worth being the right kind of man.

Thank you, your family, and your fellow Marines for your service, Patriot.

14976018? ago

Thank you, on behalf of myself the my brothers.

14967465? ago

Semper Fi. Thank you. Love.

14966174? ago

Brother ALL of humanity has been duped by this anti-human ruling class/bloodlines for CENTURIES --perhaps since our inception. Hold NO shame as we, every one of us, have been brainwashed from birth. Know you're playing a part of (((their))) destruction with your obvious awakening -' many vets have shared your sentiments as they broke.through on their own journey to Light. Beautiful post btw, know your lovely daughter will have a fantastic future -' and you contributed greatly. Much Love, Bro

14970162? ago

I love this country but as an 18 year old watching us invade iraq and go into afghanistan I could comprehend they were a total waste of our military resources and would have never allowed myself to become a pawn of the government. I have known several ex marines who come back and tell me about the rampant waste in the military. How they go about spending their yearly budget retardedly at the end of the year just so they won't cut their spending. How tools and gear that would cost a civilian x amount of money are bought for 5x that because of bullshit military contracts. How much does it cost to ship a battalion across the ocean in a giant battleship just so we can jerk off at a military base in a country we shouldn't give a fuck about? It's all asinine.

14983897? ago

That has been Trump's entire point with the bad trade deals. America has been acting as the world's police with the protected nations not holding up their end of the bargain (ie paying us for services rendered).

This has allowed socialism to thrive in europe and internationally - it turns out those other countries can spend quite a bit on social services when they are not paying for their own defense.

And yes, the ridiculous budgets and unfettered spending that you write about only compound the issue.

14984363? ago

That's all well and good now that Trump says he is going to end this, but that's not the point. The point was that while all this shit was going down, in an obvious fashion, hundreds of thousands of young american's willingly joined the military. I believe most don't join up to serve their country, they join to get the perks. They also like the unearned respect they get from doing something any American could have done. The military takes in anyone, yet the ego's on so many ex military are inflated to the highest levels.

14966172? ago

Nothing can take away nor smear the fact that you Swore an Oath to Defend your country and its Constitution. I too lost close friends in Iraq, I miss them and reflect upon our friendship often. One thing I know for certain is that like me, they were where they wanted to be, doing what they wanted to be doing, which was serve the United States and its people. Remember, even though Q has opened our eyes to the rotten evil truth, Q and most of your fellow Americans are still just as proud of you for your service and mourn the loss of our friends.

Love you too Marine

Sgt. Anon2 USA Infantry

14966163? ago

Never question your worth as a veteran. You served the people. The people asked the wrong things because we were misinformed. The burden of guilt is ours soldier. Carry your honor with distinction. The dishonor is ours.

14966160? ago

Your worth is grounded in your intentions and beliefs and the actions born through them. The deceptions and nefarious acts that I, and many more everyday, seem to be exposing, evaluating, and seeking justice for are not due to our knowing but our ignorance or their omission from the msm and highly astute manufacturing of brutal control systems. I implore you to stay with what you would do if your neighbour needed lodging after a flood, a stranger in need at their worst moments, or violence done in your presence. These are you, not the script you may have been led to by the most uncaring of us. Chin up and a tip of my hat to you.

14966129? ago

You are worth it and thank you for your service. Don't let the bad guys take anything away from what you did.

14966119? ago


14974622? ago

So... if one didn't KNOW the orders he / she followed resulting in loss of life among many innocents were unlawful orders at the time they were issued, he / she is not culpable? Not sure I agree...

14979312? ago

When orders are issued and we as soldiers do our best with the info we have, not knowing the bigger picture, and we follow those orders to the best of our ability and stay within our moral compass, we canโ€™t spend the rest of our time on this planet blaming ourselves for doin our best. If a person is drafted and told by his/her president to go to war, would that also be the individuals fault if they obey?

14967914? ago

You can tell yourself whatever you want. The truth is that you fight for evil men who want power, money, oil, and gold. And, as a soldier, you help them get what they want. The "freedom and liberty" bullshit is what they use to brainwash you into doing it.

14969996? ago

ืœืืŸ ืื ื—ื ื• ื”ื•ืœื›ื™ื ืื—ื“ ืื ื—ื ื• ื”ื•ืœื›ื™ื ื”ื›ืœ


14969261? ago

You can tell yourself whatever you want. The truth is that you live in a (almost) free country, which is (almost) free because others fight for this (almost) freedom.

The truth is that you live for evil men who want power, money, oil, and gold. And as a consumer, you help them get what they want.

Everything you buy, you give money to an evil system, so blaming this veteran is a shame.

(my 2 cents from France)

I love you American patriots!! :)

14969292? ago

Why don't you worry less about America and deal with all those Muslim niggers invading your country?

14968930? ago

And you can kiss all of our asss!

14969130? ago

Sorry, I didn't tell you what you wanted to hear. I guess that upsets you when people think for themselves and don't follow the hive mind you idiots all belong to? The truth is painful.

14969359? ago

I don't care what you think. Your not revelant

14969373? ago


14970266? ago

Sum of your argument

14970297? ago

I'm not arguing with you. I'm offering you the truth. Whether you want to accept it or not is up to you.

14968848? ago

And so what have you done for anyone except whinge from the safety of your computer keyboard. We can not all serve but we can all give honor where honor is due. Your comments clearly tell me you have not got a clue about this whole overall situation. This has never been about money its been about rejecting the authority of God and setting up their own evil empire so that they can shake their fist at God. This people have no idea and are clearly deceived and stupid.

14968738? ago

Oh STFU, shill. You've been a slave like everyone else- knowingly or unknowingly serving THEIR interests. At least some had the balls to live with the best of intentions and fight to protect you, regardless of how the system abused that good will.

14969057? ago

How EXACTLY did they "fight to protect me"? I haven't seen any invading armies around here. That's just more jingoistic bullshit you've been brainwashed with. Nobody died for my freedom. My freedom was never threatened in white rural America. I'm more concerned about niggers moving near me than I am about Al-Quaeda attacking rural Nebraska.

14969170? ago

you're scum

14969262? ago

Because I don't believe all the bullshit you believe in?

14969312? ago

rot in hell

14969344? ago

Keep believing what you've been taught to believe. Someday you'll realize the truth: EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS A LIE.

14969156? ago

maybe you should take a good look at our southern border right now, champ.

14969189? ago

I have guns too. If I see any Mexicans coming on my property I can shoot them too. Why do we need a standing army to do this? The founding fathers warned against having standing armies.

14975692? ago

You shouldn't want it to come down to these people in our back yards. they need to be stopped at the border before they get anywhere near our communities. i don't think you'll find enough militia power to make that happen.

14968567? ago

I would down vote you if I could. We have all been used by the โ€œevil men who want powerโ€. What happens when a soldier refuses orders? They get locked up.

Who will we have to thank for freeing us from the evil? The Military.

Do you work and put your โ€œmoneyโ€ into a Federal bank and pay your Federal Taxes?

Then you, like all here, helped to fund them.

14968763? ago

I quit paying taxes in 2015. I thought about joining the military when I was younger, but I couldn't justify working for evil men. The soldiers who are already enlisted have to fulfill their contracts. But, the trick is to convince the younger generation to never join the military. Our forefathers never intended us to have "standing armies". They wanted us to organize into local militias. Standing armies are like fire. You have to either use them for war (to justify your budgets) or they burn your hands trying to hold them. We created this mess ourselves. Eisenhower warned us about the Military Industrial Complex. Now, it funds itself using our money. The only way to win is to not play the game.

14969196? ago

For now? They are helping save the world. The whole world will benefit from this. If not for that standing army, we would continue our slide into a world of total darkness.

14969244? ago

Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night.

14970537? ago

Well, how about if that standing army sits down and stops this effort? You and everyone would continue to be screwed. But not for too long. Because WWIII was their aim. Byebye you.

14970885? ago

I think that if the US Military really wanted to take out the New World Order, they could do it within a week. We could destroy every single person connected to the New World Order and stop the plan dead in it's tracks. But, that will never happen. I wonder why? Who is directing the US Military? And for what purpose?

14968176? ago

And you gave funded them hand over fist. STFU consumer. Take your guilt back to your cumdumster you call a hand. This soldier at least has to guts to speak with integrity. Your just projecting yourself, glutton.

14968390? ago

Not me. I'm anti-consumer. I have no debt. Grow my own food. Don't buy stupid gadgets. I don't even have a TV. You can lie to yourself however you want. But, if you fight for evil then you are evil too. The solution is to refuse to fight for evil.

15056129? ago

As he uses an gadget attached to wifi. Of course your a Poser and a very stupid one at that.

14970034? ago

ืœืืŸ ืื ื—ื ื• ื”ื•ืœื›ื™ื ืื—ื“ ืื ื—ื ื• ื”ื•ืœื›ื™ื ื”ื›ืœ. .

14970181? ago

Sorry, I don't speak Jew.

14970028? ago

Thats a kek for you..wtf is that in your hands? Your dick or a gadget. Probably both.

14968800? ago

Don't buy stupid gadgets."

Posts from stupid gadget.

14969000? ago

Sure, I have a computer. So do you. So does everyone. Compared to the average American, I produce more than I consume. I realized long ago that my choices as a consumer directly effect the world I live in. How many of the idiots here drive a BIG HONKING TRUCK that gets 10 MPG because it makes them feel like a tough guy? I'm guessing lots. Until you cure that mentality, you'll never get rid of wars for oil. To change the world, we first have to change ourselves.

14966140? ago

AMEN to that!

14969135? ago

We are all slaves to one degree or another. God knows what's in a man's heart. Fighting for your country and the ideals that we believe America stands for is noble and honorable. For the man in the trenches, it's a Nobilis Bellum (Noble War). Others may have used good men and women to achieve evil, but that's on them. They shall pay for their crimes one way or another on Earth or in whatever comes after... in this life or another.

14978581? ago

It's noble but now that the truth is out and so easily accessable just how much honor is left?

14975752? ago

God promises us that there is a JUDGEMENT day. So if not in this life, the Satanist cabal gets it in the next.

14966068? ago

God Bless You, Sgt. Anon

THANK YOU for your service and Semper Fi! ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

14966058? ago

It's heartbreaking and infuriating. Honorable men and women used to do their bidding. However, do not underestimate your tremendous value, along with all of the other brave and selfless men and women who have fought for this country. You are the good that has battled this evil. I thought about how absolutely selfish and grotesque one would have to be to sacrifice their own children, torture others, steal and cheat others, in order to gain riches and power. The absolute antithesis is someone who is willing to persecute their flesh and sacrifice themselves and riches for the love of country and others. YOU are the soldiers in this battle of good and evil and you are the light that shines in the darkness. When I realized just HOW evil the world is and all that really goes on, and i thought what a terrible place, what stuck out to me were the police officers, the military, the fireman and the people who everyday sacrifice everything for total strangers. You give me hope and others hope, and because of you, I know there is light in this world. Your sacrifice means something very significant to many of US, the ones who count. God Bless and thank you!

14973895? ago

The evil fuckers have taken the sacrifice of the steadfast and loyal men & women of America and around the world and have warped it for their own gain into something wicked. Their entire family line deserves to be eradicated for their sin, even the roots removed and cast into the fire of Hades.

14969686? ago

Amen! People like you soldier are what it's all about. No greater love than putting your life on the line for strangers! Trust God, because He didn't reveal these things to punish you, but rather to help you in your fight that you now face. He loves you and you win. You just don't know it yet. Your good influence in this world is what we need now more than ever. Now use your testimony to help save others. Never again will we sit back and just allow this to happen to people like you!

14966052? ago

We canโ€™t give you enough thanks for your service. You served your country, not these politicians. What you did was heroic. Thank you, sir!

14966000? ago

Thank you for your service and honorable dedication to your country! God bless you and yours! WWG1WGA!

14967703? ago





THEN I BELIEVE YOU HAVE MAYBE HEARD A LITTLE TOO MUCH RANTING AND REEEING FROM THE PERMANENTLY OFFENDED OUTRAGE MOB, (otherwise known as the FAR LEFT), perhaps at a low or emotionally and/or physically exhausted moment of your life.


You are a Blessing to us all,

and the World, and Humanity, have been saved from assured destruction multiple times,

and we owe you more ThanQ's than we can ever say ~

You are ALL in our prayers, Always ๐Ÿ’—

God Bless and Protect You and yours, forever๐Ÿ’—


14965985? ago

Thank you for your service. Your sacrifice is appreciated ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

14965959? ago

Thank you for your services, Patriot!

14965951? ago

You are worthy. You are good. You are appreciated. We thank you deeply.

14970860? ago

Yes! And Q is your enemy.

14972599? ago

Please DO remember that there is such as phenomena as KARMA...what you give out comes back to you.

14973241? ago

Dude karma does not exist. Most adults know that when they really be honest with themselves.

Often times good people never win and evil people never lose.

Dont kid yourself. The universe doesnt correct these things, only we can correct these things.

14972736? ago

You do realize that โ€œKarmaโ€ is make-believe, right?

14972691? ago

There is no karma you fucking faggot.

14971879? ago

Oh, barf!

14971669? ago

Based on what facts?

14971816? ago

Someone made a post on it here earlier. https://voat.co/v/whatever/2845858

The comments don't even attempt to debate it. There was no defense or explanation, instead just a lot shill accusing. The thread is lacking good defenses to the post. Fight logic with logic.

14970436? ago

True war is fought on the meme-line

14974384? ago

The war of Truth is fought on the meme-line.

14977894? ago

All important wars according to Q. Modern warfare is costly and unnecessary, look how we changed the entire political landscape with just memes.

14968994? ago

BIG AMEN THERE! WE ARE ALL WAKING UP, SIR-PATRIOT-MARINE! We ALL feel shtty because we believed the lies- all of us. WE LOVE YOU, BTW, and THAT is from a fellow-deceived-patriotee. It is YOUR service and sacrifice that makes this fight what it is- YOU (and our servicemen&women-family) AND THE CHILDREN. We Must be strong for You(pl) and for them.

14968535? ago

What kind of creepy tumblresque type of faggots are you qtards? Q is just a bunch random anons larping each other and low IQ individuals eating it up.

Nonetheless you retards seem like good people so keep it up. You do you boyo.

14966352? ago

We will even give you a blowjob.

14969981? ago

ืœืืŸ ืื ื—ื ื• ื”ื•ืœื›ื™ื ืื—ื“ ืื ื—ื ื• ื”ื•ืœื›ื™ื ื”ื›ืœ...

14970070? ago

Sounds like something Q would say.

14971703? ago

It actually is.

14978141? ago

Good goy

14985498? ago

Go fuck your mother, nigger.

14988025? ago

ืœืืŸ ืื ื—ื ื• ื”ื•ืœื›ื™ื ืื—ื“ ืื ื—ื ื• ื”ื•ืœื›ื™ื ื”ื›ืœ

14988288? ago

Why are you posting this in kid fucker language?

14966490? ago

YOU said it.

14965863? ago

I'm 34 and I didn't serve. Thank You Patriot!!!

14965843? ago

Big thank you.