14976385? ago

Why do you think PTSD is at an all time high?

Soldiers waking up to the fact that it's all a lie. Then feel the disgust at people's well meaning appreciation when they come home.

The ones who want attention for their service are the ones who are as you say. There are far many more who greatly dislike being identified as someone who one should be grateful for.

Fact is they took an oath to protect the country. They were willing to lay down their lives for others. That is indeed worth being grateful for. But the things our government did to them while deployed ruined the minds and spirits of many honorable, self sacrificing men.

Our American spirit is good. Those in control are not. We are gullible and easy to manipulate for a cause. They take advantage of that.

Don't lump everyone into this pot of evil you see. Because while it does exist, most don't realize until it's too late. At that point they're there with the men they serve with and they're going to protect one another, no matter what.

14973579? ago

You never served obviously. You don't sound as if you've had the slightest inclination to serve. Yet, you lecture anyone who wastes their time reading your diatribe about how you have had it all figured out and boiled down other peoples' experiences and intentions to jingoism and patriotic bullshit. Now, you can take your lecture and shove it up your ass, sideways, you cynical self-important antagonistic puke.

14973111? ago

Military is a place to become a brainwashed order follower.

Patriots that want to defend the country are wonderful, this just isn't the way to do it.

14972940? ago

War is a Racket by Smedly Butler.He said it best.

14972604? ago

Folks just think they're red pilled til' they get hit with the JQ.

14972234? ago

Do you need to lay down snowflake shill?

14972185? ago

FFS next thing is you will be calling for white guilt.

14971708? ago

What's the difference between any soldier and a Gerrman 'death camp' soldier following orders, the jew lawyers at Nuremberg didn't think so.

14973694? ago

Its only bad when you are killing God's Chosen

14971658? ago

The military is not about helping the weak. Agree, my son considered enlisting during Obama's terms and I talked him out of it because Obama was a traitor to our country. A patriot does not serve under a traitor. Unfortunately, many are not so aware. Trump is a patriot President, and now I would give my son my blessings.

14973662? ago

military is not about helping the weak

Maybe it should be?

14975703? ago

absolutely not

14971471? ago

It’s funny how people can so easily blame the mindcontroled victim. We all were born into this. Boomers possibly had it worst out of them all with leaded gas/paint, massive smoking, and fluoride as well as all the crazy mind control ops from the 60’s and 70’s. gen x was the chosen ones with gate the elites of the chosen, Who got positive in addition to the negative mind control, with help from the 70’s church hearings waking many up. Think movies like red dawn and shows like mcgyver and airwolf, many others that were positive mind control. Millenials got common core, mass shootings, stupid white man commercials and sitcoms as well as semi criminal super heros. At least gen x had a team working on their mind for good (the same types as those doing q now). You probably are gen x, so let up on the others, they had it worse

14971046? ago

I agree with most except the military. The fact people abuse their bravery is not their problem. Its us, the people, the citizens have a RESPONSIBILITY!!!! Don't ever cast judgement on a soldier, for their bravery and sacrifice is beyond human measure.

14971112? ago

I'm not questioning their bravery or sacrifice.

I'm questioning why they agree to do the bidding of evil people for money? If someone asked me to do evil for money, I'd say "NO".

14970651? ago

Do you mean the military that stepped in and saved this country from the war that Hitlery Clinton and the cabal had planned for us? That military? You ungrateful fuck! You should be on your knees kissing their ass. If it were not for our military you and your family would either be dead or in a "rehabilitation" camp.. Fuck you.

14970712? ago

^^^ THIS is the type of jingoistic bullshit and military worship I was referring to.

If you want to save this country and "protect America" then WTF are we doing in the Middle East? Our troops should all be here, stationed on the Southern Border and in Washington DC. That is where the real threats are to this country. The people in Iraq and Afghanistan have never done a thing to hurt America.

14970899? ago

That was the cabals doing you uniformed jackass. I guess you have not noticed that the wars have ended, You are one sorry sack of shit. And again Fuck You And Fuck Right Off.

14971128? ago

The "wars have ended"? Then why did we just approve a budget of $700 BILLION for the military?

14971283? ago

You really are stupid. Did you not hear Trump talking this morning about how your hero Oboobma let our military go to hell. Have you not heard Trump say that the more powerful our military is the less chance there is that we will need it. We were all fooled by the cabal we are all responsible for that, Why do you put the blame only on the military? Just shut up already you are just showing us all what an uninformed fool you really are.

14970525? ago

We're fortunate to have among us those who would die for what's right.

We're cursed to have among us those who would see killed those who fight.

They use their wars to rid us of our brave.

14970774? ago

  • What is "right"? We are helping Saudi Arabia kill Yemeni civilians right now. Is that right?
  • Who are the people planning these wars? Why doesn't anyone ever call them out?

14971697? ago

All you know is what the MSM has reported. Terrorists, not Americans, not Saudis are killing Yemini civilians.

14971099? ago

The fights are the wrong fights.

The people who are willing to fight them, are the right people.

Jews and other internationalists have been using the American military for its size, might, technological prowess, and the bravery of its membership, for their own ends. They further take joy in killing our bravest and leaving our lands littered with weak men, and infiltrates.

We're fortunate to be part of a people that can produce brave men, willing to fight.

We're cursed with an intrusion of our sovereignty and a distortion of our reality.

I appreciate your contribution to helping clear matters for all of us who suffer from their curse.

I'm hopeful for better days ahead, and more people seeing things clearly.

14971155? ago

That makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.

14970468? ago

Blah blah blah, I’ll never serve in the military, nor know what it’s like to sacrifice for someone else or something bigger than me, a country needs protecting, you’ll never know what it’s like to protect it. Those men died for you to say that spew of garbage, I’ll say it for them and myself, fuck you

14970624? ago

Why are you getting so defensive? Does this hit too close to home?

  • How does our "country need protecting"? Can't we keep our troops here in America and protect our own borders? Why do we have to send soldiers around the world to protect America?
  • Protect it from what? Who exactly are we fighting anyway? The "terrorists"? Who are they? Or, are we protecting the oil? For who?
  • Those men died ...to protect the profits of corporations. I have always had free speech here in America. Nobody in Iraq or Afghanistan has threatened my free speech. The only people threatening my free speech are in Congress, in Washington DC. If you want to protect free speech, go shoot the Communists in Washington DC.

14971028? ago

Vigilance is what gives you the that feeedom, the vigilance that we gave, that’s why ya y have it, if you can’t understand that, then good luck with your millennial views of I’m owed everything

14971230? ago

I'm not a millennial... I'm GenX. I don't feel I'm owed anything.

Why can't we bring all our troops home and be vigilant here? In America?

Washington DC has done more to threaten my freedom than Afghanistan or Iraq. People in Washington are trying to take away my free speech, my guns, my right to privacy, etc. Why aren't we being more vigilant in Washington DC?

14971348? ago

I 100% agree with you, and thought Ron Paul’s plan to do just that was the best option for our country, but the thing about America is everyone has a different opinion, Paul didn’t win, that doesn’t mean I get to cry about it and commit what amounts to treason for not following the jack-n-a that did get elected, Trump is wanting to do that, I’m proud of our current commander in chief for his views

14970867? ago

Yes, I am a vet, and yes I know what we do Is mainly from the perspective of the corrupt officials, but that doesn’t mean the friends and family I lost was because we are complacent pawns, we believe in what we are told America stands for, so yeah that spew of garbage is going to rifle my feathers, I’m patient, when the time to bear arms comes, I’m ready. I’m not going to become another asshole the media labels a nut job by shooting the commies in Washington.

14971067? ago

The friends and family you lost were real. They were brainwashed just like you. Just like me. All of us have been brainwashed to believe in America as an idea. If we were really fighting for "truth and justice" then our values would match up with our actions. But, our actions many times are very different. We end up killing innocent people. We end up doing bad things for evil people. But, we still lie to ourselves and say: "My country, right or wrong".

I'm not suggesting that you personally go shoot Congressmen. I'm just using that as an example. The Democrats and Liberals around this country have done more to hurt my freedom of speech than anyone in Iraq or Afghanistan ever has. Hell, we don't even know why we're still in Afghanistan any more. The original thing that the invasion was all based off of (WMD's) was a lie. So, rather than staying over there and fighting Afghanis or Iraqis to "protect America"... why don't we bring all our troops back home and fight against the Liberals and the Democrats who are trying to destroy our American values?

I'm not blaming you personally. I know that you just did your job. I'm sorry you lost friends and family. To me, the best tribute to all the Veterans who have died would be to STOP any more military personnel from dying needlessly. We don't need to run an Empire. In the long run our foreign policy is what hurts us the most. The American military should be stationed in America. If someone attacks us, then we should go fight them and win. But, otherwise, we should let the rest of the world deal with their own problems and we should focus on our own problems right here at home.

I just want people to think and ask more questions. The truth is out there.

14971172? ago

Hindsight’s always 2020, but when they say we have intel on this, that is why we go, I don’t doubt that we are there for their reasons, but if all big brass and civilian hoobaboloos say this is what’s up, and it’s a lawful order, we have to follow it, it’s why we are there

14970323? ago

Well said. True Patriot.