14970246? ago

I share your affection for this soldier, but your tactics are poor in this case.

The "shills" are just shitposters, and by writing this post, you have made their efforts fruitful.

They are just looking for a laugh, and trying to get under your skin. They are not actual "shills" that are shilling for a cause.

It's part of the internet, especially on anonymous boards.

You must get thicker skin. Learn to expect this sort of thing, from time to time, and ignore it. Even laugh with it.

Don't even bother downvoting their posts. As you might guess, this is pretty funny to someone looking to piss people off.

You all must learn not to be derailed by these things, and be stoic. You can't control what people do, and shouldn't want to. Furthermore it shouldn't affect you in the slightest. This is the true lesson of freedom of speech, and may be why Q dumped everyone over here.

Develop the skill of letting things go, and you'll be better equipped patriots in the end.

Best of luck.

14971954? ago

You're right bro, got better things to do with time like researching FACTS! Sorry for wasting time with this. Check new from RAPG on other

14971233? ago

The fact they are posting itself shows that they are already REEEEEing the fuck out over shit.

14971282? ago

You can lay it out plainly, but they'll keep doing it.

14970219? ago

if he needs me he must not be that good of a warrior.

14970207? ago

Fuck you faggot!!! Go sucka nigger dick you fucking waste of space. Fuck this Q board and the niggers who keep posting bullshit!

14970986? ago

Go some where that you dont see it. Simpl really

14970384? ago

Y u mad tho?

14970432? ago

Bro, seriously? Fuck you and fuck this bitch who calls himself Q. This Q fag needs an ass beating something fierce. All this bullshit about declass, people being indicted and shit. This fag master needs a foot up his ass.

14970997? ago

You need a slug in yours

14971073? ago

Your Mom needs a slug.

14971359? ago

She died 23 years ago. Hopefully you will die very soon too

14971459? ago

That's amazing! Cause that bitch still working that pussy!!!

14970007? ago

Jesus is great, Jesus is mighty in His name I pray for Sgt. Anon's healing on this Veteran's Day! Amen!

14970224? ago

leave that cult dude

14970102? ago

With Jews, you lose.

14970113? ago

...Your foreskin.

14970366? ago
