14893266? ago

No rant, no chest thumping, no baring of my soul, no cursing or swearing, no finger pointing and all that. Just a simple thanks. ThankQ.

14888889? ago

Thank You for this repost! Made my day. Patriots like this are why I love this movement. WWG1WGA

14888816? ago

True nuff! Well spoken and accurate as shit1

14886695? ago

The best synopsis so far. If you can’t stand the heat then get the fuck out. The Q movement does not need weak ass impatient dummies. (Being nice). It took decades for the DS to be where they are, you think it can be wiped in short time? I read somewhere that this was likely a 4 year plan...more if needed. If trump is going to nail them, he wants it done once and done right so no one gets away. It took years for Guilani to nail the mob cause they had to build a bulletproof case. This is the same case now. We want no one to get away, especially with ppl like Brennan, Hillary, and Obama.

14886513? ago

Military planning at it's finest has been unfolding methodically, and anons have helped. POTUS has led this fight with brass balls. Stand ready, Patriots.

14888945? ago

The military doesn't plan ANYTHING that well not even daily work routines. People saying this haven't actually served in the military.

14886548? ago


14886400? ago

Remember in the 1960s when we were conditioned to think that every minute detail has to be planned, measured and managed to be successful? I'm seeing that conditioning well on display much on this forum. I wonder, did God create US to be this way? In my way of thinking, God didn't create our time management tendencies, because I think His view of time is different than man's view of time. My big brother (before he died) and I talked about this...musing that God's view of time might be more "event driven" than "timeclock" driven. Ah, so m any events happened in the sixties that are influencing today. Oh, up and down the ladder of perspective. My head tilts one way then the other. Still, I don't see it all.

14886522? ago

I have many thoughts about God and time. I'll definitely be sharing them once the dust settles.

Essentially, we are traveling along a ruler. That ruler is measuring time. We perceive the little ticks as they go by...

God created the ruler, and he knows exactly how long it is already. He knows where all of the tick Mark's are.

Much of the confusion when God speaks to us is precisely because we can't fathom time as he does.

14884342? ago

Feckless shills make us stronger.

14884533? ago

Hardened steel.

14881083? ago

Excellent recap.

14880822? ago

i can only sustain on far fetched conspiracies that sound nice for so long. if someone of decent reputation doesnt get fucking arrested soon im going to go back to completely assuming Q is a larp. for one thing was Q really saying the right would get 40% of the nigger vote? because if so that is just fucking retarded. niggers are not smart enough to see through the manipulation and certainly not honorable enough to vote differently than the rest of their race.

Q's denial of obvious racial issues alone has me thinking hes just a stalling tactic while they finishing suring up the numbers for a non-white majority so that we cant win anymore elections.

14880464? ago

Trump is a zionist supporting cuck. Wtf is wrong with you goys?

14880390? ago

Anytime a post starts with "think logically" it's hard not to insta close the tab. This shit is getting old.

14880516? ago


14880629? ago

lol you're pathetic

14880996? ago

I'm not the quitter. See ya!

14881224? ago

Says the person who was duped. I wanted to believe. It's time for me to start focusing on real shit instead on anons on a message board. At least it leaves room for some of you lemmings to be red pilled before you run off a cliff.

14881438? ago

You're lack of understanding is not going to impact the truth. You're not convincing someone like me of anything.

I've done my own research. You can take your lemmings, and shove them up there with your gerbils.

14880196? ago

OP Just watched DJT (start at 52:58) as the press got their ass handed to them... WHO's in CONTROL? So for all you shills, doubting Tom's, Q deserters & dissenters... Stop, watch (LISTEN C-L-O-S-E-L-Y) take notes if your comprehension skills need help. Then REREAD (S-L-O-W-L-Y) the 8chan post AGAIN!!! Think LOGIC, think about everything you have seen transpire in the last 2.9yrs Nationally & Global. Who's in Control? If you are still confused as to what we JUST WITNESSED with Mid-Terms... Then All I can say is BLESS YOUR HEART because the Final Play has been SET!

14880162? ago

Still... not a Red Wave however you spin it. What went wrong? I'll tell you what went wrong: There wasn't a Red October. Q was MIA. And the Democrat/Deep State performed their false flag October Surprises on cue. (pun?)

14880147? ago

Nicely done! I think most of us are on board with Q and the plan. I suspect the naysayers are shills just trying to split us. Q is playing a strategic plan in which the variables are constantly changing. We should expect rather than bemoan it.

14880064? ago

Interesting and thought provoking analysis of what happened and has happened. The numbers around gains and losses, IMHO, are helpful.

For those of you who think Q is a larp, this is bullshit, why sit on evidence, this is a hoax, Q is a waste of time, this is a conspiracy theory, this had dragged out too long, this ploy could go on indefinitely, I know this, my experience says that, I am the end all be all of this Q shit, you people are sheep -----

Please SHUT THE FUCK UP OR GET THE FUCK OUT. Why are you still a part of the community if you DO NOT BELIEVE IN THE PLAN? Why participate on these boards if this is waste of time? Why hang around if you know more than everyone else? Are you just here to troll? To creep and pop in a comment or two and shill the fuck out of people and hope you can turn thoughts or beliefs in your direction because you're inpatient, a liberal, have zero faith in the plan or are just too fucking stupid to understand the complexity of this ENTIRE situation?

Everyone has to remember:


As a life-long Republican, was I happy about losing the House? FOR FUCK SAKE NO. I watched the election results pour in and felt sick to my stomach, defeated and wondering what the hell is going on and how people could be so blind to what is happening. But, remembering just because Q said the Midterms were safe DID NOT MEAN A GUARANTEE VICTORY FOR THE REPUBLICANS. Again, THIS IS BIGGER THAN WE UNDERSTAND. There are more layers, more disinformation, more behind the scene works happening that I think ANY ONE of us could possibly comprehend. THAT IS WHY WE ARE NOT IN CONTROL. You high and mighty know it alls who have YEARS of military experience might think you can run this shit better but I promise you, YOU CANNOT. THAT IS WHY YOU ARE NOT IN CONTROL.

We have a very minute view of this entire picture. This pinpoint of light we are seeing has CHANGED HOW MILLIONS OF PEOPLE THINK AND SEE THE WORLD AROUND THEM. Awakened, enlightened, UNITED. The small view we have has made profound changes in a short time. BUT KEEP CALLING IT FUCKING FAKE YOU FUCKING TWATS.

And I am SO FUCKING SICK AND TIRED OF EVERYONE RELYING ON DATES AND THEN GETTING PISSED WHEN THE DATE PASSES AND NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. Q and POTUS AND THE FUCKING UNIVERSE are NOT on your fucking schedule. Sorry sweethearts but the world does not fucking revolve around you. We are all eager for change, for justice and for peace. But it all takes time. This WHOLE thing is about timing. And if you're too fucking inpatient to be okay with WAITING then LEAVE.

GOD IS IN THE WAITING. That is where He meets ALL of us, in the waiting. And maybe the WAITING is PREPARING us for something. STOP BEING SO FUCKING INPATIENT.

Also remember that WE ELECTED DJT TO DO ALL OF THIS. We gave him the authority and power to take power back, to uncover truth and to bring justice to the evil and corrupt.

But, again, if you're just here to bitch and whine and throw shade at this movement, KINDLY GET THE FUCK OUT. This movement does not need shills or people to be half-in. If you have doubts or questions, GOOD! That means you are THINKING, you are DIGESTING, you are trying to reconcile what you THINK you know against information and data that is being presented to you. ASK QUESTIONS! DO RESEARCH! BE A MOTHERFUCKING ADULT AND THINK FOR YOURSELF. If something doesn't line up or you don't understand FUCKING ASK. Don't just talk shit to stir the pot and be a dick. If this isn't your cup of tea then fine, it doesn't have to be. None of this has to be what you believe or what you feel is right. But if it isn't, then fucking leave. Trolling and lurking on posts so that you can find an opportunity to insert your opinion to prove how your thought and perspective is right is cowardly pussy-ass way to act.

Do I agree with everything that is posted on Voat? Absolutely not. But I don't jump at every fucking occasion to air my opinion against every single post I don't agree with. If I don't agree, I move on. If I don't like something, I leave. It's not fucking hard. It's called being a fucking adult. Look it up.

Also, "Trust the Plan" doesn't mean "sit idle and be a pussy that is spoon-fed info and won't think for yourself". The idea around "Trust the Plan" is all about putting FAITH in the people YOU ELECTED to DO THE RIGHT THING while YOU FUCKTARD continue to TALK ABOUT THE TRUTH, AWAKEN OTHERS, RESEARCH AND DISSECT INFORMATION and BE AN ACTIVE PART OF THE MOVEMENT. If you just want you fucking hand-held and a pat on the head with an "It will all be okay" reassurance everyday, this isn't for you. You need to leave. If you don't want to participate then please do not hinder others that are choosing to be active participants of change.

So to all of the PATRIOTS who HAVE FAITH, are willing to WAIT and PREPARE and TRUST THE PLAN, remember that we are in this TOGETHER. WWG1WGA. No shills, C_A douche bags can divide a united force that is focused on TRUTH, JUSTICE and PEACE.

To the SHILLS, FUCKTARDS and LIBBYS that are hoping your bullshit rhetoric will hurt this movement, good luck buttercup. Shut up or get out.

-End Rant-

14881515? ago

Well stated!

14880532? ago

👆👆👆 Amen!

14880405? ago

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I agree with your sentiment.

14880373? ago

WooHoo! I don't usually up vote posts where cursing is used though your message is exactly what I have sent and would send again (-) the foul words. Right on Patriot! Even children have more patience than some of the so called anons who have posted.

14879980? ago

Do you know the real reason we let you keep the house?

Jesus, the cringe. Yeah, it isn't over for Trump or the Repubs, that's true. But you Q folks constantly think you and your psyop are in control, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Everyone on the Q forums was talking about the Red Tsunami. I questioned what people would do if the Dems took the house, and nearly all answers were, "It won't happen. Have faith."

Now that it happened, you Qultists act like we won, like you were somehow responsible for allowing this outcome - an outcome you couldn't even contemplate happening.

You need to realize that we lost, so we can rally the troops and face the front lines where they actually are now.

14880131? ago

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I don't agree with any of them, but it's appreciated.

14879951? ago

That is one of the best posts today. Excellent analysis.

14879905? ago

"we're saving israel for last" = now we have plausable deniablity for not going after them because shucks, we don't have control of the house. BS shabbos goy president with his succubus daughter and jew son-in-law have played 4d chess on us, the american citizens. who gives a shit about red vs blue. israel has infected both houses.

14879965? ago

Again with the lack of capitalization. You are easy to find hangry.

14879885? ago

This has to be the best post for today. Great job!! very very good job on this one. Thank You!

14879704? ago

resolve. the only fucking thing you idiots have resolved is knowing one god dam letter of the alphabet.

14879884? ago

You can't capitalize for shit hangry.

14879688? ago

Excellent reasoning. I agree.

14879668? ago

14879636? ago

Yawl, we're in good hands. Cheer up. Things are really very good. Nothing has really changed. Only those who were never really in are falling out. Say bye, we don't need their kind of help here. The shills.....well, they're just shills. And, fun to watch. Pass the popcorn, please.

14879694? ago

Save a little for me!

14879386? ago

We won last night. Where is all this "we lost" attitude coming from? Oh, we didn't win the House, well boo hoo. Everything we've done until now has been for the Senate, to gain an overwhelming majority there so President Trump and Q can execute the plan without significant interference. What happened last night is we let the enemy win on a battlefield that was irrelevant to the bigger picture. We know they cheated, there's been proof of that all over, and Anons across the US have reported device breakdowns and other problems all pointing to this fact. Why? To give the President the ammo he needs to bring these people down. He needed "proof" of Voter Fraud and he now has it and there's likely a FISA Warrant attached to all of this. The one Q said would "bring down the House". What happened yesterday was a Victory for the Qanon Movement, not a failure.

Those claiming we lost, those losing faith in the plan, either didn't see the bigger picture or never really believed the plan was real and were just caught up in the excitement. They completely missed the point of what we're trying to accomplish and just as we're on the verge of winning they want to throw in the towel because things didn't go "exactly" the way they envisioned. Stop acting like Snowflakes, in true military strategy, you must be willing to let the enemy win certain battles to lull them into a false sense of security so that when you close around them for the ultimate victory by the time they notice it has happened it is too late for them to escape.

Stop crying. Stop giving up. We're winning. Trust the Plan.

14881517? ago

Totally agree.

I of course don't believe that losing the house was "part of the plan" as it being intentional. But surely a good plan would not count on keeping the house. They already wrote history by gaining seats in the senate. Now they have a REAL majority there and can get things done.

14894138? ago

Also, remember, the original plan for dealing with the Deep State was to remove them with full-on military force. That would have sent this country into total chaos. Trump likely persuaded the military to take a more peaceful approach, using the Rules of the System as they stand against the Deep State to bring them down without turning the country upside down. If the Peaceful Option fails the Military Option is still on the table. Either way, the Deep State is going down, it is totally up to them how they want it to happen...they can fight and try to derail what Trump & Q are doing or they can face the Greatest Military Fighting Force in American History since WWII. It is the Deep State's choice, fall quietly or fall in flames...there is no version of this where they win.

14885703? ago

More "Not worth the assets" than part of the plan. But it of course was counted as a contingency with high probability and factored into the equation. All the good parts will be capitalized on, the bad parts can expect a finger and Pfffft from POTUS.

14879528? ago

Thank you for sharing.

14879382? ago

arrest corrupt leaders

2 years and 0 arrests, this promise is getting old.

14880935? ago

0 arrests, so what? Do you think that means nothing happening? Duh! ✔️ Corrupt leaders identified/flushed into very public view (Noname, DiFi, Waters, Huma & her weiner dog, Brennan, Clapper, Comey etc eyc etc) ✔️ Cases built to force resignations (Ryan), remove blackmail threats (Graham), coerce/encourage/force players into playing the roles neede ✔️Roadblocks removed through all means necessary (Noname is GONE, Podestas firm shut down, Foreign rat lines tracked/ended like Saudis coup, NK, satellite comms dismantled) ✔️ Judges confirmed to prepare iron-tight no-legislating away of criminal actvity consequences and return to rule of law ✔️ Military tribunals authorized effective 1/1/19 ✔️Guantanamo built out, staff in place, ready to receive alleged criminals and house them during speedy trials and maybe even beyond ✔️ Military activated while we are under declared state of emergency — whether troops are building walls, stopping dangerous illegals, or keeping the peace in spite of Soros funded antifa goon

14881724? ago

0 arrests, so what? Do you think that means nothing happening?

I think arrests proves something is happening. Nothing you mentioned proves anything beyond business as usual.

14881609? ago

Well said bro. Some folks can't see results even if they are in front of their bleary eyes. It will happen when the Boss says it will happen.

14879510? ago

Your impatience is not a marker on the path to success. Forgive me if I don't care.

14881616? ago

2 years is impatience? Where do you draw the line? 1000 years?

14879375? ago

Question. If arrests are to be made for the Democrats in House, would the governors of the respective states be forced to appoint new members to the House of the same party? The Dems would still have control of the House despite draining the swamp of bad actors. True or False?

14879353? ago

Stop the faggotry now. Wake up sessions. Start lynching the Democrats and deep state. No more cryptic games. No more bullshit predictions. Give us action.

Q patiencentre has run out. Put up or shut the fuck up.

14881136? ago

Sessions is resigning.

14879319? ago

Let's not forget that there are mostly good people at work, trapped in a failed system. Here's willing to bet they gained many reliable votes in the house as well, considering anything is more rational and reliable than corruption

14879185? ago

Shills have no power here. WWG1WGA

14888998? ago

Because everyone who disagrees with you is automagically a shill...

You've all become your own form of NPC, repeating the same regurgitated bullshit.

14879162? ago

Goddamn, that’s a sexy post.

14878893? ago


14878883? ago

The senate will decide their fate.

14878848? ago

You don't get to lose the Superb Owl by 3 points in overtime and then run around the next day like you fucking won.

14879001? ago

The Senate is the Superbowl... the house is only Collegiate.

You are hyperbolic and incorrectly upset. Go look at how many house seats every other administration has received during midterms.

You are either uneducated, or a shill.

14881334? ago

Keep trusting Sessions and trusting the plan idiots.

14881472? ago

Ok. Bye faggot! Have a nice time!

14878638? ago

Thank you, Patriot. I was feeling pretty shitty about things last night. Appreciate the perspective, especially the Reagan/Clinton/Obama comparisons.

I honestly thought we would do much better, but... we got what we needed.

14878702? ago

We did outstanding compared to other administrations. This absolutely was a victory.

With all the negativity, where was that giant blue wave?

14884862? ago

I think both sides walked away happy. It's very much like a typical President Trump deal, which is s good thing.

14880197? ago

It took that post from the chans to bring me out of my disappointment. Leave it to anons... =)

14878587? ago

People, forget this online BS. Use the internet to find like-minded people in your community and organize locally while you still can.

14878876? ago

Truth. Time to step out. I will say, lurking here (and Reddit) since July has helped me grow a pair of balls. I have the confidence to say I am a Conservative, Christian, Republican who supports and actually likes The President. I didn't have that until I spent months reading here. With that confidence to speak out, I know I'll be able to move beyond the screen and in to the community with people who share my values. WWG1WGA

14878400? ago

Yeah, losing the House was actually a victory. Some people sure can make good pretzels.

14884590? ago

We'll be happy we don't have the house when we get closer to 2020. Not that big of a deal.

14878329? ago

Damn that was a good read. I’ll admit I blew up last night out of frustration and lack of sleep. Frustration with my county at the local level and surrounding area which is Chicago IL. I have to understand the bigger picture in terms of sacrificing a step backwards to make 2-3 steps forward. Control my emotions

14887081? ago

Well said. It's all about baiting and playing them. Remember Trump has said he loved Sun Tzu's book 'The Art of War.' Which is why he named his book 'The Art of the Deal'. If you'll read 'The Art of War' it will help you better understand what is happening and why.

Sun Tzu - The Art of War'

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected .” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Plenty More Here

14878320? ago


14878672? ago

Don't yell at me retard... it's coming when the President says it comes.

14878297? ago

Thanks. I needed that. God bless.

14878680? ago

Likewise friend.

14878084? ago

Link to post?

14878188? ago

Only had the SS. Apologies.

14878054? ago

Everytime Q lets us down there is a post like this saying trust the plan. Like the plan to drop te Hillary video? Remember setting that stage. If there is no disclosure or arrest by Nov 11 Q is a distraction and we will be trusting the plan right up till the Dems win in 2020 and we are all rounded up and shipped to patriation camps. One Big question? Who would know of these crimes and allow these criminals to continue to walk free almost flaunting it in our face? Nobody. Especially if I was the most powerful man in the world and had the whole US military behind me. All it would take is graphics undeniable proof and people would see what is going on. Something is not right. Q needs to step forward. No need to hide now right. If you truly got what he wanted and there is no stopping it now. No need to hide. Time to ask Trump about Q.

14878197? ago

Asking Trump about Q is a great idea.

14877972? ago

There are too may starry eyed floozies out there somehow trying to spin losing the house as a positive and "part of the plan". Shut up - you are wrong

There is also an equal number of misinformed concern fags using the loss as proof that Q is fake. Shut up - you are wrong

Is no one this board reasonable? Are we all 14 year old mouth breathers thinking global blackouts and mass arrests are always happening tomorrow?

Look, did Q know keeping the house was next to impossible? Probably but telling everyone that wouldnt serve much purpose because we needed an all out Red surge to minimize the damage as much as we could. So he kept up the hype and hoped for the best.

It makes sense they focused on at least keeping Senate and this was evident by Trump campaigning mostly for senators and not focusing on house races

What im really trying to say is this isnt all hugs and roses. Everytime the deep state fights back and the good guys take a hit its not "part of the plan". Q is also not fake because GOP lost the house.

The fight will continue. There are no magic deadlines like "11.11" where the entire cabal will be arrested "in one fell swoop". People need to knock that shit off. All we can do is wait for DECLAS and see what it brings. This is a long road.

14888084? ago

Take a moment to consider the recent developments had the GOP won both the House and Senate. The propaganda media would be apoplectic. I

t's better to give them the piece of cake that was dropped on the floor than to tell them that they cannot have cake. Trump's endorsement of Piss Drunk Pelosi as Speaker was the butter cream icing!

14885626? ago

I am 62 and have been involved since the 80's as an ACTDU Naval Officer working with NessHEY. I too thought I would never see this level of action in my lifetime. I just wish these well-meaning idiots would STFU and LEARN. There is so much they can do besides bitch whench and winge. Thanks for the reality check...

Just sayin'...

14883575? ago

The movement is STILL very much alive and that is something nobody can disprove, why?

Beacuse Q continues to post and people continue to follow, we have the power, we are the power.


14879282? ago

A long road indeed. And, for those of us that have been watching the bullshit for decades, trust me (red pilled in 70's) what is happening now is beyond phenomenal. The info that is out now and the awareness by so many.....I never thought I would see this in my lifetime.

14883181? ago

We would still be in the dark without computers and the internet.

14881943? ago

Thank you !!!

14878586? ago

I mostly just think Q is now a waste of time whether real or not. Look at those ridiculous posts of his today as if losing the House was part of the plan or doesn't matter. Any real political observer would have at least admitted a setback, whether major or minor could be argued. I argue major. It also indicates not "deep state" manipulation in terms of the election....this is where the public is. As much as Trump supporters are adamant and riled up, his opponents are equally so. He has high numbers of strong likes and dislikes. Republicans may have run poor campaigns, one would have to dig into all those house races and do some forensics there. It's just ludicrous to read those Q drops today. They had PLENTY of time to declassify material ahead of the elections or for Sessions to get off his ass and even indict Lois Lerner or someone like that. If they really have all this damning evidence, you don't friggin sit on it.

14885858? ago

Is this Chris Steirwalt?? Mike Wallace??? C'mon... fess up. Idiot.

14881365? ago

Come on, they are not stupid. If they were, they wouldn't have achieved so much already.

Since they held back the declas, there is obviously a good reason for it. We don't know the full picture.

14881623? ago

Never implied they are stupid. Perhaps too full of hubris, perhaps too meek to go where they needed to go before the election. If they have all this stuff on the D's, the Clintons, Adam Schiff, etc, etc, etc. to fail to release it to guarantee victory in the House elections was irresponsible.

14883330? ago

I agree, they should have used what they had to avoid more of the same bullshit. We don't need the extra aggravation of watching these traitors operate with impunity.

14880239? ago

If you always focus on the negatives, you attract More negativety. If you focus on the positives, you have a greater ability to plan around and minimise the negative impacts that will crop up, plus you do attract more positives.

14880649? ago

focusing on reality is generally a good idea. I got rid of my rose colored glasses a long time ago.

14878434? ago

Disinformation is necessary

14878228? ago

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I agree with your sentiment and position.

14877907? ago

I don’t care anymore, just bring us something tangible. Sick of reading the fabric.

14877870? ago

Thanks for this whoever you are...

14877853? ago

BRAVO!! I think the 5:5 says it all. Thank you Mr. President. This Anon's post wraps it up nicely. I can see the road ahead! Looking Good!

14877846? ago

Boom! My FAV post of the week. Bring it. Popcorn.

14877756? ago

Rationalize what happened yesterday, and continue to wait and do nothing. Gotcha!

14880090? ago

Nothing about The Plan prevents you from going out and doing whatever you think ought to be done. If you have any great ideas about what SHOULD and CAN be done, go right ahead.

14880160? ago

That is what I am doing...

14877650? ago

This and the ongoing "q has never liked and will save us" sounds just like the shit Hillary supporters have been spewing for the past two years.

14877637? ago

Some of these concern trolls are so transparently not human... Obviously - where else would C_A and other bad actors direct their efforts to try and force a narrative? Anons would do well to stick to research, talk tactics and not engage. Now they know they will not affect those who have followed Q/pg/ds activity for a while. It is just an attempt to confuse those who are new and curious who have not done enough reading yet. The C_A may have a lot of fingers in the dyke; the dam is still going to burst.

14889021? ago

They come here because you're all so smart and in the know. You're such a threat...



14881426? ago

Yes. Obviously they operate here and attempt to sow dissent and doubt. That's a no-brainer.

And obviously they do other things than just obviously trolling people. The smarter thing is to blend in and appear part of the team - but then act up and be high maintenance when there are setbacks.

14877596? ago

Trust the Plan

14878210? ago


14877783? ago

what plan? care to share a few of the bullet points with us?

14881119? ago

Yea they never talk about what the plan is suppose to be.

14879079? ago

Whatever happens is the plan. Past proves future. Duh.

14878657? ago

Nobody answers that question nor can they.

14886598? ago

Nobody answers that question nor can they.

True. Only 10 people know the whole plan, only 3 of those are non-military. - Q

14878307? ago

President Trump is really good at showing the contrast. People get 'their day', then comes the next steps and the next steps. Long range planning, Short term steps. Tenacity and bracketing, indictments, squeezing, squeezing. Effective Executive Orders. President Trump means business and wins. Counter punches setbacks. They will keep trying. So he will keep accomplishing. Supreme Court moving in our direction. Governors replace fallen Congress people. Negotiations, deals made. True patriots vs. trafficking slime/blackmailers. Trump is flexible in working it out, but always has his eye on the target. He is relentless. Grassley indicts fake accusers. Drip, drip, bracket, bracket, squeeze, squeeze. Cutting off money avenues. Showing us. Making us look!

Hang in there! Make a list of accomplishments, make a long list and check it off of each little squeeze, drip, bracket, cutting off of money, arrest of traffickers, each segment of wall being built and how. I hope this gives a visual in words for people.

14880023? ago

I agree with you. I think a lot has been accomplished, and I'm astonished at the number of people who respond so negatively and can only see failure. We are making steady progress and in the right direction, but I think that many people may not see the progress because they do not realize how deep a hole we are climbing up out of. Too many are zeroed in on HRC and a few other high-visibility characters. Until they see them in handcuffs, they just will not believe that anything is being done.

14877999? ago

Sit on your ass and don't take action while your replacements are being shipped in. Looks like everyone's on board!

14877485? ago

Yes. Great analysis! This is going to be a long war for the heart and soul of our country. Just imagine if our founders gave up after their first hard victory. Not all victories are decided by body count

14877405? ago

Explain to me why all the illegals voted Red for the Senate and Blue for the House? Same number of voters why not all Red or all Blue? I don't get it. We all know Voter Fraud went on, we saw it with our own eyes. Same as in 2016. I had REALLY hoped this had been taken care of and we REALLY would have had an honest election. Now that the Dems have the house, more illegals will be coming in just in time to vote for 2020 elections. Maybe Hillary will win in 2020, it doesn't look like she is going to Gitmo. Our carrot was DeClass - DeCLass, well IF that were going to happen WTH did it have to wait until After the RIGGED election? Call me a shill or whatever you want to call me, leftys have been calling me names since before the 2016 election for sticking up for Trump. There goes the border, there goes the tax cut, there goes ICE, there goes our guns. Hell we already lost our freedom of speech. Tired of being held hostage by FEELINGS and the Communist Media. I am one pissed off Patriot. Our Country is on the same path to hell as it had been before Trump, only the path is made to look a little better than it did. Easier for the NWO to take over in 2020.

14886503? ago

The fat lady hasn't sung. But you are free to leave the opera house if you wish. Me, I'm waiting on the fat lady. I have a feeling her song is going to be very satisfying.

14879954? ago

Oh yes, it is similar to pulling a dirty bandage off that has been there too long...it hurts like all getout! Yet, when that wound underneath is exposed to the light it heals much faster. think about that and cheer up/lighten up!

14878278? ago

did you even read the post? if you did you wouldnt have these conclusions. my popcorn is still popping! hang on the ride hasfinally begun. optics of elections are gone. now comes the declass and all the pieces are set on the board.

14877706? ago

Representatives are voted upon by geographical districts. The tally of red votes is equal, but the distribution of votes is dependent upon district boundaries. Lots of those boundaries have been gerrymandered to favor certain voting blocs.

14886538? ago

And this is why getting Republican governors in Georgia, Florida and a few other states was such a big deal nationally.

14878633? ago

These were Republican held seats, so was it turnout? Were the Dem candidates better? Did the demographics change over the last two years? Curious why Pete Sessions in Texas lost....he's been a staunch Trump backer. If there have been demographic changes in all those districts, the chances of getting the House back in 2020 don't look good.

14877524? ago

Don't forget that House seats are district races and Senate seats are statewide. Those pesky blue pockets can still get their leftists into House seats even if statewide the average goes Republican. The reverse is true in blue states.

14876650? ago

A thing of beauty right there Thanks 8ch Anon

14881606? ago

can you repost on imgur. the website is being bogged down.

14876350? ago

Fuck God. Fuck Trump. And FUCK Q!

14876989? ago

NPC Spotted

14879741? ago

fucking q's are the new NPC's congratulations fucktard.

14877020? ago

Yes, anyone who disagrees with you is a "shill" or "NPC".

Ironically, by spitting out that NPC line over and over and over again, YOU become the NPC.

14877436? ago

---loading program---iknowURwhatami.exe---

14877469? ago

Because boomerfaggots only know how to use Windows programs.

14877649? ago

Time for a syskey

14876602? ago


14876459? ago

No thanks.

14876482? ago

Yeah, I'm not into buttsex either. But all 3 of those have lied to you.

14876563? ago

No. You have no idea what I know. Don't be a presumptuous faggot.

14877024? ago

Are you saying you know more than Q?

Fuck off heretic.

14877402? ago

I didn't say that. Take your vitriol elsewhere.

14877425? ago

Then show your cards. What do you know that Q hasn't told us?

14878145? ago

Wasn't Q that told me anything you can't figure out for yourself. Again, being presumptuous.

Why would I want to share anything with someone filled with anger, frustration, and vitriol?

Why would I want to help you as you bite at my hand?

No worries. You're going to see soon enough.

14877133? ago

It doesn’t matter that anyone doubts Q! And certainly not God! We will win!

14877244? ago

Win what? A year's supply of Rice-O-Roni and a copy of the home game? This has all just been a giant lie.

14877396? ago

--load program--QisLARP.exe---

14877420? ago

Figures you'd be using ".exe" programs... because you use Windows... like every other boomer faggot on the planet. Because you're too stupid to use any other operating systems.

> rm -rf /

14877542? ago


14878053? ago

When I double-clicked on bOomRfGgot.exe, all I got was you. The virus scanner is also indicating this is malware.

14878085? ago

He's stuck in a checksum error. ID10T error is coming up next.

14877344? ago

You are wrong

14876340? ago

Don't worry about the naysayers and shills. Let them expend their frustrations. It changes nothing. You are witnessing history.

Behave accordingly.

14881668? ago

More crap frim the worlds largest fertilizer salesman

14882834? ago

Don't say that on here, I'm not sure the tectonic plates could handle all the boomers shutting themselves at once

14880496? ago

Who is Huber? and trusting Sessions was smart when you realize who the true Stealth Bomber was.

Don't worry, you'll catch up eventually.

14885614? ago

This comment was linked from this v/AnonTalk comment.

Posted automatically (#8154) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

14880619? ago

Condescension, someone's feelings are hurt.

14881057? ago

Nope. You really can't stand being wrong, can you?

Go look up Huber and come back to the class when you can rejoin from a place of knowledge instead of ignorance.

14882666? ago

The eternal boomer meme was literally created based off of you at your desk in your 1 room apartment. You are a legend forever immortalized in 4chan history.

Yeah so about that Podesta arrest... also glad Julian is safe in America now. I'm the nutty one for sure here. Take your meds old man or they'll send you back to the nursing home.

14882829? ago

Why is RR visiting the White House right now unannounced to press anon?

14882910? ago

Same reason as when Q fags jumped the gun last time RR visited the WH. What a day of laughs that was. Q fags first bragged about proofs, then abandoned the board the rest of the day after it was a nothingburger. But I'm sure there's a deeper significance to it, there always is, according to the scripture of Q.

14883041? ago

Not this time.

14883212? ago

Why do u think he is?

14883244? ago

When an actor is done playing his part, he exits stage right.

14884016? ago

Wrong. You must dig deeper. Ignore the distractions. Focus. What does the meeting REALLY mean?

14884071? ago

Jokes as the world turns around you.

14884141? ago

Wrong, still not correct. You can figure this one out. But you must try harder, dig deeper. The answer is there! Just when you're ready to give up it will reveal itself before you like a beautiful rose in the midst of a colder bitter winter. Seek that rose! What does the meeting REALLY mean?

14884171? ago

Still playing dumb. Better you waste my time than someone else's. Mine is infinite.

14884270? ago

Infinite in life is the elixor we all seek. But you have not found the full truth in the meaning yet. You, unfortunately, are still wrong. Focus. Reallign your mind. What does it REALLY mean?

14884290? ago

It means you are walking in circles instead of seeing the path.

14884451? ago

Don't give up! I sense weakening. You must dig deeper. What does it really mean?

14884522? ago

Lost sheep bleat.

14884364? ago

Wrong, that's what they want you to see, but you need to allign your mind's eye to see the true meaning. What does it REALLY mean?

14884513? ago

There is no 'they' there is only one.

14884562? ago

Another wrong assumption! Correct that thinking to be one with truth, then look again at the question: What does it really mean?

14884597? ago

No assumption is made when one knows.

14884634? ago

But you were wrong in that there was no "they". Because you were wrong, I have been chosen to help you discover what is correct. I believe you can discover the answer, but you must believe it yourself. Do this, then answer the question: What does it really mean?

14884698? ago

I was not wrong. Your circlejerk is making you confused. Please continue... don't go look up Whitaker and his previous statements about the Clinton Foundation.

God forbid you might learn something.

Please continue your circlejerk. The cookie at the end is your prize.

14884751? ago

You are not focusing. Don't get frustrated by your mistakes, instead learn from them. I was chosen to help you for a reason. The strong shall reach down to help the weak as I am doing unto you. Realize this and embrace the support, then it shall help you truly know: What does it really mean?

14884848? ago

I am focused. I am not frustrated. I did not error. Your pride is likely your biggest failure. Your Ego is certainly running your day to day tasks, and that's unfortunate.

You can lead a donkey to water, but it's still going to be an ass.

Please continue...

14884965? ago

Life is beautiful, every second of it. Find and embrace the happiness it gives, enjoy it with loved ones near. This is how I chose to live, embracing and loving. You too can do this when you truly focus. You think you have focused but it is another distraction. In order to truly know, you must open your mind and open your heart. It is what I was told to help you understand. The wisdom of my candle shall continue to be passed as it was passed to me, and hopefully, if you keep focusing and trying, it shall be passed on to you, once the question has been answered: What does it mean?

14885148? ago

No, not distracted. Continue...

14885231? ago

You must clear your mind. Your mind is not cleared so you don't see the distraction in front of you. Recenter. Reallign. Answer: what does it really mean? Really focus.

14885320? ago

Mind is crystal clear. Center is centered. Meanwhile you are still circlejerking on your cookie.


14885454? ago

Good, if the mind is clear the answer should be there. If you get stumped and need help from the wiser ones like myself, use our special word "continue" or anything close to it, and I shall continue to drop you hints, but I am not allowed to solve the puzzle for you. Many have solved it today, it just takes some longer, but you are lucky to have a wise and patient teacher such as myself. Knowing the cookie "crumbs" I have left for you here, stay calm and you shall find the answer to the question: What does it really mean?

14885460? ago


14885480? ago

Ah yes. Think of a flower in the mind. Now answer: What does it really mean?

14885490? ago


14885624? ago

Stay strong! Don't give up, you shall find the answer to the question.

14885680? ago

Stronger than you know. Not tired. We can continue.

14885763? ago

Strength is not the same as wisdom. It is hard to see when the mind is not clear. Clear the mind and try again. The question remains to be answered: Why?

14885790? ago

I have clarity of mind, and both. Continue again.

14885827? ago

If you did you would know the answer, so tell me: Why?

14885922? ago

You're falling weak anon? Where is the earlier bravado? Don't give up on me anon.

14886031? ago

Ah, I believe you meant "feeling", a sign that you are indeed weakening. Don't give up, I shall lend you my strength! Focus, become energized and answer: Why?

14886070? ago

Not weakening at all. Here, maybe this will enlighten you about what you are ignoring right now. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/11/acting-ag-matthew-whitaker-i-would-indict-hillary-clinton/

Continue again.

14886120? ago

This might actually have potential. I would rather be wrong 100x on doubting Q and have to eat my words if it meant Hillary and the Obama cabal gets indicted.

14886163? ago

I told you there was a cookie at the end.

14885553? ago

Study how water fills a glass. If the challenge has become too much, use our special word "continue" or anything like it. Stay calm as you imagine the water filling the glass and realizing it holds the answer to the question: What does it really mean?

14885646? ago

No thank you. Please, continue.

14885707? ago

Ok, perhaps I overestimated your abilities. I shall try an easier question that certainly everyone, even the most novice minds, have been able to answer.

When think of Q and the writings, he speaks in code. He does this for a reason. Answer this: Why?

14885755? ago

Q gave us the battleplan chopped up and mixed out over a year. Q uses to socratic method to ensure people understand truth by discovering it for themselves.

Continue again. Over estimating me hasn't happened yet.

14885798? ago

That is wrong. Dig deeper. Why?

14885908? ago

It's not wrong. You seem to be getting tired anon. Where is your previous enthusiasm? Please, expend your nonsense here at my feet once more.

14885951? ago

I realize my responses have been too long to keep your attention focused, and the words too large for you to understand. In order to truly be a great teacher one must realize the limits of the student. (Hint). Why?

14885997? ago

You guys should know your post has been linked in /v/whatever and /anontalk. This is some funny but boring shit

14885967? ago

Meanwhile... Rod Rosenstein just resigned.

You sure you're paying attention?

14886047? ago

Link this for real and I will give up. Seriously if RR is done by resignation, I will be so fucking happy.

14886086? ago

Go look at Twitter yourself. Research anon. He's done.

14886353? ago

Holy fuckballs I actually was enjoying messing with you but now I just feel bad. I'm not on board with Q fully yet, but this is promising.



Yeah, I'm excited again. I concede, you've answered why, all the questions and shit, enjoy the true enlightenment or whatever I said the reward was.

So serious question, they only bring up Muller and his Russian investigation in saying the AG can limit the scope of the investigation. Does this mean the FISA declass is now on Whitaker's desk?

14886394? ago

Yes... and the Democrats are panicking.

14886479? ago

You sir! are the real Patriot. Thank you.

14880278? ago

Thank you for the link.

14878135? ago

Behave accordingly.

Lay back. Trust the plan. Do nothing. Just trust that the world will magically unfuck itself while you post quickly censored memes on twitter.

14878681? ago

Did you actually read the post? Maybe it will be magical--Trump and his magic wand. You know, the one Obama didn't have...

14878171? ago

That's not what I said. If you are choosing to believe we do nothing outside of Voat... you're making assumptions.

I can't help you if you make asinine assumptions on an anon board.

14878279? ago

Oh, you also post memes on the_donald, encrypt some cryptic messages that tell you almost nothing concrete and you try to find spelling mistakes in trumps tweets. Good on you.

In a few years the democrats will have imported enough people of foreign cultures that loyally vote democrats along with low white birthrates that the democrats will forever stay elected. "the plan" or rather "the kalergi plan" will have fully worked. You will have witnessed history.

Behave accordingly.

14878628? ago

You are a special flavor of stupid. Please explain how the Democrats will get anything through the Senate?

You retards need to go back to civics class. The House is nearly tied, stagnation will be properly blamed on Dems.

Nothing the house can do can happen without the Senate, which they lost seats in, and the FISA DECLASS will cripple Democrats in popular opinion.

You are truly a special snowflake if you're concerned anything is stopping the plan.

14888130? ago

They don't need to, they win via demographics in the longrun.

How many blacks and hispanics vote democrat again?

14879044? ago

Since when did democrats need the senate to import millions of diversity niggers? Both legally and illegally, and make them vote on top of that, with barely anybody opposing it

You are conveniently dodging his main point: Demographics. He's right, in 10 to 15 years texas will go blue forever at that pace, and once that bitch is in we're screwed

14879081? ago

10-15 years... you idiot's don't realize what's happening days from now.

14879123? ago

I do.. When I typed that I told to myself "Oh boy, you're getting generous here..."

Face it, those illegals are here to stay, they would all be gone by now if the plan was to deport them all, and their anchor babies will reach voting age in about 10 years, probably less, and they aren't going to vote republican for the vast majority of them

14879235? ago

Yet, deportation remains as an option. So your defeated?

14879288? ago

Oh yeah, sure, he's going to deport all the anchor babies, illegals, and repeal the 1965 immigration act that led to this situation, and all that without the house, I totally see that happening /s

14879467? ago

You... I asked you what you are doing. You keep bringing up others in relation to your problems.

What are you doing? Just bitching on the internet?

14879751? ago

Me at my level I try to turn cucked ass whites into race realists and kike aware, as much as I can, with facts, not with "make a wish" bullshit

Now listen, you fucken nitwit

The problem can only be solved by force of state within the limits of the law, we aren't talking about shooting 3 peons in a field, we're talking about 40 to 80 000 000 people to deport, do you understand? Do you understand that, if you we don't do that within less than a generation, we're done, it's game over, after that all remaining options are outside the law

An uncompromising anti immigration political stance should have happened 10 years ago, bare minimum, and ideally, the 1965 immigration act should never have existed, in the first place

Guess who pushed for that shit, on us

14879873? ago

I'm aware. What are you doing to stop it?

14879976? ago

What do you want me to do? Shoot on synagogue? MILLIONS do you have any idea how fucking meaningless individual actions are in that context? It's only going to get tackled with collective actions, on a very large scale, and we are losing the majority

14880100? ago

Maybe shouting on the internet isn't the best solution. Maybe you should start building your collective.

That's not likely to happen in an anon board.

14880203? ago

To the contrary, I have a much bigger influence on the collective over the internet than over my nearest neighbors

14880462? ago

Not in here you don't. Maybe you should reevaluate your audience.

14880706? ago

Oh yes I do, because the shared information here doesn't stay here, and the information shared here is based on verifiable facts

What do you think your personal opinion backed by nothing but your words, shared with 3 low IQ normies, is going to achieve in the middle fuckall town? Fuckall that's what

14881130? ago

You sure do waste a lot of time for someone concerned with all the time being wasted.

Still shouting at the internet I see.

14881806? ago

Coming from a cucked ass Qcharade player who barely could stand the sight of the word "nigger" a couple of weeks ago... That's fucking rich

Just, fucking, rich

"trust the plan" a plan that you know nothing about

14881896? ago

You know nothing. Yet you spew diarrhea.

14881985? ago

Says the one trusting a plan he knows nothing about...

The joke keeps writing itself

14882038? ago

Again, presumptuous. You do not know what I know.

14888099? ago

lol as if you had any insight knowledge you delusional arrogant prick.

14888202? ago

Your lack of knowledge is not my fault. Was I incorrect?

14888220? ago

lol as if you had any insight knowledge you delusional arrogant prick

14888265? ago

Now you just copy and paste. Fitting.

14888354? ago

It's fitting because you just repeated your delusional arrogant claim of having any inside knowledge.

But if you have inside knowledge, tell me when will the arrests start? Didn't Q ask a few months ago "are you ready to see arrests?"

So is it days? months? years?

14888754? ago

When will it actually go down?

It seems with Q it's always right around the corner - but then never comes. Probably soon we will be told that Trump has to win the re-election first.

14888866? ago

You understand you don't announce the date your going to arrest someone because that kind of spoils the element of surprise right?

Between now and the 11th, your going to see something. If you look.

14889023? ago

"something". "If you look"

You sound like a christcuck. And you sound like someone who deserves that his grand-grand daughters will end up as muslima.

14889705? ago

Really? That's what you think of nations Veterans?

14888437? ago

You simply aren't paying attention. RR fired... go look at his replacement. Your lack of knowledge and butthurt ego are preventing you from actually finding the truth.

But instead, you'll just whine and bitch her claiming superiority whilst claiming that's what I did.

Not working tootsie.

14882071? ago

And you know nothing about "the plan"

Who's the presumptuous here?

Projecting much?

14882188? ago

Nope. I'm not, and again you're presumptuous.

14882289? ago

And you're projecting again, mister, I trust something I know nothing about...

14882335? ago

I trust what I know. You can do whatever you like. You do not know what I know, therefore you can doubt.

I cannot.

14882533? ago

Obviously not

You trust "the plan", and you know nothing about that plan


Proof again if need be that you're full of it

14882583? ago

Your lack of understanding is not my fault. Talk to your mom about that too.

14882813? ago

And now all you're left with is attacking the parents in place of argument... Pathetic

Besides, I don't see how you could possibly understand a plan you know nothing about...

This is how things actually look like, outside of your make a wish qult https://voat.co/v/politics/2836858/14872932

14882892? ago

Maybe I do know more about the plan than you assume anon.

Go find out why RR is visiting the White House right now... without alerting the press.

14883051? ago

If you knew anything, you would have spilled the beans already, in order to make a point, instead of playing pretend...

Keep playing pretend

14883209? ago

I'm an adult, with discipline instilled into me by my parents, the US Army, and decades of life experiences.

I don't throw that away to prove points to children on the internet.

You lack intelligence as well as integrity?

14883388? ago

As far as I'm concerned you still are the same clown playing pretend

"Qanon says jeff session unleashed!" Oh yeah let's talk about that... Sep 18 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxsUCjyFISo

"Jeff session is set to clean house!" Hooooo May 17 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wb7ut5wyBtE

Jeff session: trump's secret weapon (lol, actually) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GthTjh86fF0

Now, the reality:

BREAKING NEWS - Jeff Sessions has been FIRED BY TRUMP!!!



just, lol

14883449? ago

None of that was posted by Q. You need to be careful who you follow.

14883685? ago

Yeah it's just posted by qloons like you

Session is trump's secret weapon... Trump fires session...

You have to admit this one has a potential for great meme material...

14882955? ago

Just take the L on this one boomerfag. Damn nursing homes and their wifi, enabling this Q shit to flourish.

14883014? ago

It's not my loss.

14876720? ago

Yes, we need more thoughtful analysis and reaction instead of leftist tantrums.

14877217? ago

"Thoughtful analysis" = bullshit lies to give me hope and make me believe this is true

"leftist tantrums" = people I don't like who are speaking honestly about stuff I don't wan't to hear

14890594? ago

What the fuck are you even here for then. Go away, good ridence.

14881578? ago

Ugh go home.

14884163? ago

Nope. I'm here to torment you until Q gets off his ass and does something.

14879083? ago

Did you actually read the post? Here's another example of leftists celebrating... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6g1Sd5EMFQ

14878416? ago

LOL, so well put.

14878219? ago

Shhh, don't question Q the anonymous savant who's done nothing but string a bunch of drones along giving them false hope for the past 2 years. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING about Q actually adds up at the end if the day. Whenever something doesn't go right, or as predicted you get a drop saying 'that was the target' or 'that was the real objective' or 'disinformation being used to throw deepstate players off'

Using those tactics you could carry this charade on indefinitely.

14887333? ago

That’s funny ... I have been following Q from almost the beginning, and it has been a little over a year ... maybe there was another Q before this Q I didn’t learn about ?

Sounds like MSM reporting to me.

14880776? ago

Attack hope and faith. It's natural for those devoid and jealous of faith. Even If Q was just a right wing MSM style propagandist, I like him much more than the MSM so why the constant attacks as if faith were your enemy?

14882640? ago

I don't agree with generating false hope by misleading people. I don't decry faith, I decry blind faith devoid of critical thought.

14887670? ago

What positive do you have faith in?

14889219? ago

My god, my family, my country and my president.

The only positive Q has generated has been initiating a fantastic grassroots movement of conservative nationalists. That being said, I'm quite disenchanted with the stringing along. Q should fess up and just be the anonymous leader to the conservative movement.

14889563? ago

Even if Q is legit, he uses drops with us to mislead the enemy so that makes it even harder to pin him down but since he's doing some good, he's fine in my books - larp or legend. I don't need to prove the Easter bunny is fake at an Easter egg hunt

14890664? ago

That guy, He believes in the tooth fairy still, why because the tooth fair gave him $10 one day when was 7 yrs old.

14878481? ago

The charade has been going on indefinitely. Remember the hotel in Shanghai with the "blown out" window? Or all those mysterious photos on the streets of London or Singapore or wherever? Or my favorite -- the "actual" page from a Homeland Security Report revealing millions of stolen votes and 3 Senate races in 2016 that were stolen? Q published a page of that alleged report and yet never mentioned it again nor was it ever made public, because it didn't exist. We could go on and on and on. No more.

14877555? ago

Why would "leftist" be throwing tantrums? The leftists won! They are celebrating.

Excellent question, which leads me to ask why the MSM was still low energy and stuttering with teary eyes despite claiming victory? I've never seen such a sorry bunch of "winners" before.

14877712? ago

Why did the Young Turks look like someone shot their favorite puppy last night during live stream? MSM wasn’t feeling like they won.

14877742? ago

Right. It's almost as if it was a Pyrrhic victory and they knew it.

14879082? ago

Not really, they were convinced by their side and media that the blue wave would take the Senate too. Both sides are feeling incomplete today.

14881121? ago

Nah. Only the children of War are feeling incomplete today.

14881398? ago

As an R, losing the House and gaining a few Senate seats is a huge disappointment. For the Dems, gaining a narrow majority in the House and not taking the Senate, is a disappointment. That's obvious to just about anybody. The Children of War? I have zero idea what you're talking about. I think Trump and the R's lost far more than the D's gained.

14882215? ago

We lost nothing of consequence. We gained Senate majority. Real majority. We will be cramming judges down your throats left and right. And that next SCOTUS nomination will be ULTRA CONSERVATIVE Amy Coney Barrett. You lose yet another lifetime appointment. And with RINO'S out of the Senate she will sail through while your fucking heads explode once again. PLEASE pull the sexual assault charge on a female. I cant fucking wait.

14882498? ago

You are so brain dead you can't do anything but try to insinuate I'm a leftist. I gave a fairly thoughtful analysis of the Senate race. All you have is insults. The one thing we get is judges. That's not a bad thing. But it's far from the only thing in Trump's agenda. That agenda has now been halted. Play whatever game you wish, but losing the House was a LOSS. The Senate victory was lukewarm. Nobody is able to tell me a single solid seat the D's lost, including you. Again, let me try to get through to you, the Dems had TWENTY SIX seats they had to protect. Think of that for just a second -- that was almost half their fucking Senate seats. They lost maybe 3-5. Not bad. The thinking just a year ago was that the R's would pick up enough perhaps to take a 60 vote filibuster proof majority. Not even close. We lost Nevada. Lost it. Have we won Arizona yet? If not, that's another switch from R to D. Florida heading for a recount? Did we make a dent in Ohio, Michigan, W. Virgina, did we take Montana or is that still unknown? Please.

14896614? ago

And let me get through to you that historically this is a win for the natural order of things. POTUS lost the same number of seats as Reagan in his first midterm. We know what happened after that with Reagan's reelection. There are ALWAYS losses in the midterm for the party in power. Yes it sucks, but given the choice you have to defend the Senate. And it looks like we picked up 3 or 4 in the Senate when in reality it was more because including the seats picked up 3 RINO'S were forced out. We will take AZ, which we all know McCain was the biggest fucking RINO out there. Had that gone Dem it would have been no loss to POTUS when it comes to actually getting stuff done (repeal Obamacare). RINO's out plus an additional 3 or 4 seats picked up is huge.
Hussein lost over 60 seats his first midterm. POTUS and Reagan lost the least amount. Military is funded through 2019 already. Sessions is out. New AG will not recuse. Blockade has been removed. No, the red tsunami didnt happen, but Senate will now get it's TRUE oversight of the DOJ back.

14877737? ago

What would be better is if the YT's puppies were sad because someone actually shot their masters.

14877372? ago

Over The Target

14877410? ago


14879638? ago

So many ignorant of Politics. The main reason we ended up this way. And so many false Prophets giving us their timelines. I stand with the Movement till my last breath. Grow a pair you pussy fucks, and stop bitching.