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14876340? ago

Don't worry about the naysayers and shills. Let them expend their frustrations. It changes nothing. You are witnessing history.

Behave accordingly.

14878135? ago

Behave accordingly.

Lay back. Trust the plan. Do nothing. Just trust that the world will magically unfuck itself while you post quickly censored memes on twitter.

14878171? ago

That's not what I said. If you are choosing to believe we do nothing outside of Voat... you're making assumptions.

I can't help you if you make asinine assumptions on an anon board.

14878279? ago

Oh, you also post memes on the_donald, encrypt some cryptic messages that tell you almost nothing concrete and you try to find spelling mistakes in trumps tweets. Good on you.

In a few years the democrats will have imported enough people of foreign cultures that loyally vote democrats along with low white birthrates that the democrats will forever stay elected. "the plan" or rather "the kalergi plan" will have fully worked. You will have witnessed history.

Behave accordingly.

14878628? ago

You are a special flavor of stupid. Please explain how the Democrats will get anything through the Senate?

You retards need to go back to civics class. The House is nearly tied, stagnation will be properly blamed on Dems.

Nothing the house can do can happen without the Senate, which they lost seats in, and the FISA DECLASS will cripple Democrats in popular opinion.

You are truly a special snowflake if you're concerned anything is stopping the plan.

14879044? ago

Since when did democrats need the senate to import millions of diversity niggers? Both legally and illegally, and make them vote on top of that, with barely anybody opposing it

You are conveniently dodging his main point: Demographics. He's right, in 10 to 15 years texas will go blue forever at that pace, and once that bitch is in we're screwed

14879081? ago

10-15 years... you idiot's don't realize what's happening days from now.

14879123? ago

I do.. When I typed that I told to myself "Oh boy, you're getting generous here..."

Face it, those illegals are here to stay, they would all be gone by now if the plan was to deport them all, and their anchor babies will reach voting age in about 10 years, probably less, and they aren't going to vote republican for the vast majority of them

14879235? ago

Yet, deportation remains as an option. So your defeated?

14879288? ago

Oh yeah, sure, he's going to deport all the anchor babies, illegals, and repeal the 1965 immigration act that led to this situation, and all that without the house, I totally see that happening /s

14879467? ago

You... I asked you what you are doing. You keep bringing up others in relation to your problems.

What are you doing? Just bitching on the internet?

14879751? ago

Me at my level I try to turn cucked ass whites into race realists and kike aware, as much as I can, with facts, not with "make a wish" bullshit

Now listen, you fucken nitwit

The problem can only be solved by force of state within the limits of the law, we aren't talking about shooting 3 peons in a field, we're talking about 40 to 80 000 000 people to deport, do you understand? Do you understand that, if you we don't do that within less than a generation, we're done, it's game over, after that all remaining options are outside the law

An uncompromising anti immigration political stance should have happened 10 years ago, bare minimum, and ideally, the 1965 immigration act should never have existed, in the first place

Guess who pushed for that shit, on us

14879873? ago

I'm aware. What are you doing to stop it?

14879976? ago

What do you want me to do? Shoot on synagogue? MILLIONS do you have any idea how fucking meaningless individual actions are in that context? It's only going to get tackled with collective actions, on a very large scale, and we are losing the majority

14880100? ago

Maybe shouting on the internet isn't the best solution. Maybe you should start building your collective.

That's not likely to happen in an anon board.

14880203? ago

To the contrary, I have a much bigger influence on the collective over the internet than over my nearest neighbors

14880462? ago

Not in here you don't. Maybe you should reevaluate your audience.

14880706? ago

Oh yes I do, because the shared information here doesn't stay here, and the information shared here is based on verifiable facts

What do you think your personal opinion backed by nothing but your words, shared with 3 low IQ normies, is going to achieve in the middle fuckall town? Fuckall that's what

14881130? ago

You sure do waste a lot of time for someone concerned with all the time being wasted.

Still shouting at the internet I see.

14881806? ago

Coming from a cucked ass Qcharade player who barely could stand the sight of the word "nigger" a couple of weeks ago... That's fucking rich

Just, fucking, rich

"trust the plan" a plan that you know nothing about

14881896? ago

You know nothing. Yet you spew diarrhea.

14881985? ago

Says the one trusting a plan he knows nothing about...

The joke keeps writing itself

14882038? ago

Again, presumptuous. You do not know what I know.

14882071? ago

And you know nothing about "the plan"

Who's the presumptuous here?

Projecting much?

14882188? ago

Nope. I'm not, and again you're presumptuous.

14882289? ago

And you're projecting again, mister, I trust something I know nothing about...

14882335? ago

I trust what I know. You can do whatever you like. You do not know what I know, therefore you can doubt.

I cannot.

14882533? ago

Obviously not

You trust "the plan", and you know nothing about that plan


Proof again if need be that you're full of it

14882583? ago

Your lack of understanding is not my fault. Talk to your mom about that too.

14882813? ago

And now all you're left with is attacking the parents in place of argument... Pathetic

Besides, I don't see how you could possibly understand a plan you know nothing about...

This is how things actually look like, outside of your make a wish qult

14882892? ago

Maybe I do know more about the plan than you assume anon.

Go find out why RR is visiting the White House right now... without alerting the press.

14883051? ago

If you knew anything, you would have spilled the beans already, in order to make a point, instead of playing pretend...

Keep playing pretend

14883209? ago

I'm an adult, with discipline instilled into me by my parents, the US Army, and decades of life experiences.

I don't throw that away to prove points to children on the internet.

You lack intelligence as well as integrity?

14883388? ago

As far as I'm concerned you still are the same clown playing pretend

"Qanon says jeff session unleashed!" Oh yeah let's talk about that... Sep 18 2018

"Jeff session is set to clean house!" Hooooo May 17 2018

Jeff session: trump's secret weapon (lol, actually)

Now, the reality:

BREAKING NEWS - Jeff Sessions has been FIRED BY TRUMP!!!


just, lol

14883449? ago

None of that was posted by Q. You need to be careful who you follow.

14883685? ago

Yeah it's just posted by qloons like you

Session is trump's secret weapon... Trump fires session...

You have to admit this one has a potential for great meme material...

14882955? ago

Just take the L on this one boomerfag. Damn nursing homes and their wifi, enabling this Q shit to flourish.

14883014? ago

It's not my loss.