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heroinwinsagain ago

this fucking q shit is nothing more than feeding the lazy fucking generation of can i protest my government with an app on my phone. dumb fucks

VapidGopher ago

Its worse. I know because I used to be on-the-fence about Q. The community has a pattern:

  • Q makes says something will happen (in the form of a question. ex: FISA declass? Why? When would be a significant time to release?)

  • Community eagerly agrees on what it means and when "something big" will happen. They spend days fine tuning the details, because somehow that really matters.

  • Some event happens that makes the prediction not possible (they say he doesn't make predictions, so prediction in this case means Q's ambiguous questions that imply a specific event will occur)

  • Community regroups, participates in mental gymnastics and comes up with explanation as to why Q was still right and what Q actually meant.

  • Community celebrates Q was right again, incredible how accurate Q is, he must be an insider!

  • Rinse and fucking repeat, every fucking time (except that one time he got North Korea right, but the community abandoned the failed Iran predictions)

Its basically a Rorschach ink blot test using words.

What seals it for me is seeing the voter data. Q primarily appeals to white boomers, who happen to be Trump's biggest voting group right now. They are also the generation that loves the idea of sitting and doing nothing (trust the plan) while somehow being part of the big movement that brought down the democratic crime cabal. I fucking get it now.

There's still time, there's still 2 years to do shit other than "trusting the plan".

FakeNewzIsFake ago

Best comment about the quaggots i've seen so far. Very true also

VapidGopher ago

I'm taking a break for a few days. This whole thing is a roller coaster. The past few hours with dems reaction to now AG Whitaker have been very telling. Its got me excited. I made that post out of frustration, but fuck, I'll just stop there until I think this through more.

Exboer ago

Sit around waiting for superman to fly in and save them, bad news is he ain't coming,

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qintel4u ago

Voter Data Really? You mean like record setting registered voters for a midterm! HAHA. I take it you live in the city with a million other NPC's. You even pull the race card out. "White boomers" tells me you be a liberal and tells me your age. Obviously making up for your lack of testosterone and tiny hands. You never participated in a team sport and think very highly of yourself. Your facts are wrong or twisted to suit your needs. Sometimes you are manic depressive and you identify as a bisexual. So it is not an issue to fuck yourself. Which is entirely possible with your bipolar - schizophranic personalaity. You have been diagnosed. Thank me later.

VapidGopher ago

Wow this reply wins. I have never seen so many wrong assumptions in a post ever, I mean literally ever. Like, you took the exact opposite of everything about me and stated it as a confident assumption. Either the whole post was sarcasm and went over my head, or you are very likely one of the most factually incorrect people on the internet today

Norseman ago

ooh, so they're grossly autistic. Why didn't you just say so.

drschwabe ago

This pattern is similar how currency and shitcoin scams work. Striking similarity actually. As such, it would not surprise me if the model is an innovation that is consciously & strategically deployed by associates/agents to such areas as currencies and shitcoins and of course now politics. The money that was made in currency & shitcoin scams is staggering; clearly they would want to use that same power for other purposes beyond easy money.

whatisbestinlife ago

"dont mess with my retirement" is their slogan.

redpilldessert ago

Meanwhile, there's a REAL plan that's happening and it's sinister as hell:

Oh_Well_ian ago

and what the fuck are you doing ?


QXQ ago

Everything you said is true.

That said, I don't think Q is a LARP. It seems more like some kind of controlled opposition by the same Zionists that support Trump.

Waiyu_Dudat ago

Q is not a larp. Q is controlled opposition. The way they operate is by spewing out they idea and opinion, seeing which ones stick, then push that idea like they created it. Don't you realize Jews are the most common source of naming the Jew? Ashkenz don't give af about the genocide of Jews, they can profit off it with that sweet sweet victim signaling. Q might've wanted some people to find the JQ while others would decry it as too racist. That creates division and makes those that took the red pill earlier (whether 1 or 25 years ago, doesn't matter) start to fade in their energy.

Controlled opposition is all about getting the real enemy to fuel their energy into a scarecrow. Q followers burn all their energy decoding messages that give them a dopamine and serotonin boost because they are too fucked up to go outside and realize most normies are tired of politics so they can't be rustled to start a revolution. Shit is too comfy here.

QXQ ago

Don't you realize Jews are the most common source of naming the Jew? Ashkenz don't give af about the genocide of Jews, they can profit off it with that sweet sweet victim signaling. Q might've wanted some people to find the JQ while others would decry it as too racist. That creates division and makes those that took the red pill earlier (whether 1 or 25 years ago, doesn't matter) start to fade in their energy.

This makes sense. It seems risky having too many find the JQ since they can spread it around... but I guess the cabal Jews like Soros view pleb Jew genocide as a tool to destroy enemies (Germany, white people in general) anyway.

Waiyu_Dudat ago

Right. Too few knowing about the JQ is bad. Too many at once learning about it is also bad. Top tier globalists aren't even united in many of their decisions for the globe, but they universally agree on one thing: depopulation. They want most people to die. That includes a portion of their own brethren. These elitists call themselves Jews but they aren't. Khazarians. Read Solzhenitsyn's 200 years together for more on that.

TheSeer ago

I was trying to warn people about Q back in April, and expressing doubts earlier. Now they are saying shit like "We are all Q", yeah, which also means there is no Q! Duh! And it has just been an exercise in "what if?" What if there are people behind the scenes doing the right thing? I mean, how long have we waited for the goddamn indictments to be revealed?

You just know at this point it is going to be the 'truthers' that are in those indictments, not the cabal!

QXQ ago

I'm still holding out hope, but I assume it would have been shut down by now if it was anything too sensitive.

I am curious who is behind it. Trump seems in on it with his Q hand signals, which leads me to believe it's his handlers (military intelligence, NSA, Zionists, etc.)

MrDarkWater ago

In tired of q, but there is supposedly a bunch to look forward to. The indictments: another what if I guess

Honey_Pot ago

I'm tired of Q too. Can NOT wait for R. Not to be missed.

VapidGopher ago

I forgot about the indictments. It's so fucking circumstantial but also so valid because of the massive number. And the unusual number of CEO's leaving. Either way I'm continuing on hoping Q is real but I'm going to be more proactive away from the computer. No reason now for me not to start a young Republicans club at school.

Fenrir-1488 ago

Exactly that to a t. The cult practically runs itself. The only thing that can stop them is if Q stops posting. We saw them start to struggling to keep interest up when he took like a month off.

Hydrocephalus ago

That was when Q mouthed off to his mom and she took away his internet privliges for a month.

pby1000 ago

So much could have been done six months ago... but it wasn't.

dassaer ago

How is one able to be !00% sure that somewhere in the entire election process is not/has not been compromised/tampered with ??, county wide, state wide, nation wide. And (according to many reports and Alternative news) If that is the case, why is it being 'allowed' to continue (by the Governmental establishment) ??. I find it so difficult to reconcile that long term degenerate, imbecilic Politicians are repeatedly re-elected to continue rinse and repeat, spewing scamming and supporting BS... that my brain can only conclude that in itself shows definite and systematic vote tampering. F***ing cuckoo-land alright ....

vladtep ago

Since Trump is a part of this, no, it can't.

The only think you can do is join your local militia, even then, they're all cucked.

noworldorder ago

Local militias are almost all infiltrated by federal informants. It's been this way since the OKC false flag.

vladtep ago

I know, wouldn't be a bad idea to clean their asses out.

pby1000 ago

I suspect most of them are Freemasons.

Aeioulmao ago

So Q is a larp we’ve heard that one for a while... I assume he got us to do nothing while all of you helped our nation by posting niggerfaggot comments on voat.

Woop di fucking doo, get off your ass and start a revolution if it’s what you want.

You could imagine Q is a fat lardass sitting in a basement but he’s still done more for this country (mainly awakening folks for now) than any one of you could say.

pby1000 ago

If I had the FISA memo or the contents of the Weiner laptop, then I would have released them.

He has people, but the elections are still rigged.

Aeioulmao ago

I know so would I, I think the majority here would order to kill all jews too, but that’s why Trump is president and we aren’t

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Look if we all roll up our sleeves and get to work we can knock out 6 million problems and dig up 1.5 million of those in the spring to burn later.

Putzmiester ago

None of that is going to happen on the internet. We need to meet in real life. Actually organize and meet other like minded individuals.

JastheMace ago

Found the FBI agent

Putzmiester ago

Every fucking time. I think this meme is actually being pushed by the FBI.

How the fuck could meeting like minded individuals in real life be considered illegal?!

You ignorant fuck!

BrimstoneBrute ago

This meme isn't about whether it's illegal or not. It's about FBI infiltrating groups then working to utilize them for false flags.

Honey_Pot ago

Anybody see TexasVet today???? Guys???

watts2db ago

its an enumerated protection in the bill of rights freedom of association

HST ago

Yeah the only time it's accurate is if they're pushing for violence online hoping for a new mass shooter.

Feldorai ago

Not many realize this, but the ink blot test is just the human brain from various different angles & patterns.

HelenNake ago

Girls from your area: ;) Open in browser, register for free! ;)

bambou1991 ago

Voat is moving up in the world, we're getting fuck now site spam.

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HelenNake ago

Girls from your area: =) Open in browser, register for free! ;)

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GapingAnus ago

They are also the generation that loves the idea of sitting and doing nothing

Except building everything millennials use on a daily basis but assume have always existed but sure. Nothing.

Honey_Pot ago

Lol @ the wahhhh, it's harder now. Stop crying, millennials because shit is going to get a whole lot worse.

GapingAnus ago

Absolutely nothing triggers millennials harder than the mere suggestion that they are not a maligned underdog to their oppressive boomer overlords because they can't afford rent. The sole variable they look at, assuming everything else was exactly the same for their parents.

I'm late gen-x myself but if I was a boomer, I'd trade with a millennial in a heartbeat.

Honey_Pot ago

Millennials think they should graduate college, get that 6-figure job, and get a nice house/loft. We all graduated to the same rude awakening- You gotta shack-up with some mates for awhile, work your way up, save your dough ( no avocado toast).

Problem is, they have no where near the backbone the previous generation had, just like we were less hardy than the Generation before us.

Like this:

bantzer ago

Your generation's selfishness and reckless hedonism destroyed everything our forefathers handed down to you

JastheMace ago

The destruction started with the reconstruction government after the civil war. 1868 is when they implemented the 14th which created the fraudulent 'public US citizen' that allows them to ignore the constitution and apply the U.C.C. to us. Then the FED(and IRS) in 1913, then the very very bad new deal in 1933.

GapingAnus ago

Actually, my generation built the things you use to make such statements.

You're welcome.

TheSeer ago

If you built everything but also laid the seeds for its destruction, what did you really build? Your generation fiddled while Rome burnt. Afraid of being called the nasty 'r' word, so just give the Commies whatever they want.

kalgon ago

But you imported all the nigs, too

GapingAnus ago

I note the millennials want to accelerate that particular policy so I guess "we" didn't do enough despite me not being a boomer in the first place you absolute fucking with-us-or-against us retarded faggot.

kalgon ago

What you fail to realize, is that this "with-us-or-against us", is the direct product of multiculturalism, because with multiculturalism, you end up with "factions", a population divided along ethnic lines, what you call "communities", groups of people who basically have totally different values, principles, standards... Interests

Which gives you, for instance, latinos who refuse to learn english, or muslims refusing to take oath on the bible...

Which is funny because the constitution is written in english

I let you ponder where all of this will inevitably lead to, fuckwit

GapingAnus ago

So shitting on every generation but your own is ok but when others shit on your generation, suddenly it's factionalism. Got it.

kalgon ago

The role model of my generation is/has to be adolf hitler, while yours was john fucking lenon

GapingAnus ago

Meanwhile, your generation retreats to a safe space with fucking coloring books when someone disagrees with you.

kalgon ago

That's not my generation doing that

Fuck you with your coloring books, boomer nigger

YugeDick ago

You were also the reliably democratic base for decades because you preferred to sit on your asses and not take personal responsibility for your own financial decisions but instead wanted government and your employers to handle everything for you.

Every welfare program since '63 you've voted for. Every employment incentive program you've been in favor of. Pensions, employer funded vacation pay, sick leave, 401K, etc. etc. You all just want to be taken care of instead of taking care of things for yourself because you want someone else to blame when things go wrong. And you've primarily raised weak children and grandchildren who want it as easy as you had it when what they need is to be self sufficient, self reliant, and taking some personal god damned responsibility.

They blame you because you taught them to, so you've got no room to complain about the blame game.


Coasting on the back of your parents while simultaneously destroying the culture and the foundation of the country for generations to come doesn’t sound too much like building. Building the groundwork for chaos and destruction maybe.

CallASpadeASpade ago

You built that because you were working within a functional white ethnostate. Now that’s gone and you want them to be as successful when they’re operating under increasingly 3rd world conditions.

truthwoke33 ago

We were better back then.

Yes and then the boomers imported a million nigs now they wonder why their kids can't find jobs. Thanks. Let's see the boomers grow up in a city full of niggers.

gentronseven ago

They did, it's called Detroit and it's now in ruin.

TheSeer ago

But at least no one can call them bad words or accuse them of not being fair! It was all worth it!

jwm5514 ago

Yet they are still voting for Democrats

Lynch_Tree ago

That's because all the humans left.