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14876340? ago

Don't worry about the naysayers and shills. Let them expend their frustrations. It changes nothing. You are witnessing history.

Behave accordingly.

14880496? ago

Who is Huber? and trusting Sessions was smart when you realize who the true Stealth Bomber was.

Don't worry, you'll catch up eventually.

14885614? ago

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14880619? ago

Condescension, someone's feelings are hurt.

14881057? ago

Nope. You really can't stand being wrong, can you?

Go look up Huber and come back to the class when you can rejoin from a place of knowledge instead of ignorance.

14882666? ago

The eternal boomer meme was literally created based off of you at your desk in your 1 room apartment. You are a legend forever immortalized in 4chan history.

Yeah so about that Podesta arrest... also glad Julian is safe in America now. I'm the nutty one for sure here. Take your meds old man or they'll send you back to the nursing home.

14882829? ago

Why is RR visiting the White House right now unannounced to press anon?

14882910? ago

Same reason as when Q fags jumped the gun last time RR visited the WH. What a day of laughs that was. Q fags first bragged about proofs, then abandoned the board the rest of the day after it was a nothingburger. But I'm sure there's a deeper significance to it, there always is, according to the scripture of Q.

14883041? ago

Not this time.

14883212? ago

Why do u think he is?

14883244? ago

When an actor is done playing his part, he exits stage right.

14884016? ago

Wrong. You must dig deeper. Ignore the distractions. Focus. What does the meeting REALLY mean?

14884071? ago

Jokes as the world turns around you.

14884141? ago

Wrong, still not correct. You can figure this one out. But you must try harder, dig deeper. The answer is there! Just when you're ready to give up it will reveal itself before you like a beautiful rose in the midst of a colder bitter winter. Seek that rose! What does the meeting REALLY mean?

14884171? ago

Still playing dumb. Better you waste my time than someone else's. Mine is infinite.

14884270? ago

Infinite in life is the elixor we all seek. But you have not found the full truth in the meaning yet. You, unfortunately, are still wrong. Focus. Reallign your mind. What does it REALLY mean?

14884290? ago

It means you are walking in circles instead of seeing the path.

14884451? ago

Don't give up! I sense weakening. You must dig deeper. What does it really mean?

14884522? ago

Lost sheep bleat.

14884364? ago

Wrong, that's what they want you to see, but you need to allign your mind's eye to see the true meaning. What does it REALLY mean?

14884513? ago

There is no 'they' there is only one.

14884562? ago

Another wrong assumption! Correct that thinking to be one with truth, then look again at the question: What does it really mean?

14884597? ago

No assumption is made when one knows.

14884634? ago

But you were wrong in that there was no "they". Because you were wrong, I have been chosen to help you discover what is correct. I believe you can discover the answer, but you must believe it yourself. Do this, then answer the question: What does it really mean?

14884698? ago

I was not wrong. Your circlejerk is making you confused. Please continue... don't go look up Whitaker and his previous statements about the Clinton Foundation.

God forbid you might learn something.

Please continue your circlejerk. The cookie at the end is your prize.

14884751? ago

You are not focusing. Don't get frustrated by your mistakes, instead learn from them. I was chosen to help you for a reason. The strong shall reach down to help the weak as I am doing unto you. Realize this and embrace the support, then it shall help you truly know: What does it really mean?

14884848? ago

I am focused. I am not frustrated. I did not error. Your pride is likely your biggest failure. Your Ego is certainly running your day to day tasks, and that's unfortunate.

You can lead a donkey to water, but it's still going to be an ass.

Please continue...

14884965? ago

Life is beautiful, every second of it. Find and embrace the happiness it gives, enjoy it with loved ones near. This is how I chose to live, embracing and loving. You too can do this when you truly focus. You think you have focused but it is another distraction. In order to truly know, you must open your mind and open your heart. It is what I was told to help you understand. The wisdom of my candle shall continue to be passed as it was passed to me, and hopefully, if you keep focusing and trying, it shall be passed on to you, once the question has been answered: What does it mean?

14885148? ago

No, not distracted. Continue...

14885231? ago

You must clear your mind. Your mind is not cleared so you don't see the distraction in front of you. Recenter. Reallign. Answer: what does it really mean? Really focus.

14885320? ago

Mind is crystal clear. Center is centered. Meanwhile you are still circlejerking on your cookie.


14885454? ago

Good, if the mind is clear the answer should be there. If you get stumped and need help from the wiser ones like myself, use our special word "continue" or anything close to it, and I shall continue to drop you hints, but I am not allowed to solve the puzzle for you. Many have solved it today, it just takes some longer, but you are lucky to have a wise and patient teacher such as myself. Knowing the cookie "crumbs" I have left for you here, stay calm and you shall find the answer to the question: What does it really mean?

14885460? ago


14885480? ago

Ah yes. Think of a flower in the mind. Now answer: What does it really mean?

14885490? ago


14885624? ago

Stay strong! Don't give up, you shall find the answer to the question.

14885680? ago

Stronger than you know. Not tired. We can continue.

14885763? ago

Strength is not the same as wisdom. It is hard to see when the mind is not clear. Clear the mind and try again. The question remains to be answered: Why?

14885790? ago

I have clarity of mind, and both. Continue again.

14885827? ago

If you did you would know the answer, so tell me: Why?

14885922? ago

You're falling weak anon? Where is the earlier bravado? Don't give up on me anon.

14886031? ago

Ah, I believe you meant "feeling", a sign that you are indeed weakening. Don't give up, I shall lend you my strength! Focus, become energized and answer: Why?

14886070? ago

Not weakening at all. Here, maybe this will enlighten you about what you are ignoring right now.

Continue again.

14886120? ago

This might actually have potential. I would rather be wrong 100x on doubting Q and have to eat my words if it meant Hillary and the Obama cabal gets indicted.

14886163? ago

I told you there was a cookie at the end.

14885553? ago

Study how water fills a glass. If the challenge has become too much, use our special word "continue" or anything like it. Stay calm as you imagine the water filling the glass and realizing it holds the answer to the question: What does it really mean?

14885646? ago

No thank you. Please, continue.

14885707? ago

Ok, perhaps I overestimated your abilities. I shall try an easier question that certainly everyone, even the most novice minds, have been able to answer.

When think of Q and the writings, he speaks in code. He does this for a reason. Answer this: Why?

14885755? ago

Q gave us the battleplan chopped up and mixed out over a year. Q uses to socratic method to ensure people understand truth by discovering it for themselves.

Continue again. Over estimating me hasn't happened yet.

14885798? ago

That is wrong. Dig deeper. Why?

14885908? ago

It's not wrong. You seem to be getting tired anon. Where is your previous enthusiasm? Please, expend your nonsense here at my feet once more.

14885951? ago

I realize my responses have been too long to keep your attention focused, and the words too large for you to understand. In order to truly be a great teacher one must realize the limits of the student. (Hint). Why?

14885997? ago

You guys should know your post has been linked in /v/whatever and /anontalk. This is some funny but boring shit

14885967? ago

Meanwhile... Rod Rosenstein just resigned.

You sure you're paying attention?

14886047? ago

Link this for real and I will give up. Seriously if RR is done by resignation, I will be so fucking happy.

14886086? ago

Go look at Twitter yourself. Research anon. He's done.

14886353? ago

Holy fuckballs I actually was enjoying messing with you but now I just feel bad. I'm not on board with Q fully yet, but this is promising.

Yeah, I'm excited again. I concede, you've answered why, all the questions and shit, enjoy the true enlightenment or whatever I said the reward was.

So serious question, they only bring up Muller and his Russian investigation in saying the AG can limit the scope of the investigation. Does this mean the FISA declass is now on Whitaker's desk?

14886394? ago

Yes... and the Democrats are panicking.