14985172? ago

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14843506? ago

This comment:


Read it in context. The OP of that thread is the neon revolt character. They were pretending to not be him, made a comment in first person, and outed themselves as being him.

There's also the report for spam thing.

I'd ping @puttitout.

14841634? ago

I made this post and the ones linked inside it. I don't follow neon revolt because he asks for money. I was talking shit about that when srayzie was still posting his stuff. Not that I have a problem with him or his research, but Q said patriots don't ask for money so I wrote him off to be safe.

14840993? ago

It's all calculated. The disinfo shills get paid millions because they are so damn good at what they do.

14840857? ago

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14835561? ago

I think NR and SB2 should just get a room already.

14835575? ago

and buttfuck eachother.

14835616? ago


14835434? ago

I found him after noticing there was 40 posts a day on voat saying he is a shill and paytriot so I thought hmmmm must be over the target so I gave him a look.

14835509? ago

I saw the posts and then caught actual paytriot shilling without ever going to look at anything he said. The point of Q was to circumvent the media.

14835746? ago

Just curious why is it ok for sgt report to run ads and Dan bongino ads. Other youtubers have patreon. I seriously could care less about neon but every time I see this I always wonder why can they get paid off their work ? Instwad of assuming I thought I’d ask. Thanks in advance

14836196? ago

I don't know about sgt report, but Dan B isn't trying to make money off the Q movement.

14835777? ago

I DONT FOLLOW EITHER OF THOSE PEOPLE. NITHER OF THEM WERE SPAMMING VOAT! didn't mean to hit caps lock but im rolling with it....

14835102? ago

Crypto miner Neon Swansong

14835040? ago

I have found NeonRevolt’s blog posts helpful in the past, simply because he put Q drops and explained them, usually quoting someone else. Since Q stopped posting - actually a bit before - I removed his blog from my RSS reader for two reasons.

  1. I didn’t really need him as much anymore, because I had been following a while.

  2. He started getting whiny and obnoxious. Posts became less about Q and more about drama surrounding whether or not he sells Q shirts.

But look, maybe he was getting paid and in it to get paid. Doesn’t mean he was wrong or an unhelpful source of information.

You guys need to stop being so fucking black and white about everything. Intelligence professionals like Q gather and interpret information for a living. They get paid to do it. Q gets paid to do it. If POTUS asked him to do what he’s been doing, then Q HIMSELF is getting paid to post on 8chan.

How many of you get news from people whose job is to report the news? They all get paid! You wouldn’t even know Donald Trump existed if someone hadn’t gotten paid to tell you.

Stop being a bunch of moronic fucking self-righteous assholes. Maybe NeonRevolt is a drama queen and a PAYtriot. But maybe he still provided a useful summary of Q drops and their interpretation.

Quit being so fucking narrow minded. It’s not either paid shill or starving patriot living in mommy’s basement reading 8chan and Voat all day. False dilemma.

Now excuse me, I have to get back to work.

14835345? ago

Thank you. I have found many of his older posts enlightening. His bit on Anderson Cooper and the Podesta's is one of the most enlightening posts I've read that captures the pedo problem in a way that's shareable with people I want to redpill. I have zero problem with people making a living. We are not all blessed with a rent-free home, cost-free food, or independent wealth. This takes a lot of time. Since I found Q this last summer, I spend hours a day doing research. Since I'm self-employed, that has made a dent in my income. But I'm a patriot and I believe this is the most important fight of my/our lifetime. So I'm here.

It disturbs me that Q supporters who have actually READ what he/they write will even engage in this divisiveness. This is unnecessary roughness. If someone felt Neon or anyone else's material is useful and they want to reward them in some way - cool. If not, cool. Read him or don't. But we have a lot of newbies on here for whom some of Neon's posts will be helpful.

Bottom line - we are (I think) all grown-ass adults who can think for ourselves and decide who/what to follow. If you don't like Neon, leave him alone. If you like him, follow him. Many of the posters on Patreon.com have a place where you can support them. I thought we were all pretty much capitalists on here. How is earning a living a bad thing? How is asking people to buy a t-shirt a bad thing? I sell T-shirts at gun shows. Trust me, the cost of the damn things and the price you can sell them for isn't making me a millionaire! I sell them and give some of the proceeds to 2A groups. Hardly something to get yer undies in a twist about.

DIVIDED WE FAIL. They WANT us Divided. Knock if off.

14835098? ago

Bye neon

14835001? ago

I hear he in only a model.

14834661? ago

Yeah... Neon is a nowfag... Neon is a PAYtriot. etc. Dave from X22 is WAY better as is SGT Report and USA Watchdog and Dave Janda.

14841561? ago

SGT (Sean) almost got caught up in the Corsi brew-ha-ha (I laugh at beer). Seems he's moved on which is good. Found X22 more recently, really liking it. Thanks for sharing, God bless!

14842782? ago

Yeah good stuff... Watch out for Rogue News. They are good but are paid by the Chinese. I'm 99% sure of it. Look up an interviewee named "W the Intel insider". And listen to every interview he had on rogue money (news) in the last year. His shit is 1000% legit.

14834874? ago

I don’t watch any of that crap

14835418? ago

Thats cool... No one said you HAD to. Quite a bit of good info that way though. Like any small outfit sometimes they miss stuff but for the most part those guys seem legit. I would add in Catherine Austin Fitts interviews lately as well... She has a great one all about 21 trillion missing from HUD on Forum Borealis a few months ago.

14834629? ago

You don't have to be black to be a nigger.

14835146? ago

HEY!! That's my line... I own that!! .... hehe

14835463? ago

I will gladly pay 2 kek bucks to use it. Send the bill to u/Neonrevolt @ Ilovebigblackcock.nigger

14834626? ago

I like his articles. It's has lots of information together in one spot to browse through.

14834484? ago

Divide. Shill. Divide.

14834483? ago







14834112? ago

OK Microdick, whatever.

14834637? ago

Hey Neon!

14834053? ago

This submission was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @SeanBox.

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14834039? ago

Trolls trying to make Neon look bad.

14834278? ago

He does a great job of that by himself, fangirl.

14834143? ago

I don't even know who the fuck that is. I just saw some bullshit scam artist and called it out.

14833489? ago

I stopped following Neon awhile back. He has pulled the Alex Jones a few rimes and flipped on Q. I am all in so I don’t follow concernfags, malicious or not. As long as everyone Thinks For Themselves, we don’t have to worry about paytriots and shills. They’ll stick out like sore thumbs.

14833544? ago

I know they will stick out but I had to do the "screenshot-call out" quick because people were already explaining about [S] in comments underneath and I didn't want the thread wiped. timing is of the essence with things like this.

14833316? ago

Stay on target. Divided we are weakest . This is small potatoes and not the problem we need to attack.

If you don’t like Neon don’t follow him. Isn’t there a better use of your time?

14834068? ago

This is the best use of his time because he's getting paid.

14833352? ago

I see some anon account trying to scam money on the site I use and I'm gonna call it out. I've been here for years. I didn't come here for Q.

14834099? ago

I think you are the author of the post that asks for money. You are just playing games here.

14834205? ago

no, I have no idea who @neonrevolt is other than I saw them asking for money just now. I said "no" to giving money to a stranger and was called a human garbage bag then small minded in the next comment. I looked back at it and I caught this side thread next to me so I posted it.

14834434? ago

That wasn't Neon. That is the troll who keeps trying to discredit him.

14833486? ago

Fair enough. Do what you think is best. I’m not worrying about it, myself. Nor do I pay attention to Neon much so I miss what you see. SB2 on the other hand is a fascinating read and offers unique insights. But even then I question everything. It’s how we are wired. I’ve been doing this for 30 years and will never stop even with a supermajority in DC.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. But I trust the MAGA movement because it’s growning bigger than any one leader. In spite of all the idolizing I see here & elsewhere. Fight on!

14833649? ago

SB is interesting to me. He is either Rainman level genius or a great BS artist.

When he just talks politics san Gematria he makes a lot of sense and is usually spot on.

So, I still can't decide. DS disinfo or a freakin' genius that someone sent here to help us?

14834044? ago

SB2 == Zoomer retard. It was disgusting how all the brainlets on /r/greatawakening sucked his dick after every nonsensical post. Morons mistook his incomprehensible ravings for profundity.

14833797? ago

The Gematria is clever and curious, and I get lost in some of the rule breaking leaps. but yes I prefer analysis that doesn’t rely on big jumps of rule bending and selective inspection. All his other stuff has been spot on.

14833282? ago

Nah, this is probably SBBH playing their games.

14834393? ago

My thoughts exactly. False flag attack.

14833308? ago

no, I am the iron fist. this is SBBH calling out the bullshit.

14834332? ago

Don't forget Denny Crane!

14833408? ago

And... Confirmed

14833472? ago

I'm OP of this thread I'm commenting now and the comment saying "paytriot". The discussion about OP is other people. I'm the thread where OP calls me small minded. This is @SeanBox. I am the iron fist. I do use SBBH for good memes to get me through the day. so what? I'm calling out someone else who was the OP of the @neonrevolt thread. probably @neonrevolt.

14833573? ago

Your game is weak and we know you're also OP of the other thread.

14833702? ago

negative sir. I responded to the other thread with "that's gonna be a solid no, paytriot" and was called a human garbage bag by OP. I don't even know who neon revolt is other than I've seen the name posted a few times here. I've never watched any of their material so it doesn't really affect my life other than I saw some shady shit right now related to it and called it out..

14834471? ago

Lies. We smell you.

14834522? ago

Smell deez nutz. I said my real name.

14833453? ago

That was quick. Good job patriot!

14833247? ago

Thread MVP^^^. THX OP!!! Lol

14833227? ago


14833999? ago

I'm stealing that, genius!