@neonrevolt paytriot shill doesn't understand how anon sub works and promotes "OP" (imgoat.com)
submitted 6.3 years ago by 2832414?
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14843506? 6.3 years ago
This comment:
Read it in context. The OP of that thread is the neon revolt character. They were pretending to not be him, made a comment in first person, and outed themselves as being him.
There's also the report for spam thing.
I'd ping @puttitout.
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14843506? ago
This comment:
Read it in context. The OP of that thread is the neon revolt character. They were pretending to not be him, made a comment in first person, and outed themselves as being him.
There's also the report for spam thing.
I'd ping @puttitout.