You guys see this shit? This was me calling this out. I don't need to hide in anon. They are forum sliding with spam nonsense now to hide this. @neonrevolt paytriot shill scamming money over on v/QRV. (
submitted 6.3 years ago by SeanBox
HateCumbuckets 6.3 years ago
Don't you understand how anon works. You stupid shill!!!
Seriously though, nice catch.
hangry 6.3 years ago
Qtards gotta tard.
SeanBox 6.3 years ago
as a professional voater/alpha dog I felt it my duty to call out some bullshit. OP fucked up. Clearly scammy shit going on.
I've blocked the Q subs except for the one that was already here before the invasion. You can't talk sense to them, they are true believers.
Mumbleberry 6.3 years ago
Nice one, Sean.
I had to call out before it was deleted because people were already explaining what [S] meant to OP.
Garden vegetables (qucumbers) aren't known for their mental prowess.
HateCumbuckets ago
Don't you understand how anon works. You stupid shill!!!
Seriously though, nice catch.
hangry ago
Qtards gotta tard.
SeanBox ago
as a professional voater/alpha dog I felt it my duty to call out some bullshit. OP fucked up. Clearly scammy shit going on.
hangry ago
I've blocked the Q subs except for the one that was already here before the invasion. You can't talk sense to them, they are true believers.
Mumbleberry ago
Nice one, Sean.
SeanBox ago
I had to call out before it was deleted because people were already explaining what [S] meant to OP.
Mumbleberry ago
Garden vegetables (qucumbers) aren't known for their mental prowess.