14127616? ago

They are just dick bent cause they aren't in the best group ever. jealousy pure and simple

14127335? ago

new bread by the way . bakers are on fire

14127402? ago

This is what people should be doing.

14127526? ago

BO made this for us . The goats can jump n hollar but its not going to do anything BO is only say

14127322? ago

funny they are the ones trolling us . i dont bother w the rest of Voat its not why i am here . we have more important things to do. you can thank us after 11/11

14127276? ago

ProtectVoat is cancer.

All that group does is attack Voat by manufacturing censorship crises and then trying to get everyone to down-vote-brigade Voat communities.

14127257? ago

If you have high CCP, get in here and downvote these fucks: https://voat.co/v/QRV/new

14127041? ago

Best to get back to 8chan, these people will find your private info. I suspect these "goats" are agents paid to be here.

14127555? ago

no q monitors BO made this for us . they can come get some if they want . locked socked n ready to roll . i never miss.

14127284? ago

How could they find your private info?

14127225? ago

The only private info they might have is your IP, unless you've given more. Cant do much with an IP. All websites you ever visit have your IP, unless you use vpn. Not a biggie.

14127031? ago


14126855? ago

We are United. This isn't a real fight, it's crap to get us to fight each other.

14126762? ago

Reign your members in then. We're happy to let you be. Fuck with voat, and we stand up.

14127136? ago

QRV hasnt been let be since the moment it was created. Dont want none dont start none.

14126857? ago

Reign your members in then.

I'll get right on herding the cats. I'm sure that will work famously faggot. It's almost like, get this, people act of their own accord.

14126952? ago

Hey faggot, you sound like you will fit in just fine here. I do prefer shitcunt though.

It's almost like, get this, people act of their own accord.

As everyone here has the right to do. Trying to coordinate to take over though. Not cool. We are happy to leave you guys alone. If the same applies.

14127157? ago

why the fear? nobody thats true to this cause is bothering anyone shills in pretending perhaps. but not us, we have our own things to be concerned with . bigger, more important . Take over? thats paranoid thinking . sounds like the enmy is pretending to be we . dont take the bait . thats their goal .

14127210? ago

" the enmy is pretending to be we "


14126845? ago

The old Goats need merely tell us who and what, so we can address it. Everyone is just raging against each other for no productive gain.

Everyone here feels like they are in a fight, and are misplacing where the enemy is... and whom.

A lot of the new people are clueless about the site, and they need to learn how to fit into the culture.

Q didn't tell us to come here and take it over... Q said UNITE.

14126816? ago

Nobody here has any control. Its like herding cats.

14126856? ago

All you can really do, is call them out on it. When you see it.

14126962? ago

I've never seen any member on QRV trying to hurt any other sub. I've seen a lot of others attacking QRV tho with porn posts and such. I dont see anyone anywhere else on voat calling them out.

14127090? ago

@crensch you have better links and info than I do.

14127061? ago

A pepe meme posted in QRV is what has you up in arms? Are you thinking "burn" means actual flames? I dont get it.

14126720? ago

Notice how both links are defensive responses to open calls from here to subvert the rest of the site.

14126838? ago

I second the good question from the gentleman from QRV. What is the subversion?

14126825? ago

Notice how we have tens of thousands so any handful of bullshit things like that aren't "open calls" that's not how we work and never will, there are shills trying to subvert us, what better way then pretending to be us threatening others? Take your own advice and grow a thicker skin. We just want to be left alone to save the world, and you're all welcome to join at any time.

14126759? ago

What's the subversion?

14126820? ago

In the first post they wanted to change the site's culture and get rid of the racism, and the second they wanted to attack greatawakening.

14126912? ago

Utter bullshit.

The first post is a user stating that as Voat member, they have a right to freedom of speech as much as any other member.

The second post is a user stating that they disagree with greatawakenings policy on not unifying with the three existing Q subs.

14126879? ago

What racism? I understand there are a lot of niggers and kikes thrown around. But if anyone is fool enough to take it at face value as legitimate hatred, then they're fools. If the ones spouting off actually, legitimately believe the racist notion and blanket apply it to groups; then they too are fucking retarded. It's not hard. Simple discernment is enough to tell a good faggot from one that will give you AIDS Cancer.

14127859? ago

This isn't the sub for this kind of bullshit and it's been non stop from the start. We aren't reddit mods, we're the ones who were being modded on reddit.
