avgwhtguy1 ago

Who hasn't blocked QRV? It's bloats v/all to hell, and there's no good content. Want to follow Q? There are sites for that; no need to repost over and over.

sguevar ago

Well one of the things that I certainly hate about this behavior is the hive mind.

If you remember Anonymous for example they say "We are legion". And this guy said "where one voice appears as many". As a Christian this gives me a bad feeling. That was the answer that the possessed deranged man told Jesus when he ask for the name of the spirit possessing him: Mark 5:9: "And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many."

This to you fellows may seem like a bunch of BS but it is something that I can't let go. When someone behave in such an automated way, that in one he becomes many that is in it's essence deceiving and of ill nature. I am not saying they are possessed themselves, but I am saying that their behavior is evil in nature.

Another issue I have is the anon subverse. Why would Q demand an anon subverse to prevent from individual reasoning and discussion. They may claim: "to avoid the DV brigade", but that is far from having a positive result.

If Q asks for this subverse to be endorsed where individual voices are silentced and becomes one voice, I see that as an evil behavior. I can even compare it to a communist behavior which I reject categorically.

Mumbleberry ago

Sheep. Not goats

SearchVoatBot ago

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Rpaddymac1 ago

crensch, What the fuck? I found reddit 3weeks before the purge. Was looking for somewhere didn’t know where. Freedom here is beautiful. Info on sooo fucking much is through the fuckin roof. Why the civil war. Call me an idiot, I don’t get the rub.

Crensch ago

crensch, What the fuck? I found reddit 3weeks before the purge. Was looking for somewhere didn’t know where. Freedom here is beautiful. Info on sooo fucking much is through the fuckin roof. Why the civil war. Call me an idiot, I don’t get the rub.

Ok, I'll bite.

Ask yourself WHY this place is so beautiful.

Ask yourself WHY all this info is here.

Ask yourself WHY this info and beauty isn't elsewhere.

What's the difference?

Seriously, ponder the above a bit before reading further.

Ask yourself why you think this is a "civil war".

Ask yourself where the people that made this place what it is draw the line.

Ask yourself why it's important to defend that line.

Ask yourself who is picking the fights.

Let me know if you need help.

Rpaddymac1 ago

Another point, I mentioned the deleted comment below, well that was one of my correspondence (yea I’m a complete fucking newbie cocksucker) point being is was conversation that delved into Tesla science and now the othe fucker was deleted. What the fuck and what for? Sorry for being such a naive piece of shit, butt we all are shit out somewhere🤪 Thanks in advance

Crensch ago

I just realized I never responded to this. What are you asking here?

Rpaddymac1 ago

Why the battle here on Voat between fellow Voaters. I was reading a thread where a group was ripping into others. You would have to go back to the original question I guess. Thanks for responding anyways.

Rpaddymac1 ago

All that is obvious to me. I say the same to the fools that come to my rural town and want to change all that drew them here to begin with. Personally I don’t need “mods” however, maybe they serve a purpose I don’t understand. I was raised to believe the 1st meant say what you will, I may not agree, however I will defend “our” right to say shit with my life. FREEDOM That being stated, maybe you educate me on what I’m missing here... something I’m not in tune enough to catch. Thank you in advance.

Crensch ago

Deleted comments are either in the public modlog on the right, when deleted by mods, or were deleted by the user.

Users have the option of erasing all of their submissions and comments when deleting their usernames, like these guys:

@Sergeant_Asperger @RKG @Sarai @Autism_9000 @Professor_Autism

All of which I personally gassed.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Artofchoke ago

They refuse to assimilate. They're like fucking Muslims. There is such a defiance...it's sad, really.

theoldones ago

what the fuck is this nigger trying to pull

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

he wants to attack v/greatawakening the Q sub that's been here for more than half a year, because he claims v/Qrv that reddit power mods started last week is the only valid Q sub. Just starting trouble tbh

HateCumbuckets ago

Is it shitposting time yet? I have stayed away from these guys so far.

Ina_Pickle ago

Me too mostly. I think its time though. They aren't improving.

HateCumbuckets ago

I remember Putt saying once, he wishes we weren't so brutal in driving newcomers away. I respect that. But yeah, how much of a chance have we given these guys to integrate.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if they weren't such dumbass redditors we wouldn't be as mean to them

Crensch ago

Yeah. I'm pretty sure it is.

Time to reduce their active users some more until they slink the fuck back into their safe spaces.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

is it ever not shitposting time?

HateCumbuckets ago

Very true.

Game_Maven ago

Any time is fine to trigger those Qcumbers.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

y'know I still don't really have anything against the whole Q thing, but I fucking hate redditors like that guy

Crensch ago

I'm honestly not that into the GA community myself, but it's part of Voat, and I will fucking defend it tooth and nail from Reddit cancer.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

same tbh, I really never had a problem with v/greatawakening I'd occasionally see their stuff on v/all, but v/theawakening and v/QRV have been nothing but problems

Crensch ago

Yep. Saw that and had to alert the squad.

@sguevar @Hey_Sunshine @MadWorld

GoBackToReddit ago

They should show us proof the BO started the sub. :)

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

idk who 8bit- is but PenSHITLORD is one of the power mods from reddit just like the mods of v/theawakening

Crensch ago

I think they have that, though. The problem is that the BO added TA cancermods and the QRV faggots keep attacking GA and pulling this "we are goats and you can't do shit about it" stuff.

GoBackToReddit ago

I think they have that, though.

Is it proof or just some account online said so? Proof leaves no doubt. In the case of the internet the accusation of a shared account is enough doubt. The most they could claim without a full dox is strong evidence. I doubt the BO hold so true to their convictions that they would intentionally dox themselves here and/or there.

QRV faggots keep attacking GA

Fracturing your own community always works out. Just another example of how they arrived compromised.

you can't do shit about it

Between their point lust and self doxing all we really need to do is document and wait. They will kill themselves.

I have been balls deep in my little project so I have not really started digging around these tards yet. From the little I have seen though, it looks like shit we have seen before.. a bunch of kids shitposting for reaction. The fastest way to cull it imo would be to restrict account creation again but that's not up to us.

Again, only a low single digit number of them have been alright in my book.

Crensch ago

They'll accept the 8ch board owner posting that the Voat username is his.

They know nothing except fracturing.

Between their point lust and self doxing all we really need to do is document and wait. They will kill themselves.

The campaign against them the other day worked wonders to cause disruption to their subverse.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

"Q before U. Q before U"

Yeah this is a cult.