14130740? ago

Anon subverse - says one voice becomes many - this is evil. Communist behavior is evil.

And as per the Bible, it is as well.

You will face our immune system if you keep this shit. This is coward behavior. Silencing voices to numbers instead of engaging in individual discussions because of being afraid of DVs.... what a bunch of degenerate sodomites we got here. Crying for entitlements they do not deserve.

14131263? ago

It eliminates fame fagging and is a buffer action against shilling and false authority.

14131295? ago

It is communist behavior. Disgusting.

14127728? ago

Why the fuck do you care about this image? This is exactly what was posted.

I've never seen a group of people so sensitive and triggered.

14127004? ago

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14126950? ago

Man I wish people would stop trying to start shit. That meme reeks of faggotry.

14126941? ago

Enough with the division. Unite on voat, regardless of the v, just chill.

14131306? ago

sure, chill but don't shill when they shill it's bull shit. The ones that started it appear to be the GA owner who wants to tell us not to trust what Q trust. Fame faging bull shit is what it is.

14126850? ago

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14126700? ago

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14126296? ago

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14126165? ago

That Frog meme did more good for this country than most ever will.

14126478? ago

Feels good man.

14126135? ago

Who is "/BO/"?

14131386? ago

Board Owner. The one who created and maintains the 8ch board that Q post on.

14132783? ago

got it. thanks!

14126205? ago

Barack Obama ?

14126983? ago

Why would Q thank Obama? Why would he set up a board on Voat? Makes no sense.

14127270? ago

Bolshevik Overlords?

14126055? ago

you're a nigger

14125128? ago

y'know I was kinda indifferent about the whole Q thing but based on how his followers act I assume Q himself must be a insufferable faggot

14125250? ago

bull shit. bull shit bull shit..... this is an annon sub.... where one voice appears as many.... I call bull shit on all of it.

14125283? ago

"I can't attack people here, and I don't want to deal with what they actually have to say"

14124998? ago

you people are trash, go back to fucking reddit where you belong

14124849? ago

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14124841? ago

You stupid fucking fucks. It is all water under the bridge. It's gone. Let it go. If you following Q let it go and unite. Here. Stop the the in house bitch fighting and get inline. Now! We don't need infighting. We need to be fighting the enemy not each other. Pack you shit or let a faggot do it for you, I love VOAT. If your a melting snowflake shut the fuck up. And now after wasting time on this teenage girl drama move on to the vote tomorrow and FISA Declass. I usually don't do this, but fuck it WWH1WGA. Figure out what it means and live by it or with it.

14128011? ago

Shut up boomer.

14125713? ago

The only people trying to keep the Q boards divided are Deep State actors.

Don't let the Deep State divide you!

14124790? ago

@gabara @ExpertShitposter @Trigglypuff @Rotteuxx @heygeorge

These fucks think they can keep attacking Voat since Q promised them their holy land; they claim they are goats, and that they can do what they want to do here.

14124853? ago

14126180? ago

OP. i got pinged in protectvoat over the fact some cunt thought he could own this website.

give us your fucking username.

14124893? ago

Your interpretation of Q is the failure here.

14124980? ago

So v/QRV is endorsed by Q..... the Owner of v/GreatAwakening Attacks how the site is run yet it is Trusted by Q. I would let Q be the judge of that. It's nothing against the owner of v/GreatAwakening. Just give recognition where recognition is due. this is the trusted board. When you make links to Q resources ESPECIALLY in reference to other boards, this one should be top 3.

14125271? ago

Real Voaters don't give a fuck about Q with the exception of the v/greatawakening group. What you guys here at v/qvr are, are a bunch of reddit faggots and leeches.

14125088? ago

So v/QRV is endorsed by Q.....


the Owner of v/GreatAwakening Attacks how the site is run yet it is Trusted by Q.

What site did GA Owner attack?

I would let Q be the judge of that.

Sheep. Two of the three mods on QRV are provably shady fucks.

It's nothing against the owner of v/GreatAwakening.

It is against GA, and by extension, Voat.

Just give recognition where recognition is due.

QRV is a great place for ex-redditors.

this is the trusted board.

For ex redditors.

When you make links to Q resources ESPECIALLY in reference to other boards, this one should be top 3.

Eat a dick. Redditors are probably the least useful of all the Q boards. They couldn't even out NeonRevolt in months where it took goats 36 hours to out him as a PAYtriot faggot that wants to control the sheep and sell them cheap chinese swag.

14124329? ago


This is the kind of shit that is causing QRV to steadily die. It doesn't help, of course, that you added cancermods from TA to your subverse, but that's a separate issue.

The more users here attack the rest of Voat, the more goats will attack QRV.

14124638? ago

What a moron. You're not "the rest of Voat". Figure that out chump.

14124928? ago

How would you like a hundred gay porn submissions to hit your front page?

14124995? ago

Is it missionary or doggy-style?

14125251? ago

Okay that was actually pretty funny. But we will shitpost this sub into the ground if you don't cut the shit. Expect us.

14125477? ago


14124684? ago

Shut up, boomer. I know what the rest of Voat will do when they see this. We've already slowed QRV down quite a bit in activity and subscribers. We can do it some more if you'd like.

14126577? ago

If it's a wasteland they want, it's a wasteland they'll get.

14124546? ago

The more users here attack the rest of Voat, the more goats will attack QRV.

Not the rest of voat, not even v/GreatAwakening Just say it. Just say it that v/QRV is trusted as Q trust's it. Who is sowing division?

Q before U. Q before U. WWG1WGA!

14125727? ago

You're doing division by trying to eliminate Q boards and push people away from their brethren.

Q boards - ignore anyone attacking ANY other Q board.

14131519? ago

even if they shill? BS Q called out the Pay-triots and shills, but no some anon will give me instructions of peace at all cost. you are naive as shit or a mother fucking shill.

14134636? ago


Right out of the gate with a divisive mindset.

you are naive as shit or a mother fucking shill.

Anybody who disagrees with you is clearly a shill, and must be kicked out!

Dumb fuck.

14134663? ago

You are clearly a shill for saying anyone who disagrees with you is clearly a shill, and must be kicked out. Dumb fuck.

14134750? ago

I never called you a shill.

Good Freudian slip, though!

14134765? ago


14134813? ago

Hahaha, look back through the posts. I said Q boards should ignore you.

You assumed that was because you're a shill.

14134859? ago


14135265? ago

Because it took you five seconds to reply to me telling people not to trust you, lol.

Why so capitalized?

14141202? ago

illogical. all caps is easy to me and hard on you. fun.

14141223? ago

Hard on me? Haha.

14141291? ago

lol man I don't even know what the hell we are talking about anymore. Im just compulsively shitting out of my mouth now. I think some point back you made your case and I made mine. I got shit to do. Do you support even support Q?

14141347? ago

Q is real. I like what I think Q is working towards and want to help Q achieve our goals.

14141703? ago

Same here. I did something last night I was hesitant to do because of the backlash. I've been a long time member of the GA board on voat and didn't like how things were going but overall keep the unity is our strength thing going. I realized Jew'm Corsi was a shill almost right off. I would name the Jew and call out obvious shills like alex jones. All the while I sense it was not well recieved by the owner. at times there were post telling poeple to calm the fuck down going on about the jews etc. etc.. and defending alex, and defending corsi. not Q started targeting shill ops hard did the BO turn on corsi... weeks after most people were naming him as a shill.... then corsi named the bo by name as a satanist.... my thing is if a shill calls you a satanist he could be telling the truth shilling or having a rare moment of honesty... I had to reflect frequently as to if like some of these youtube upstarts like anti school and others if our BO is a shill at v/ga so I just sought a reconciliation act for the sake of unity.. even before the memes. I asked her to aknowledge v/QRV as another board. Just acknowledge its existence and it's endorsement by q, and then we could all co-exist. Even with a clear well meaning point I was attacked like a traitor... Even while endorsing the sub and giving all due honors any abuse victim would give a sociopath they have submitted to. Then they ratcheted it up as I tried to explian I meant no harm. So I felt like I needed to discuss some Q post via meme. just wanted people to give their thoughts on what the post meant. BO and mods all said it meant that v/QRV is a container for ex redditors. While Q said it is a great place for ex redditors that does not preclude the fact that it is also THE trusted and endorsed board on voat by Q. They wouldn't acknowledge that and got rabid acting. So it sounds like they are more concerned about their board, and their herd of goats than Q and Q's movement... they even enlist the help of those who openly despise Q to defend them. I was hesitant to set that keg off, I did, and I won't do it again unless provoked.

14141809? ago

No reason not to have multiple boards. Otherwise we might as well force everyone into 8chan.

I prefer /v/GreatAwakening and I'm glad there are multiple options.

People trying to close any boards or stir up trouble are working against Q's goals.

14141913? ago

not trying to close it. Just want to see better unity. They are the ones who are purporting this board to be untrustworthy while Q says otherwise. That brings disharmony as I cannot betray the truth for them. And I would have to call them out for the frauds they are. Just be careful and keep in mind what I said.

14124964? ago

I am not on any of your subs but since I haven't blocked this one it is always on my v/all. I do know there was a Voat sub before you faggots got here. I don't like Reddit and I don't like people who willingly stayed on Reddit. You are only here because they kicked you off. So if you don't calm down I am going to fuck with your sub because I don't like you.

14124665? ago

Not the rest of voat, not even v/GreatAwakening

literally a lie. I can scroll up and see you attacking GA. GA is part of Voat, and it will be defended.

QRV is sanctioned as the resting place for Redditors, and nothing more. The LEAD mod was sanctioned, and he invited cancer to his moderation team.

If Q knows all, he knows we're going to destroy this place if users here don't leave us the fuck alone - we might do it anyway, and we can.

Here's my deal.

You admit that QRV is ONLY for redditors, and that they need to keep their distance from the rest of Voat, or call the crew in and you have another few days of getting hit with stuff you're not going to like.

14124874? ago

Just recognize v/QRV as THE official and there is no beef. The beef is in the passive ignorance and attacking of Q's Trusted Board!!!!!

14125594? ago

I only trust Hitler, you fist-fucked faggot.

14125619? ago

Well your a stupid fuckin jew loving piece of shit. You never heard of the Havara agreement?

14125663? ago

You ever heard of gas chambers with wooden doors?

14125698? ago

fucking dip shit the Jews prospered under the Nazis... They multiplied in europe during the war gtfo

14125730? ago

You're nigger-tier retarded

14131504? ago

Oh wow. Thanks for helping me realize. I will try to get help for that now.

14125107? ago

nobody. cares. Go back to fucking reddit where you retards belong

14124993? ago

Yeah because your mods fucked up their first sub here and you guys were too stupid to figure out how to use the chans. So Q told you to make a sub here. It is for you faggots. And that is it.

14124914? ago

Q specifically stated it's for the Redditors twice. You not accepting that is against Q.

14124578? ago


14124617? ago

Shut up, boomer. This is all you have to contribute to anything, isn't it? Just some rallying cry like those leftists you hate?

14124488? ago

We are goats. Deal with it.

14125358? ago

You sad fucks are not allowed to have a problem with v/greatawakening. V/greatawakening is a Voat sub modded by actual Voat Goats. You reddit asshiles don't like that? Feel free to eat shit and die.

14125009? ago

v/GreatAwakening was here first, you just want a sub run by your fucking power mods from reddit

14125238? ago

We don't follow mods. We follow Q. The Reddit mods were clearly at fault for censoring criticism of Zionism, Islam and immigration.

14125269? ago

oh really? if you don't follow your reddit mods then who is PenSHITLORD? face facts, the power mods are shepards and you faggots are a bunch of sheep

14125666? ago

Are you asking me or trying to tell me who PenSHITLORD is?

14125712? ago

he's one of the power mods from the reddit sub just like the dumb fucks on v/theawakening, they're blatantly out to control you and the movement

14124732? ago

We're not attacking goats. That's a conflation on your part. We're inviting fellow Qanons to unify under one subverse as per Q's instruction.

Q SPECIFICALLY said this was a place for EX REDDITORS. So keep your happy-with-censorship asses right here and stop going after Voat.

14125141? ago

We're not "going after Voat" nor are you an official ambassador of Voat. Our grievance is with v/GreatAwakening and we're entitled to voice it or does freedom of speech not apply as soon as it's inconvenient to you?

You're a disgruntled, butt-hurt, salty v/GreatAwakening Qwannabe all because Q snubbed your subverse.

14125399? ago

All old goats are "official ambassadors for Voat" you fucking moron. If you had bothered to learm about the site you invaded, you would already know that. Fucking niggers, I swear to god.

14125965? ago

How's anyone to know that you're an old goat, anon? You could be fresh off the boat for all we know. Face facts, you're as much a nigger as anyone else in this subverse.

14126372? ago

Simple. We have a codes based on random events from the early days of the site. If you are an old goat you know what questions to ask and also the answers.

14125397? ago

we're entitled to voice it or does freedom of speech not apply as soon as it's inconvenient to you?

freedom of speech means we get to say stuff back dumbass. People responding to your BS isn't censorship

14125260? ago

You're a disgruntled, butt-hurt, salty v/GreatAwakening Qwannabe all because Q snubbed your subverse.

I have never once submitted there, and only commented when someone was being stupid. Your attempts to armchair Freud me into some pigeonhole will fall flat every time, because what I am didn't exist where you came from.

Stop inflating your identity to the entirety of Voat.

I know how Voat will react. I wrote the damn introduction sticky that was there for more than a year, introducing cucks like you to Voat. Don't say I didn't warn you.

14125212? ago

We're not "going after Voat" nor are you an official ambassador of Voat.

You are, and I'm pretty damn close.

Our grievance is with v/GreatAwakening and we're entitled to voice it or does freedom of speech not apply as soon as it's inconvenient to you?

You're free to your speech, and to its consequences. Nobody will force you to shut up about it.

We'll exercise our free speech right back, or do you think that our speech is not free, too?

14125466? ago

I'm pretty damn close.

What can I do to help? Do I talk dirty, cup your ball sack or stick my tongue in your ear? What'll get you there, sailor?

We'll exercise our free speech right back, or do you think that our speech is not free, too?

There's a difference between free speech and illicitly sabotaging a subverse.

14125573? ago

What can I do to help? Do I talk dirty, cup your ball sack or stick my tongue in your ear? What'll get you there, sailor?

Keep joking, faggot. This time next week you'll have a great deal less "users here now".

There's a difference between free speech and illicitly sabotaging a subverse.

Like you're doing right now?

You think Q gives you that authority on Voat?

Explain to me in a way that makes me give a fuck how the two are ANY different.

14124716? ago

Our issue is v/GreatAwakening's and v/theawakening's insistence resistance to unifying.

Attack TA all you like, but the moment you attack GA, you'll have a problem.

We have no quarrel with the Voat community at large.

The fuck you don't. GA is Voat.

We are goats. Deal with it.

Want to find out how untrue that is?

14123720? ago

Didn't say burn it. Still a good verse. Great place to post to enough points to start your own thread as are pizzagate, theawakening, and sethrich.

14123964? ago

GreatAwakening is 100% run by SoapboxBanHammer cancer mods.

Voat admin shut down SoapboxBanHammer because it was a toxic karma-farming, down-vote-brigading cancer that was being used to attack smaller Voat communities... Now those same mods run GreatAwakening.

SBBH were known for manufacturing "free speech crises" by spamming medium sized Voat community with pictures of dicks and people taking a shit and surgury... and when the mods delete that spam, they use their alts at ProtectVoat to demand everyone attack in an attempt to destroy the sub and it's mod's CCP... then they'd apply to take control of it if it was abandoned or they'd create a alternative that their alts at ProtectVoat would endorse as the official replacement.

I'm not sure what their game is, but you can bet a lot of the attacks against QRV and TheAwakening is from that same group of shills.

Voat Admins have only been forced to step in and intervene like three times in Voat's 4 year history... most recently to stop the GreatAwakening cancer mods from maliciously attacking Voat.

14125030? ago

Voat Admins have only been forced to step in and intervene three times in Voat's 4 year history... most recently to stop the GreatAwakening cancer mods from maliciously attacking Voat.

You fell for that troll? You're even dumber than I thought you were. Fuck off back to RPV faggot.

14125509? ago

So all the down-vote brigading / attacking Voat and karma farming is just a joke?

They dindu nuffin?

14124944? ago

This is exactly what happened to the v/theawakening.

They imbeciles trolls can't see that THEY are the agents of censorship. It's like ANTIFA calling everyone else fascist. It's insane.

14123649? ago

Nobody gives a fuck. Pick a board and stick to it.

14124965? ago

Q designated one subverse and insisted that we unify.

14123815? ago

worst decision. you can be on both... but you really ought to be on QRV.... Who knows what shit they may try to pull later if they are not legit. I just want them to say v/QRV. SAY IT! SAY THE NAME BITCH!!!

14125924? ago

I do't know what all the fuss is about. You are clearly right. Q endorsed QRV over the others. Why are the old goat revolting? My guess is that you are arguing with the greatawakening mods.

14131474? ago

Clearly, and they have a lot of emotion over it to the point that they would rather see fighting and preserve their self promotion over the movement itself. I was hesitant to start out with this to begin with, and I don't think I will continue. we are on voat and the shills were here first, I've been watching form damn near the beginning of Q on here and I really am disgusted with the inability to get over themselves.

14126363? ago

My guess is that you are arguing with the greatawakening mods.

Nope. I'm a regular user that will accept anyone here. But I will stand up against the reddit mentality some of you brought with you.

14123600? ago

Excellent meming, patriot!

14123326? ago

Try posting 2269, dishonest faggot.

14123761? ago

You make no sense. Post 2269 is a derivative of post 2268.

In post 2268, Q instructs that Qanons using the Voat platform "UNITE" under the one subverse, that he endorses and links to in the very same post, as in, v/QRV.

Post 2269 merely adds Reddit refugees have the option of using v/QRV or 8chan.

14123825? ago

You make no sense. Post 2269 is a derivative of post 2268.

Words have meaning.

In post 2268, Q instructs that Qanons using the Voat platform "UNITE" under the one subverse, that he endorses and links to in the very same post, as in, v/QRV.

Uniting what? The Redditors who needed a home?

Post 2269 merely adds Reddit refugees have the option of using v/QRV or 8chan.


You're greatly confused.

There's a reason subscriber and activity here has dropped - keep at it and we'll show you why. Again.

Keep your attacks on Voat to yourself, or I make problems for QRV, and I don't give a shit who sanctions it.

14124130? ago

That must be why v/QRV's active user count if four times that of v/GreatAwakening.

Way to go tough guy. You're clearly very effective. We're all terrified. :-)

14124246? ago

That must be why v/QRV's active user count if four times that of v/GreatAwakening.

It used to be a lot more. Want to keep pushing that envelope?

Way to go tough guy. You're clearly very effective. We're all terrified. :-)

Everyone makes this mistake. Why does nobody believe when a goat warns them about what's going to happen?

14125567? ago

Why does nobody believe when a goat warns them about what's going to happen?

Dunno, but "Q" nonsense or not, this bystander will join the fray on the side of voat.

14125600? ago

Cheers, brother goat; glory lies in these trenches.

14127207? ago

14124711? ago

Consider it pushed. Do your worst. Only one of us can downvote brigade the other.

14125055? ago

You think votes are the only way to fuck with a sub?

14125303? ago

Is your plan to bore the subverse to death with idle threats? It's working.

14125342? ago

Well you guys haven't done anything yet along the lines of this post. If we get the sense that somebody is fucking with Voat subs we will absolutely retaliate against this place.

14125602? ago


14123379? ago

2269 is not an exclusive condition. Fully Endorsed Time to Unite is a very inclusive one however.

14123666? ago

Nice try, but you're full of shit.

Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors.

Is very specific. Keep at it, cuck. We have 2 QRV mods acting like shady bitches already. We'll keep after you as long as you keep tossing shit outside of your little safe-space here.

14124052? ago

Wrong. Q mandated v/QRV as a unified singular subverse for Qanons using Voat. This just so happened to include Reddit refugees.

14124149? ago

Wrong. It was specifically for Redditors.


/BO/ thank you for your service

People are scattered since Reddit termination

What about starting a trusted VOAT board under your direction?

14124278? ago


It was specifically for all Qanons using the Voat platform.



"Time to UNITE." - Q

Get with the program.

14124357? ago

"Time to UNITE." - Q

... the redditors spread out everywhere. How lovely. He says Redditors SPECIFICALLY before and after.

Get with the pogrom.

14124855? ago

One subverse was approved by Q because he wanted the existing two subverses to unite.

It's really not that difficult to understand. Why are you struggling with it so much?

14124888? ago

One subverse was approved by Q because he wanted the existing two subverses to unite.

No. He wanted a place for redditors, which is why he specifically used the term twice.

It's really not that difficult to understand. Why are you struggling with it so much?

Because you're wrong?

14123915? ago

Sans evidence. Counter to Q's directive. Get your emotions out of it. Q before U.

14125627? ago

Voat before Q.

14125665? ago

Without Q there will be no voat. Enjoy your puzzle.

14127328? ago

I'll bet this is your first cult. At least they're not making you wear orange clothing and 'donate' all your money to buy Q 93 Rolls Royces, and/or subsist on nothing but the nutrients you inhale in your breath. Yet.

14125758? ago

Voat was around before Q anon even started retard

14131494? ago

and shit was going south for free speach before then too. Don't think voat was righting the course, they have been a tool in it, but without Q voat goes away as free speach goes away or the ability to host goes down during the ensuing civil unrest.

14132133? ago

without Q voat goes away

you insufferable faggots just take up server space and make hosting more expensive

14132221? ago

price of freedom, and you're not even fighting for the cause. Do you kiss the cross at a catholic church like Judas?

14132396? ago

your the one who was fine uses reddit until now, you faggots don't even care about free speech.

14132461? ago

I love how fucking insightful you are. Telling me I uses reddit until now. Did I tell you that? Then how the fuck can such a claim be made? you are one stupid mother fucker.

14132646? ago

it's called an educated guess retard.

14133029? ago

you do your self no favors saying educated without supstantiation. What education makes one any better a guesser at who comes straight from reddit. your bout dumb as shit.

14124328? ago

Well said. Q before U indeed. Excellently summarises the selfishness and emotive irrationality of v/GreatAwakening.

14123967? ago


Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors.

There is nothing else to say about this. You are wrong, and you're about to cause issues for everyone on QRV. It's entirely up to you whether or not you cause the goats to attack again.

14124460? ago

what the hell? ILLOGICAL.

Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors.

...... Advertisement...... Is not mutually exclusive of being a good home for current voaters.

v/QRV is a trusted board that is fully endorsed and it's time to unite. WWG1WGA.

14124806? ago

Indeed. Trusted, endorsed and linked to all by Q.

14125224? ago

Made the case not sure what to make of the response yet, but all is as I expected.

14124459? ago

Again? What did you do the first time that so effective? NOTHING.

  1. We outnumber you four to one.
  2. You can't downvote brigade us because we're anonymous.
  3. Q snubbed your subverse by chosing to create a new subverse.

So much salt. It's delicious.

14124631? ago

Nigga you wanna talk salt? Read what you wrote, but pretend you're Neutral.

14124777? ago