14133838? ago

Barbera better get her shit together

14128950? ago

Bye Felicia!

14127017? ago

By goats you mean you? Fuck voat. Fuck you. Fuck GA. GA is a pile of dogshit. Everybody hates you. You're a fucking douchebag which is why your sub wasn't used. Now u cry like a bitch nonstop. It's very unbecoming.

14132573? ago

the sub wasn't used because you're a bunch of faggot redditors who never cared about anyone's right to free speech and only stop using reddit when you yourselves were finally censored

14127224? ago

Ask yourself why The Pedes didn't make it.

14126916? ago

Going back to 8chan..... these "goats" will get your private info.

14127293? ago

Already had one get the info on one of your mods. Stupid boomer cunt handed her info over to everyone.

Probably best for you, since your Q made a bad choice with the BO instead of going with what was established already, or at the very least clarifying for ex-redditfags to leave us the fuck alone, but destroy TA.

14131348? ago

QRV is trusted by Q. If Q made a bad choice Q will correct. Until that potentially never arriving day you out GA as a shill mod board.

14131456? ago

QRV is trusted by Q.

The BO is sanctioned by Q. For Ex REdditors.

If Q made a bad choice Q will correct.

Or not, and he'll proceed as if all is well while this place becomes a ghost town.

Until that potentially never arriving day you out GA as a shill mod board.

/v/thepedes thought the same thing about our /v/thedonald subverse. Notice anything about those two?

GA is the Voat-sanctioned subverse. If you want Q to keep winning, you faggots will keep your fagtrap clean and destroy those of you that want to toss shit onto Voat.

14131530? ago

more GA mod bitching. cry elsewhere.

14131550? ago

I like how you think everyone attacking you is a mod there. I'm not. I don't even participate. Many that will destroy you don't even believe in Q.

But keep telling yourself that, if you like. WE have evidence of 2 of your mods being cancerous, while you have "muh anon was TOTALLY them guize!"


14131583? ago

ok either that or you are just parroting the mod talking points.

14131605? ago

Oh yeah? What talking points are those?

The ones that a non-mod came up with in the first place? Hell, have you even seen the mods of that place actually attack anyone yet? If they have, it's been a LOT less than the non-mods.

Goats consider GA part of Voat, and you fuckers keep shitting on the goddamned carpet. We'll destroy you if you don't get your shit together; what part of that do you not understand?

14131626? ago

why you are so emotionally disturbed over a simple meme if the claims were not valid.

14131703? ago

why you are so emotionally disturbed over a simple meme if the claims were not valid.

Tone fallacy. Look it up.

None of the goats give a fuck what you think or don't think. Nobody gives a fuck what Q said. The evidence is there to show that you're full of shit, but that's really beside the point.

GA is sanctioned by goats. Q means fuck-all to us where that fact is relevant.

IF you want your subverse to die, keep arguing as if you have some right to be here; keep acting as if you have some kind of leverage. You have none. None of you do.

You think we're doing this because we're upset? We're doing this because you are giving us an excuse to do it, and we thoroughly enjoy doing to ban-waves what we did to /v/thepedes.

The BEST deal you're going to get is to clean your shit up and maybe be left alone for a bit after the current hit on your subverse. Nobody cares if you like it - nobody cares if you think it's fair. The alternative is ghost town and you and Q suffering a crushing defeat where you all tuck your goddamned tails between your legs, and GA continues on stronger than ever.

Nothing you can do will change those facts.

14131913? ago

sound like the case of split the baby in half is preferred to the baby. If Im just an idiot ignore me. You however are fine with

Q suffering a crushing defeat

which is utter garbage.

14132044? ago

sound like the case of split the baby in half is preferred to the baby. If Im just an idiot ignore me.

Yeah. No idea what you're talking about there because either your punctuation sucks, or you are, indeed, an idiot.

You however are fine with

Q suffering a crushing defeat

which is utter garbage.

All goddamn day. I will defend this website, the goats on it, and the subverses on it, against all enemies, no matter who they are, or how important to anything they are.

Q either made a huge mistake trusting BO, who trusts the TA cancermods, and also not directing the ex-redditards to play nice - OR - he sent you faggots here to be forced to think for yourselves, since he knows how goats react to invaders.

One of those is true. Either Q is fallible, or Q set all of this up, and we're doing what Q wants.

14132076? ago

You are Biblically illiterate in regards to the first point.

You've only proven your irrelevance in the second point.

Therefore shit you can eat have a shitty day.

14132255? ago

You are Biblically illiterate in regards to the first point.

You need to work on spelling and punctuation.

And not being an idiot.

You've only proven your irrelevance in the second point.

How does it feel to know that you're going to lose?

Therefore shit you can eat have a shitty day.

And you call ME the illiterate one? ESL students do a better job writing sentences than this.

14132430? ago

I dont give a fuck how much you have to work to read what I write dont like it go fuck yourself.

14132482? ago

I dont give a fuck how much you have to work to read what I write dont like it go fuck yourself.

Then it's your own fault when someone doesn't understand you. Just go back to Apefrica and communicate in grunts and clicks if you care so little about communication.

14132497? ago

you gagify fagity ass muchnihn g mother fuckukuin per facgets shilkst pbrains.

14132531? ago

you gagify fagity ass muchnihn g mother fuckukuin per facgets shilkst pbrains.

How does it feel to admit you've lost by acting like a leftist?

14132562? ago

talist skill and you have but seks. You know how?

14131870? ago

Tone fallacy my ass the time spent out of your life on this is driven by emotion. You spend it on this "nonsense" by your probable admission. I propose that what you find a problem with feels threatening, and is threatening because it is true. Thanks for the shit show.

14131935? ago

Tone fallacy my ass the time spent out of your life on this is driven by emotion.

You've lived so long in carebear land that any text with an ounce of testicles to it sounds like rape to your ears.

If there's emotion in any of this, it's not from this end of the conversation, but feel free to keep projecting your faults onto me if it helps you feel better about yourself.

You spend it on this "nonsense" by your probable admission.

I'll do what I please with my time, and I enjoy destroying that which I think needs destroyed.

I propose that what you find a problem with feels threatening, and is threatening because it is true.

Its truth is not the issue. The shit being tossed onto Voat is the issue.

True or not, the attacks will stop, or the activity on this subverse will stop.

Thanks for the shit show.

What you'll find is an empty subverse very soon. Think /v/thepedes were the only ones we chased off? Kek.

As Q likes to say:

Tick tock

14132038? ago

you lack a knowledge of basic psychology. I didn't say you are on a psychopathic rage, I just said there is energy put into your effort, you feel compelled to do it. That is all. Now if you divide emotion into multiple concepts and only emotion above a specified threshold is considered emotion by you so be it. I don't know how to communicate to you in your own concepts.

You have no power save what weak minds give it.

So you don't even give a shit about the argument. Then anyone who matters wont give a shit about you.

You are worthless shit. And you should know that Child porn is illegal.

14132223? ago

you lack a knowledge of basic psychology.

You lack the knowledge of what tone fallacy is. You lack the requisite faculties to process what's being told to you. I doubt you have a better grasp on much of anything than I do at this point.

I didn't say you are on a psychopathic rage, I just said there is energy put into your effort, you feel compelled to do it. That is all.

Your words were, "emotionally disturbed", retard. Nice try on the backpedaling.

Now if you divide emotion into multiple concepts and only emotion above a specified threshold is considered emotion by you so be it.

DISTURBED was your word. Acting like you meant something different is laughable.

I don't know how to communicate to you in your own concepts.

DISTURBED. But totally not attacking me and obviously not on a PSYCHOPATHIC RAGE because my response totally suggests that I thought you said that.

Do you even read what you write?

You have no power save what weak minds give it.

What the fuck are you even referring to here? Antecedent missing.

So you don't even give a shit about the argument. Then anyone who matters wont give a shit about you.

I'll entertain the argument, but the facts remain. I don't care if you or any QRV fag gives a shit about me. You'll all be gone if you can't get your shit together anyway.

You are worthless shit. And you should know that Child porn is illegal.

Goats caught NeonRevolt with his hand in the cookie jar when you faggot redditors didn't have a clue for months.

Of course CP is illegal, what the fuck kind of argument is that? Trying to make it seem like I'm someone that thinks otherwise? Dishonest reddit faggots will lose their precious subverse because they can't stop attacking their hosts.

At this point, I hope you fucks keep it up, because it'd make me happier to see you ground into dust than for you to stick around given your attitudes.

14132245? ago

you stupid mother fucker I've been on voat for years. You stupid piece of shit. Fucking worthless cunt. You just masturbate your ego.

14132287? ago

you stupid mother fucker I've been on voat for years.

No, you haven't.

You stupid piece of shit. Fucking worthless cunt. You just masturbate your ego.

Thanks for confirming that I've won this debate. Frothing at the mouth with empty sailor-speak and character attacks, but nothing else.

14133097? ago

Yup this cracked me up quite a bit. Too bad is anon. But I recognize the style.

14132416? ago

no problem you win cleanest mouth. At least you win something scumbag.

14132516? ago

You lost on content, which means I won on that. I also won at every other facet of this.

You admitted failure with your low-effort nigger-speak.

Maybe you didn't mean to, but ANYONE reading this would take that comment exactly how I did.

14132575? ago

your so fucking awesome you dumb sack of shit you just keep this going how the fuck do you think anyone else is even looking or will look at this?

14132607? ago

your so fucking awesome you dumb sack of shit you just keep this going how the fuck do you think anyone else is even looking or will look at this?

Because my writing is entertaining, and your squirming gives anyone that doesn't drink soy a justice boner.

14133312? ago

I admit it's fun. I call it getting "willy nilly." I just go off flipping out on people. There is no sense in it really but to train a quicker wit for responses. I think you crossed the line though talking about having a boner. That is disgusting.. You are absolute gay trash.

14133598? ago

A justice boner is the feeling of schadenfreude, not an actual hardon.

Its the feeling you get when Hillary gets hanged.

14133678? ago

ok... just words don't line up to me.

14126613? ago

The OP is trying to spread a false rumor to encourage other Voat communities to down-vote brigade us in retaliation.

The link the OP shill provided is to another similar attack, perhaps posted by the same shill, trying to spread the same misinformation.

None of us are attacking other Voat communities.

There is ZERO evidence of that.

We don't hate Voat - we are happy to find a new home and happy it is endorsed by Q.

14132620? ago

We don't hate Voat - we are happy to find a new home

just like fucking mexicans are happy to jump the border

14132801? ago

Yes - except we were all refugees and Atko welcomes everyone to enjoy free speech, even if that makes you cry.

14132825? ago

ain't cryin just enforcing immigration laws

14132863? ago

Atko laughs at your laws and so do I.

If you don't think free speech is a God-given right that everyone should enjoy, go find a safe space somewhere else.

14133233? ago

nobody here is against free speech but your mods you retard

14133497? ago

The QRV mods haven't banned or censored anything controversial.

There's a total of three removed comments and posts in all of the mod logs.

What the fuck are you crying about, Jew-cock-sucking-shill?

14133533? ago

it's the same faggot power mods from v/theawakening meaning the ones from reddit. You all are just a bunch of sheep that need your gay shaedards to herd you around

14133561? ago

But the QRV mods have censored nothing, shill.

And even Voat's owner, Atko, agrees TheAwakening is doing good works now.

So, dear Mossad Jew, what precisely are you REEEEEEEing about?

Are you having a fit because you have no power here?

Are we down-voting all of your spam attacks too much?

14127141? ago

We don't hate Voat - we are happy to find a new home...

Like muslims in Sweden happy?

14127168? ago

No, like President Trump supporting patriots.

14127243? ago

Muslim invaders have the strangest delusions.

14126686? ago

The OP is trying to spread a false rumor to encourage other Voat communities to down-vote brigade us in retaliation.

Votes don't matter here. What a useless thing to suggest.

The link the OP shill provided is to another similar attack, perhaps posted by the same shill, trying to spread the same misinformation.

The truth is that goats don't give a fuck about you, and any action besides destroying your own saboteurs will result in this place taking a hit. Every time.

None of us are attacking other Voat communities.

This is an attack on a Voat community, and will be met with the kind of response that causes subverses to die.

There is ZERO evidence of that.

There was evidence literally in the link above. This kind of thing will not be tolerated, and you reddit faggots upvoted it instead of cratering it into nothingness.

That is the QRV community declaring war on Voat. Every time.

14126766? ago

That is the QRV community declaring war on Voat. Every time.

Why stop there?

Why not claim QRV is declaring war on Christianity and civilization while you're at it? /s

Ha ha ha - obvious shill is obvious.

You have no evidence of any Voat communities being attacked by us.



All we know is you shills are working day and night pushing this misinformation.

14127096? ago

Why stop there?

Why not claim QRV is declaring war on Christianity and civilization while you're at it? /s

Because I'm not an idiot, and your reductio ad absurdum looks more absurd than you probably expected it to.

Ha ha ha - obvious shill is obvious.

You have no evidence of any Voat communities being attacked by us.

The attitude is all that is needed. Kind of like how the attitude of Muslims should have been all that was needed to remove them forcibly from countries.

You're the sandnigger invaders of nice spaces unless you attack your own that try to rabble-rouse against your hosts.

All we know is you shills are working day and night to spread false rumors.

Kek. Keep thinking this is a game.

14126532? ago

Who cares about goats - this is way too big for mere goats.

14133553? ago

Now this was really stupid of you to say.

But given the fact that you are behind an anon curtain I understand why you said it.

Typical soy boy behavior.

14126616? ago

Goats can destroy this place. That's why everyone here should care about it.

You can be as big as you like, but on Voat, you're not too big to fall to goats. Keep that in mind before making stupid comments like this.

14126563? ago

Then fuck off elsewhere.

14126444? ago

How about some details so it is known what you are referencing?

14126501? ago

I gave you a link.

Or do I not understand what you're asking?

14126591? ago

It's a Qoomer, they can't navigate and research for shit on the internet. Otherwise they'd actually be off this training wheels sub and be with their actual investigators on 8chan.

14126786? ago

It's a Qoomer, they can't navigate and research for shit on the internet. Otherwise they'd actually be off this training wheels sub and be with their actual investigators on 8chan.

I'd agree - he gave the "it's late" excuse, which I will accept. He seemed to even want to try and get the word out.

14126588? ago

I see it now. It is late here.

How we can police a subverse where we do not know who are making the posts? Also, many do not have downvote capability. Please explain and I think some would be willing to police.

14126760? ago

I see it now. It is late here.

Acceptable excuse.

14126748? ago

How we can police a subverse where we do not know who are making the posts?

You can downvote-crater it. Which did not happen.

Also, many do not have downvote capability. Please explain and I think some would be willing to police.

You can comment and shout it down and tell them to fuck off.

Perhaps you can make a post and translate to Reddit/Q speak; this is what I've got.