adogrocket ago

lol OK live like a veal choice is yours

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Making trouble I see...

thatcoolmartian ago

Why are all their names just strings of numbers?

Crensch ago

It's an anon subverse. They get fresh string of numbers for every comment.

thatcoolmartian ago

Oh yeah. I forgot that was a thing here.

MadWorld ago

Soon there will be temp usernames assigned to anon submissions/comments. At the least they won't be able to pretend and reply to themselves.

If anon could earn ccp/scp, it would be a bit easier to unmask their names.

LibTearsNoBrakes ago

For the love of God shut the fuck up about this. We don't care. Fuck you and your lil group of bitches. No one is sabotaging anything because no one gives a fuck. We come here for information. If anything people stopped going to GA because you're an asshole.

Lemonjello ago

This. I don't go because of the lack of direction and the hate

Crensch ago

Aged account, low contribution.

Hi sockpuppet.

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adogrocket ago


Crensch ago

Check the active users now. Check again next week.

The beatings will continue until you faggots shut the fuck up and play with each other in your crib without tossing your shit outside of it.

adogrocket ago

just tired of the same fighting...

at the end of the I really don't give a rat's ass about the in fighting to me it's using up good bandwidth. As for Also don't a flying fuck what people think. I just come and participate and never asked for CCP help and fit in where I can. At the end the I ain't never scared,now others eh who knows

Crensch ago

just tired of the same fighting...

Nobody gives a fuck about you.

at the end of the I really don't give a rat's ass about the in fighting to me it's using up good bandwidth.


As for Also don't a flying fuck what people think. I just come and participate and never asked for CCP help and fit in where I can. At the end the I ain't never scared,now others eh who knows

You care enough to comment, you stupid Reddit faggot. That's the kind of shit that doesn't fly here. If you care enough to comment in order to say "I don't care", you're a reddit faggot and you deserve all the bad things that happen to you in life.

Also, nobody believes you for a second.

Fuck off to a place someone gives a damn about you, because all you're doing here is giving us more fuel.

adogrocket ago

Listen slow witted faggot you have no idea where the fuck I came from.. Go ahead spread your faggot ass as I can do this all day. Fueled by by the humor of you being mad..... Now that I got that out the way....Nobody is trying to ruin VOAT and most of the people you are attacking don't venture out of V/QRV. get a hobby,maybe get out more

Crensch ago

Listen slow witted faggot you have no idea where the fuck I came from..

I don't care.

Go ahead spread your faggot ass as I can do this all day.

I can smell the Reddit on you.

Fueled by by the humor of you being mad.....

Tone fallacy, but it's amusing when faggots that can't punctuate, much less express themselves properly go to the "u mad bro?" defense.

Now that I got that out the way....Nobody is trying to ruin VOAT and most of the people you are attacking don't venture out of V/QRV. get a hobby,maybe get out more

I take any attack from safe-space refugees as a credible threat, and will continue to do so. If you don't want this kind of shit, attack them yourself, and have your QRV buddies do the same, because if y'all don't destroy those posts, we will, and we'll take the subverse down with the posts.

adogrocket ago

OMG you are a special kind of stupid, That smell might be your breath... When you make punctuation insults it shows you have already lost. Now pick up the soap. I will leave you with this not everyone you try to attack is a soft target. There are other people who just amuse themselves with it. Good evening

Crensch ago

OMG you are a special kind of stupid, That smell might be your breath... When you make punctuation insults it shows you have already lost.

It shows you are a lazy fuck, and slow in the mind. Cringe ellipsis is the soyboy version of ebonics.

Now pick up the soap.

Still smelling Reddit. Such lame attempts at snark.

I will leave you with this not everyone you try to attack is a soft target.

Everyone I attack is a soft target. QRV is as soft as it gets.

There are other people who just amuse themselves with it.

I don't give a shit whether some get amusement from it.

Good evening

Drink bleach.

adogrocket ago

Drink bleach>

same to you just add ammonia

Crensch ago

same to you just add ammonia

Leave it to a redditfag to take something that would kill you already and add something else because reasons.

You're so transparent it's hilarious.

adogrocket ago

actually a 16:1 ratio of bleach to water is perfectly harmless. Now add ammonia and makes sure you leave no doubt. Kinda like a .38 vs a 50cal

Crensch ago

You stupid fuck.

A wine glass worth will kill you. I said DRINK bleach, not sip it.

adogrocket ago

Ouch ouch you got me there... your so clever, witty, and smart did your mom help you type that dunderhead? Good night Beta

Crensch ago

Ouch ouch you got me there... your so clever, witty, and smart did your mom help you type that dunderhead? Good night Beta

I'll take this pathetic response as a sign that you have nothing better to respond with. If you want to continue, we can discuss facts of the world that you probably don't want to know.

adogrocket ago

I was going to leave but go ahead my day...I would love to hear what you claim you know

Crensch ago

Auschwitz was not a death camp. And as an extension, the Holocaust was a lie.

Niggers, sandniggers, and spics are all subhuman.

Jews are a cancer that needs to be exterminated for white societies to prosper.

adogrocket ago

actually your information is complete. you have some work to do

Crensch ago

actually your information is complete. you have some work to do


adogrocket ago

you need to understand Taqiyya,Kitman etc

Crensch ago

I know Taquiyya. Kitman is a new one on me. I know Loxism and Pilpul.

adogrocket ago

this lays it out for really well it explains their deception

Crensch ago

1) Nigger voice.

2) I know sandniggers lie and need to be exterminated, so why would I need to watch that anyway?

ItsThisEasy ago

@PuttItOut do you feel good having created a site that hosts hateful and violent rhetoric like this?

Crensch ago

@Mumbleberry I think you're the one keeping up the list of shills here - 11 months, 3 comments.

Mumbleberry ago

I'l have to start a new list of "Islamo-fags" for him. The list you're thinking of is "everybody but myself is a transvestite" agenda.

Crensch ago

So this is your sockpuppet account, or did my response alert the JIDF group you're working with?

ItsThisEasy ago

@PuttItOut I suggest you take a look at this accounts deplorable history to get a sense of the violence you are supporing by maintaining this site.

Mumbleberry ago

I suggest you get ass raped by a 800 pound wild boar.

Crensch ago

Kek. You're funny.

Thinking the invading force that already tortures and murders whites in cold blood, and uses white children for sex slaves needs to be exterminated is somehow worse than what's happening right now?

At least we wouldn't fuck their children.

adogrocket ago

who gives a fuck where information comes form, it's good information. If you don't understand that you need to how people operate then you will soon be the victims

Crensch ago

who gives a fuck where information comes form, it's good information.

Not listening to a subhuman butcher the English language just so you can show me something that is irrelevant.

If you don't understand that you need to how people operate then you will soon be the victims

I'm not a victim, because I don't trust sandniggers, and they'll be some of the first I go after in a SHTF situation, or RWDS situation. How they work is irrelevant to me - they need to be removed, preferably with acute lead poisoning.

adogrocket ago

enemies come in many forms... But good luck with that

Crensch ago

enemies come in many forms... But good luck with that

Sandniggers, taconiggers, niggers, kikes. Those are the main ones right now. Did I miss a group?

adogrocket ago

you can add anyone you want to that group me I just don't like people who walk upright on days that end in y

Crensch ago

I like whites. I think they're the only race that truly deserves to be here (japs aren't bad, and a few others.)

adogrocket ago

BTW are we good now or you want to keep fighting....

Crensch ago

It was always your choice whether or not to continue this. I continue as long as my initial reaction is to respond.

adogrocket ago

ok well then watch the video... I am out for the night I have to get early for Krav

Crensch ago

Not listening to a nigger tell me not to trust sandniggers. It's useless.

adogrocket ago

Jews are not the cancer Zionist are and they are not Jews.They are humanist. Nazis Killed more Russians than Jews but not discussed. Did the Nazis surrender or relocate?

Crensch ago

Jews are Jews, and they don't call out other Jews almost ever, for any reason.

adogrocket ago

Nope, not correct and you can't win of you don't know the enemy. Dig deeper the answer is out there.

Crensch ago

It is correct. I've been provided zero evidence to support your position.

Crensch ago

First one whines about some film faggot cryptokike claiming to be a Muslim but an ally of Jews. Then claims about Zionism, as if anyone gives a fuck. All Jews will be exterminated if any being from Earth is to colonize other planets.

Second one is nothing but opinions.

Third one is about humanists, which you haven't linked to Jews at all.

Try again?

SearchVoatBot ago

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14126003? ago

They argue like poorly educated women....

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I really tire of the whole "if you believe in free speech why are you...." bullshit. Downvoats aren't censorship, and neither is calling them out on their BS

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

>goes right to dick sucking and ass licking

Jew confirmed.

Le_Squish ago

Seriously, that or incest.

Diggernicks ago

All star special Olympics team:assemble!

HateCumbuckets ago

What's better than winning a gold at the special Olympics?

Not being a retard.

Crensch ago

MadWorld ago

While those (((Q))) faggots are trying to sabotage the real Q movement, we gotta keep exposing those cunts!!

On the bright side, GA just surpassed 10k subscribers.

Vindicator ago

Some Trump communication specialist is bitching at a bar right now about the fucking goats messing up improving his campaign.