SIayfire122 ago

The guy just shows up a couple weeks ago and starts shitting all over everything. He does very little actual research and only reads the first paragraph or two of the article before posting it to Voat. There's been multiple times now when people called him out for the article not matching his claim.

Looking back at how posting history, the majority of his posts are either low-tier posts he found on google images or the whatever anti-mormon/catholic stuff he comes across.

WolfShepherd ago

Still better than your garbage, your shit sucks

SIayfire122 ago

Suck my nuts faggot. I've provided quality content to this site for years. You've done nothing but shit on primarily white religions with traditional values. Both of which are known for cranking out white kids. You're probably just bitter because you couldn't get a hot mormon chick to suck your dick after the third date.

WolfShepherd ago


You are mormon!



Eventually they reveal themselves

SIayfire122 ago

Lol. I was wondering how long it would take you. It's not like I'm trying to hide it. I've only said it a dozen or so times in my comment history.

Sadly, if it took you this long to identify me while I'm so obvious about it, you'd never be able to identify the real threat (hint: the jews)

WolfShepherd ago

I don't really notice you.

You are an ant.

There is more than one problem.

Actually 3 big ones

  • mormons
  • catholics
  • kikes

Doglegwarrior ago

wait the fucking california shooter isnt a real asian?

WolfShepherd ago


His last name is similar to an ashkenazi Anglo variant

I pointed this out and for some reason people got fucking angry

Look below I explained my reasoning

Doglegwarrior ago

im just trying to confirm it calm down. ive not seen a picture of the (((asian))) yet. hopefully more info comes out. im not doubting ubi just figured it would be a arab muslim when they said asian

WolfShepherd ago

No worries

I just thought he looked Jewish

Last name similar to Anglo crypto kike

It seemed obvious but i guess not

Doglegwarrior ago

have you seen the picture? the kid is absolutly half jewish! search his name the dad is absolutely a hook nosed kike. nice work fellow goat i just looked up the name and bamn half kike.. every single time.

WolfShepherd ago

I fuvking trolled them hard in the comments on these posts lol

WolfShepherd ago

I know. I just got fucking tired of getting notifications accusing me of things

Nosfewratsjews ago

We've had this conversation before, multiple times. When the subversives panic they use various strategies to derail the object of their attention - one of the most common is baseless bullshit ping spam.

The more time they can get you to waste defending yourself, the more it distracts and lessens from your message. Ignore them to strengthen your message.

WolfShepherd ago

You're always right about these things

Nosfewratsjews ago

I've been deflecting this strategy for years. It's one of the first major bottlenecks to level up against the subversives, and most seem to never succeed at getting beyond it.

WolfShepherd ago

Whatever. I just got tired of fucking arguing

CrudOMatic ago

Neither him or his father look jewish either. That was also brought up in the thread. You intended it for distribution, without evidence and bailed when people called you out for it. It was a failed attempt to get voat to disseminate false info and it got shot down.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Neither him or his father look jewish either.

Not true at all. Kid is definitely a Jew mutt.

WolfShepherd ago

I think you should find some hobbies.

You sound kinda bored

theoldones ago

@WolfShepherd i knew you were a shady cunt

WolfShepherd ago

This user is out of the office. If you are having a suicidal emergency, please dial 911. This is automated reply to (((suspicious))) behavior #1171:

You are a vote manipulator:

You threaten people who disagree with your religion (like a dirty muslim terrorist):

You edit your comments to fit your manufactured narrative:

You posted actual child porn on Voat:

You have repeatedly requested child pornography:

You are accused of seeing yourself as a 'virtuous pedophile":

You have been reported to Canadian authorities for soliciting child pornography:

In addition to being a pedophile, you also participate in Pizzagate tier rituals:

Doxx of you and @crensch:

Stop PM'ing people and asking them for pictures of their kids, you pervert.

MaxineWaters ago

This cracked me up. I was u/WickerMan.

BlueDrache ago


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