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PygmyGoat ago

I read somewhere the shooter was Asian. What’s this crap?

slwsnowman40 ago

Looks like Babs...

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

OP is a fucking glow in the dark nigger faggot. Take this shit back to whatever low IQ board you meant to post it on.

WolfShepherd ago

I've angered a jew


anticlutch ago

Fucking cryptoshifters.

Had ago

Source this shit you faggot

Drunkenmoba ago

jewd_law ago

I looked up "WolfShepherd" and it's actually a jewish surname used by hook nosed JIDF trolls working for ZOG to put out false information in order to discredit criticism of world jewry. This is a verifiable fact cause I saw on a meme.

CrudOMatic ago

Exactly - he even changes the spelling from "Berhow" to "Bercow" to make it fit.

@WolfShepherd is a filthy glownigger running a discrediting op.

WolfShepherd ago

Good God

Read my comments below I explain my reasoning

CrudOMatic ago

  • the article is there for you to google
  • google berhow, origin unknown. By far closest match is BERCOW

Use your brain boy

Good god, so you did exactly what I said you did - you changed it to fit your narrative.

gazillions ago

The father's funeral was held in a catholic church and his wife of 25 years was named Mami Matsura.

green_man ago

This is false information, the surnames don't even match. Link to actual article.

WolfShepherd ago


green_man ago

I'm not talking about the title, I'm talking about the image itself. Shooter surname: Berhow. Surname in bottom text Bercow.

WolfShepherd ago

  • the article is there for you to google

  • google berhow, origin unknown. By far closest match is BERCOW

Use your brain boy

Saturday405 ago

Source link is requited.

WolfShepherd ago

Youn can google

Bercow is not related

But it shows "BERHOW" is likely a Jewish variation of Berkowitz

It's obvious when you look at him

uvulectomy ago

>OP makes claim

>Goat requests source for said claim

>OP replies with "Google it" and "It's obvious"

>OP confirmed glownigger kike.

You've got a lot to learn Shmuly. Taking things at face value just because someone said so or made a pretty picture in photoshop is what liberals and NPCs do.

You wanna make a claim, you gotta provide sources. Not this "it's not my job to educate you" leftist bullshit.

So then you have two choices:

  1. Source
  2. Gas yourself.

DerAngriff ago

No Christian I know names a son Nathaniel, it's a 100% jew name.

Gigglestick ago

I really don’t like Jews anymore. You guys are washing me into hating Jews, niggers, brownies, and anyone who doesn’t look like me.

slwsnowman40 ago

That's a good thing, because that's normal.

WolfShepherd ago

Hate is wasted eneregy.

Educate, and prepare for hard times