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theoldones ago


thelma ago

I defend free speech. Deal with it.

I don't know who @Maggotbait88 is ; for all I know its a @theoldones alt created to cause drama on voat and so theoldones can put something on his CV.

I broke no agreement or terms of anything that could be considered an "agreement".

More crazy from theoldones ? Unsurprising. I cannot fix crazy.

theoldones ago

you use free speech to enable pedophilia. how dare you call that action ideal.

thelma ago

Pedo stuff is not allowed on voat.

Show me an example duffus.

theoldones ago

check the post history of the people you defend.

go ahead and plug the name into antipedosquad

many of them you'll find post loli, but loli fails the dost test, and @truthdefender outright informed you with citations how loli = pedophilia.

theoldones ago


a slip of the tongue from maggotbait proving these 2 accounts are linked:

double proof of alt account status, in the form of an activity graph reading between the 2 accounts:


wants the age of consent to be 13 and younger:

Throughout history men have married women younger than themselves. Only recently have feminists implemented and continually raised the age of consent with the help of Jews. This protects feminists who want to ride the cock carousel and fulfills the Jews desire to exterminate white people by narrowing potential mates for men to only washed up hags. If you support a higher AOC you are anti-white


then says it ought to be even younger:

That's a good point it could be lower


NSFL pedophilic text copypasta depicting maggotbait88 raping a child:

more pedo proof:

profile info:

116 submissions to SFWLoli, 85 submissions to SFWLolicon, 34 submissions to loli.

(he also moderates a loli sub for posting porn of cartoon kids. v/SFWLoli)

example of one of his loli posts:

an even more fucked up example of his loli posts:

in chat, the following occurred, "was gonna loli post, so he could ban me or fuck off". for reference, putt is the HEAD GUY OF THE WEBSITE:


wherein he tries to call up a user brigade:


here's Dortex saying he'd "fuck again" the "sexiest 6 year old of 2017":

literally loli incest:

when another proven pedo (who later got exposed and fled the site) posted a fetish video of a child being raped to a porn sub, dortex defended the sicko:

admits to liking loli subs:

any further evidence will be added as it's discovered and posted.

EXTRA SECTION: his other bad behaviour


brownnosing voat admin to get his critics banned:

dishonest, gaslighting, hostile pingspam:

how bad was his pingspam? he broke one of the sites bots:

WhiteRonin ago

@theoldones please check into @gabara’s history. He posts in an incel lolli anime sub.

theoldones ago

you mean TheAnimeReich?

someone already tried feeding me this nature of false clue before. aint no lead here

WhiteRonin ago

The shit in that sub is incel and is Lolli by Japanese standards. Only pedis and incels like that shit.

In Canada, I’ve heard it’s illegal.

thelma ago

How would Canadian law be applicable in the USA or Japan or where ever the poster resides ?

And I have requested cases related to this Canadian law that I have never seen to have that request unfulfilled.

theoldones ago

it's not posted with the intent of sexualization, which is a critical distinction.

something like v/loli is more hardcore and does feature that intent which makes it violate TOS and the dost test

also how fucking dare you insult the reich

Maggotbait88 ago

The supreme Court disagrees with you. In what way does a drawing harm minors?

theoldones ago

dost test.

your legal citiation here doesnt act as a proper defense.

the dost test is used by 8chan and google to detect pedos. maggotbait, in addition to being a pedophile every sexually explicit loli you post fails dost

top voat brass has informed you many times of the dost test applying.

Octocopter ago

Why the fuck you lying?

Maggotbait is a pedo piece of shit who was previously banned for vote manipulation. He brigades, spams, and harasses users who speak out against pedos. This projection of his came after he ran away when being question about his disgusting behaviors.

WhiteRonin ago

Why do you post in an incel anime lolli sub?

theoldones ago

whiteronin, maggot's a pedo who wants to fuck 13 and younger:

thelma ago

I read it as if he wants the marriage age lowered to 13 for the age able to be married. This is not the same as saying the wants to have sex with 13 year olds.

In many places in the USA, I have seen that 16 is the age.

The Amish might be a good group to look at, from my recollection, they can pair up at age 12. Local and state authorities do usually do nothing unless pressed to do so.

theoldones ago

marriage means consummation of marriage means a kids still getting fucked.

thelma ago

Do you think 16 is too young ?

Have you tried to get the laws changed ? Its a tall order in the US because each state creates it own rules.

theoldones ago

Do you think 16 is too young ?

Have you tried to get the laws changed ? Its a tall order in the US because each state creates it own rules.

fucking someone underage is pedophilia, end of story.

Octocopter ago

I promised Maggotbait I would go around calling him out for being a worthless lying sack of shit. He could end it by confessing to his lies but he just runs away.

The same question could be asked of you, but more importantly why you are defending a user who is not only a pedo and defends pedos but violated Voat's rules.

Are you going to join him in his brigades? He has been spanked twice now for crossing the line. Do you want to take bets on if could survive a third spanking from Putt?

thelma ago

Is that pretty much saying you're a troll ?

Octocopter ago

Is that pretty much saying you also can not address the major flaws maggotbait88 expresses as both a user and former human being?

It is hard to find ways to defend someone when they lie so much they cant keep their story straight, I wonder if that is why you are joining in on the deflection attempts, cant handle it directly got to talk around it.

thelma ago

So you say you know that he lies.

But then you accept anything he says as the truth...well, for those things you wish to say is the truth.

Its clear you cannot tell when he is lying or when he is telling the truth.

Think he might be posting to "yank your chain" ?

Octocopter ago

Yeah yeah more bullshit out of your mouth, go send some more passive aggressive dox threats.

He lies, he has a chance to speak out against it but he only runs because he knows I can expose him the moment he opens his mouth. People don't have to accept what he "says" as truth, they can accept what he DOES as truth, and what he has done is get banned for vote manipulation and post pedophile content to vote.

So yeah, your are fucking awful at trying to frame a narrative. Are you at least going to entertain me by trying again or are you going to go back to deflection attempts?

Why are you so invested in maggotbait btw? site-wide banned once before and a temp ban from putt fresh in our memories how long do you think he has until he fucks up again?

thelma ago

Pedophile content is not allowed on voat. Vote manipulation banning is not evidence of anything other than vote manipulation.

I assume that he paid his penance or penalty for vote manipulation ? Seems like its time to let that go unless you see him doing it again. Its hardly a high crime.

And again, posting pedo is not allowed on voat. So if anything is on voat it is presumed not to be pedo. You would have the burden to prove, case by case (as these are examined on a case by case basis) , that a post is pedo.

If you have anything specific, of a specific pedo post, I am willing to consider it. But in every specific case noted, my opinion is that it is not pedo in nature. I am very deliberative and apply the proper burden to the proper party making claims. I am a very reasonable person.

Octocopter ago

Vote manipulation banning is not evidence of anything other than vote manipulation

It is proof that he was engaged in the attacks on people who spoke out against pedo poster Fuark and defense of said pedo. Something he regularly tries to lie about until I call him out on it and he runs away. He started doing it again in this thread, and has been probably been continuing to do it for the past 1-2 months.

Maggotbait claims he is not a pedo and only posts sfwloli, which is an clearly a lie when anyone can take a look at his profile. He also advocated through a submission to have the age of consent 13 or lower. Why would someone who claims to have never advocated for the abuse of children want the age of consent to include children?

You dont do anything but lie and manipulate, the only "card up your sleeve" is to threaten people to shut up with claims you will dox them if they dont stop speaking out about things you are trying to defend. Such as Maggotbait88, the vote-brigade and spam harasser who defended Fuark, an account who any decent human being can see is a pedophile just by looking at his submission history.

Going to start dox threat claims against me? Its the only way you are going to "win" this conversation of yours.

thelma ago

I understand you are not happy with the goat. Got it. Loud and clear.

But you say he posts pedo stuff. And you talk about loli. But that's not pedo stuff, its free speech. I'm in USA. I don't know where you are at or where the offending goat, @Maggotbait88 is.

Assuming Maggotbait88 is in the USA what specific post example of his is a pedo post in your opinion ?

And no, I have no current intentions of doxxing you, @Octocopter . You have not seriously called me a pedo. I assume you are seeing me as defending Maggotbait88 when I am defending free speech. Of course, when defending free speech it usually happens with objectionable speech.

So, if you wish to post a pic or link to a specific example or instance of a "pedo posting" by Maggotbait88 , I'll provide my opinion.

If not, you are not being genuine in your attempts to "convert" people to your way of thinking.

Octocopter ago

Keep ignoring what I am saying to you, it REALLY makes me value your opinion. Keep ignoring everything posted about maggobait because you wont be bothered to admit you fucked up taking the side of a pedo.

You are are piece of shit and I wont bother to engage in your bullshit anymore. Fuck off.

thelma ago

I read what you wrote so I am not ignoring you.

I just have no opinion on what you have said ... the vote manipulation? It just does not interest me is all, at this time.

Your refusal to actually provide a specific example of a pedo post does not improve your opinion, it basically destroys your credibility.

So be it.

Octocopter ago

You completely ignored what I posted earlier and others have posted in the past so what reason do I have to believe you would read it now? The answer is none because you are a faggot piece of shit trying to run defense for pedos.

I have no reason to value you or anything you post at this point. You are a completely worthless fake identity.

WhiteRonin ago

That I’m a pedo? That I protect pedos?

I asked why you are posting in that sub and you want to turn it around on me? Nice try but don’t work that way.

So, he violates Voat’s rules but you don’t attack Srayzie who is a straight dox machine.

Huh? What about Voat’s rules?

Maggotbait88 ago

u/Thelma is absolutely btfoing em holy shit

Octocopter ago

I asked why you are posting in that sub and you want to turn it around on me? Nice try but don’t work that way.

Shitty round about deflection attempts wont work on me.

If you really cared about asking such a question you would have posted to to a comment or submission in that sub, instead you chose to reply here? Why is that? Anyone reading at this point knows its because it was a deflection attempt. However I will humor the question so you cant harp on like a nagging old bitch about it.

I made a comment in a sub calling out the loli media submitter about his disgusting behavior. If you cared if people posted in such places why not give maggotbait88 the same shit about it or even more so since he runs such a sub and posts so much into loli-porn subs?

Now instead of trying to address any of my original comment you try to bring up an outside manner not even listed before in this thread? If you cared so much about the rule violations of users why run deflection for maggotbait88? I am calling out your deflection attempt if you cant address my first comment I will just remind people that you are deflecting.

My10thaccount ago

Why do you all wrap yourself up in this stupid internet drama? Do you realize what someone thinks of you on voat is 100% irrelevant and means nothing in real life.

thelma ago

Butterfly effect ? LOL

Maggotbait88 ago

¯\_(ツ) _/¯

My10thaccount ago

Well you guys must enjoy it at the end of the day. Can I be involved? Will you make a post about me you can make anything up you want. All I ask is that you be creative, I'll even go along with it. Doesn't matter what it is.

theoldones ago

it'll get you involved with a dude who claims to have fucked a 6 year old:

thelma ago

Do you believe that he had sex with that 6 year old, or was it banter ?

theoldones ago

there's plenty of other evidence to act as circumstantial proof (most notably defending the posting of a fetish clip of child being raped), so i lean more towards "real" rather then "banter"

thelma ago

Then you should contact law enforcement.

Have you ?

theoldones ago


theoldones ago

i aint got the right info on him to report such a thing

thelma ago

[–] thelma -1 points (+2|-3) 10.5 hours ago

Then you should contact law enforcement.

Have you ?

So the answer is no. You are waiting for him to "totally fuck up" which indicates that you don't believe he's a pedo at all.

You should apologize to all you have called pedos and not apologized to before your bank account runs dry.

theoldones ago

You should apologize to all you have called pedos

i've directly busted these people as pedos, so, they're pedos.

loli fails the dost test, thus all loli could be banned site-wide if voat so wished.

thelma ago

i've directly busted these people as pedos

No you haven't ...and if you think you discovered pedo stuff posted why have you not even called law enforcement ?

Some pedo catcher. You are defending people you think, but are not in reality, are pedos. yes?

Ohhhhhhh...the logic burns.

theoldones ago

i opposed aged.

i ran fuark off the site.

dortex/maggot88 i've opposed for months

i've called YOU out for writing their legal paperwork.

suck my dick, kvetch harder

thelma ago

I am familiar with the DOST court case.

Your lack of comprehension is exampled in your post.

I cannot fix stupid.

theoldones ago

pieceseeker and putt in chat have explicitly stated dost applies to voat.

thelma ago

Its irrelevant....voat can decide whatever it wants as a measuring stick. Using a court case is likely not the best thing to do. Nor have I seen anything that demonstrates that putt has said anything on the subject. So now you have a better understanding of the facts I have seen.

And loli is posted on the site, so it is apparently good on voat; meaning also upon the more narrow CP examination it passes that.

theoldones ago

Its irrelevant....voat can decide whatever it wants as a measuring stick.

it can, and word is loli fails dost.

thelma ago

You saying so does not make it so.

theoldones ago

You saying so does not make it so.

i can pull chatlogs if you like

Gothamgirl ago

Thanks for the ping.

WhiteRonin ago

What about @gabara? He posts in an anime incel Loki sub?

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Maggotbait88 ago