Heebro ago

False, my Hebrew brother. One is a neo Nazi and the other is a grammar nazi.

BlueDrache ago

Wolf looks more like SaneGoat

thewebofslime ago

I have not vanished and if you had half a brain, you would know who that really is.

Voat has a very limited number of views of content for the amount of headache it causes because two shill factions have a hard on for stealing the Q movement from the real Q faction which, while I appreciate the research and I appreciate sincere patriots, has far less success at predicting events than I do... even going so far as to repeatedly post research that I had already posted.

You also outed yourselves as knowing each other irl, so leave me the fuck out of your bullshit tantrums. I'm behind on my paperwork, but this is the type of shit that motivates me to keep writing legal documents.

offender ago


WolfShepherd ago

Sorry I had to run with it, was too funny

WolfShepherd ago

It took you this long?

I've always known what you are.

Nosfewratsjews ago

They simply don't get it.

WolfShepherd ago

They don't know. We are a group

There are literally over 9000 of us.

We CANNOT be stoped.

Israel? Child play. CIA? Puppets.

We control everything

Nosfewratsjews ago

I am Jack's smirking revenge.

WolfShepherd ago

ygldu ietedsoec toonyrf teiceco uinemri htoci dea tvrife ohi ndaerab phoc e a eetid siwllyeiy nedr rriotaok idasisc dhepipe gden ininnd wemunmi esi roeirekean edaef wioteti ceĀ 




theoldones ago

your attack script here is a faked character assassination literally written pedophiles we drove off the site.

WolfShepherd ago

You will never get me off your back. I'm like herpes, you think I'm gone but I come back

One day you'll be caught in


CrudOMatic ago

I'm like herpes

The only correct thing you've said all night.

theoldones ago

I'm like herpes

The only correct thing you've said all night.

best comment on voat 2019

WolfShepherd ago

You don't think I know who you are?

70times7 ago

Why did your account go sleeper for 6 months?

argosciv ago

Then suddenly come back with a fury like The_American did?

This guys gets it...

@Vindicator @Crensch @PuttItOut @Cynabuns

He never left, he just dramatically changes personas, because the original was a larp; they all are; fake characters.

70times7 ago

Doubt there is a need to ping putt or cynabuns. They are dead in a ditch probably.

argosciv ago

Not a matter of need, just a courtesy if they happen to be around.

WolfShepherd ago

Because I'm CIA

I've been watching you closely. You're fucked!

70times7 ago

What ya gonna do? Torture me for a few weeks then I inherit eternal life?


Rather die like that, then live a coward who lies.

WolfShepherd ago

Ohhh I'm bringing you to Kushner. He is going to skullfuck you

70times7 ago

Better still, why did your account go sleeper for 6 months, and now you post like a savage?

Where were you?

WolfShepherd ago

You don't know?

Look at my arrest, and my suicide.

It lines up perfectly and nobody suspected a damn thing.


70times7 ago

Cant ya just call the account burned and explain why?

You really happy with your job? Or is it a 2/4 year contract thing?

Bet youd feel better just going scorched earth.

Confession lightens the soul.

If you have a sup over your shoulder yeah, what can ya do other then not get him angry with you.

But the accounts burned mate. If no ones watching, let it out.

If not, its pretty clear its an active (yet ridiculously sloppy) op.

Like fbi tier sloppy. noob tier.

WolfShepherd ago

I admit it

I applied online, McDonalds was a hard job

They said 4 10 hour days 80k a year

Langley was FUCKED UP

Psychological torture no sleep to brainwash us

I'm beyond redemption my brain is cooked

Please help

70times7 ago


To think we pay for this.

Sperg tier ops.

At least you kept your "dignity" (lul) to your sup.

You guys are on the wrong side of this.

And inside, you know it.

WolfShepherd ago

Fuk I know man

I wish I could change


You'll be raided tomorrow

Please run

70times7 ago


Again, to think we actually pay for this.

The nation truly is lost.

WolfShepherd ago

softly crying while ordering a drone strike