Vindicator ago

Too much of a weenie to ping me, eh? LMAO

These are some real nice boys you hang with @shewhomustbeobeyed. No honor. But what else would I expect from "Protect" Voat.

It's obvious why you don't link to my comments in context, Mutt. You know every single one of my removals has been fully justified, including your most recent submission, the source of this 'sperg out, which had multiple dishonest links. I clearly explained what was wrong, and how to fix it, and gave you 24 hours to do so. I'm sure I'm the only one who bothered to vet them all. SWMBO clearly didn't, or she would have advised you that you were taking a long walk off of a short plank.

Good to see you so triggered, though.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I do not 'hang with' OP, but I am fond of nomo. I don't know the mods of v/protectvoat.

I do not have a problem with you removing Muttly's submission.

I didn't check to see why you removed it, but I didn't like the post. I was working on something else at the time. I posted some stuff in my sub to maybe help latter if OP needed it, doesn't appear he's interested.

What is it that I missed, please.

Vindicator ago

If you check my mod comments, in his removed submission, I linked to them. He was stating the links said things they did not say. Straight up dishonesty.

And since you respect Nomo, you might want to review their recent conversations. They are working together, pushing the same BS that Falcon used to ban as "spamalek". It looks to me like an attempt to get goats to dismiss all claims about Jesuit involvement in the corruption of the Church and crimes against kids as mere trolling, the same way "adrenochrome" was heavily spammed with disingenuous, rule-breaking posts to cover up young blood harvesting (or whatever it's an attempt to discredit). I don't think it's a coincidence that they've taken up this narrative within two weeks of the Jesuit "pope" presiding over pagan idol worship in the Vatican and allowing a statue of Moloch at the Colosseum where thousands of Christian martyrs died for Christ.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't know any of their motives, and neither do you. I think they are like most Christians, we want this pope to make his journey into hell, sooner rather than later.

I have no ability to stop nomo, just like you can't stop tOO. At least @NOMOCHOMO isn't a pedo, and doesn't post bestial anime porn. And if he ever does, I will be done with him.

Maybe if you unbanned him, he would settle down and get back to submitting, instead of bitching.

Naw, who am I kidding. You boys just keep doing whatever it is that you think you need to do. But please, LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.

I realize that I picked a poor time to yell at argos, but I am tired of his stupidity. I have TTT dead to rights on at least 4 other alts, but he's got to try and make himself big, pointing out one. Fucking Retard.

Hope things are good for you and yours. I just got a new puppy, how I do love 'puppy-breath'.

Look what I found/made Cutting open thundereggs is always fun and surprising.

@heygeorge look at my pretty rock. :)

theoldones ago

SWMBO you are an insane crazy whore.

do you remember when i tired to fight voat pedos and you then insanely accused me of being a pedo because i found and presented evidence?

do you remember demanding i bury and censor smoking-gun evidence of one particular pedo becuase you got triggered by it?

do you remember multiple other mods commenting and telling you directly to retract you clearly insane accusations?


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hi @theoldones, have you been able to find anyone to say that you didn't post child porn, yet? No?

I remember you posting it. Kept the proof.

You keep saying I'm dead to you. Your actions prove you a liar.

Not concerned with a lying child pornographer's opinion.

How's your little toy game development coming along? Are you going to use that to try to ensnare kids?

You're srill in my prayers, when I'm reminded that you still exist, that is.

theoldones ago

you are a whores daughter and an evil liars child.


Too much of a weenie to ping me, eh? LMAO

he says with zero self awareness

WolfShepherd ago

He literally called the virgin Mary bride of christ. Fucking heretics, Catholics deserve any bad thing that comes to their lives.

theoldones ago

did you come here to argue mod politics, being banned, or theology?

legit, please pick one and settle on one.

WolfShepherd ago

Too much of a weenie to ping me, eh? LMAO

Now you're going to pretend that you're not watching me and @nomochomo. Cute, for a Jesuit to act innocent.

You are a piece of shit. You lie, and divert attention away from your church.

It's obvious to anyone with a brain, unfortunately most people on /v/pizzagate who have one have been ran off by jesuitism and international Jewish interests.

Ive said my piece , important people agree. You can have the catholic pizza ring kissing club, I spit on the grave of your "church".

Vindicator ago



I spit on the grave of your "church"

Too bad for you Jesus has other plans:

Jesus saith to them: "But whom do you say that I am?

Simon Peter answered and said: Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God.

And Jesus answering, said to him: Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona: because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but my Father who is in heaven. And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven." - Matthew 16:15-19

The gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

That doesn't just mean the Bride of Christ will survive her current abuse at the hands of filthy, unfaithful men controlling the hierarchy. It means her prayer and sacrifice will conquer Hell itself through Jesus.


Too bad for you Jesus has other plans:

1 Corinthians 2:11

For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't know why you keep pinging me, I've been anti-papist since I was 5. I don't think i can be any help for either of you.

thewebofslime ago

much more do you need?

Almost 1,700 priests and clergy accused of sex abuse are unsupervised

According to a study of 2,709 members of the American Psychological Association; it was found that 30 percent had seen cases of ritual or religion- related abuse and 93% of the professionals believed that ritualized abuse occurred.

In 1992, a survey of the membership of the ISSTD, Nancy Perry concluded that 88% of 1185 mental health professionals reported belief in ritual abuse.

Sadistic ritual abuse. An overview in detection and management.

Treatment strategies for programming and ritual abuse.

theoldones ago

TWOS, you are shady doxxer and you literally doxxed srayzie

thewebofslime ago

On "The Old Ones":

That idiot is far worse than you realize. It isn't worth being caught up in his drama, unless you can slam him with a ton of prior proof of his insanity. That guide to forum spies pins him down. He's a sophist bullshitter, relying on pilpul and lies (omission, half-truths, DARVO, twisting points, and just straight up fabrication). You'll never get honest debate from him. The one great thing that can be said of him is that he somehow always finds a way to absolutely undermine his allies. Take for instance the fact he leads the pedo hunts on Voat, and yet is a CP solicitor.

Saved evidence:

Pics + available archives - 1 2 3 4 5 6

Apparent justifications - 1 2 Still searching for the comment where he defended it as provocative argumentation.

The post made by the ban all VPNs alt, beastofbalthazar, is important to observe for multiple reasons. TOO used pilpul to avoid defining CP in order to continue his attacks, and I pressured him into providing a definition, albeit very poor. When I told him pictures of naked kids was also covered under CP, he interpreted and twisted it into a delusion that I believed it was legal. The OP of that post was likely an alt of TOO due to its observed inactivity pattern, the post being those two vs. almost everybody, and the most damning is that the TOO tried fulfilling the giant leap from step 4 to step 5.

His tantrum after being cornered:

1 2A 2B 3

Some prior shitstirring prior to accusing Maggotbait88 of posting malware, accusing Thelma of posting malware, and whiteknighting when Srayzie went crazy:

From Obrez's experience, sguevar on TOO's lack of objectivity, MadWorld suspicious links research results and the spergout.

And remember... 18 U.S. Code § 2252A 3B

@theoldones is a vote manipulator.

In Which u/theoldones threatens a life for making fun of his religion

@theoldones Edits It's Comments To Fit It's Nararrative.

So why do @theoldones @truthdefender and @peaceseeker let @andrew_jackson off the hook? Dude posted actual child porn on voat as a joke once. Where did he get that?

Reminder that u/theoldones is a cp solicitor (@crensch admitted this looks bad, but still counts CP solicitor as friend, anyways)

Reminder that u/theoldones is a lying cp solicitor

@theoldones may be a "virtious pedophile" type.

@theoldones protects alleged pedophiles ! Refuses to contact law enforcement when he sees pedo activity

Unconfirmed source provides transcript to SMDC @theoldones and Canadian Police - complaint about violating Canadian law....Loli cartoons on Voat

In addition to soliciting child pornography, u/theoldones also does pizza gate tier rituals

@theoldones had his goons delete references to when he solicited CP

@ThetruthDefender @theoldones - More evidence of the wack-jobs at /v/AntiPedoSquad

@theoldones demands people post tit pics of @srayzie

Why is the @theoldones protecting @srayzie and @crensch?

DANGER: u/theoldones is a known child pornography solicitor

Is @theoldones doxxing here with malicious intent?

theoldones ago

webofslime, you spread lies and speak falsehoods.

you're a dirty shady doxxer who stalks us and hold doxxing data on us.

YOU were the one who posted srayzies unredacted court docs

Crensch ago

I'm sure you know he's a liar and this:

(@crensch admitted this looks bad, but still counts CP solicitor as friend, anyways)

Is false. I never said what you did was wrong. I said it would look bad to an overemotional kike.

Never seen you do anything wrong.

WolfShepherd ago

And we have a catholic in charge of pizzagate here.

Well played, NWO. Well played

LettItBurn ago

Without a doubt, there are Christians (in name only) involved in this pedo horror, but their religion openly condemns any such acts. They know they are committing sin according to their own faith. Eat this bread (flesh) and drink this wine (blood) in memory of Jesus and His teachings instead of sacrificing babies.

Now with jews.... it's considered just fine to rape babies and kill non-jews. It is written down boldly if you want to read their canon. Why, the life of a goyim isn't worth one fingernail of a jew according to their evil cult. Same with muslims. We are at war with all of them pedos, but the semitic religions of islam and judaism need to be utterly destroyed. Completely and forever. Tear down all their baby-killing temples and burn all their books. They are the embodiment of satanic evil.

WolfShepherd ago

Jewish district attorneys also prosecute goy pedophiles though.

Cathlicks are masters at "do as I say, not as I do."


I hate to ask

But is @puttitout a Catholick?

thewebofslime ago

Jezzie, brah.


.< maaannnnnnn

any proof or just suspicion?

WolfShepherd ago

BREAKING: Jesuit censors another post, cuz "evil nazis"

And because I mentioned mormon and Jesuit mind control

WolfShepherd ago

@peaceseeker is, people say that's him

Nosfewratsjews ago

Probably because it's his most well-used alt.

Diggernicks ago

Reddit is fail.

Stop that.

WolfShepherd ago

No this is voat. We have Catholics running /v/pizzagate

Diggernicks ago


WolfShepherd ago


Look at this