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Vindicator ago

@Wolfshepard thank you for the additional links showing that some Mormons are indeed Freemasons. You might want to note that the link you provided

Unfortunately your "pizzagate connection" link does not show any evidence whatsoever that kids are being abused. It shows a domestic dispute of a guy with his powerful Mormon in-laws. That doesn't really satisfy Rule 1. You need to show that the kids were actually abused, and that the in-laws are high up in the Mormon hierarchy or are connected to powerful politicians.

You also didn't fix your "They are trafficking children for pedos" claim with a source that actually shows any of the kids adopted through the guy who was busted were adopted by pedos. Again...doesn't meet Rule 1. In your 'allowing CP to be produced" link, there is zero evidence that the teen recording the kids using the bathroom at his parent's day care was "distributing it in DC through federal subverters." That claim doesn't meet Rule 2.

I recommend you repost this, whittling down your claims to those that can be properly sourced without using hyperbole or making a claim to abuse of kids that isn't actually supported by your sources. Or, you can repost as-is to v/pizzagatewhatever, which does not have the same rigorous submission requirements. Or, you can do both.

I fully support the exposure of any powerful group that is harming kids, as long as it's written up in a way that meets our submission rules.

However, from where I'm standing your attempt to "edit" this post simply doubled-down on your disregard for our submission rules. Since I have already issued you a warning about this, and we generally have a three-strikes policy here in v/pg, I recommend you make any further submissions in v/pizzagatewhatever and ping me to see if they meet the submission requirements for the main board. I'm not confident you understand (or really care much) about the submission requirements the users here have repeatedly voted to enforce, and further posts that fail to honor our submission rules will result in an immediate ban.

Removing per Rule 1.

WolfShepherd ago

Fucking Catholics