SearchVoatBot ago

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Nosferatjew ago

What evidence do you have suggesting that Media Matters had anything to do with @srayzie "leaving" voat?

What evidence do you have suggesting that @srayzie actually left voat?

What evidence do you have suggesting that @srayzie wasn't a shill herself?

kestrel9 ago

She had already been running GA when you asked her to mod PG, around the time that @Zyklon_b user name was created?

@Crensch @Vindicator @SandHog

zyklon_b ago

damn he cleverer tham most

kestrel9 ago

legendary, so it's said

SandHog ago

zyklon saying pizzagate is fake:

zyklon: QRV and pizzagate are why voat got kiked:

zyklon: pizzagate is fake:

Nice work. It's not hard to see the agenda.

kestrel9 ago

He's very likely paid, and is now bored until the troll whisperer from PV tells him what to do next.

Dismember ago

See with that and moddingGA and PV this shit was always bound to happen in some form. Too much power concentrated in one group.

Vindicator ago

Srayzie was listed as a mod in v/pizzagate but never did any modding. I added her as part of the new team I put in place after Falcon was suddenly demodded in February of 2017 because she was respected by many pizzagate researchers. I also added Blacksmith21, think-, Ben and Eric and Honeybee_, a respected pedo exposer with a YouTube channel.

The reality was that Falcon's heavy-handed administration of our draconian submission rules combined with trolls constantly whipping up hate against the mod team, had pushed morale and trust to an all-time-low. So I asked a number of respected users to join me, and we instituted the 24 Hour Grace flair -- which allowed people to edit their submissions to bring them into compliance with the onerous rules.

The one day that srayzie tried to help because several of us were AFK, as we were just rolling out the 24 Hour Grace flair, Kev took issue with a rule-breaking post that was not handled exactly right and read her the riot act and demodded Blacksmith21 before I got back to the board the next day and made the comment linked.

Srayzie found the rules too complicated to enforce under the blistering eyes of Kev. She was a mod in name only, up until the day she deleted her account.

Too much power concentrated in one group.

The only concentrated power was in the hands of Kev, who unilaterally changed the Grace Flair users had voted on, unbanned a bunch of people without consulting me or the userbase, unilaterally axed Falcon in a way that caused our only engaged and civil O at the time to quit in disgust, and demodded the only new mod I had who was willing to confront trolls (without consulting me at all), for failing to give a rule-breaking submission an edit flair in the first or second week he was on the job, still learning how to mod.

think- ago

the only new mod I had who was willing to confront trolls


Dismember ago

At least the part about Falcon I know wasn't unilateral because I was involved at that time. Anyway thanks on the rest of your info. Starting to get a picture of what went wrong .

Vindicator ago

So VictorSteinerDavion lost his shit over nothing? That seems unlikely to me. He was a highly rational guy and very measured in his assessments, much like you.

Dismember ago

I'm not sure what VictorSteiner did or didn't do after MF was removed and I'm not going to pretend I have any insight into what makes him tick. I do remember seeing him being very upset afterwards that he wasn't included or his input sought but there may have been more than that.

I really didn't take much notice after MF was removed though beyond reading what the pizzagate members reactions were to it. From my external view he was treating more than just the trolls and shit stirrers badly and everyone who was consulted on it eventually agreed to his removal, even if some were begrudging. The community was mostly supportive of him being gone. Thats my memory of it.

Vindicator ago

Yes, that's correct. Everyone agreed he became a terrible mod. In the link we're referencing above, VSD resigned as O because Kev was made an O and banned Falcon without consulting him at all. He felt it was corrupt. It's right there in his last comment before he left Voat.

Dismember ago

Yea but I don't really think thats relevant to the current situation. He might not have been aware of the process behind kevdude finally demodding MF and he was (probably rightly) pissed he wasn't included. I also remember some agitators at the time which you have named there and the warning bells they gave off to me and one of the last things I did was warn some people via PM about some of their actions at the time.

The whole reason I got into that mod removal debate in the first place is because I thought the pizzagate community needed extra protection. All of us mods and owners of PV did at the time and when they first arrived here.

Shortly after all that I gave up all my mod positions because I had personal things going on and basically left Voat, bar dropping in occasionally. I still don't have time to read everything here that goes on, much less care about some of it. What I do care about is that the people of pizzagate and GA have a place to talk about what they want to talk about. Free speech is about much more than individual expression and people who want to silence Q and PG are willing to play dirty and roll in the gutter and if you want to contest that and protect the members(lets face it a lot of them are not as equipped as the usual Voat user to deal with trolling), then you have to adapt and fight them a different way.

Vindicator ago

What I do care about is that the people of pizzagate and GA have a place to talk about what they want to talk about.

Thank you for this.

Free speech is about much more than individual expression and people who want to silence Q and PG are willing to play dirty and roll in the gutter and if you want to contest that and protect the members(lets face it a lot of them are not as equipped as the usual Voat user to deal with trolling), then you have to adapt and fight them a different way.

Yes. I would love to hear more of your thoughts on that.

Dismember ago

Just remember that also extends to people wanting to use the ProtectVoat sub to talk about issues they care about as well. Things somehow got into a huge mess over at GA and that's unfortunate but as I said right at the start of this, things don't have to be the way they are currently. There are quite a few people very happy that Voat is getting divided and they are taking notes on how to do it.

Vindicator ago

There are quite a few people very happy that Voat is getting divided and they are taking notes on how to do it.

Those jackals have always been here. Every little conflict or misstep brings them out in droves in v/pizzagate, and the community has had no way to keep that toxic spew from filling their research threads these past almost three years.

From my point of view, it's a good thing for goats to experience what we've had to. Maybe as a result, we will no longer be divided.

Dismember ago

I think PV would take the crown for the amount of troll threads it has had. Literally thousands(not an exaggeration) of threads calling for the admins death by one guy, and used to make at least 50 threads a day here at one point and did similar things in the v/whatever threatening to kill the admins and us. Another one iused to take pictures of his own shit and post them to PV. Surely you remember the numbers guy spamming the sub with 20-30 posts a day in more recent times? Goats are used to that sort of shit and probably cant understand why it would drive someone away.

kestrel9 ago

PV isn't a research sub, and I suspect the one individual you you're talking about didn't come from SBBH and didn't stand by @kevdude. So while PV was created to bait mods into behaving badly by using persistent trolling from in house trolls, that one guy probably wasn't one of them.

When one realizes the amount of drama that is created on behalf of PV, by and for PV, to flex their authority (backed by trolls), it is something to consider on whether staying on voat is worth it. When it undermines the purpose and function and free speech of users within research subs, under the guise of "protecting", considering leaving isn't the same as giving up under the pressure of an outside influence that the community is working together to deal with, because it already is a divided community.

PV only acknowledges the idea of division when they don't get their way after subversively meddling within research subs.

kestrel9 ago

I believe @Kevdude has it mistaken, I think she was invited to mod at PG very shortly (days?) after she started GA, (I have to recheck that but I'm 90% sure I read the conversation), then she stepped down from PG at some point after that.

Vindicator ago

See my comment:

I invited srayzie to the new mod team in February 2017. She had just started her own sub, though, and lacked confidence. I didn't talk her into accepting until April, once we had a team together and the new 24 Hour Grace Flair policy. She only lasted two days, though, due to the clusterfuck described in the link above, which went down in the middle of Hojuruku's rampage.

kestrel9 ago

Interesting info thank you, any idea as to why there was the roll out the carpet thread by @think- marking the occasion that @srayzie accepted @kevdude's 'invite' to be a mod ?

Vindicator ago

Yes. Our policy is to create a submission introducing any new mod or janitor, who is modding them, and why.

kestrel9 ago

From the sound of the links you provided, @kevdude likes to take power into his own hands as if subs are just there to tinker with in some social science experiment. For some reason he's been nasty to @srayzie from very early on, (rude and arrogant to many people by the sound of it). He doesn't pay attention to what's happening with subs he's rolling over. It sounds almost as if being a mod with KD is part of a troll game, but the mods don't know, but they do know something is wrong the picture. But that was then this is now and Protect Voat is busy involving itself in celebrity gossip, sounding like a gaggle of old jewish cougars speculating over dic pics and sordid tabloid details. Protect Voat is abuzz when there's an emergency!

Dismember ago

There's a lot here that just doesn't add up. All 3 of you know something the rest of us don't I think.

Tell me was she ever a mod of v/pizzagate?

Dismember ago

And what were the GA rules like before all this went down? They keep saying they couldn't ban the trolls and that led to Srayzie leaving.

kestrel9 ago

Threads to revisit

[–] kevdude [S] 3 points (+5|-2) 19 days ago (edited 19 days ago)

@zyklon_b is evidently such a fag that the only people he is capable of trolling are mentally weak boomers and oversensitive women.

@srayzie likes to ignore advice and declare herself exempt from rules others spent tremendous time and energy to establish.

As far as I am concerned it is a plague on both their houses at this point.

Dismember ago

And this is in reference to?

kestrel9 ago

TBH he was interested in having people test use the software he was working on that he said would help people organize research info. He was looking for feedback on how helpful a tool it was or could be.

kestrel9 ago

At the time I was really looking forward to helping move research off of voat and out to help the folks working on Qmap.

kestrel9 ago

You already know, remember you asked me to let you know if he contacted me after he deleted his account? I started QRSP after he showed up on Great Awakening asking researchers to help with info to add to various Qdrops. He used some of the info I and other researchers responded with. Initially I only knew him as the user Qmapcurator or something like that. BTW, he didn't contact me after that.

Gothamgirl ago

No she ran because every male on here recieved the same nude pics from her, and they were unflattering to say the least. She don't want here husband to know so she skipped out.

HollaKost ago

Dismember ago

Are you able to give a few examples of threads? I'll be back in a few hours maybe.

kestrel9 ago

for the last week....Ummm help?

uproarious laughter ensues on PV

You're in the wrong sub son, PV doesn't protect research subverses like GA from infestation of inhouse performance artists and roaming gangs of PV's troll armies. Try visiting to file a complaint. But it may make you a target, so there's that.

Dismember ago

doesn't protect research subverses like GA from infestation of inhouse performance artists and roaming gangs of PV's troll armies.

Do you think over the past year PV has made it difficult for GA community to continue to do that research? I'm specifically looking for examples of interference from here that has members of that community at risk or stopped the mods from dealing with them. Outside of the Srayzie incident because I'm up to speed on that. If we've been allowing that then it's not acceptable

@Crensch is there anyone else that can maybe help me on this or maybe you can point me in the right direction.

kestrel9 ago

Do you think over the past year PV has made it difficult for GA community to continue to do that research?


Give me a little time and I will give you examples of how I believe PV has made it difficult for GA community to function.

Dismember ago

Ok thanks I appreciate it and know its a bit to ask since it's probably already been posted. I just haven't been around the last year.

kestrel9 ago

So this is going to be a bit of a vent.

This is a an example of recent PV overreaching and interrupting the sub. Keep in mind that a lot happened before and after this post. For all his virtue signaling, @kevdude, behind the scenes, had @srayzie address (counter troll) @zyklon_b at QRV where modlogs weren't an issue for him. That's how he measures success in his mission to free people from tyranny, and justifies harassment of mods (usually reacting to PV/trolling operations) who he charges with future crimes that haven't happened.

The escalation was so predictable even @kevdude should have seen it coming, which begs the question, why does he insist on meddling in the research subs like GA and PG? Read @Vindicator's account of the misinformation @Kevdude has claimed about his role in policing pizzagate and unbanning someone who should never been unbanned. The SBBH and PV and GA drama spans subverses and platforms. imo. Given the number of various parties with an interest in derailing the sub, the issue is far more a colossal shitshow than can easily be addressed in a short time. You'd probably need a year to tease it out. I've been on here long enough to confirm that.

The best action I've seen to date to stop the cancerous effect on GA was after @crensch took over and put an end to it the @kevdude/PV/SBBH angle. Shutting out the avenues for the performance artists to make GA their stage. Reading old history about PV and @kevdude is just more of the history of the same issue, and if it can't be changed now, with a protest by people who know him best, what chance do regular users have to standing up to the manipulation and abuse and division tactics, forum sliding, off topic dissertations, low effort swill flooding, canned 'conversations' and more? Is that how they should be required to spend their time instead of researching?

Now @kevdude has released additional personal info about @crensch and @srayzie (complete with petty, personal insults about @srayzies body ffs) that has nothing to do with GA, only the interpersonal nature and potential circumstances (conflicts) and motives behind his obsession in interfering with GA.

He told untruths about where the pics came from (involved yet another PG troll, anti GA/anti Trumper who @srayzie unfortunately befriended and @kevdude apparently meddled in that PG drama involving his being banned/unbanned. Honestly, who can keep track of this, who wants to keep track of it? Refer again to @Vindicator for info if necessary).

But @srayzie is not the "THE STANDARD BEARER OF PV" as @kevdude called himself. She doesn't make the far reaching decisions for voat as a whole. Her personal foilbles aren't on trial, she was well liked by the subscribers of the sub she built. Her effectiveness as an owner and mod on GA was undermined by PV trying to micro manage the issues into their template. imo.

@kevdude has admitted to @crensch (don't have link handy) that he could care less about the current users of GA (because there's always a hurt party) and expressed disdain that they didn't engage in enough downvoting. He had advised that no more rules be made to help them with shitposters (presumably because he thought they deserve what they get if they don't behave the way he wants).

He is NOT an advocate for users on Voat (other than the trolls perhaps). Meanwhile @zyklon_b had sent people to purposefully troll for downvotes and bans. And my question was to PV, how is this reconcilable? Down votes feeds the trolls in that scenario, bans feed the trolls when that is the reason they are there.

All these accounts and reasons sum up why research sites deserve more independence to function with out the outside dysfunction of performance art, non accountable shitposters and their satire and manufactured rage over being banned as if they ever intended to participate on the research site in good faith. My contention, and I posted it response to @crensch address to the sub users, is this:

GA is a Research subverse with a focus on research, for researchers and Qanon supporters at large. I want to declare that threads infested and co-opted with shitposters are defacto shit posting threads and the comments can be deleted by Mods.

They have no restrictions in their subs, they are protected everywhere they go, and they spread the culture of their subs all over voat, but most perniciously it seems, within research subs. I would want admin @puttitout more formally recognize that research subs have a right to exist as such, having their own culture (not to say that people don't debate research obviously), but with the same protection that PV has given to shitposters and porn subs based on their 'culture' and their respective 'purpose.'

zyklon_b ago

BTA stands with free speech and @kevdude

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @kestrel9.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @kestrel9.

Posted automatically (#47669) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@zyklon_b: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @kestrel9)

kestrel9 ago

Every artists deserves a patron, I will forever consider him the Patron Saint of BTA.

zyklon_b ago

u lost

kestrel9 ago

u mad

Dismember ago

Alright thanks for that perspective. For the last part I think we had an unspoken agreement that Pizzagate was this type of research sub and was to be treated with that in mind. Somewhere in the last two years Q should have been given the same considerations. I suspect there is also a lot unsaid and some personal issues involved behind the scenes, as the pictures and PM's flying around suggest, that have made this issue worse than it should have been. Either way, the community has spoken there about what they want and seem happy about it. Whether that works out for them time will tell.

As for PuttItOut, I assume if he doesn't like what is happening he will step in to help communities out like he has done before but thats up to him and he is probably reluctant to do anything much at all right now after the last two weeks or so.

kestrel9 ago

Thank you for taking the time to be open to reevaluating the Q sub as needing the same considerations as PG. I agree, the personal story behind the story shouldn't be a distraction from users being able to go on about their business. At the moment I don't think it is, as most of the discussion was moved away from the sub itself (which makes sense).

kestrel9 ago

No problem, thanks for your consideration.

Crensch ago

You could start by factoring in that @srayzie was one of the best researchers on the board. What's she doing now?

Dismember ago

Yea I get that side and have seen that. I think its easy to point the finger at you and say bad mod but there's an obvious reaction happening to things sliding too far the other way. kestrel from this same thread is going to help me out further.

Two years ago us PV mods pretty much all agreed that pizzagate was going to a special case and the users there needed protection since they were going to go after some pretty powerful people. I'm thinking now GA should have been considered the same and I wonder why that hasn't been the case. The trolls and shitposters have two other Q subs where anything goes, do they not? Anyway, I see you have since asked the community for input and thats a great move. If what they decide means PV gets told to fuck off, then it wont be the first time.

PS: Personally I think the shitposting sub comparisons are unnecessary and a bit confusing for your community. If you need stricter rules to stop your members being targeted just say that. But whatever.
