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kestrel9 ago

I agree that GA needs to declare independence from the "3.5 year old tyranny that is not sanctioned by the admin of this site".

I want it to declare it independent as a Research subverse with a focus on research, for researchers and Qanon supporters at large. I want to declare that threads infested and co-opted with shitposters are defacto shit posting threads and the comments can be deleted by Mods.

They have no restrictions in their subs, they are protected everywhere they go, and they spread the culture of their subs all over voat, but most perniciously it seems, within research subs. I would want admin @puttitout more formally recognize that research subs have a right to exist as such, having their own culture (not to say that people don't debate research obviously), but with the same protection that PV has given to shitposters and porn subs based on their 'culture' and their respective 'purpose.'

It's impossible to participate in a research site when bogus subs with agendas like @kevdude's vision and status quo within PV come over and harangue the mods by sending or enabling a culture of shitposters to run around voat unchecked.

I ask you all to pardon my PV-related transgressions against you by removing shitposters and their posts and comments without citing a reason for each?

I pardon all your decisions to remove shitposters and personally believe you did nothing wrong within the context of the preceding events that necessitated your becoming owner of the subverse.

DammitMan ago

I love this! All of it.

29again ago

They have no restrictions in their subs, they are protected everywhere they go, and they spread the culture of their subs all over voat, but most perniciously it seems, within research subs. I would want admin @puttitout more formally recognize that research subs have a right to exist as such, having their own culture (not to say that people don't debate research obviously), but with the same protection that PV has given to shitposters and porn subs based on their 'culture' and their respective 'purpose.'

This, 100%!

Crensch ago

Thank you.


kestrel9 ago

Thank you!