fuchs_davis ago

But you never explained how porn sculpture is speech but porn photos aren't. In fact, when I pointed to an example (a sculpture of a Roman cucking a Sabine male and taking his female), you just said, "is it a photo?".

You switch back and forth between Pornos and Photographia as your justification for "not speech". I don't want to have this argument with you in this differently topic'd thread. I made a post in a proper subverse about it and you never responded to it.

Now, we have to deal with the fact that I am targeted now for silencing.

It's so stupid. Stupid. That reasonable critique is beaten out by ad hominem and straw man attacks.

If I leave a comment on your post, take some snippets of your words out of context, and accuse you of being a Jew pedo shill, that's enough to get you ignored on this platform.

What's degenerate is changing the definition of speech to suit the politically correct climate.

You can combat bad speech without adopting idiosyncratic definitions of stuff, you know.

theoldones ago

when shills kvetch, you're usually doing something right

fuchs_davis ago

Well, it's in your name, so it must be true.

fuchs_davis ago

No, I don't. @kevdude does not believe that photos are speech. I try to engage him in debate about it, and he declines. So I share with you, because he needs to be accountable to the free speech principle.

He degenerated that discussion to the point of child porn, because he couldn't defend his position and kept moving the goalposts. Ask him point blank.

Kev, are photographs a form of speech? Why or why not?

theoldones ago

No, I don't. @kevdude does not believe that photos are speech

you fucking what mate? are you trolling us right now?

this sounds like bullshit.

fuchs_davis ago

What's up with being a target for defamation? Check my posts and comments more closely. I've already answered everything you said.

Yeah, child porn is speech. What the fuck, man? Is stolen cash not money? Give your head a shake.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I don't expect you to be my personal army. But I expect you to be a responsible individual and actively refrain from degenerating the debate around here.

It's Voat going through a phase. It's what happens. At times like these, it's best to sit back and let it run its natural course. Those in charge like @kevdude know what they are doing because they've been doing it for a long time. Him as well as others always steer the ship in the right direction, though sometimes the ship may lose its course during a storm.

Focus on the other aspects of Voat. The political discussions, the memes, the humor et all. @Puttitout has successful gotten Voat to where it's at now. A little drama won't stop that.

fuchs_davis ago

Kevdude is not perfect. He does not believe that photographs are speech, for example.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Nobody is perfect, not you, not I nor Putt but some have been steering the ship for a long time and no captain is perfect. You must be willing to disagree but understand some decisions are made for the betterment of the crew. I know my analogy may be silly but its the easiest way to explain it.

fuchs_davis ago

We're in the middle of a sea of icebergs. There might be ways to navigate out of here. But they're not going to be found if everyone with something to say about the icebergs is automatically court marshalled for mutiny.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

There might be ways to navigate out of here.

We've made it this far. I've seen it. Just remain quiet right now in regards to all the drama. Let others hash it out and chime in when you see fit, such as this post.

RockmanRaiden ago

People are retards. Other retards follow. Some "goats" are acting like Twatters. Familarize yourself with Vic Mignonia's case. He got #MeToo'd by a similar group.

virge ago

Oh you poor subversive drama queen. An army of one tells you he's done trying to convince you to save Voat, and now you declare yourself a target.

Amusingly, demonstrating the very same guilt and virtue signalling tactics I accused you of, in the very same paragraph you copied your selectively picked quote from no less. https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3253353/18964392

Subversive faggots are hilariously transparent. Nobody cares, anyone with a brain can see right through you and all the rest of the useless piece of shit welfare eaters don't have skin in the game to begin with.

Keep crying to an audience of none.

Le_Squish ago

How many innocent bystanders have you attacked for daring to disagree with you?

The whore and white knights you defended have been outed. The titties and dick sucking picks have been seen by many. You should probably avoid making a further fool of yourself.

Dismember ago

dick sucking picks


So were these sent by the same person that sent the titty pics? Because that makes a lot of difference.

virge ago

The whore and white knights you defended have been outed.

Squish, I think you have me confused for someone else. Who are you accusing me of being, exactly?

I've never even interacted with the crowd you're referring to, let alone defended them. If you're accusing me of being someone else, I've interacted with you enough over the years to at least expect you to say the name - because I need a good instance when all this is said and done that I can poke you with with for a mutual laugh.

Le_Squish ago

You have been attacking innocent bystanders.

Your bullshit world salad doesn't change that. Disagreeing with you is not an attack. Typing long paragraphs does not make you right.

You'll just edit and delete your comments anyway later. Glad you showed your true colors.

virge ago

So which is it, did I defend some group of users you have no evidence I defended, or am I attacking "innocent bystanders" who are attacking me first?

Holy shit, you're also subverting. I get it now.

Le_Squish ago

How it be:

  • Attack innocent goats
  • Delete comments of those attacks
  • Play innocent because no proof
  • Do the "No you" thing in multiple paragraphs of circular "arguments"
  • Pretend to have been being reasonable all along.

Repeat ad infinitum. Except you suck and pick really innocuous targets so you at best, look like a jackass.

virge ago

Simple way to demonstrate how Le_Squish is lying: any user can use SearchVoat.co and see my posts, so the only thing deleting them on Voat does is effectively neutralize the collective effort of all of the subversive parasites I spent a week drawing attention to myself specifically to accomplish.

It was nothing more than a simple social experiment. Could I kick the hornets nests of both groups of faggots on Voat who are enemies of Putt and want to see Voat die, tie up their collective resources to whatever capacity I had at my disposal, and then in the end just delete the posts entirely thereby effectively nullifying all of the time the subversive parasites spent chasing me around downvoting everything. What might really cook your noodle later is the simple question of what a dozen people doing the same thing I did might accomplish to these organized subversion groups resources.

It's simple root cause analysis and causality at play. I determined Voat was being targeted by various people and/or groups, all with the chaotic yet singular purpose of taking over Voat from Putt through subversion, vote manipulation, narrative phrasing, etc.

Enemies of Putt's are enemies of mine because Putt and I see eye to eye on Free Speech, so now I have both identified the enemies, including their various factions and sub-factions, in addition to a long list of people who did the following behavior:

  • Accused me of being someone I am not, either directly or indirectly like Le_Squish. What are the reasonable explanations for this? One is legitimate confusion, but it happened so many times and I was never accused of being the same user twice that I remember, so I have a hard time analyzing what this is other than people being too tinfoil hat or paranoid. Easy to determine, since I'm not those people.
  • Attempted to paint some ridiculous emotional negativity associated with me deleting my post history, almost always while knowing full well nothing is ever deleted on the Internet and between SearchVoat.co and archives one can easily still see my post history, so this is a strategy used to intentionally discredit me as an individual using manipulation.
  • Various users of no allegiance can simply be deconstructed by their post history to be exhibiting the common symptoms of one or more personality and mental disorders. Chaos human factor and all, so these ones are impossible (looking at you, Dial).

It's posts like these I won't delete, because the post is purely to illuminate something for myself in the future, and for the observer with a reasonable curiosity to both read and verify the validity of. That user needs to decide if they are with or against Putt, because this is the kind of behavior being done daily to the entire community by the users against Putt.

Le_Squish ago

Thank you for the demonstration.

virge ago

I appreciate your participation leading to the conclusion where I can begin the sharing phase. Discovery, analysis, and countermeasures have all been prepared.

fuchs_davis ago

See? Imagine what he would do if he also knew how I voted.

virge ago

That's exactly why you're so afraid of transparency. It shows if your actions are true to your voting. And yours probably aren't.

I don't care how a 30-day old sock puppet votes. You're literally talking into the abyss. Nobody cares. I imagine if I saw how you voted it'd either prove you were honest about what you say and we'd agree to disagree, or it'd prove you're a lying subverisve faggot (which is pretty evident already).

You won. Congratulations!

fuchs_davis ago

Nobody cares

Do you see how disingenuous this is? Whatever his first crack at a comment was, was deleted 1.9 minutes ago and then he replaced it with this. If nobody cared, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Now, if I may don my tinfoil hat for a moment:

Circa 2016, Media Matters realised how affective this site was becoming and infiltrated. They pull tactics like Two Truths and a Lie. And when you agree to the two truths, that prepares the canvas to paint you as the liar, too.

They saw we were Right Wing. They saw we had an Amalek problem, which we tolerated for the free speech principle. So they amplified his message, two truths and a lie'd it, and when you laughed along and posted your own Amalekian meme, boom! Discredited. Now you don't just tolerate it, it's you. And in the future when you run for Congress, your online trace will be used to disqualify or defeat you.

If you argue against the lie, even if you acknowledge the truths, you will also be preparing the canvas to ruin yourself.

They noticed we had a jailbait problem, which we tolerate for the free speech principle. They virtue signalled against it with two truths and a lie. And when you argued against the lie, boom! Discredited. Now you don't just tolerate it, it's you.

These tactics work. Look how many people have left the site.

I am not afraid of transparency. That's why I don't delete my comment history. I just don't want to give a tool to these subverters to make their job even easier.

Knowing how an individual votes could even help them tailor their propaganda, not just to defame the individual, but even to convert him or her to the cause.

Dismember ago

Who were you talking to and about in this thread? The thread link leads to nothing and all the comments here are deleted.

fuchs_davis ago

Dismember ago

Alright, thanks. I have to say this user strikes me as familiar somehow in their language but I can't quite pin it yet.

virge ago

I am not afraid of transparency. That's why I don't delete my comment history. I just don't want to give a tool to these subverters to make their job even easier.

Yup. Sock puppet. A 1 month old account I've interacted with maybe 5 times total deciding to use the "I don't delete my post history" troupe is a tried and true subversive tactic used by all the same players.

Thanks, I finally isolated which one you are by the commonality you used in typing. Appreciate the long blurbs, they were helpful.

fuchs_davis ago

See? And now, if I answer his deflection instead of redirecting it back to my thesis, which is that I've been targetted for defamation to mitigate my reasonable critique, he frames the debate.

I guess I should have added "sock puppet" to my list of ad hominem deflections in my last paragraph, there.

virge ago

The difference between us is I am having a conversation with you and you are virtue signaling to an imaginary audience of none.

virge ago

I don't care how a 30-day old sock puppet votes. You're literally talking into the abyss. Nobody cares.

You won. Congratulations!