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mimes4peace ago

What if it was delayed?


damn. got him.

virge ago

And the subversives who are desperately afraid of voting transparency because it shows their parasitic behavior of abusing the voting system while saying something different than their actions will continue to downvote you.

So have an upvote to counter the parasite faggots.

fuchs_davis ago

I gave your proposal the benefit of the doubt, as evidenced on your OP. I entertained the notion. But after careful consideration, I disagree.

Revealing votes, even after archive, removes the checks @Atko put in place against peer pressure.

I don't want you to punish me for disagreeing with you. I don't want to be stigmatised as whatever the ad hominem of the day is.

You talk about subversion. But subversion is when you uss a purported problem as a pretext to enact a "solution", which serves ulterior motives.

Your proposals would be convenient for the vocal minority who already try to be demagogues here. So I don't trust it.

virge ago

Fine by me, party like it's 1999. Reap what you sow and all that, these people are killing Voat and if your opinion is to do nothing then the end results are deserved.

fuchs_davis ago

Please don't put words in my mouth to make your argument easier. I did not advocate doing nothing. I simply don't agree with your proposed solution.

Worse than nothing is being done. Known vote-manipulators and doxers have been reinstated.

virge ago

Please don't put words in my mouth to make your argument easier. I did not advocate doing nothing. I simply don't agree with your proposed solution.

It's pretty clear the current behavior has shelled out Voat's userbase. It wasn't even a year ago there were 10x more active, and three years ago I recall seeing all the posts on the front page with 3-4 thousand upvotes per.

If it is obvious the current direction is terminal, and you both advocate against any ideas offered as well as offer none of your own, how else can your passive actions be interpreted as complicit in the inevitable destruction?

Riddle me this, sherlock. It's not putting words into your mouth, it's observing the reality that you either don't care about, or are pleased with because you're part of the problem. I don't see you offering a third option.

fuchs_davis ago

You are deflecting from your own idea not being so good.

When I come up with a better idea than what we have right now, I'll share it. Just like I honestly gave your proposal consideration and eventually dismissed it as without merit. Good day.

virge ago

You are deflecting from your own idea not being so good.

I don't give a shit about my own idea being good or bad, I just want to see Voat grow instead of stop dying.

When I come up with a better idea than what we have right now, I'll share it. Just like I honestly gave your proposal consideration and eventually dismissed it as without merit. Good day.

Yeah. Ok. Well good luck solving that problem without putting any effort into it before it's too late. Oops, already too late.

Parasites win because of people like you, so in my opinion you're either a parasite or nothing more than a welfare eater which is just as bad.

You've just picked a side, and you've declared yourself my enemy. I still consider us friends, but I'll be forced to treat what you say as hostile. Don't take it personally, I suspect you don't care either way since your last few messages have suddenly incorporated heavy guilt and virtue signal overtones. I watch those tactics change mid-sentence all day long with dozens of users so it's nothing new to see again with another account.