SearchVoatBot ago

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SandHog ago

Something clearly needs to change with the TOS. Vote manipulation, doxing and I would also throw in people who actively seek to harm Voat by destroying communities should be held accountable for their actions. A universal code of conduct seems like a good idea for both users and moderators. Key word being 'universal'. There should not be two sets of rules when it comes to bans and removal of comments based on whether a sub is considered a 'shitpost' sub or not. Full stop.

Currently it is Animal Farm up in here.

virge ago

Depends on if he comes back I guess.

The only question you both should be asking. @kevdude @Crensch

Crensch ago

I'm already there, but it's not exactly an answer to my question.

virge ago

Depends on if he comes back I guess.

The only question you both should be asking. @kevdude

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/PVTantrums submission by @Crensch.

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Crensch ago

Has the discussion happened, or is it the Wild West?

Depends on if he comes back I guess.

I asked a question about the present.

You respond with a pondering of the future.

That's not an answer, it's an evasion.

Try again?

Crensch ago

More evasion.

The question:

Has the discussion happened, or is it the Wild West?

Crensch ago

No. The admin is a pretty big part of all of this now.

Still an evasion.

Crensch ago

Notice the quotes?

I want them to be able to complain about me. I want them to be able to support other users.

They're free to do that right now.

It's pretty on-topic to discuss other users in any subverse. The dialogue needs to be there if someone is disruptive.

Crensch ago


Crensch ago

Did you feel powerful silencing someone for having the nerve to mock you?


Nah. I felt like I did the right thing.

Do you feel powerful silencing mods that have the nerve to do something you don't like? You did that with hojuruku, you know. Your little "kiss the ring" moment? Well, one of them, at least.

Crensch ago

"A mod subjectively censoring discussion is worse than an environment where you might stumble across some degenerate images"

Or "An environment where you could stumble on some depictions of child porn is preferable to one where a mod bans the kinds of users that post it."

Crensch ago

"No meta posts focusing on moderators or users"

"Then we can't complain about our mods!"


Crensch ago

Why are you so thin skinned that you have to remove something like that?

Thin skinned? Kek. I removed it because it was extremely misleading, and that doing so killed the @rotteuxx faggot that wanted to pick a fight over it.

Maybe I should have stickied it instead?

Except my first goal is to protect the users of /GA. A flair, or otherwise, might not have gotten disappointed to flair your PV circlejerk post "resolved".

Rotteuxx ago

Thin skinned? Kek.

You've been throwing a tantrum for a week straight now.

I removed it because it was extremely misleading, and that doing so killed the @rotteuxx faggot that wanted to pick a fight over it.

killed the @rotteuxx faggot

Words of a fucking loser.

Seriously, trolling apart, this is what you've displayed for everyone to see, that you're a fucking loser who needs to get a life or at the very least needs to get laid.

but I'm kind of wrecking them as I go.

So wrecked

It's about the end user that is ultimately hurt and driven away by some of the most immature hypocrites I've ever had the displeasure of getting to know.

No, it's about you having a thorn in your ass because your little princess poked the bear and got what she was looking for by being an outright cunt.

Why aren't the 13k GA suscribers protesting alongside you ?

Get help Crensch, you're emotionally unbalanced and obsessively fighting windmills.

Crensch ago

You've been throwing a tantrum for a week straight now.

As of right now, you're next.

Words of a fucking loser.

Butthurt that you didn't get your war?

Seriously, trolling apart, this is what you've displayed for everyone to see, that you're a fucking loser who needs to get a life or at the very least needs to get laid.

Coming from someone like you, that's a compliment.

So wrecked


No, it's about you having a thorn in your ass because your little princess poked the bear and got what she was looking for by being an outright cunt.

Still white-knighting for @Trigglypuff, I see. She acted like an emotional fronthole and you not only wouldn't call her out on it, you supported her in the attacking of another fronthole.

Man, you're really ALPHA, or a REAL MAN, or whatever it is you think you are.

Why aren't the 13k GA suscribers protesting alongside you ?

They don't need to. They probably took one look at what was happening, and figured I had this in the bag. They weren't wrong.

Get help Crensch, you're emotionally unbalanced and obsessively fighting windmills.

You faggots just can't stand it. You have to paint me as emotionally/psychologically compromised in order to feel better about getting called out for your bullshit.

These past few days really have been glorious.

Rotteuxx ago

100 more lines of cognitive dissonance for the win !

Crensch ago

Another low-effort comment suggesting you're incapable of responding in any way you could be proud of.

Rotteuxx ago

97 more lines ftw !

Crensch ago

Must suck to realize you are unequipped to respond.

I can't imagine the hit to my morale if I were in your shoes.

Rotteuxx ago

95 more lines and maybe you'll get a clue !

Crensch ago

Are you a welder because you're not smart enough to do anything but basic menial tasks?

Rotteuxx ago

0/10 for effort.

Effort is looked down upon where you're from, apparently. Let that sink in.


Crensch ago


Sorry, but that's at least an 8/10.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Oh he is very emotional. Nigger-tier emotional. His level of arrogance is amazing. I've never seen anyone in denial at the levels that he is. Based on his comments that I've been reading, he sees himself as a king on a throne and that everybody else are Voat peasants. This is "born rich nerd" behavior. No matter how much you slap them in the face with the dick of truth they keep their fingers in their ears, hence, why we ear fuck them. A man who is not willing to admit when he is wrong isn't a man.

ExpertShitposter ago

@Crensch boi, you have now made 2 new subs for exposing SBBH "tantrums", and you also have 2 anti-PV subs. All of that counts as you having tantrums.

Crensch ago

@Crensch boi, you have now made 2 new subs for exposing SBBH "tantrums", and you also have 2 anti-PV subs.

2 subs for SBBH tantrums? Are you claiming my PV tantrums one as SBBH, too, ES?

I figured you guys and kev were close, but that's ridiculous.

I have SBBHtantrums, PVtantrums, and an alternative to PV not run by a dishonest user that refuses to take any responsibility for his actions. No regets, even, after admitting he was wrong. No apologies. No anything that would suggest he's a regular human.

All of that counts as you having tantrums.

"wen u point out are hypocrisy ur having tantrum"


ExpertShitposter ago

ProtectGoats [O] - tantrum

PVTantrums [O] - tantrum

QisLegitCMM [O] - tantrum

SBBHTantrums [O] - tantrum

Shitlist [O] - shouldn't be tantrum, but it is

VoatHistory [O] - shouldn't be tantrum, but it is

wen u point out are hypocrisy

I didn't even read most of stuff in this thread. Am bussy having some other people throw tantrums at me rite now. Wish i could code so i can make my own voat. With blackjack and WD40. Then i could ban all those who suggest moderation.

Putt once actually told me off with "learn to code" when i was drunk ranting in voatdev. Was all jokes on both sides lol.

Crensch ago

QisLegitCMM [O] - tantrum

Giving you all a place to show how pathetic your anti-Q arguments are?



ExpertShitposter ago

Well, maybe if you wouldn't ban such discussion within GA itself......then we wouldn't need that sub. That sub is literally born out of your tantrum.

Crensch ago

GA is a certified circle jerk and shitposting sub. You're taking the internet way too seriously.

That's how this works, right?

ExpertShitposter ago

Criticizing the Q cult is shitposting.

That how this works?

Crensch ago

Is this a tantrum?

I do think you're missing the hypocrisy and double standards at play here.

ExpertShitposter ago

no u

Crensch ago

TIL making subverses in which to place submissions = tantrum.

VoatHistory? HAHAHAHA yeah? How's that? So I can keep an archive of what I've done... and that's somehow a tantrum? Shitlist? So I can even remember what or when these faggots did what they did?

I didn't even read most of stuff in this thread.

I bet.

Am bussy having some other people throw tantrums at me rite now over a wd40 posting. Wish i could code so i can make my own voat. With blackjack and WD40. Then i could ban all those who suggest moderation.

Apparently a tantrum is anything you don't like, now. Sounds like ((())) tactics.

ExpertShitposter ago

Doode, look at your self. If you include pizzgate mods, 7/10 subs you own are dedicated to complaining about how much other goats are shit.

People are telling me i cant post WD40 in gun subs, because they fell for the big oil liquid jew.

Crensch ago

Yeah. You guys have made sure that those subs are taken somewhat seriously if not completely seriously about you guys being shit.

And sbbh banned and removed some of Srayzie's comments and submissions. So?

ExpertShitposter ago

gabara was being a fag, what can i do.

Crensch ago

Not be a hypocrite when your own mods are doing what you are lambasting another for?

ExpertShitposter ago

i say shit to him from time to time. and those comments were probably deleted as some "revenge" against srzy's deletion of gabara's stuff.

in any case, i speak as an individual, against your actions, and with accountability only for my own actions.

Crensch ago

So you say something to him from time to time. Is that the same thing you do with me?

Crensch ago

Kek. That first night. Yes. When I was wanting to see who would come out of the woodwork, and you had everyone thinking I'd lost my mind or that it broke.

That was fun. It still eats at you and gives you a very inaccurate gauge for my current state of mind. You can't reconcile the two.

Did you like how it escalated to me not really giving a fuck about the reason? I thought it was a nice touch.

Oi, kev. Dunchu knoe is all performance art?

Straw man all you want. I made my point.

It's not a straw man at all. It's a valid perception of your words.

Crensch ago

Or mod that subjectively moderates is worse than mods who don't.

"Loli content is better than content devoid of useless shitposters."

I was just looking at the reactive comments in your modlog. Is there a better term for emotion-driven reactivity?

Is there some support for your begging the question that it's emotion-driven?

Crensch ago

Sounds like a @she problem. Posts praising the rulers are ok, posts criticizing them are not. Maybe decide if it's appropriate to make meta posts about the mods.

Are you being deliberately obtuse?

Both SEEMED to be pro-mod. One obviously wasn't, if one were to look at it without rose-tinted glasses.

It got a lot of upvotes simply from being positive, and the user was going around acting like a rabid, devout follower.

Write me a rule for that.

Crensch ago

You just admitted it wasn't just SBBHA

Ok. Mod that removes SBBH-types is worse than loli.

Did that help?

Not in the absence of rule breaking behavior.

Then why delineate at all?

But I was pointing out how quick your "I was banning muh sbbh trolls and taking a stand" falls apart once you see you were crying because srayzie left and were just lashing out at anyone pointing out dissonant cognitions.

Man, some part of you just NEEDS me to be cucked and emotionally compromised, doesn't it?

Does the original act still needle your mind?

Lashing out? Kek. Every post I've made has sources for my claims about behaviours of others. "Lashing out" is what overemotional betas say to me when they're cornered, kev.

Crensch ago

Tweak submission rules. PG is pretty tight.

Write me a rule that allows me to ban the guy that wrote that troll "support" post for me without banning myself for what I wrote to try and support srayzie while she was still O. Write one that allows me to remove the post.

Define behavior and ban based on it.

See above.

How are you stopping that now? Banned users can still vote. Is that my fault too?

Can't, but you can remove them from being able to upvote their own content to the top.

Crensch ago

What happens when I don't magically lose all my principles and give in to emotion and reactive impulses?

What happens when I don't adapt to the changing tactics of the bad guys, and instead give in to my cult-like adherence to a 3 year old doctrine that is clearly paving the way for the worst aspects of Voat to do almost anything they want to do?

Depends on if he comes back I guess.

You know that's not an answer to my question. It's an evasion.

Crensch ago

I wish there was an alternative that didn't have a powertripping mod ruling it according to his own personal whim.

Got it. Mod that removes SBBH is worse than loli.


So it starts with the trolls then spreads to unaffiliated users.

So you're saying that banning them for affiliation is OK?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @Vindicator.

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Crensch ago

Your modlog is empty of loli.

Your point? You're still directing users to where it is posted with impunity.

Filled with a lot of people who you didn't agree with.

So what if it is?

And I think loli should be removed.

But you'll send them to QRV. Square that circle for me, kev.

There were a few. Some were not SBBH . Or is everyone you banned SBBH? Or is it just because you labeled them as such?

Oh, sure, the seguhe... whateverthefuck, Peaceseeker maybe. I did check their comment histories before banning. Nearly to the man, SBBH in the histories. The rest I probably banned just to make a point that they don't have to be linked to that, either.

Maggotbait88 ago

Crensch: Of course they're banned, they posted Loli!"

Kevdude: They didn't post loli

Crensch: What does it matter?

Wow looks like Crensch is dishonest

Crensch ago

Crensch: Of course they're banned, they posted Loli!"

Didn't happen.

Maggotbait88 ago

"Oh, heaven forbid I remove some of your friends from being able to post"

"Yes. Where loli is posted."

"If they want to see loli and constant shitstirring by your buddies, that's fine with me. No sweat off my back."


I can see why you have the reputation that you do.

Crensch ago


Not implying anything.

I can see why you have no reputation at all.

Maggotbait88 ago

No u

Crensch ago

Unlimited alts, vote brigades, and spamming their (rule-abiding but otherwise horseshit) shit to the top of the subverse.

How would you deal with that, kev? There are no bannings for those things now until further notice, am I right?

Crensch ago

Oh I know you're lost. It's obvious. Have the shitposters left the site yet?

Nah, not lost. The shitposters won't just yet. Their collective pussy pass is still figuring out why he's wrong.

Not clear. It is vague. Something that is going to result in a siteban should be spelled out better. Putt himself said that a discussion has to happen.

Has the discussion happened, or is it the Wild West?

Crensch ago

And they fetter the users and mods from doing anything about the SBBH faggots.

Crensch ago

If they want to see loli and constant shitstirring by your buddies,

I forgot I am responsible for how every user exercises their free speech.

You said:

Just like now we would tell people to stay away from your sub and just go to qrv because it isn't modded by cancer.

Yes. Where loli is posted. I never said you were responsible for it, but you ARE responsible for sending them where it's clear the mods have no intention of removing loli.


A safe space. Because they can't downvote trolls and removing rulebreaking submissions and banning rulebreakers isn't enough.

You're really stuck on this. I did that to get a rise out of everyone that was going to get butthurt about it. And to hopefully slap you all in the face. Yeah, I'll be that bad guy if it wakes you all the fuck up.

Are you even listening to yourself?

Yeah, are you? Putt called it the Wild West, kevdude.

Do you think that if my users had any issue with what I've done, they would have spoken out? Who complained on PV, kev? Was it SBBH? I bet it was.

Crensch ago

I have no credibility because I'm giving them what they want?

They had what they wanted, kev. They had you. They had the PV guidelines. Now they're just exercising them all over anyone they don't like.

Crensch ago

Part of what needs to happen if you really want results is revision of the TOS that clearly defines terms like "dox", "threatened harm" etc.

We don't have that. What now?

You shit on the rules while saying we need new rules.

Did I say that? Maybe in passing, "you need new rules". Not "we". The point is that your current rules are useless digital tampons.

Good rules address the problem without going overboard.

I'd say we're in agreement.

Right now there was a school shooting and you are demanding common sense gun laws.

No. There was a school shooting and the completely disarmed (by PV) staff finally armed someone.

What laws have I demanded, kev? How does that analogy work at all?

People agree something needs to be done, but how much power do the people need to give up and will it even solve the problem?

Who gave up power? PV? I don't see the users giving up anything. Well, the shitposters lost a nice carpet to shit on.

I feel for you, bud. I spent over a week agonizing over this shit, trying to find some truth or reason left in my position at that point.

I found none.

Crensch ago

People didn't react the way you wanted them to and throw an immediate shit fit. So now you're throwing a tantrum.

What was I defending, kev? All this time? Users that didn't think what he was doing was disgusting enough to wake up, even after he doxxed his own girlfriend to pedos. We don't know what was going on in PMs, or how much info he really had. All we know is that he kept threatening to kill her kids. Both of their kids.

What was it going to take to wake people up, kev? I wanted to know. There was more to it, of course, but even just that would be enough.

What was I defending? What were we protecting? Fuck, dude, I know you suspect me of all things under the sun, and I don't blame you, but after what I put together, there were fucking crickets. I have ALWAYS gone after the worst offenders, and there was ALWAYS a pretty big backlash against them.

Crickets, man. My backup before were the bad guys... or people that had left the site. Which? I don't know.

Was there anything or anyone left to defend?

Apparently, just the rules.

Crensch ago

I don't know you're just the first person to describe what you're doing as "wrecking them". I just see somebody with no credibility arguing with other people with no credibility.

You know my credibility is mostly intact with anyone that engages honestly.

One change in position and some action that wakes people up, and somehow I have no credibility?

Thank you, too, for bringing up a very important point:

They have no credibility. Why is that, kev?

Crensch ago

And if you look the current system is just how we will deal with subverses. We tell people to stay away from those shitposts subs. Just like now we would tell people to stay away from your sub and just go to qrv because it isn't modded by cancer.

Oh, heaven forbid I remove some of your friends from being able to post there! gasp

If they want to see loli and constant shitstirring by your buddies, that's fine with me. No sweat off my back.

Or they can come to a tranquil place that removes those that would harm it and the users.

You're not seeing the big picture here, I think.

Crensch ago

Most users on this site aren't seeing any of this.

I'm outnumbered.

"everyone else" - is that the people you associate with?

Crensch ago

He was a PV mod and could have stickied a thread like Luther nailing his objections to the church door.

Like when I made the Zyklon post that should maybe have been in PV but wasn't, but it didn't matter anyway because nobody was awake enough to give a damn?

YOU could have stickied that one to PV, talked about it, made your own post.

After all, my post wasn't about a mod, or about vote manipulation. It was a well-deserved hit-piece on a user. Didn't want to tarnish the PV brand, you know?

I guess I should have known, though, the RULES would galvanize people more than finding out they had a JEW NIGGER threatening kids.

Crensch ago

So v/greatawakening is a shitposting sub. Got it. Good to know.

I'm sure all the users will be heartbroken to hear that those outside of the sub won't take them seriously.

Can't deal with them while we fight each other. But hey, isn't that what jews do?

Maybe you haven't noticed, but I'm kind of wrecking them as I go. They have little-to-nothing to say about their double standard hypocrisy.

Go look at your modlog. Then apologize to every user who worked to create a site that is open.

Buh... buht it's a SHITPOSTING SUB KEV!

aint pologizin' to no un! ALL IS SATIRE right?

Just because some users have abused it doesn't mean the system is at fault. Okay Cringe?

The fact that my previous 2 lines of response are valid in the current system means the system is beyond fucked. Okay kevdump?

SandHog ago

What? Agree to let mods delete comments and ban users who have not broken rules?


I have said I am open to opening up another PV discussion to go over the subverse policy and make changes based on community input. To say that he was not receptive would be fair.

Maybe just do it then? I can't speak for him and I don't know what you guys have or haven't talked about.


SandHog ago

Fair point. I can see where you are coming from. As for the dramafagging, as much as I dislike it, I think it probably is necessary in a way. That's the tool the trolls used to sway people's opinions and it worked even though it was all based on manufactured bullshit.

Everything that has been done leading up to all of this appears to be by design. This entire thread was full of just that.

And his attitude is that he is enlightened and he knows best and he is going to rip it all down. PV was always about consensus.

I think he'll come around if you do.

SandHog ago

It seems the most logical explanation. All those people you mentioned are good people. I have zero doubts about that. The only time any of those people intentionally did anything 'against the rules' was when they were provoked or manipulated into by said trolls. None of them are power mods. They have no history of being power mods. @Crensch pulling his stunt is clearly an attempt to force the issue and bring this stuff to light.

SandHog ago

There's definitely a conspiracy going on here but I do not believe that is it. I think the dms @srayzie posted make it pretty clear that it's more about someone controlling Voat than it is pushing for censorship. I'm also curious why you seem to be pointing the finger at the very same people who have been targeted in all of this. That makes no sense at all to me given what I know of the situation.

My theory is that the information in those DMs is true and that is why she reacted the way she did, attacking srayzie, after they were made public.

Crensch ago

To censor who? Abusive mods like yourself?


I think I saw a mean comment in a greatawakening thread. Quick go delete it. Wouldn't want anything to creep into your safe space.

Maybe I'll just ban the user because this is now a circlejerk sub! It's a JOKE kev! Look! I'll even make a rule "its a joke bruh" and use that on them, it'll be SOOOO hilarious! Oh, look! Even comments get banned in this one because if some subs get different standards, all subs should get different standards! Dual+ standards for subs are just like genders, and there's like 7.2 billion of those!

Then it's all OK, right? Then you'll fuck off back to your ivory PV tower until it's time to rabble-rouse your SBBH buddies to go after the next poor sap that doesn't know to declare his sub a shitposting/circlejerk sub!

Then what?

Do you still not see the absurdity in pretending to have any kind of moral high ground here? You haven't had that for years, but you're only just now being called out for it.

"Let's revisit..." No, let's not. Let's get you to issue a public fucking apology to everyone and explain your side of the story while BEGGING mods to give a fuck about what you have to say.

"If it's just about the rules" No, it's not just about the rules. It's about the end user that is ultimately hurt and driven away by some of the most immature hypocrites I've ever had the displeasure of getting to know.

You've coasted on being stoic and not moving for so long that the enemies of Voat have managed to game the system all around you... and somehow you think I'm the useful idiot.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/BEATLESTROLLARMY submission.

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ooberlu ago

Problem >>> Reaction >>> Solution

Problem >>> Reaction >>> Solution

Problem >>> Reaction >>> Solution

Beginning to sound a lot like what happened over at Reddit.

bopper ago

I'm not part of any kind of effort like that and haven't been approached or solicited about any such thing, just for the record.

Crensch ago

The mods start using the system to censor.

Blind to the fact that the trolls have been using PV to censor for years.


lol why did the faggot self delete?

ThinkAboutIt1488 ago

The only reason in the past they didn't have this sort of thing is that it takes usually 4 bytes for each vote then instead of just 4 bytes. Data is cheap now though. Unless your threads are getting millions of votes.

virge ago

Yes, because opening the transparency of the voting system to people can see those who already isolate and abuse individuals is such a terrible topic for debate. Can't have us fixing those problems, now can we?

Not while they're so useful for subversion. Why are you on the side of the abusers, is the real question.

fuchs_davis ago

It actually scares me how adamant he is to see this go through. He wants to see your vote, he wants to scrap anon. He basically wants to take away the checks and balances we have against peer pressure.

But his proposed reforms would actually cement mob rule.

virge ago

When someone who is "obviously a shit stirrer" calls someone else a "shit stirrer", I think I've had enough Internet for one day because your opinion has no weight at all when you do the same behavior.

virge ago

So you enjoy your privacy in comments but think others should have none in their voting?

To demonstrate how you are being manipulative, I'm going to write how this question would look if you were being sincere and not trying to create drama. I'm going to re-write your question in an actual non-baised way to demonstrate just how you are asking a loaded question, intentionally.

So you enjoy your privacy that every single other user can also enjoy if they take the minimal effort to remove their posts but think everyone should have none in their voting going forward.

Now that I've corrected your obviously loaded question to be honest about the fact that post history and voting transparency are two completely different ideas that you are combining intentionally misleading way to use it as a back-handed attack.

The answer to the honest question I have re-written above, which properly demonstrates why these two ideas have nothing to do with each other is yes, I do think everyone should have no privacy in their voting going forward, because it would illuminate the subversive tactics of parasites like you.

Put simply, the obvious answer to if I believe everyone is a lazy asshole who has the ability to delete their post history but chooses not to, regardless of the fact that my entire post history is still available on archives and so would theirs if they choose to do what I do is yes.

Put simply, the obvious answer to if I believe at X date in the future everyones voting should be transparent so that it's easy to see the subversive parasites like you who say one thing but then vote another way, and do so in coordinated groups is yes.

You are a parasite. You subvert Voat with the goal of the destruction of Voat. Your actions, inability to discuss issues and constructive solutions, and desire to constantly and intentionally misrepresent what people say makes your position so clear I don't even need to have voting transparency to know you're a subversive piece of shit parasite. So why do you even care? Oh, right, you're shielding your alt accounts and voting brigade buddies. At least have the balls to admit it openly, faggot.

fuchs_davis ago

Remember what happened when Anna found out that Regina voted for President Trump? That wasn't very nice.

virge ago

You have a tendency to purge your activity. Why would you practice such a behavior if you had nothing to hide?

Privacy is a right. I prefer mine. Nothing wrong with that and it's none of your business, so if you disagree you have an agenda and can take your liberal-minded trash elsewhere.

Maybe your entire deleted history should be public. At least then we could all have a discussion on how we can improve your behavior.

My entire post history already exists in more than one archive of the internet, but we both know that convenient fact ruins your entire argument and that's why you exclude it. I quite literally don't care, there is nothing in my post history I give a shit about. Feel free to "expose" me. If you waste time on that pointless effort, maybe your subversion being deferred to a pointless side quest will allow Voat to stay alive a few more days.

Enjoy watching Voat burn at your hands. I don't give a shit anymore. You are one of the parasites, so when you've successfully destroyed Voat and have nothing left to destroy - where will you go? What will you do? What will you find to destroy next?

virge ago

You have a tendency to purge your activity. Why would you practice such a behavior if you had nothing to hide?

Privacy is a right. I prefer mine. Nothing wrong with that and it's none of your business, so if you disagree you have an agenda and can take your liberal-minded trash elsewhere.

Maybe your entire deleted history should be public. At least then we could all have a discussion on how we can improve your behavior.

My entire post history already exists in more than one archive of the internet, but we both know that convenient fact ruins your entire argument and that's why you exclude it. **I quite literally don't care, there is nothing in my post history I give a shit about. Feel free to "expose" me. If you waste time on that pointless effort, maybe your subversion being deferred to a pointless side quest will allow Voat to stay alive a few more days.

Enjoy watching Voat burn at your hands. I don't give a shit anymore.

virge ago

You don't care about constructive discussions about Voat, you just want to attack individuals. You and those like you are cancer.

The fact that you linked an archive of an active Voat post that is identical to the archive suggests you have some kind of agenda. That's literally the only reason you would link an archive while trying to make a point, to suggest that's necessary. If you have an agenda, then discussing anything else with you is pointless because you want to see Voat die.

Here's what I think: You're going to get your wish, so anything else I say here is pointless. Congrats! You win. Voat dies. Enjoy. You and all the other subversives won. Hope you enjoy the next place you parasites destroy.

I've made my suggestions, I don't care anymore. You all get what you deserve.

virge ago

I am?

virge ago

You can't argue with the person who downvoated you if you don't know who it is.

So you.. support transparency on it's merits, then?

One of the many reasons FOR voting transparency is what you just said.

virge ago

Completely fine with whatever nonsense you call "increased tension" when it solves a dozen other things outright.

Dozen steps forward, one step back is better than the current one step forward dozen steps back.

mimes4peace ago

His wife send out pics too?


People would be hesitant to break from the hive mind

that's their fault. We need to overcome fear. I'd rather people be aware of the mass consensus and consciously resist it, then to obfuscate the mass consensus and allow it to be secretly manipulated.

and it would reward those who stick to the popular consensus.

It would allow us to know what the "popular" consensus is

popular: meaning of the people.

Can we really be sure a consensus is of the people if it's anonymous?

virge ago

Public voting quite simply immediately makes it transparent who is lying by saying one thing and voting another way, in addition to making it extremely obvious to aggregate the usernames who vote nearly identically all the time and ask them why their voting habits don't match what they post.

And that is the only reason someone would have to dislike voting transparency. They don't want others to see they are saying one thing and doing another. Transparency is only scary to those who abuse the voting systerm in the first place.

fuchs_davis ago

Are you saying you would hold it against me if I upvoted you for making a good argument that I also attempted to negate?


Who was this faggot (guy you responded to), what did he say, and why did he self delete?

fuchs_davis ago


[–] virge 1.3 days ago in reply to NOMOCHOMO


Public voting quite simply immediately makes it transparent who is lying by saying one thing and voting another way, in addition to making it extremely obvious to aggregate the usernames who vote nearly identically all the time and ask them why their voting habits don't match what they post.

And that is the only reason someone would have to dislike voting transparency. They don't want others to see they are saying one thing and doing another. Transparency is only scary to those who abuse the voting systerm in the first place.

permalink context full comments edit/delete


To obfuscate his internet trace.


Lol sorry I stopped that @virge

You shouldn't delete valid comments. Maybe mix in disinfo, but he's only hurting his and my case for Transparency....

unless that was his goal all along.....

virge ago

Are you saying you would hold it against me if I upvoted you for making a good argument that I also attempted to negate?

I wouldn't hold it against you at all. If you downvote me and you're someone who I think can either teach me something or who I can bring up to speed, I'd try to change your mind to an upvote.

If you're someone who downvotes based on a set of observable subversive behavior, then I don't give a shit how you vote but I want to see who else you're downvoting so I can figure out why.

Just to illustrate a low-hanging fruit example.

mimes4peace ago

Yeah but can you imagine if it was a lovers quarrel that caused the exodus to Poal instead of shill manipulation?

xenoPsychologist ago

i think making votes public would do more to make this place into reddit than nearly anything else could. everyone would instantly have to fall in line or risk the wasting of their account.


but reddit doesn't make votes public

you no logic good.

virge ago

He's one of the subvsives. Of course he's going to argue against voting transparency. It would show he's a professional provoctarour and his voting history doesn't align with what he types.

The only people afraid of voting transparency are those who rely on it to subvert Voat with the intention of destroying Voat. xeno is one of these people, and demonstrates it constantly.

The fact that they continue to lie about shit like trying to say Reddit has voting transparency should show you all you need to know - if they have to lie to make a half-assed argument, they're simply not going to be someone you can even have an honest conversation in the first place.

xenoPsychologist ago

no no no, im not saying that reddit does that. thats not what i mean and you probably know it. im saying that this place would become similarly singleminded and controlled by the whims of certain power users (though in their case the admin is in on it and consciously part of the problem) the way reddit is. wrongthink would be punished and it would doubtlessly not take long for what qualifies as wrongthink to drift leftward. in environments like that, the lies and dogma of protosocialist ideology starts putting out roots. especially as the good goats start to leave.

way to (((misunderstand))) what i was saying; your "argument" is invalid.


I didn't misunderstand. It was a stupid statement and you had to write a paragraph explain your illogic.

everyone would instantly have to fall in line or risk the wasting of their account.

you sound like a pussy. Don't fall in line. Don't rely on a system to protect you. Defend your beliefs and don't cuck.

xenoPsychologist ago

wtf im suddenly on board with your retarded nonsense. good job. well convinced.

virge ago

xeno literally has no argument. He's one of the subversives. He'll simply manipulate everything you say and then accuse you of doing what he's doing, over and over again.

You are wasting your time. Just downvote and move on.

mimes4peace ago

What if it was delayed?


damn. got him.

virge ago

And the subversives who are desperately afraid of voting transparency because it shows their parasitic behavior of abusing the voting system while saying something different than their actions will continue to downvote you.

So have an upvote to counter the parasite faggots.

fuchs_davis ago

I gave your proposal the benefit of the doubt, as evidenced on your OP. I entertained the notion. But after careful consideration, I disagree.

Revealing votes, even after archive, removes the checks @Atko put in place against peer pressure.

I don't want you to punish me for disagreeing with you. I don't want to be stigmatised as whatever the ad hominem of the day is.

You talk about subversion. But subversion is when you uss a purported problem as a pretext to enact a "solution", which serves ulterior motives.

Your proposals would be convenient for the vocal minority who already try to be demagogues here. So I don't trust it.

virge ago

Fine by me, party like it's 1999. Reap what you sow and all that, these people are killing Voat and if your opinion is to do nothing then the end results are deserved.

fuchs_davis ago

Please don't put words in my mouth to make your argument easier. I did not advocate doing nothing. I simply don't agree with your proposed solution.

Worse than nothing is being done. Known vote-manipulators and doxers have been reinstated.

virge ago

Please don't put words in my mouth to make your argument easier. I did not advocate doing nothing. I simply don't agree with your proposed solution.

It's pretty clear the current behavior has shelled out Voat's userbase. It wasn't even a year ago there were 10x more active, and three years ago I recall seeing all the posts on the front page with 3-4 thousand upvotes per.

If it is obvious the current direction is terminal, and you both advocate against any ideas offered as well as offer none of your own, how else can your passive actions be interpreted as complicit in the inevitable destruction?

Riddle me this, sherlock. It's not putting words into your mouth, it's observing the reality that you either don't care about, or are pleased with because you're part of the problem. I don't see you offering a third option.

fuchs_davis ago

You are deflecting from your own idea not being so good.

When I come up with a better idea than what we have right now, I'll share it. Just like I honestly gave your proposal consideration and eventually dismissed it as without merit. Good day.

virge ago

You are deflecting from your own idea not being so good.

I don't give a shit about my own idea being good or bad, I just want to see Voat grow instead of stop dying.

When I come up with a better idea than what we have right now, I'll share it. Just like I honestly gave your proposal consideration and eventually dismissed it as without merit. Good day.

Yeah. Ok. Well good luck solving that problem without putting any effort into it before it's too late. Oops, already too late.

Parasites win because of people like you, so in my opinion you're either a parasite or nothing more than a welfare eater which is just as bad.

You've just picked a side, and you've declared yourself my enemy. I still consider us friends, but I'll be forced to treat what you say as hostile. Don't take it personally, I suspect you don't care either way since your last few messages have suddenly incorporated heavy guilt and virtue signal overtones. I watch those tactics change mid-sentence all day long with dozens of users so it's nothing new to see again with another account.

mimes4peace ago

I see that if it was site wide. Maybe certain places would benefit tho.

mimes4peace ago

In my opinion that would generate more discussion aka 'impressions' and would be therefore good for debate.

mimes4peace ago

You are saying people who got downvotes would have their feelings hurt? Is that happening now or not?

virge ago

No. Read his actual argument.

He's saying you can't have voting transparency because if you argue with someone who downvoted you with voting transparency you don't know what it is.

See the straight up jew double-speak? He says if you can see something then you can't see something. Intentionally misrepresented the situation completely and you're letting him and all the other subversive parasites get away with it.

Don't engage these guys, they're just baiting you into conversation so their voting manipulation brigade can downvoat you. It's why they're so scared of voting transparency, because this behavior would be actually evident to every normie who looked.

It's fear. They're afraid. So afraid they'll lie, double-speak, and misrepresent everything you say to allow them to abuse you like the parasites they are. Don't bother, just use the downvote button - it's what it's for.

Continued conversation just lets them spam downvote you instead. That's what they want. Don't bother.

mimes4peace ago

I agree with you. My time here is coming to a close. I mimed enough people that I learned from each point of view.

mimes4peace ago

How so?

mimes4peace ago

Take out the last word of that sentence and you probably have a more accurate description of what really goes on around here


xenoPsychologist ago

the day voat becomes a bad fan fiction like that

xenoPsychologist ago

psh, thats just an accurate description of reality! reality is boring.

mimes4peace ago

Woah Woah Woah

I got it from @virge. I said as an option for each subverse. Take it easy. I aint in cahootz.

xenoPsychologist ago

in cahoots is a phrase that needs to get used way more often than it does.


Lol that fucker keeps a spreadsheet of all the shit that you reveal about yourselves on voat. Remember to always lie about yourself randomly in your posts for good opsec.

Nosferatjew ago

I work in the checked baggage inspection department at my local airport. I take out all the dildos I find and anonymously mail them to Ben Shapiro.


virge ago

Remember to frequently lie about yourself in random posts for good opsec, and never dox yourself even a little bit.

If you haven't been doing this since day one on the Internet you're doing it wrong.

You don't need to lie, but if you constantly interject hypothetical into your writing then you can easily poison the well. OP thought I was many things I am not. Why? Because I delete my post history. Who would have thought.