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virge ago

So you enjoy your privacy in comments but think others should have none in their voting?

To demonstrate how you are being manipulative, I'm going to write how this question would look if you were being sincere and not trying to create drama. I'm going to re-write your question in an actual non-baised way to demonstrate just how you are asking a loaded question, intentionally.

So you enjoy your privacy that every single other user can also enjoy if they take the minimal effort to remove their posts but think everyone should have none in their voting going forward.

Now that I've corrected your obviously loaded question to be honest about the fact that post history and voting transparency are two completely different ideas that you are combining intentionally misleading way to use it as a back-handed attack.

The answer to the honest question I have re-written above, which properly demonstrates why these two ideas have nothing to do with each other is yes, I do think everyone should have no privacy in their voting going forward, because it would illuminate the subversive tactics of parasites like you.

Put simply, the obvious answer to if I believe everyone is a lazy asshole who has the ability to delete their post history but chooses not to, regardless of the fact that my entire post history is still available on archives and so would theirs if they choose to do what I do is yes.

Put simply, the obvious answer to if I believe at X date in the future everyones voting should be transparent so that it's easy to see the subversive parasites like you who say one thing but then vote another way, and do so in coordinated groups is yes.

You are a parasite. You subvert Voat with the goal of the destruction of Voat. Your actions, inability to discuss issues and constructive solutions, and desire to constantly and intentionally misrepresent what people say makes your position so clear I don't even need to have voting transparency to know you're a subversive piece of shit parasite. So why do you even care? Oh, right, you're shielding your alt accounts and voting brigade buddies. At least have the balls to admit it openly, faggot.

fuchs_davis ago

Remember what happened when Anna found out that Regina voted for President Trump? That wasn't very nice.