SearchVoatBot ago

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TheAmerican ago

Your warning didn't work.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

This is why we need to


Upvote or downvote a post based only on how much that post contributes. Not how much you agree, not whether they're your friend, not whether you recognize their account. The post you're voting on, not the post above it or the post they made before; does the post you're voting on contribute to the conversation. Use this as the only criteria and your votes will be of high quality, will discourage group-think, and will be immune to many kinds of manipulation.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @Decidueye.

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Delacourt ago

User promotes a narrative of [...] race war [...] to appeal for a more aggressive approach and most likely to break the laws.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who recognizes that acting like an over-the-top genocidal LARPer or fedposter is basically as bad as being a cuck. I see so many people on here talking and acting like Hollywood villains that it's stupid. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them are feds or shills.

120050HH ago

sguevar ago

Yup I knew this one was one of those preaching to the choir. Didn't know ot was Dial until I saw his fixation on you.

120050HH ago


120050HH ago

Mom jokes is all you got? More pathetic than dial.

120050HH ago

How much meth do you use a day you pathetic cocksucker?

120050HH ago

How many miles of dick do you suck a day?

NinjaNipples ago

it will be funny to see this account donvoated like shit @puttitout

maybe then they will see who you really are

NinjaNipples ago

and you you only prove my point you use you verse to downvoat brigade @putitout

NinjaNipples ago

your baiting me to post more @puttitout

if you think dial is my main youre a fucking idiot

just keep lying about be you shill faggot, the truth will come out

@putitout... this he what he doses

NinjaNipples ago

more lies from you, 2 there that is me .... just more lies nothing to see here

NinjaNipples ago

pssst none are me, you faggot

NinjaNipples ago


all you btw

NinjaNipples ago

it funny watching you lie

sguevar ago

Well he does out himself with his natural writing style... calling those he doesn't like an alt.

Will keep an eye on him, though I think that history will only repeat itself.

sguevar ago

Yeah I see what you mean. Found quite a few. Thanks for letting me know.

sguevar ago

Checking now

sguevar ago

Checked his submissions, he still posting music vids do you have a discussion post that I can check?


He is a Tavistock account. He asks a ton on random questions to build psychological profiles on us.

S2Foxhunt ago

I have been noticing this for a long time now. Glad someone is finally speaking out and calling it out instead of just going with it like most people seem to do, being unable to spot this sort of thing.

MadWorld ago

It is by design. I believe the restriction is there to limit pingspam.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/news comment by @Durm.

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Durm ago

I think you are right. Good job.

Keep up the good work. When I see people agree, it's better to challenge them.

Durm ago

I like how I got an up-voat by kissing your ass, even though you just wrote a long post about it.

cat_of_doom ago

Ah so you too have ran into JIDF.

squataclops ago

Damn, good find!

MadWorld ago

Pings only work for the first 5. @SyriansFuckCorpses @squataclops @alphasnail @matthew-- @Arrvee see parent.

matthew-- ago

Perhaps we could study his post history to determine what exactly he does when "being normal" to gain enough shitposting ccp? And use that to help us detect not only trolls, but also shills.

It just keeps getting increasingly complex, doesn't it.

sguevar ago

Your link confirms this:


CognitiveDissident5 ago

I thought GhostSkin was one of Dial's many alts?

sguevar ago

Don't think so, Dial became irate if you dealt with him accordingly and even after the ban he suffered he used multiple alts to keep crying about the ban he got. He did engage in vote manipulation, hence the ban he got. But the approach the user in question used is completely different than the one Dial use to troll PV and voat in a whole.

But that is just my guess.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Yes Dial is still around with numerous alts, still claiming to be a victim of vote manipulation when he used to threaten to nuke other people's accounts by means guessed manipulation. Anyway thanks for the clarification.

sguevar ago

Hey I can agree with you there to some extent.

But it is like saying for example that Voat is an echo chamber for white supremacy and I am a Costa Rican. A spic here. Even if I defended whites I would still be considered a spic, a lower class by most if not all. But that is not the case.

I think the problem here is the wording those that wish to debate against us use and their easy triggered nature if we say nigger for example. If I had a socialist here trying to debate me that socialism is good and despite of the words other use he doesn't get trigger and tries to defend his position the best way possible without defaulting to I am nazi then I would say the exchange is productive and we can find some common ground. So I wouldn't mind upvoting that for the sake of the argument.

Plus I think we have already established that these shills that use alts to work in this way, engage in vote manipulation as well so that in a whole is completely different to what you are argumenting here.

But I definitely understand your position there. I am not looking for brigades against the users accused. I am looking for the user base to be aware of this trend that can easily be manipulated and compromise the community in the long run.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

I've been suspicious of that nigger /u/niggervirus

NiggerVirus ago

There's nothing to be suspicious of I just post weird funny random and sometimes serious things. There's no conspiracy here buddy I just like to entertain myself and others.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Fuck off you new jew account. I have no time for your jewery and bullshit

NiggerVirus ago

You're smart than because I WILL EAR FUCK YOU. ps. You guys are so so gay for trying to rag on new accounts. You take your little voat status way to seriously. Know what my status symbol is ? This: Now go back to being a fat loser like op

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

You're built like a 12 year old girl and have arms like a baby..

NiggerVirus ago

Your turn

sguevar ago

Same, I did a post earlier about my distrust of that user before:

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

Great minds think alike... and we can smell bullshit a mile away. That niggervirus is stinking to high heaven and I don't think it's just because it's a nigger. It's got some extra stank to it.

sguevar ago

At this moment I can't say if it was an empty threat or not. So no shame for that at all. You acted on self defense.

But If he was able to dox me, that it isn't too hard because I don't care, seriously, then I just showed him that he could try. I don't fear doxing. I will stand by my words all the way.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

If he doxxed you, he'd be banned from the site. I too was (briefly) concerned about being doxxed here...til I realised I have way more on the loser in question than he has on me and unlike him, I'm self employed, whereas this fuck works for an employer so I have the power. Presumably you know a bit about this person too, this shit works both ways.

sguevar ago

I hear you but I don't care if he does or not. That is where he lost the power he thought he had over me.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Good for you in that case.

sguevar ago

He threaten me with the same shit, the problem he finds with me is that he now knows I don't care about his threat good or empty, I simply don't care.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

It depends on you whether you keep allowing these shills to attack our credibility or not.


卐卐卐卐卐卐卐 卐卐卐卐卐卐卐

sguevar ago

It does but obviously I could only apply this to @NiggerVirus at the moment, the other users I have reported were more for vote manipulation and power mod, however did notice the rethoric they were using.

NiggerVirus ago

I'm just a sometimes serious poster sometimes shit poster. I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of this?? Why would you even care?? How does what I do hurt you?? I suspect you're just some fat slob nerd with no life whatsoever who has way too many emotions tied up in voat. Stop being a dork you nerd. Voat doesn't need your wisdom to protect it and by coming after me you are wasting your time because I'm not a "threat" and I have no agenda you complete moron .

gabara ago


squataclops ago

Great post. I see this all too often here. Almost like a sleeper account someone uses later with the points they got making bland statements almost everyone here will agree with.

sguevar ago

Yes I have also find sleeper accounts in the mix:

matthew-- ago

I saw an incredible amount of this shit when a few weeks ago when tarrant did his thing.

bdmthrfkr ago

That's Saint Tarrant to you pleb.

matthew-- ago


A saint would have taken out the politicians who made this possible, and not been caught. All he did was stir up sympathy for the left. It seems like a very Jewish tactic.

sguevar ago



Hahaha how the fuck does ghostskin's shit posting make him a shill and an attack on our credibility?

sguevar ago

You will need to go back to his initial posts and see how he changed the trend.

Basically by logic is this: You believe whatever you want to believe as convenient it might be to your view independently of the source that posted it. If the source that posted what you believed on is not trusted then how can you even believe in your own beliefs? Or how can others believe you at all as your source is compromised.


I don't understand what this post is trying to say.

Wait, are you saying that you're opposed to people stating things that they may not entirely believe and you blame shitposters for this?

sguevar ago

No, what I am saying is that users with alts use preaching to the choir type of postings to farm their way to a comfortable place and then start following their own agenda. Some try to ignite the more extreme users of Voat to help the rhetoric the say that they fight against. Some will try to use that position to spread misinformation and gain some type of authority on the community and others will just troll continuously so new users get discourage to join Voat in a whole because of the fact that if we allow this dumb ass to post in the first place with the restriction we have on upvotes and ccp to be able to post then probably is not a good idea to join.

These type of posters delegitimize further our ability to red pill more and more and hence it is an attack to our credibility.

EDIT: they also engage on vote manipulation.


Shitposting, trolling, and shilling are all a natural part of an anonymous message board. It bothers people who don't know how to deal with or react to these behaviors because it looks different than their social interactions with real people in their daily lives. Normies are easily triggered dumbasses, that is why youtube banned anonymous accounts and why facebook and twitter have kikes regulating speech on their sites.

Having to deal with shill, shitposting, and trolling gives regular users of anonymous the skill to detect bullshit better than the average normie. Getting made a fool of on an anonymous internet forum is like getting a vaccine for bullshit. People who can not tolerate these behaviors need to lurk more. The idea that voat has a collective identity or shared culture is something that you have created in your own mind. Shilling, shitposting, and trolling are not a threat to "voat's culture" they are a natural part of the anonymous internet forum and are as part of voat as humidity is part of a swamp. It isn't a threat to what we hqve here, it is one of the environmental conditions that has

To say "oh you noobs should keep an eye out for trolls shitposts and shills" is obviously something I agree with. It often goes without saying in places like this. What I don't agree with is that you seem to feel like shitposting and particularly ghostskin is an actual threat to voat. That's like thinking the guy who goofs around at the gym by running backwards on the treadmill is the same kind of person who will burn the place to the ground. It doesn't make sense, and it seems like you're just being over dramatic to get people to side against someone who annoys you. Shills and censoring powermods will always be the greatest threat to voat because they want to destroy the free speech foundation of the site, not capitalize it for their entertainment like trolls and shitposters do.

sguevar ago

I agree with most of what you say here.

And as stated to another user. I am not in the interest brigading the user. However it is important to notice, even if for you it goes without saying, that the trend is appearing more and more frequently.

/u/GhostSkin started the same way that /u/TheAmerican and then his other alters. It started with preaching to the choir type of posts and then started posting troll post over and over again. The frequency with he does it to try to flood v/all even if you and I will ignore or downvote and move on, can be used as a way for new users to be discouraged to join Voat.

I know you may (or not) agree with me that to some extent they serve of a filter for those who are weak minded and those that have a tough mind. But in the end we need to see that whether we believe it or not, these type of users that resort in a bunch of alts and, in some scenarios, engage in vote manipulation can bring our credibility down at least a little.

Even if you or I, who are established users don't perceive it in our first glance, the effect still exists.


It only floods onto all/new. Shit posting discussion posts are no threat to voat, and are less damaging to all/new than the shill bots who flood it with slanted msm propaganda, but who we continue to tolerate because thi is a free speech website.

You should also consider that he might actually believe what he says and also enjoys's fun to shitpost sometimes. Do you think everyone always posts under the same username all the tims? Having multiple usernames is only against the rules when they're used to brigade. For all you know a user who you like and respect under one username may be the same person who is behind a username that is an obnoxious shitposter that you can't stand.

sguevar ago

Do you think everyone always posts under the same username all the tims?

I don't do it but I do not hold everyone to my standard. Even if I am against with having alts.

For all you know a user who you like and respect under one username may be the same person who is behind a username that is an obnoxious shitposter that you can't stand.

That could be true but I stand on my words still. I disapprove of multiple accounts. That is a choice for the individual.


Multiple accounts don't bother me, but more importantly there is no way to stop it without infringing on privacy or free speech of users

17758543? ago

I too am one of @TheAmerican's alts. I also hate cats. Woof. Something something, fuck my ear!

sguevar ago

rofl I know you like the guy, but I have to report what I think needs to be reported.

17758616? ago

Lol. Nah I get your points. I still cant figure out if he is just an odd troll or something more nefarious. Plus its getting to be the same ol when I interact with him which makes me wonder if he is half human and half robot.

sguevar ago

Nah he is not a robot, he gt triggered when I called him out with this post. But he is definitely one of those bad actors that after interpreting a character if you do something that is out of the script they get an anxiety attack because they don't know what to do. Which is why he keeps pinging me on v/Anontalk and so on and so forth. He is trying to attack the messenger so people avoid looking at the message. I mean, he even threaten to dox me on v/Anontalk.... I simply gave him permission to do it as I do not care if I am or not.

17759350? ago

Lol what a dork. Yea I saw you became a fan of anon's shit talk. @ghostskin settle down or you're gonna get spanked....

Which could be the attention he wants.

LostandFound ago

Something fucky with niggervirus alright been watching this account the last few weeks. Good work overall imo

drstrangegov ago

Grossest thread ever.

sguevar ago

You are free to think like that.

drstrangegov ago

Thank you! Am I reading this right? You think ghostskin is one of the organized enemies? I corresponded with him at length and I didn't get that impression. The impression I got was that he was a very bored individual entertaining himself. I didn't see any consistent subtext or "talking points". Just random shitposting, sometimes unfunny, sometimes brilliant. I didn't see him operating with others. Bear in mind I'm not a professional.

sguevar ago

In part.

But thanks for bringing this up. Nonetheless I stand by my post.

I have in the past argued that alt accounts leads to dishonesty and every time his alts get caught he starts to lie and deny they are his alts. Which to me shows to some extent ill intentions.

There wouldn't be necessity for him to deny they are his alts if he didn't have ill intentions. But I just used him as an example. I care not about brigading him. I care about putting some light to these trends I have been witnessing for the past few months.

You may be right that he isn't part of this group of people but I maintain my caution with him.

drstrangegov ago

I have no evidence what he is or isn't, but I like him even though he is utterly full of shit. Or deeply deranged, or maybe even a hero. No idea which it is.

sguevar ago

I can respect your position towards him and as Kat told me once, she likes some of his posts and so on and so forth.

But he was a simple example of something that I have seen happen. So part or no part of this group goes besides the point. He even acknowledged to you that all his alts were meant to be deceptive.

Maybe for his own amusement maybe for something more concerning. I will simply maintain my caution here.

drstrangegov ago

Well, what's the harm in interacting with him? I'm a nobody, and persecuting me would be an immense waste of resources.

sguevar ago

No one is stopping you

Corpse_washer ago

Usually his names use two words.

Shit, my cover is blown, what to do now

sguevar ago

I didn't say it was the only characteristic nor that legit users don't have names with 2 words. But nice try to divert from the message.

Corpse_washer ago

Aren't you a little stiff today mate?

sguevar ago

Might be, I find this message kind of important for the community. So you will have to pardon my seriousness.

YoHomie ago

I think OP is preaching to the choir farming.

TheTrigger ago

I think you're preaching to the choir about preaching to the choir farming because you're preaching to the choir farming while preaching to the choir.

Arrvee ago

Meet the Stampede Shill.

There is a group of them on 8chan.

And an example here on Voat.

Like all shills, their goal is to make people adopt a narrative and they can be identified by how they push aggressively and refuse to debate. When questioned they respond with insults and in-group signaling. Recognize the pattern and you can resist it.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/emergencynation comment by @Delacourt.

Posted automatically (#32796) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Delacourt ago

This is a fantastic post. I've seen these types all over the place but never knew what to call them. It reminds me of Back to the Future 2 when Marty gets manipulated by the bully calling him a "chicken". The stampede shills use the same tactic.


I’m seeing an increased level of concern trolling. Im more liable to think this is weird subversion by using individual idiots like NiggerVirus to try to push an agenda.

There are certainly times I’ve felt like extreme action is our only recourse. I don’t know if I’m right, but I wouldn’t jump to the conclusion that all these people you disagree with are plants or Jewish shills. Sure we use that word here a lot but I think in most cases it’s just dumb people expressing dumb ideas.

Like I said, I’m more suspicious of this recent constant concern trolling being some weird way to try to shape and form people’s thoughts or posts by creating a social standard on voat about what’s okay and what’s not.

sguevar ago

You are free to take it as you wish, however it is what I am noticing more and more. You could take some time and see if I am right or not. That I will leave it to you.

I have never wished ill to Voat and will never do. If I have something to report for the well being of the community so people can express ideas freely here and as well to defend the credibility of the concerns that any of us may have, then I will.

These particular trends are not something improbable. But I understand that you distrust of what I report. After all I asked users to question everything. @NiggerVirus was simply an example. I have reported other users using the first type of shilling before, like for example: @andrew_jackson serving as a power mod and vote manipulation:, @Zacchaeus with vote manipulation and alt, @WhereTheAngelsPlay promoting vote manipulation and brigading:

All different type of shilling of preaching to the choir to then get to a point in which the promote the delegitimization of Voat.

NiggerVirus ago

It's usually the people who talk non-stop about shilling that are the real shills. Stop trying to be the voat daddy. People here aren't stupid and you don't need your guidance. You're a fraud and I've heard many weird things about you.

slevin_kelevra ago

@niggervirus is a disease that needs to be cured with gallons and gallons of forced bleach chugging

NiggerVirus ago

20/80 2×30

slevin_kelevra ago

That needs to be 20 chugs in 80 seconds twice every thirty minutes until death.

NiggerVirus ago

You would miss me

slevin_kelevra ago

I don't think you are understanding what is being said here. No one would miss you. You are a cancer.

NiggerVirus ago

And I'm not cancer I'm AIDS

NiggerVirus ago

I love you too!

Wharleas ago

What is this, April 1st humor? There's a note right in the sidebar about concern trolls.

sguevar ago

Might want to look the sidebar note about the specific concern trolls because I believe you are confusing the nature of this post but either way, have a good one.

drstrangegov ago

This concerns me.

sguevar ago

Care to elaborate?

drstrangegov ago

Was just a quick, flippant remark on the concept of concern trolling. Disregard.

sguevar ago


heygeorge ago

Solid post, @squevar.

A+ trolling and triggering, @NiggerVirus.

sguevar ago

Well only the truth can trigger a troll :)

gabara ago

We can be proud. Bring our boys home.

NiggerVirus ago

I haven't even begun yet @squevar really hurt me and I'm not talking about with this post. We have met in real life and he used me. I just haven't decided if I want to fully share with voat what happened or what he really is.

GoatyMcGoatface ago

It would be just slightly faster to make a white list of non circlejerk posts on voat?

NiggerVirus ago

I'm sorry to inform you but you will never be able to train voat. You will never stop me and now I have to come for you because you annoyed me. Stay tuned honey.

sguevar ago

Do your worst son, my fear goes to God only.

No weapon forged against me shall prevail.

Be gone.

NiggerVirus ago

You can spend all day taking down this account. It's ok. I have MANY others ha ha ha ha ha . I own you now. I own your mind and your time. Ha ha ha ha. I am going to tell them about what you did to me. You hurt me. You used me. You are a fraud and a troll.

NiggerVirus ago

Mention my name again and ever............

NiggerVirus ago

This is just a small taste of what is to come. I will wait till Prime hours. You should have never used me for sex.

NiggerVirus ago

Dude, I'm going to tell them about us if you don't stop harassing me. We meet 3 times, you fuck me and then decide to ignore me in real life only to start harassing me on voat? Wtf man.

sguevar ago

(G.G) mhm whatever you want to use out of convenience to keep trolling right?

I am done answering to you. I will simply denounce your shilling: Proverbs 26:4 - KJV: Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.

NiggerVirus ago

Too late. I told them about us and I'm going to post about it all day and all night Non-Stop.

slevin_kelevra ago

Chug bleach faggot nigger fuck

MrPim ago

Yeah I thought it rather odd NigherVirus started suddenly posting super racist stuff. None of his other alts up til that had done so. But in the last couple weeks he went super over the top w that shit. It was definitely weird.

thatguyiam ago

We estabilished a nick for fegs like that. The adjective 'glowinthedarkCIA' + whatever derogatory noun your mind conjures up in the moment

sguevar ago

That is because his main goal is to reach a position in which he can then just troll random shit. This is why I distrust of new accounts preaching to the choir nonsense. I stopped upvoting them and then started watching what they wrote further and further and saw they tend to change their comments and post nature after they have acquired a level of comfortability on Voat.

NiggerVirus ago

Then I have taught you well son. Ps, I'm putt

gabara ago

What if we counter with extreme moderate far-centrist rhetoric?

albatrosv15 ago

"It's okay to exist as a white person somewhere on this planet."

Oh wait, that's an extremist view nowadays.

Delacourt ago

Yep, the difference is if you spread this view >99% of whites will agree with you and join your side. That's why shills tirelessly work to spread shit like unironic support for genocide, which almost all whites would be against.

sguevar ago

However that one will not affect our credibility. What will is that the same user then start posting false information after they posted that. So by the notion of guilty by association then that statement will also be seen as false because the source was false.


You goddamn upvoat farmer, how dare you express an opinion that people might agree with!

gabara ago

i leik warf hav upgoat

sguevar ago

Hahahah I don't think that will help with our credibility either though

gabara ago

That's exactly what a moderate centerist centerist would say!

sguevar ago


gabara ago

Oh you'll be hearing from the extreme moderate far-centrist coalition! Probably the social centerist centerists and the anti-social centerist centerists for not being too moderate enough!