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clamhurt_legbeard ago is my alternate image host.

sguevar ago

Appreciated will try it.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Good luck, tico lol.

I know Salvadoran food, and I know Mexican food...

What food does Costa Rica have?

sguevar ago


Is quite similar to salvadoran and nigaraguan food. Gallo pinto, Olla de Carne, tamales, tortillas with creme (natilla), etc.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

That's what I figured.

No Costa Rican immigrants around here... It's like you prefer your tropical forest preserve of a country to an urban welfare state... Pff!

sguevar ago

Hahahaha well I am the kind of person that often says the land that saw my birth will be the land that sees my death.

So if I visit a country like I did with France, after a week I get homesick so I can't live abroad for long. But let me know if you ever come here I will show you around ;) I also used to work in Tourism so I can give quite a few good recommendations.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Sounds good!

BigFatDaddy ago

Being a nigger seems like a ban-worthy offense to me. Same with being a kike or spic.

sguevar ago

I know it does. That is why you are a powermod.

BigFatDaddy ago

Spics are almost as bad as niggers.

sguevar ago

And I should care because?

Seriously if you think you are going to trigger me for calling me a spic then is going to be a long day for you XD

BigFatDaddy ago

No reason for you to care at all. All you spics invading the US will never face any backlash anyway, right? Its not like White People have ever gotten fed up and resorted to Physical Removal before. No need to care at all about how much the White Majority of this country gates you and wants you gone. No need to care at all.

sguevar ago

Ah another one that falls into assumptions like the dumb ass that got caught in vote manipulation.

To be honest with you darling, so your feefees can rest assured, I defend the white majority in your countries. Heck I defend you deporting all the illegals for that matter from your nations.

Try harder by looking at my post history or comment history.

You are basically stating that I am pro illegal immigration and against white nations. WRONG:

You keep making me laugh.

BigFatDaddy ago

Sorry, I don't speak spanish.

sguevar ago

rekt XD

BigFatDaddy ago

Wrong guy, dumbass. I only mod 2 subs, and they're both pretty much dead anyway.

sguevar ago

EDIT: oups sorry didn't read the name. But for further clarification I am not a nigger .

I already aknowledged you aren't him and apologized for the confusion. But I won't delete the comment I made.

andrew_jackson ago

I'm a fucking power mod. I am guilty of that. I'm a WHITE power mod. Fucking bring it you degenerate Puerto Rican spic. Fucking bring it.

BentAxel ago

You couldn't fight your way out of wet toilet paper nigger. The fact you have to ban people and censor them shows you are using jewish tricks.

sguevar ago

Costa Rican son, learn the difference. It seems you are part of this new movement at Voat that engage in preaching to the choir to farm for votes, you engage in vote manipulation and you also do not defend freedom of speech as a moderator or owner. You son are a disgrace for this site.

Got caught and got wrecked.

Schooled by a Costa Rican, by a spic, how does it feel? XD

andrew_jackson ago

You tried to ban an innocent man from Voat. To me that is more shameful.

sguevar ago

You are not innocent and even if you delete your comments you will be archived from now on son.

You are simply a disgrace to Voat.

cthulhu69 ago one of dials alts

sguevar ago


andrew_jackson ago

This is my point, you are a fucking Taco Nigger from Puerto Rico. We will give your shitty island back to Spain.

sguevar ago

Tacos are from mexico. Puerto Rico belongs to the US and it is an Island Costa Rica is between Nicaragua and Panama.

I am in Costa Rica. I live and work in Costa Rica. Dumb ass.

Oh by the way I am white, a white latino. Yes, they do exist dumb ass XD

andrew_jackson ago

My quarrel with you is that your convictions do no match your flaccid detective capabilities. If you seek to ban people arbitrarily, then you are worse than a vote manipulator. You're not very good at this whole detective thing.

sguevar ago

When someone that doesn't know how to find a country in a map tells me I am not a good detective it just makes me laugh quite hard.

Have a good one.

andrew_jackson ago

Are you still on about this shit, spic-boy?

shadow332 ago

Holy shit did you get fucking roasted. "spic boy" - are you some retarded Q boomer? You're an embarrassment to whites, you retarded fat fuck. Get your fucking shit together and look the part before you go on about white supremacy, fucking tubby.

Excellent find, @sguevar.

sguevar ago

No problem, any time! ;)

andrew_jackson ago

I got roasted? By a nigger? LOL, also you're a bit late to the party, Noob.

sguevar ago

Yes you got roasted and schooled by this spic here. And I certainly enjoyed every step of the way ;)

andrew_jackson ago

Roasted? The only thing roasted were the coffee beans that your sweatshop wetback ass toasted up this morning. Get back in the field and pick me some coffee, Spic!

shadow332 ago

I'm a fucking power mod

Wow, impressive.

andrew_jackson ago

Fuck you, I don't care about your opinions. You're a sock puppet. To be clear, I don't care about your shitty opinions. Also, sarcasm is for teenagers.

shadow332 ago

I'm a sock puppet? Fucking hell, you don't even know how to use that term correctly. Lol, you're an idiotic fat fuck. Lift weights and eat less, you fucking fat disgusting piece of shit.

shadow332 ago


andrew_jackson ago

I'm a sock puppet?

If you had to ask me that, you're probably a sock puppet. Always the last to know.