To my European friends, to my North American friends, do not support the replacement and acculturation of your identity!
Stand for your people. Stand for your Countries. Stand for your faith. for your laws and for your Constitution.
Do not fall into the replacement of your culture. Cultural Enrichment does not mean that you have to give up your identity nor your Nation.
You do not owe reparations to any other people. You have no guilt to feel for the history your countries have, as it is the expression of human nature.
The importance of history is to learn from it and you have! Those who haven't are those who pursue that narrative of reparations and of guilt pointing. The accusers that live under the hate and the hunger for a so call justice that is nothing more than a hidious revenge. A revenge that seeks to accomplish the final solution for your people!
Protect your values which created the greatest cultures, societies, artistic expressions and scientific discoveries the world have ever seen.
Do not fall for the falsety of the zionist and globalist lie. Do not surrender your identity and your everything as a nation.
Do not let the propaganda of the leftist agenda to take control of your lives. Do not become subjects of this impositive doctrine, that uses virtue signaling judgements not to proof they are right but to show their egocentric mature. By thinking they are better than you, they show only their arrogance towards you and your heritage.
Fight with reason, fight with facts and fight with self education. Fight for the freedom and self-determination of your people. Stand tall and proud respecting the right of others to do the same for their nation.
The invasion you are suffering nowadays is the fault of the "few" that want to use the "more" to erase you from this world.
Coexitance can only be achieved if the people of each country start defending theirs. Their identity, their values and their laws, and respect each other's culture and identity.
Cultural Enrichment doesn't mean you need to adapt your countries to the ones that are coming to it, but that they have to adapt to your country and learn from it. Once that has been achieved, they can then return to theirs and work for a better future for their own nation as a whole.
Mass immigration is not the answer to tackle world poverty because you are taking away from those countries the chance they have for them to work for their own and thake care of their own. You are instead bringing a mess to your lands, a cultural clash that has become a demographic and ideological warfare.
If you want to help those countries, encourage them to help themselves. Teach them how to, and leave a country's faith to their people.
It's ok to be white,
It's ok to be black,
It's ok to be brown,
It's ok to be yellow
It's ok to cherish your Nation's History.
It's not ok to let it fade into oblivion.
Gringojones ago
Most of us share the same ideas that you do. It's the media who wants to make every one think otherwise.
HarlandKornfeld14 ago
I know they dumped some refugees on Uruguay. Have they tried to dump any in Costa Rica?
sguevar ago
Ironically, I defend your constitution alot, I am pro Trump.
Wish we had a "politician" like him here.
But an acculturation we see here is for example ticos celebrating halloween, or thanks giving.
We are a very religious country.
The agenda that is affecting our nation more, is the transgenderism falasy. They are giving in our National Health Care system access to the hormone treatment for sex change. They have legalize the sex change in the civil records and recently they have approved a sexual learning program within our schools that is called Sexuality and is indoctrinating kids to be "more inclusive" and so on...
I have to say though that in the past march for diversity (ugh) there were around 46000 people on it. Today we celebrated our 2nd prolife, pro family and agains gender ideology march with around 500000 people.
The progressive retrogrades (well intended oxymoron to describe the morons of our times) are so butt hurt about that.
HarlandKornfeld14 ago
So your lefties aren't old-school commies, there's a lot of poz now?
sguevar ago
No they're more neo libtards XD. But we do have hipsters wanna be commies that have never lived in a comunist country.
I would probably leave my nation (legally of course) if we ever come to a comunist regime.
HarlandKornfeld14 ago
Yeah I've heard on Beyond the Wall that America is pretty shitty with spreading our poz to South America. I guess we spread our poz everywhere, we just think about Europe a lot. The barometer for liberal democracy is now homos and trannies.
sguevar ago
agreed (u.u) sad but true
sguevar ago
Yes that has been a long history. But I must say that I have a nicaraguan GF. I don't mind it I simply don't like the fact that the identity of our nation has been more alienated by the US consumist culture XD.
I don't mind people having relationships with other peoples from other countries as long as they defend each other's culture. If they have kids, let them know about both, and when time comes let the kid that has become a grown man or woman, determine with which he/she feels more related to.
We have had in Costa Rica, killings already from libanese mafia. We have had issues with other refugess, coming from Cuba, and idiotics wanted to bring syrian refugees... But it hasn't come... yet.