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Delacourt ago

Meet the Stampede Shill.

There is a group of them on 8chan.

And an example here on Voat.

Like all shills, their goal is to make people adopt a narrative and they can be identified by how they push aggressively and refuse to debate. When questioned they respond with insults and in-group signaling. Recognize the pattern and you can resist it.

(This post originally from

stric9 ago

Bias much?

Whiteflighter ago

Jews are commanded to lie about their texts to confuse goyim. There is no way to definitively determine the authenticity of all verses.

Jews lie about whites. It's perfectly rational to believe every bad thing said about Jews.

stric9 ago

Not all Jews are the inner circle so there's that.

Whiteflighter ago

During US slavery, 1/3 to 1/2 of all Jews owned slaves while only 1% of the rest of the population did.

The inner circle is large enough to approximate all Jews into it.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

I've heard that before, but I've also heard that those stats are false.

Whiteflighter ago

Looks like the Jews at SE have managed to get it down to 25%.

It shouldn't be long until they get whites to infinity% and Jews to negative infinity%.

BlueDrache ago

#NOTALLJEWS ... Fuck off, like.

PoundMe2 ago

Jews only hate the world because they can't love each other or themselves. If they got along with each other and worked toward a common goal we wouldn't be on this website talking about them.

7e62ce85 ago

I think he is right. The Talmud is used to organize Jews, but no organization is perfect.