enmerkar ago

This is called subverting to discredit/destroy. It's not really a new thing. It's a Soviet subversion tactic. If you're not subverting to discredit the left, start today.

ForTheUltimate ago

I suspect that the OP is the shill trying to keep us passive.

while some of what he says makes sense,


jewish_nigger_faggot ago

I know its unpopular, but this is why I so strongly oppose the calls for public torturous execution of pedophiles and the censorship of Aged.

Sex is the biggest chink in the armor of the voat userbase, especially when it comes to kids. Banning Aged because you don't like his content (pornographic drawings of children) is the first step to other people on voat banning users because they don't like their content (nazism, racism, jq, etc.).

I think pedophiles, like homosexuals and transsexuals and all sorts of other sexual derangements, are sick and can be healed. With the ease of the FBI planting CP on anyone's computer, it makes it easy to cut off our reliable leaders by framing them for something that the userbase here will act irrationally about. They did it with Roy Moore. Calling people "child molester" is the new "rapist" or "racist or "anti-semite", because those old terms are starting to lose their power.

goatboy ago

The other options is to give the bull wings.

Amphiprion ago

So, Q?

stric9 ago

You mean, inciting whites to civil war 2? Yeah, even normies see it happening. They're kind of bored with the idea of being Rambo and more interested in let God sort us out. Sampson option anyone?

Luis_Sphincta ago

There is a way to flip things though. Imagine if you will...it was decided that there was a group or tribe that it was illegal/immoral to even question, no matter what their actions...If you choose to critique them, or even try to apply critical thinking to any of their posits, that makes you immediately and unquestionably the bad guy...

Now this probably won't work with people who are quite familiar with you, but with acquaintances, if you choose to play up the extreme and so vociferously SUPPORT Group 'X' (LGBT, the 6 gorillion, the 13%ers) that you get the normies trying to reel you in just a bit, the only time you let them temper your enthusiasm, is when you have them arguing against their initial stance. If they try to flip back, re-amp things up in favour of the AOCrazies or the BernieHos or whomever all over again.

Baconmon ago

Umm.....what if we need to start doing drastic violent things in order to save our future?..
Did brenton tarrant alienate people? Most people on here think he was a hero, and what he did was like a white pill for me, because it was some one finally standing up and getting pissed off enough to start fighting back against endless invaders..

How can you tell people "Oh if some one calls for violence they must be a shill"?
Fun fact: Lots of people on voat already constantly say things like we need to kill all niggers and spics and jews etc, but do you see it making us any more fragmented?..

7e62ce85 ago

Umm.....what if we need to start doing drastic violent things in order to save our future?..

There are many non-violent, yet powerful actions we can take. See sticky and sidebar for more. Basically economic denial and self-ostracization.

If you are going to get violent Sun-Tzu writes that you should have 5-10 times the enemy force and end it quickly.

A single Tarrant or Breivik every few years won't help, but even if the right starts being massively violent they don't have a SYSTEM to replace the old one with (Sun-Tzu calls this having the "way"/"heaven" btw, ie. to be ideologically united).

For example they talk about a new Hitler, okay great, have they chosen one? NO! (And with all of our officials selling us out having an untouchable dictator seems VEEERY risky)

Will they allow their white neighbor to have a family? NO! They still support feminism, MeToo and women voting which makes that impossible. Honestly that is where it all begins and ends. No civilization empowering females has ever survived.

Until the right stops bashing Muslims for controlling their women and calling white men fighting feminism "incels/virgins" they will keep losing both on demographics and through an inability to elect better leaders.

enmerkar ago

That's exactly it. It doesn't matter how many enemies you defeat, there is no winning by default in the game of civilizations. We must subjugate our women, restore the patriarchal family unit, and utilize in-group preference to keep American culture alive. These are prerequisites for winning.

lipids ago

Old tactic. When police do it, it's called agent provocateur.

Delacourt ago

Bingo. It's amazing how many people don't realize this technique, after its been used against us for decades.

Classic example of agent provocateur, it's trivially easy to find shills with identical rhetoric on Voat

BlackManOnVoat ago

Yeah I've warned about this as well, even before the attacks, I don't know if any of you all remember, but a few weeks leading up to the attacks all of a sudden "Accelerationism" posts and the like started appearing on the net, I mean everywhere, voat, 4chan, InfinteChan, forums, youtube, etc etc. . .it was definitely coordinated shilling, Just like that whole "Childfree" crap was (which was "conveniently" timed to match with) the FRONT PAGE NEWSWEEK article bearing the same name. That shit was all over the net too.

I believe that the shilling never stops, the powers that be, be it the CIA, or unknown shadow group, always has shill groups on ALL sites they can't shut down (remember when they kept trying to physically shut voat down? Then all of a sudden a flood of caricaturely stereotypical "racists" joined the site? [I was a lurker then, but I joined around that time since I noticed it - hence my username]). That's when the switch happened.

These shills are like guideposts, and their work is to guide the general thought direction of the site. As well as attracting more like minded people to it.

Then you have the Obvious Shills Who Should Have Been Fired (tm). They carry out extremely obvious raids which serves as a two fold plan

1)attract and control the idiots who would fall for that 2)distract from those who are a bit smarter and would be able to call out the real shills. 3)use both groups to provide ammo and downvotes to destroy any person smarter than the average bear to that points this all out.(not even that hard, You'd need to just downvote ones or twice when the person makes a submission that galls under a few categories of flagged words)

Directing and controlling discourse online is big business, as there are A LOT of people who think they're smarter than they are and are susceptible to being controlled so hard that they truly think that they thought up their current arguments and beliefs on their own, and it wasn't planted and created through manipulation.

lipids ago

That comic is hilarious and sad at the same time. Once they've "caught" a terrorist, they can justify asking for a bigger budget next year.

I'm not so sure they're big on voat. The usual provocateurs like @tallest_skill definitely want more radicals, but he does it publicly instead of trying to recruit in some secret society.

BlackManOnVoat ago

They're big on voat, You just don't want to look. I understand, it's hard to realize that you've been manipulated. But you NEED to look so you know what to watch out for. There are a lot of forces that are after your "Hearts and Minds." They've realized that the only way to enslave you is for you to do it voluntarily. Since there are too many guns to do it by force. Think about that.

They want you to surrender without even firing a shot. Think about how they'd get that done, and you can see through all the shills. . .everywhere.

lipids ago

Provocateurs don't want surrender without a shot. They want a shot to justify a crackdown. See New Zealand.

I don't see shills. I see people rightfully frustrated by this clown world.

Seventh_Jim ago

I miss Acid Man. Opchan was good times back in the day.


Yeah I see this arounz. They language police a lot too to try and make you sound more alien to normies.

sosat_menya_reddit ago

If you just block the sub v/QRV you will find that 99.9% of this is not going to bother you. In fact studies have shown that blocking the wackos at v/QRV can increase your intelligence, self esteem, and improve your sex life.

Survival_gluten ago

I can please my wife again thanks to blocking QRV

Art1cBear ago

Sometimes the only right answer is drastic action. I'm not a shill and don't care what you do. The only question in my mind is how many will prepare, act, and survive. The main strategy I advocate for when I'm not pissed off is fall back and buy time. Move to freer states. Prepare yourself physically and mentally. Get in shape and learn skills. Buy land if you can. Go to church. Build strong communities and wait until even the normiest of normies can't deny the inevitable trajectory of current events. White replacement means our death. Look at South Africa. A nation is a homogenous people.

7e62ce85 ago

You should join the Emergency Nation and help us set up some of those communities.

waringi ago

There is a right time for action, but us mere mortals will never know it for sure. We can only guess. If we guess right, then we will never know what the point of no return was like, and if we guess wrong it will be too late.

Art1cBear ago

Then you don't understand algorithmic thinking. If this then that. If the state is about to kill you...

Delacourt ago

The main strategy I advocate for when I'm not pissed off is fall back and buy time. Move to freer states. Prepare yourself physically and mentally. Get in shape and learn skills. Buy land if you can. Go to church. Build strong communities and wait until even the normiest of normies can't deny the inevitable trajectory of current events.

This is all great advice. I wouldn't describe you as a stampede shill.

A stampede shill would be more like someone who advocates for behaviors that will get naive listeners immediately arrested or killed, or otherwise ruin their lives and taint their message. This classic cartoon is the perfect example of a stampede shill.

stric9 ago

So white flight is bad. Got it yuden.

Delacourt ago

White flight is great as long as it's done in a smart way, i.e. whites are strengthening their position rather than weakening it. Where did I ever suggest white flight was bad?

Art1cBear ago

The FBI version of wherever two or more are gathered in my name is one is an agent. Lol. The most violent actors in the KKK were agents. Many confidential informants are agitators with immunity for their actions. I despise cointelpro. I only engage in positive legal activity. If we exercised all of our rights and networked IRL we could turn things around. It's a matter of scope. Move. Move. Move.

Remove your city, county, and state tax dollars from shitholes. You can't reduce your federal gibs much without repercussions but you can have a profound impact by moving to less shitty places. I predict Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana are going to become white hotbeds and havens. Missouri has been doing some cool shit. No gibs, permitless carry, strong self-defense laws, and good sheriffs are unsurprisingly white places.

Godspeed patriot.

Delacourt ago

Meet the Stampede Shill.

There is a group of them on 8chan.

And an example here on Voat.

Like all shills, their goal is to make people adopt a narrative and they can be identified by how they push aggressively and refuse to debate. When questioned they respond with insults and in-group signaling. Recognize the pattern and you can resist it.

(This post originally from https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3132913/17758220)

stric9 ago

Bias much?

Whiteflighter ago

Jews are commanded to lie about their texts to confuse goyim. There is no way to definitively determine the authenticity of all verses.

Jews lie about whites. It's perfectly rational to believe every bad thing said about Jews.

stric9 ago

Not all Jews are the inner circle so there's that.

Whiteflighter ago

During US slavery, 1/3 to 1/2 of all Jews owned slaves while only 1% of the rest of the population did.

The inner circle is large enough to approximate all Jews into it.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

I've heard that before, but I've also heard that those stats are false.

Whiteflighter ago

Looks like the Jews at SE have managed to get it down to 25%. https://history.stackexchange.com/questions/17711/jewish-slave-owners-in-the-united-states

It shouldn't be long until they get whites to infinity% and Jews to negative infinity%.

BlueDrache ago

#NOTALLJEWS ... Fuck off, like.

PoundMe2 ago

Jews only hate the world because they can't love each other or themselves. If they got along with each other and worked toward a common goal we wouldn't be on this website talking about them.

7e62ce85 ago

I think he is right. The Talmud is used to organize Jews, but no organization is perfect.