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srayzie ago

He’s written me just being a jerk for no reason.

Before people get confused, Q said it’s the Reddit Replacement Sub. They push disinfo.

Reddit Replacement
Good home for ex /GA/ Redditors

thisistotallynotme ago

Did you know I put Johnson v. Eisentrager, 339 U.S. 763 (1950) in v/ProtectQRV's sidebar because it applied to little ol' you?

I wonder if you'll still be posting once all UK/AU agents are identified/neutralized?

srayzie ago

You want to protect v/QRV and all I’ve ever seen you do is try to cause division. You have gone after me, ONLY because I run v/GreatAwakening. I guarantee, you aren’t making Trump or Q proud.

That’s ok tho. I guarantee they are watching this board. They need to know which ones they’ll have to weed out and which ones are the true patriots. Yeah I saw your side bar. I know who you are. :-) It’s totally obvious considering how angry you act towards me. More than the typical user. It’s cool. If Q noticed that you are a fraud, at least you have a ton of alts to choose from.



WhiteRonin ago

Did you finally get banned?

This is old news for that sub. It’s a realProtectVoat person.

srayzie ago

Banned from here? You know who this person is too?

WhiteRonin ago

From his sub. I found out about that sub because I got banned from it on day one.

Last I checked it was 3.5 pages of bans. 90% of us didn’t even no of it.

Tallest_skil was number 1 ban but the rest are sbbh. How does that match?

srayzie ago

Which sub? A lot of people have Tallest_skil and people from SBBH. But, this one specifically doesn’t like me.

WhiteRonin ago

ProtectQRV is his sub.

Notice it’s a q sub protecting qrv which gets trolled and spammed for being anon. It’s voat for Pete’s sake! Don’t create an anon sub, people will use it to troll and attack memebers.

It could be that somebody believes that Ha and you are controlled. Lol. If you are I am one stupid retard. And I’m not a stupid retard (although I often get called an ass / asshole which I can’t argue against!).

Don’t take it personal. People have your back and it’s not a white knight protection either.

srayzie ago

Thank you. Yeah, I think I know who it is. I’ve had a couple of people come at me privately demanding I make them a mod, or that I become a part of their team. I’ve been “warned” that they would make me regret that I didn’t do it.

I’ve had them making posts on 8chan saying that I’m infiltrated, and sending me screenshots of their post as we continued talking in private messages. They would tell me that they will stop if I give in. I didn’t budge. So the butt hurt ones run over to 8chan and say whatever they want to say hoping to discredit it me. Obviously it hasn’t worked because someone sure is pissed at me.

This user the runs ProtectQRV has private messaged me telling me to give him Information or he would go public saying I won’t. I keep screenshots of all this shit.

I’m sorry about how that new mod treated you. That and how he handled another post lead me to change my mind. I don’t want mods that have power trips and try to intimidate users. I would like to talk to you later on tho about some tips on posting.

thisistotallynotme ago

You have 72 hours to provide this information, lest you are guilty of perjury.

Tick tock.

srayzie ago

What are you talking about? What I would share with @Puttitout? I wouldn’t black anything out if I gave everything to him.

[BA] [EL] [QMPC]

thisistotallynotme ago

@Puttitout doesn't care. he's not on the Tribunal on October 22nd. I don't think he wants to be involved in your little petty drama.
But don't let that stop you from pretending he's in your corner. You have a right to representation, after all. Who should I unban to speak for you?

srayzie ago

You’re a joke lol. I’ll bring your mom with me EL

thisistotallynotme ago

as long as she's a registered user on voat, that's fine. Just vouch for her on or before that day, with her username.
She can speak for you.

Shizy ago

Who's EL?

Crensch ago

Some faggot I destroyed long ago for trying to socially engineer my behavior and Voat as a whole.

Shizy ago


@Heru has admitted to being @Electrolumus

Heru sounds an awful lot like @thisistotallynotme. His behavior and shit stirring is the same too.

srayzie ago

I’m listening to you on soundcloud right now. You sound so snobby

thisistotallynotme ago

Can you URL me to the soundcloud feed? I'm curious as to what you think I sound like.

Assume I don't know my own feed's URL. What is it again?

Womb_Raider ago

Srayzie, you sure are buddy buddy with many SBBH accounts. You still deny you're one of them? What a laugh

srayzie ago

I think shit posting is fun. We’ve made posts making fun of each other. So? I don’t get into the drama between SBBH and the others. Me posting every now and then on SBBH has nothing to do with Q. I’ve never hid it. I’m not ashamed of it. I don’t care who belongs in what group.

When did I deny I was one of them? What makes me one of them? The fact that I like some of them? Or the fact that I’ve posted there!? You always seem to have a problem with me. That’s on you. You’re insignificant to me.

youllrememberme2 ago

That's one of your sbbh boys or you, listen to the next clip..


@kestrel9 do you really believe these shills? Did you miss this thread?

srayzie ago

@kestrel9, it’s no wonder he’s here. He’s out to wreck the Q movement as well. This is an oh_Well_ian alt. They are accusing me of being all kinds of things. All kinds of alts, including Shizy.

youllrememberme2 ago

@womb_raider look at this shit too.. (see parent and srayzies comment I replied to) They're accusing @thisistotallynotme of being this person, but this person is condoning making kevdude the moderator slayer in the track after the one srayzie posted hahaha

Womb_Raider ago

You're increasingly looking like a LARP, PM me from @youllrememberme

youllrememberme ago

I'm a real deal patriot trying to expose these clowns, but they're trying to silence me so I try not to post on this name, especially in PV. I had about 550ccp before that thread I sent you. This will get deleted for that reason.

Womb_Raider ago

I'm not convinced you're not a LARP but if you can criticize them effectively more power to you

kestrel9 ago

don't ping me, I don't think he thinks I'm in on this discussion.

Vindicator ago

Shareblue confirmed.

Shizy ago

He's so fucked!

I love you srayzie! You're my hero.

Oh, I just heard a little gay ass foufou dog barking in the background at the end. I bet he carries that useless thing around in his purse 🤣

srayzie ago

😂 You’re welcome! Love you too lol

Shizy ago

Oh yeah, he sounds totally gay! I can detect the lisp! I'm sure if this was a video we'd see the link wrist flailing all over too 😂

thisistotallynotme ago

So I can understand, this is evidence that you think I'm Heru/Electro Lumus/Nucleolumus, or do you think this is evidence that I'm Eggnog?
I need to understand what it is you're giving me here, before I listen to the evidence itself.

WhiteRonin ago

Hey dumb ass!

Give me your lawyer’s number so I can have mine call yours!

srayzie ago

Don’t play dumb. I have it all.

srayzie ago

Should i name other alts too?

thisistotallynotme ago

Please. Evidence that links me to these accounts would also be very beneficial in strengthening your case against me. But I'm not sure defaming the prosecution is going to be a successful strategy at trial.

Shizy ago

What's your little doggies name?

srayzie ago

You know that I don’t mean that you’re eggnogg cunt

thisistotallynotme ago

I honestly didn't know.

So, you are planning on putting this forward as evidence that I am Heru/Electro Lumus/Nucleolumus. You also mention I have other alts. Would you mind listing them as well?

BuilderAnon ago

Bro, I appreciate a good troll as much as the next but stop trying to get people to doxx me, don’t drag me into this drama you’ve fooled her into... have your fun but don’t make me victim of it.

srayzie ago

Didn’t know what?

You have so many questions. You don’t think I’m gonna give it all to you at once do you? You’re the one who chose to fuck with me. I’ll decide when or what I share. I would like the good people to know some things tho.

Would you care to explain this?

Here are SOME alts. I haven’t even gone thru the screenshots yet. Let’s not forget REDDIT.


@Kevdude @PuttItOut @Vindicator @Shizy @Kestrel9

BuilderAnon ago

@puttitout check the server logs. This user is doxxing me to serve a troll baiting her to doxx me. Check logs.

BuilderAnon ago

Wow wtf is going on here? You’re outing me to attack some troll? You’ve got a mistaken identity here...

Vindicator ago

Where did that screenshot of YRM to TS come from?

srayzie ago

What a FAKE! Look at your side bar!

They want us DIVIDED.

You are a known TROLL and don’t care about the Q movement. will find out too

Shizy ago

And here he is a @Heru admiting more of his nonsense mod attacking:

Shizy ago

srayzie ago

I do now! 😂🤣

Shizy ago

Looks like both lemus accounts have all the comments deleted. The heru one is a goldmine 😂

srayzie ago

He sure is quiet now! He wouldn’t shut tje fuck up earlier. Shizy, you don’t know how big this is. That means these are his alts as well...

@BuilderAnon has harrassed me since the Reddit ban. He works with! One of his alts is @aQMapPubCurator.

So someone who works with and runs v/ProtectQRV is a TROLL!

BuilderAnon ago

I don’t work with ProtectQRV I thought that was you and kevdude. What’s with all this effort to blow me up suddenly? I haven’t hardly even been online...

srayzie ago

Did you see our usernames as mods? No you did not.

MadWorld ago


[–]BuilderAnon 0 points (+0|-0) 7.9 hours ago (2018-10-18 19:20:35)

I don’t work with ProtectQRV I thought that was you and kevdude. What’s with all this effort to blow me up suddenly? I haven’t hardly even been online...

permalink(Ref: context full comments

BuilderAnon ago

I never looked...

srayzie ago

So there would be no reason for you to think it was us.

MolochHunter ago

OMG what a manipulative cunt

MadWorld ago


[–]BuilderAnon 0 points (+0|-0) 15 minutes ago (2018-10-19 14:13:49)

I never looked...

permalink(Ref: context full comments

srayzie ago

Of course you’re gonna say that. It just so happens that he made a sub about the Internet Bill of rights huh? Hearing you on Sound Cloud was eye opening. You speak so arrogantly about making mods fight and what a good manipulator you are. You don’t have me convinced. You’ve shown a history of being a liar.

BuilderAnon ago

Go ahead and make a fool of your self blowing up someone uninvolved.

Vindicator ago

I'm not following the connection between the accounts. This is big, if true.

srayzie ago

BuilderAnon and aQmapPubCurator are the same person. That’s for sure. It’s also for sure that these are all the same person as well...


The only thing that was in question is whether or not @thisistotallynotme was also the same person. Judging by everything I’ve shown and his reaction, all 6 are the same person.

Which means he runs v/ProtectQRV AND works with Since he is a known troll of over 3 years, that means we have a bad person infiltrating the Q movement now.

MadWorld ago

Good to pick up those names, thanks!!

Vindicator ago

BuilderAnon and aQmapPubCurator are the same person. That’s for sure. It’s also for sure that these are all the same person as well...

Still not clear how you deduced this.

srayzie ago

I’ll have to tell you privately

Shizy ago

Damn srayzie! This is insane that he has been up to these same tactics for 3 years now!

Vindicator ago

The link you posted above is to a submission by @heru claiming people are alts of @she (with no evidence). That controversy was before my time, but when I busted @freshmeat in this submission a while back, I found him (using alt MYG) claiming to be an alt of @she:

FYI in your link there is screenshot of an IRC where he claims to have created ProtectVoat:

@srayzie @Crensch @kevdude

Looks like a lot of chaff being thrown by Shareblue here on Voat for many years.

freshmeat ago

Well hello you subversive kike. Still trying to remain relevant amidst the recent BTFO by the new exodus?

srayzie ago

This is on his v/ProtectQRV side bar!


srayzie ago

I know!

srayzie ago

WhiteRonin ago

Ask him for his lawyer’s number! I only know one person on this site that would give his up. Let’s see if this dude will cough up his!

ExpertShitposter ago

LeL. People taking e-Combat a bit too serious perhaps.

thisistotallynotme ago

I'm not sure you understand my replies here. I'm burning karma to help you build whatever case you are trying to bring on the 22nd of October. You seem to be wanting to do this pro se, so I need all the information before the trial date, so all documents you submit in your defense can be seen by the court.

srayzie ago

Are you going to explain what that shit was about?

No. I’m not providing you with Jack Shit you fuckin faggot. You have tried threatening me. You have tried dividing the Q movement. You were just found out bitch. Now you want me to do you a favor and give you more alts so that you can be prepared?

I’ll be like Trump. You won’t know when it’s coming. I don’t announce my plans. I have ole goats working with me. We don’t take well to cunts like you.

thisistotallynotme ago

If this is all the information you have right now, let me know in PM or in v/ProtectQRV what other evidence you want shown in your defense.

See you on the 22nd!

Shizy ago

You sound retarded with this pretend courtroom drama nonsense!

You've been outed faggot! Go make up some new identity and start all over again! Bye bye!

srayzie ago

I don’t need a defense. You haven’t even came up with something to accuse me of.

This is priceless!!! I can’t wait to show everyone who the O of v/ProtectQRV has been up to! Does know what a piece of shit troll you are?

srayzie ago

Well, you could also just answer if it is you or not. What do you have to hide? I have 6 of your alts now. I have more in the screenshots. Are you going to be a coward now or what?

thisistotallynotme ago

Please list these alts, if they are related to the ones you've just mentioned. Thanks.

Shizy ago

By snobby you really mean douchebaggy

srayzie ago

No. I’m listening to his voice on audio is what I mean. Yes, that too.

Shizy ago

I'd imagine he'd have a lisp 😂