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BigDaddy69 ago

Nice 3 month old account you shill-cucked concern troll

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

You always come into any meta discussion about Voat and derail the thread. my original account is @she

Also "concern-trolling" is an SRS meme started to prevent meta discussion on reddit in /r/The_Donald. Shill a little more subtly next time :)

BigDaddy69 ago

This is exactly how an SRS shill you reply to distract from the fact that they are an SRS shill

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

weak argument faggot

BigDaddy69 ago

You have failed to address any of my points. It is clear I have intellectually and morally bested you.

I will now block you, and any further responses only serve to prove my superiority and prove your desperation for human attention, caused by your status as an involuntarily celibate shut-in.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Provide a salient point relevant to the post topic, shill