ExpertShitposter ago

+1 shekel has been deposited in your account

Crensch ago

Trailer trash that identifies with the guy that fucked his pre-teen kids.

Crensch ago

Yes, ban me because I hurt the feelings of @freshmeat, who idolizes and self identifies with David Koresh - the guy that fucked his pre-teen kids:

ExpertShitposter ago

Another freshie alt if anyone wants to know.

ExpertShitposter ago

Freshmeat is a cryptokike form reddit: (his alt) (his old main)

As you can see, he says reddit is better even tho anything even remotely right wing is banned there, and voat sucks for him too.

He is also a liar and an alcoholic:

Admits to being a liar who only started watching what he says after he realized people are archiving shit he says. Admitted to being a pot head.

He is also trailer trash: Pic from convo:

If you check his account he also downvoats as much as the system will let him.

Up until recently his top mod of this sub was this guy:

He still defends him, and lies in his name. Most people in this sub who "agree" with him are his alts. He admitted to having close to 200. Because he "has to have them due to brigading". He has had thousand of bot upvotes removed from his account by puttitout that he claim was a "false flag attack".

He idolizes and self identifies with David Koresh who fucked his pre-teen kids:

The people he is accusing of being SRS on the other hand are owners and moderators of the most right wing subs on this whole page. He says its larp, but its thousands upon thousands of right wing anti jew posts over the course of 3 years with no one being banned over saying nigger kike etc.'re getting kiked by freshmeat in this very moment.

Crensch ago

God damn. Fuckin' saved.

In this very moment, freshmeat got fucking gassed.

ExpertShitposter ago

Nah, he is such a degenerate he isn't even embarrassed enough to quit.

Crensch ago

He considers /v/TraditionalWives and /v/showerthoughts to be part of a group he wants banned from Voat

He has a tranny fetish, and claims numerous core Voaters are trannies while providing no evidence for his claims. 123

He and his crew contribute very little, if anything, to Voat, while attacking good users and content producers. The freshmeat crew also attack anyone doing things they do not like with vote-manipulation and manufactured consensus.