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lion_rampant ago

You just downvoated my post to Introductions without reading it and left a snarky comment.

Crensch ago

It's /v/introductions, not tell us your fucking life's story and expect us to waste our time reading it. You're like the creep that walks up to strangers and starts talking about your life and expects people to want to be around you.

lion_rampant ago

Considering the critique that went into what I posted, I figured it would be a good introduction. Sets my position for the debate to follow.

Crensch ago

I don't really think it sets you up for much of anything.

Also, I edited my comment right after submitting it; apologies for the forum faux-pas, but there was just too much more wrong with your introduction for me to let it go at that.

lion_rampant ago

If you can't see how you are rude to new users and make this place uninviting, then maybe you just have a personality disorder.

Crensch ago

If you can't see how you are rude to new users and make this place uninviting, then maybe you just have a personality disorder.

If you can't take valid criticism because someone was meant to you, maybe you don't belong on the internet. You certainly don't seem in a position to support free speech while whining about "how you are rude to new users".

lion_rampant ago

I can take criticism. You can't. I criticize the way you criticize, which is rude and unwelcoming to newcomers.

Crensch ago

Nah, you're whining about my criticism of your introductions post. You didn't like it, so you think posting it here is some kind of vindication of your shitty post.

I'll ask again:

What, are you going to say that to people you meet on the street? In a video game? When you walk into your first class when you just transferred schools? When you introduce yourself as a professor/teacher of some classroom? Who in their right mind would even continue listening to you after the first few lines?

freshmeat ago

Keep digging your grave lol

Crensch ago

Do you ever contribute anything of value? You seem like nothing but a reactionary shitstirrer.

freshmeat ago

We have been over this. I contributed much OC during 2016 elections while i was campaigning for Trump, and in early 2017. Ever since your group found out who I am they make damn sure my content hardly gets seen, especially when it's good content. I'm not going out of my way to post OC just so SBBH can shit on it with brigades. I actually have a lot of gun OC and could have a wide range of topics to post about regarding firearms but shills run both subs.

Just take a look at my submissions to see what I post and how the ration of downvotes to updates is unlike 99% of the posts on this website.

In fact you would still be targeting me if I hadn't formed a consensus among a range of users and started rPV.

You can't get rid of me by exploitation anymore so you just try to keep me from getting visibility.

Crensch ago

We have been over this. I contributed much OC during 2016 elections while i was campaigning for Trump, and in early 2017. Ever since your group found out who I am they make damn sure my content hardly gets seen, especially when it's good content.

No, "we" haven't. Your account is 6 months old.

I'm not going out of my way to post OC just so SBBH can shit on it with brigades.

Really? Because every time you're active, EVERYTHING I POST THAT GETS ANY UPVOTES ALSO GETS EQUAL OR MORE DOWNVOTES. Pretending to be the victim of what you're doing is something Jews do.

I actually have a lot of gun OC and could have a wide range of topics to post about regarding firearms but shills run both subs.

Maybe if you weren't a vote-manipulating faggot, someone would give a shit about you.

Just take a look at my submissions to see what I post and how the ration of downvotes to updates is unlike 99% of the posts on this website.

Shills show up all at once using vote brigading in a thread attacking innocent users,

Where you defend maxcactus, who does nothing but post leftist MSM propaganda that anyone can get literally anywhere, and he bans users and deletes comments that don't violate any rules.


Oh, also, you described the post as "OP made a witch-hunt post attributing innocent users to a liberal spammer" when Maxcactus literally spams leftist shit and everyone knows it. How do you square this with your accusations against /v/TraditionalWives that accuses them of being leftist?

The guy spamming leftist bullshit = not leftist. The TradWives you don't like that don't post leftist stuff = leftist because ????

freshmeat ago

No, "we" haven't. Your account is 6 months old.

Oh so im not MYG anymore?

Really? Because every time you're active, EVERYTHING I POST THAT GETS ANY UPVOTES ALSO GETS EQUAL OR MORE DOWNVOTES. Pretending to be the victim of what you're doing is something Jews do.

Nigger i never see your posts. I didn't even see this one until I was pinged to it.

Maybe if you weren't a vote-manipulating faggot, someone would give a shit about you.

I dont manipulate. Maybe you should fuck off and go take your mental illnesses elsewhere. You shouldn't have any power on voat, especially considering you are socially retarded,

Where you defend maxcactus, who does nothing but post leftist MSM propaganda that anyone can get literally anywhere, and he bans users and deletes comments that don't violate any rules.

I only defended his right to have a subverse free from your brigading and constant attacks from PV. Just block the sub if you don't like, isnt that what you tell us to do about the pedophile subs? Sort of a fucking hypocrite, but that's the normal MO for SRS faggots like you.

Oh, also, you described the post as "OP made a witch-hunt post attributing innocent users to a liberal spammer" when Maxcactus literally spams leftist shit and everyone knows it.

Yeah of course maxcactus is a faggot and I disagree with his shilling, but what you do is way worse. You are a cancer to genuine public discourse.

How do you square this with your accusations against /v/TraditionalWives that accuses them of being leftist?

I said they are trannies LARPing here because conservative men are alpha males and they get off on being accepted by us. They are inane in the membrane.

The guy spamming leftist bullshit = not leftist. The TradWives you don't like that don't post leftist stuff = leftist because ????

I've literally never even checked his sub. It wasnt about their ideologies, it was about your organized brigades and manipulation

Crensch ago

Oh so im not MYG anymore?

I don't remember this shit. Sanegoat/amalek/myg why the fuck are the spergs of this site always switching usernames, and why is your username all of a sudden NOT so far in the negative that you need a new one after needing so many others. Can you tell me that, Mr. Victim?

Nigger i never see your posts. I didn't even see this one until I was pinged to it.


Where was it that you were pinged to this submission? I either caught you in a lie, or caught you telling me that someone somewhere else pings you or directs you to this stuff. Which is it?

I dont manipulate. Maybe you should fuck off and go take your mental illnesses elsewhere. You shouldn't have any power on voat, especially considering you are socially retarded,

Really? Why is THIS username all of a sudden not going negative? What would YOU assume, in my position?

Your words are NOT popular, and they don't ring true with real goats. Hell, most of the goats seem to be able to peg you as MYG from your writing style as it is.

I only defended his right to have a subverse free from your brigading and constant attacks from PV. Just block the sub if you don't like, isnt that what you tell us to do about the pedophile subs? Sort of a fucking hypocrite, but that's the normal MO for SRS faggots like you.

Oh, users aren't allowed to post about what they don't like now? What about that user's right to post what he doesn't like about a subverse, is that meaningful at all? What if I want PV free from your brigading and constant attacks? Why can't you just block the sub if you don't like it? Isn't that what you tell us to do about leftist MSM outlets that cover for pedophiles and traitors? Who's the hypocrite here?

Yeah of course maxcactus is a faggot and I disagree with his shilling, but what you do is way worse. You are a cancer to genuine public discourse.

Right. So being a regular user that happens to mod a subverse that was put together as a reaction to cancermods and continues to this day to be nothing more than a place to highlight fuckery - that means I have less rights than maxcactus in @freshmeat-land. Got it.

I said they are trannies LARPing here because conservative men are alpha males and they get off on being accepted by us. They are inane in the membrane.

Somehow leftist trannies LARPing need to go, and are on your sidebar, but /v/TruthHurts isn't?

I've literally never even checked his sub. It wasnt about their ideologies, it was about your organized brigades and manipulation

Because /v/TruthHurts was targeted by us, it gets carte blanche to do whatever it wants free from @freshmeat harrassment?

freshmeat ago

Where was it that you were pinged to this submission? I either caught you in a lie, or caught you telling me that someone somewhere else pings you or directs you to this stuff. Which is it?

9-11 pinged me before he edited his comment, and I appreciate it

It's my birthday today and I'm not interested in spending any more time tlaking to a faggot like you. Hopefully putt reads this "open letter" and sees it for exactly what it is.

I know it's going to sound/look like I'm doing this as some form of mockery or with some undertone of derision, and I can't really seem to find a way to avoid appearing that way,

Just because you ironically stated that doesn't make this post the opposite of it. Putt isn't stupid.

Crensch ago

9-11 pinged me before he edited his comment, and I appreciate it

So either @9-11 is hiding pings and being a shady fuck, or you're lying. Which is it?

It's my birthday today and I'm not interested in spending any more time tlaking to a faggot like you. Hopefully putt reads this "open letter" and sees it for exactly what it is.

Hopefully he deals with your crew of vote-manipulators. It's funny how when something is noted from PV, multiple users chime in if they decide to vote on something, but with your crew, it's like 2 of you for every 3-5 votes that show up.

That's not a coincidence, it's a fact.

Just because you ironically stated that doesn't make this post the opposite of it. Putt isn't stupid.

Then correct me. What did I miss in my list of things that I shouldn't do? The very fact that not a single person here could find a goddamn thing I missed suggests that I covered all the bases legitimately.

So, again, how would you muzzle me, if you were putt? (well, we know you want putt to ban me, but that's rich coming from a guy who was downvoted on multiple usernames consistently BY THE USERS OF THIS WEBSITE)

freshmeat ago

begone thot