lion_rampant ago

I know from my clinical practice that it has impact. Suggesting that you are knowledgable in this subject and not googling your ass off now is transparent. good chat.

lion_rampant ago

Attributing your unhappiness to your biological sex is basically delusional thinking.

I see you're just arguing from emotion now. good chat.

lion_rampant ago

based on delusions

again, you mistake the difference between delusion and dysphoria. A delusional patient who truly believed he was a female would not be a candidate for surgery.

lion_rampant ago

You can't start by saying gender dysphoria is a real mental condition then finish by implying that gender dysphoria is not real.

Sex markers of the genes do not make gender dyshphoria not exist. People still need psychiatric treatment, including surgery.

Now when it comes to kids, the important thing to remember is that 80% grow out of it so nothing permanent. Actually the standards of care are very clear. You start by allowing the child to play as the other gender at play time. If they don't stop, they can start puberty blockers WHICH ARE TOTALLY REVERSABLE DESPITE WHAT YOU HEARD ON JOE ROGAN. If the child still doesn't change his or her mind, hormones can be started. And that's the first irreversible change. The importance of starting transition early is so that the patient doesn't look like a tranny at the end. Everything is set up to be quit without lasting effects. Puberty blockers are the humane way to allow the child time to change his or her mind.

lion_rampant ago

Transgender is not real. That's right. Primary transsexualism and gender dysphoria is.

lion_rampant ago

not for their dysphoria they don't. comorbid disorders maybe.

lion_rampant ago

It's a mental disorder. Yes, it needs to be dealt with psychiatric care, yes. But 20% of children don't grow out of it. That small percentage of true transsexuals get clinical relief from sex reassignment therapy.

Octoclops ago

This is all complete bunk but welcome to voat anyway you fucking lunatic

xenoPsychologist ago

i agree, this is garbage.