ShareblueEmployee ago

These Jews serve a purpose; they trigger users into posting infomation that can then be viewed by those who visit the site. If the whole site was just everyone agreeing that kikes and shitskins are crap, the comments themselves would just be the same 20 or so users patting each other on the back. Hardly anyone reads the full articles posted on this site, so the comments are basically your best bet to penetrate the minds of race realist virgins. The superciliously polite Jews are a good thing. Let them post so that the rage can flow.

Broc_Lia ago

He could be a democrat shill, or he's both conservative and from a jewish background and wants somewhere that isn't a leftist hellhole.

VinnZoat ago

Hi, kike here.

he's both conservative and from a jewish background and wants somewhere that isn't a leftist hellhole.

Ding ding, we have a winner! That's exactly the case.

Crensch ago

Anyone can look at the stats and know that it's being heavily brigaded.

No, they can see that you are really a terrible poster and dont' deserve upvoats.

I know how groupthink, free speech haters like you think.

So you get to be judge and jury, and accuse whomever of whatever and it's all based on your feefees. Got it.

Crensch ago

Thanks for showing that you have reading comprehension issues.

Crensch ago

You absolutely did, that's why it was heavily brigaded.

So you're the only one that gets to decide what is and isn't brigading? You're absurd.

Don't act like you weren't pinging for backup in your original post.

Don't act like you can read my mind.

Crensch ago

No, I think being a jew should disqualify people from breathing.

Crensch ago

Because I was browsing /v/all and saw your obvious bullshit, yes.

Bullshit? You mean calling out Jews for being filthy fucking kikes? Go ahead, show me how it's bullshit.

Crensch ago

with the intent of getting people to downvoat or upvoat the content

According to whom? You? I intended no such thing, but according to me, anyone else that does so IS intending that, so they're brigading!

Do you even read what you write?

@Disappointed didn't want you to miss this bit of hilarity. Apparently, my pinging you is the same thing as brigading, or something, to this faggot, but what do I care about its opinion of me?

Disappointed ago

He's been arguing with people about Jews in his comments earlier today as well as in your archive. Probably saw your title, had a meltdown and decided to make a stand for the Mother country.

Crensch ago

Is it just me, or is the way these faggots respond just so inane and bewildering that you can hardly believe they're sentient? I'd even assume better from a shitty computer program sometimes.

Disappointed ago

I think we're up for a definite step up in troll quality once they improve chatbots AI a bit. For now they have to pay student bums with no grasp on reality.

Disappointed ago

We disagree on your definition of brigade. Linking to other posts is not a brigade.

Anyway it seems to me based on your other comments above today you got pissed off at the title of this thread and just came in here ready to swing with any crap you could fabricate. So have fun with that. Maybe one or two fools will believe you are genuine and not just pissed because someone has an opinion you don't like. Myself, I don't have much tolerance for too much bullshit at once. If you ever have a legitimate complaint you need help with though feel free to drop in. Unlike you we don't hold grudges.

Crensch ago

Sounds to me like you're butthurt, and if you'd write something people didn't immediately hate you for, you wouldn't have an issue.

It's OK, I figured out why you wanted to pop in here all of a sudden.

Crensch ago

Source? Why are you spreading misinformation about people you disagree with?


@kevdude did I remember this faggot wrong? I know he's a butthurt whiny bitch, but I remembered him as being a supporter of the cancer mods.

with the intent of getting people to downvoat or upvoat the content

So. Every. Link. To. Anywhere. On. Voat.

Depends on why you ping. Pinging to get backup because your narrative is questioned, like you did, is something I would consider pathetic, yes.

You're really reaching here, faggot. "You can't use the functionality on voat because I don't want you to!" Sounds like whining to me.

Disappointed ago

Are you banned from this sub? No, theres your free speech. Do you just want to tell us how much we suck? Well you'll get the type of response I gave you. If you want open conversation you have to be able to hold your end without being a little bitch. If you have a legitimate complaint, say it with the bullshit.

Crensch ago

At least you people finally admit that you don't give a fuck about free speech. It's refreshing that you drop all the pretense and admit that you never wanted free speech, just a right-wing reddit.

Says the guy that supports mods censoring and curating speech. It's hilarious that you think cancermods are a good thing and call people voting on shit "cancer"

linking to other places on voat with the intent of getting people to downvoat or upvoat the content

So every link to everywhere on voat? That's what it looks like to me. Guess you kinda fumbled that, didn't you?

Learn to read before replying again.

How embarrassing.

And of course you have to ping your friends. Gotta bring backup whenever the narrative is questioned.

OH, now pinging is something you're against, too? Wow, guess it's SO much worse than @she-style cancermods. Kek.

Disappointed ago

Show us on the doll where we hurt you.

Crensch ago

You people are the cancer. Any dissenting opinion will be linked here as "shilling", so you ensure that you can keep your little hug box alive for as long as possible.

Because open borders is working so well everywhere else, and the Great Voat Filter has always let us down. Oh wait...

And yes, linking to other places on voat with the intent of getting people to downvoat or upvoat the content is brigading by any definition, you little cockroach. Anyone with half a brain can see that. But hey, no bad tactics, only bad targets as your horseshoe friends always say.

Linking to other places on Voat = brigading all! Look at that! Every single voat link, BRIGADE!!!! Hahahahaah! Oh man, you shill fucks are a riot.

@kevdude @Disappointed

Disappointed ago

Where did you hurt this one's feelings?

Crensch ago

Apparently I lead a brigade with my links to other places. I mean, I'm flattered, but this guy's cheese slid off his cracker.

Disappointed ago

We're the devil for some of these fuckers, I swear. All because we wouldn't let their bitch friends censor the default subs. Why did he come in here anyway?

Crensch ago

I've been posting a lot of anti-Jew stuff, and I think this might be why he decided to show up.

Disappointed ago

Well he came in swinging with a year old or more grudge against the whole sub. Anyway he'll have to get in line with the rest of the haters before he gets his "I confronted PV in 2017" badge.

Crensch ago

Oh hey, it's the cancermod sympathizers! Keep defending the moderator removals and narrative curating while shitting on people merely linking to other places on the website as "brigading". Really endears you to the users here.

White_Phillip ago

I wish we could D&C religious jews and ethnic jews. when someone says "im a jew, and..." i have no idea what they think they are talking about.

religious jews are led by rabbis, ethnic jews are led by zionists and marxists.

so idk who they think theyre fooling aside from fools.

a jewish identitarian who sides with whites still doesnt receive respect from whites. its like someone who identifies with jews is constitutionally incapable of understanding why people hate jews.

1Sorry_SOB ago

When are Jews going to start apologizing for anti-white propaganda and dismantling their lobbying groups? When are they going to start divesting their media holdings?

I don't care if you voted for Trump, Jew. Before we can get along there is a long way to go.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Most anti-Semites are full blown retards. That isn't to say I believe in being naive about Jews but I've associated with enough sympathetic Jews to know it is moronic to push them away simply for being Jews.

I'd more readily accept that tack with blacks or Muslims. For that matter I tend to clash with Germans, Russians, or Southern whites.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Direct them to /v/oven, where they belong.

Crensch ago

They'll be so happy to know they can visit their favourite 6 million!

Kal ago

All I know for sure is that you could solve all your problems by throwing yourself off a bridge, cocksucker.

Crensch ago

Found the (((shill))).

Kal ago

Damn, and here I was trying to lay low so that your keen eye didn't spot me.

sLnTsRvC ago

This seems to be how Jews operate. We've been kicked out of all these countries, Germany killed lots of us, look how much muzzies hate us.

Feel bad for me then agree with me.

redditsuckz ago

Thats quite a red pillin post...

Maybe you should expel the Jews that control the v/pizzagate sub or maybe you just dont got chutzpah to do it...

aipacispizza ago

Jews OWN Voat

YC owns Voat

If voat doesn't do a better job censoring anti-semitic content then Palantir pulls the plug, thus voat begs goy for shekels.

redditsuckz ago

YC owns Voat

Maybe owned now by Conde Nast...

Conde Nast

CEO: (((Bob Sauerberg)))

Advance Publications Owners;

(((Samuel Newhouse)))

(((Donald Newhouse)))

Is there a connection between James Alefantis and owner of Reddit (Condé Nast)?

The "Embassies" thread which r/conspiracy deleted even mentioned "Conde Nast" and not long after there was a manufactured consensus/focus shifted away from pizzagate to "Seth Rich".

Art in Embassies Program Gave Podestas, Jeff Koons, Rockefellers, Clintons, Marina Abramovic, Rothschilds even Alefantis access to a private shipping channel that could bypass airport security

Crensch ago

Nice try shoehorning in your personal axe to grind here. How about you provide some links showing how it's controlled by Jews? I'm more than happy to entertain the idea, but you'll have to do better than just asserting it.

redditsuckz ago

Well if one of the owners Victor(((Steiner)))Davion isnt obvious enough...

The Rothschilds controlling Pizzagate Subs through Disobedient Media (pizzagatefree)

Jews control all the important subs here and have from the beginning;

Crensch ago

Ok, without the gish gallop. I'm not trawling through all that shit to prove you right, that's your job.

redditsuckz ago

that's your job.

Well I guess its your job to PRETEND to be against the jews...pretending this is a "non-censoring" free speech forum making this a safe space for the "goys".

This must be (((Marina Abramovic))) pic that got you triggered into protecting your jew masters;

Crensch ago

Really? I accept that the creepy Morticia-looking whore is a kike.

I ask for sources for your claims, not a Gish Gallop of bullshit, and you bring up something that is calling me an alphabet puppet?

I said I was willing to entertain the idea, but all you bring to the table is bullshit.

redditsuckz ago

Whats bullshit is your hypocrisy of "protecting voat" while owning/moderating a sub that deletes ~3000 posts A MONTH...

All the same jew mods came over from reddit added by Kingkongwaswrong;

And they just shuffled around accounts since Kingkong was still owner and adding the same jews over and over.

Then you have the recent mod of v/pizzagate defend the teachings of the Talmud;

Lets say for a moment you are yourself not a jew...even if you clean house of v/pizzagate this whole website would be shut down within less than a week...;)

Crensch ago

Whats bullshit is your hypocrisy of "protecting voat" while owning/moderating a sub that deletes ~3000 posts A MONTH...

There's no hypocrisy, the rules are there, based on what the users of that sub wanted. Many posts run afoul of those rules.

All the same jew mods came over from reddit added by Kingkongwaswrong;

I'm not reading through shit about the rothchilds and hillary just to find what point you're trying to make by linking to that.

A picture before @kevdude and I stepped in and fixed things. /golfclap

Then you have the recent mod of v/pizzagate defend the teachings of the Talmud;

The post ran afoul of the rules. Whatever that mod's personal feelings on the matter, posting about a religion is not going to help put anyone behind bars. It was a useless post.

Lets say for a moment you are yourself not a jew...even if you clean house of v/pizzagate this whole website would be shut down within less than a week...;)

Re-read that, then rephrase it into something that makes sense.

redditsuckz ago

the rules are there, based on what the users of that sub wanted. and your censoring jew rules...

A picture before @kevdude and I stepped in and fixed things. /golfclap

Yeah you really fixed it when later mod numbchuck added by kingkong went rogue and deleted a whole bunch of important shit;

Oh look here you are deleting threads with over 100 upvotes with some of the most damning evidence for pizzagate;

then rephrase it into something that makes sense.

You are a Jew

Crensch ago

Well, looks like nobody really believes you, and it's not difficult to figure out why that is.

You've all the makings of a Jew, yourself, and your examples of my own jewery are pretty pathetic.

redditsuckz ago

Maybe people will believe Anneke Lucas and her story that (((you))) wanted to hide....

I Was a Sex Slave to Europe's Elite at Age 6

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

tell em no, problem solved

Crensch ago

You know I can't stop at something so simple, I go for the throat every time.

bdmthrfkr ago

Gas the kikes. No mercy.

BigFatDaddy ago

Related, I've been seeing a lot of "hur dur go back to v!niggers" and "ur a stormfag" that I never used to see on Voat.

I thought faggots couldn't breed, but it's like there's a goddamn nest of 'em somewhere.

Crensch ago

Yeah, lots of comments about us just being "edgy" and "wannabe nazis".

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Hilariously enough I've been called a "wannabe nazi" by someone who seemed to be an actual edgy teenage "ironic" wannabe nazi, for disagreeing with them on a non-political issue.

I'm still not sure if they're kikes trying to divide and conquer, or just 14 year olds who are trying to talk tough.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

how are we just trying to be edgy? I've posted outright nazi propaganda on here, and hatefacts with citations

Crensch ago

Apparently on rEddit that thought-terminating cliche shuts down unwanted discussion.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

they used to call everyone nazis and hitler at the drop of a hat but literal national socialists are "just trying to be edgy" it makes no sense

BigFatDaddy ago

It's the same thing, really. It's just a shaming tactic to try to shut you up from embarrassment. For most people, being called a "racist" or a "nazi" is about the worst thing that could be called, so it's usually an instant win for (((them))). But online, here, on the chans, a few other placrs; they encounter actual real National Socialists that feel no shame or embarrassment at the label. So how do you embarrass them and shut them up? "Le edgy tryhard neckbeard permavirgin living in his parents's basement blah blah blah..." Their gibberish changes, but it's ultimately the same (((tactic))).

DyingEurope ago

We're not trying to be edgy. We're just naturally fabulous

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

hawaiian shirts are cool~

BigFatDaddy ago

At first I thought it was just reddit trash left over from the pedes purge, but looking at more account ages I'm starting to suspect it might be something different.

Le_Squish ago

The migrants are actually an invasion force. I wonder where we have seen this before.

BigFatDaddy ago

Pretty standard (((subversion tactics))).

MrPim ago

I trust accts I see here every day. And those only partially.

Crensch ago

MrPim ago

Yeah I saw that thread and two intro posts(the one w Im Jewish do you hate me and that one where dude asked about making v/potuswatch and bringing a migration) and other shit.

One that maybe im being paranoid about, but during the Pedes I dropped a few Tacos posts. A couple of new accts tried to play that up like it was a Voat thing and not just my weird thing. They really wanted to suck up and get some CCP.

Crensch ago

Yep, the potuswatch faggot was the other main one I saw.

surprisecockfag ago

I saw that post too, and I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who thought it seemed suspicious like they're testing the waters or something.

Vladimir_Komarov ago

only one response: Tits or get the fuck out