Rainy-Day-Dream ago

kek @crensch this shill just called you a faggot

Crensch ago

nice job spacing out the downvoats and replies, crench.

That shit gets accounts banned here, faggot. You'd know this if you were worth the shekels shareblue is paying you.


Rotteuxx ago

It is fucking pathetic.

At least SaneGoat Inc hires well versed shills that put in the effort to integrate.

Rotteuxx ago

Hey @Crensch !

This dollar discount shill seems to think I'm an alt of yours... that's a good one :D

Crensch ago


Imagine what it's like being a shill trying to convince people that it's not YOU that's the shill, it's the two usernames with backgrounds as robust as ours. Even if we ARE shills, we're infinitely better at it than they are.

Fucking toast to that, Rotty

pimplepeter ago

hey schlomo, whatcha doin?

Rotteuxx ago

I love it when stupid shills like you don't know when to shut up. You rly aren't worth what you're getting paid.

raw ago

I have a 3 year old reddit account with 3,244 post karma and 18,484 comment karma. I rarely use that shithole of a website. I am thinking of selling it and the credibility of NSA snooping on that account dies. PM me.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

pretty low effort shilling, but I like the trump reference at the end, 2/10 maybe shill again

cynicaloldfart ago

"They're heeeere".

Crensch ago

Sorry, realized what you were saying, so I removed mine - not fast enough apparently. My bad!

Kal ago

I was saying that you should go fuck yourself, douche.

Crensch ago

I bet you were.

Kal ago

gud 1

Crensch ago

Whatever you say, Shareblue.

Kal ago

Go fuck yourself.

TH3_1D10T ago

But if you still want to buy my account, go right ahead.

Crensch ago

Still haven't been offered anything for mine. I don't think they could afford it, though.

TH3_1D10T ago

I would accept $10 for my account. I can just make a new one free, so why would I care?

Crensch ago

I really don't know why, but I can't see myself selling my account for such a pittance. Even adding a couple zeros wouldn't do it for me.

UlyssesEMcGill ago

I'd sell mine for 10 grand, just to dent their budget.

Slayfire122 ago

For ten grand I'd happily sell mine, I'd be sure to send some private messages to a few select individuals first. That way I could warn everybody afterwards and have proof.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'd just demand the money in advance and tell them to piss off once I had it

Crensch ago

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you this stunning display of shareblue faggotry. Enjoy seeing the latest phase of their attacks on Voat.

sameGoatIamNot ago

The @Crensch of the most dangerous Hasbara Shill on voat, well almost the most dangerous, he's got a few buddy's on /v/pizzagate that make him look like an amateur-bot.

Crensch ago



Kal ago

Aren't you supposed to be protecting voat?

Crensch ago

From Shareblue like you? Yep!

Kal ago

Do you really think Shareblue is spending money to influence your stupid ass?

If shareblue were here you'd see a lot more references to budweiser. They know their audience.

Michael_Obama ago

wish this were satire. Shareblue is literally calling itself out with this post.