RumpRangerRick ago

WTF is this shit ?

Crensch ago

A fun thing to do when you find a nigger culturally appropriating white people's clothing.

Crensch ago

Not really. If the reality were different, my words would change to match. 3 months and you still don't get it?

ShineShooter ago

Thanks, Crensch.

Crensch ago


ShineShooter ago

Fighting shills.

Crensch ago

You're very welcome, ShineShooter!

Rotteuxx ago

And thx for making my Sunday morning Voat browsing so entertaining :)

Crensch ago

Glad you enjoyed it!

Crensch ago

In this case, both are one and the same.

Crensch ago

And you still haven't caught on to how this site works? Pretty pathetic.

Crensch ago

You've been here 7 hours and you think I'm spinning a false narrative? You're really not worth your kike master's shekels.

Crensch ago

you speak for voat as well, huh? you must be a real VIP around here.

TIL saying "X is pretty normal around here" = speaking for Voat as a VIP.

Crensch ago

No, it's pretty normal around here. You should really lurk more before posting, faggot. Your bosses aren't getting their shekels' worth out of you.

Crensch ago

You'd have known better than to try to turn my accusation of you being shareblue back onto me. The absurdity of it is laughable.

New accounts here are shareblue unless proven otherwise; you haven't done anything but be suspicious as fuck.

Crensch ago

You really didn't do any homework before responding to me, did you?

Crensch ago

Won't matter for long. Enjoy your shekels while you can, shareblue. Your employment status with them is already public information.

Crensch ago

clearly you're joking, because someone as clever as you would know this is a logical fallacy

Kinda like the fallacy of attempting to shoehorn your opinion in as fact? You give an opinion, and I tell you that your opinion is meaningless because of who/what you are, and somehow you think you can toss fallacies in there? Kek.

Crensch ago

like i said before, you're trying too hard and it shows.

Like I said before, the opinion of someone as inconsequential as you is worth nothing.

also, your post amounts to signalling.

Like above, a judgment from a worthless username is, well, worthless.

Crensch ago

oh sorry. didn't realize i was talking to the boss of voat.

I'd appreciate the compliment, if it had come from someone that mattered.

if you post a list of everything i'm allowed to comment about, i'll gladly ignore it.

Wow, that's some digg-tier snark there. Are you really getting paid for this shit? Whatever it is, if it stops you from being hungry it's too much.

Crensch ago

User for 5 hours and you decide to comment on something like this? Not doing a good job of blending in as a legitimate user, faggot. Tell your bosses to pay some chanfags a six figure salary and they'd do better than thousands of faggots like you.

Crensch ago

You're getting paid way too much for what you have to offer.

Crensch ago

Hi, shareblue! Don't worry, traitors like you will get similar treatment when the time comes. Likely within your lifetime. I bet a nigger can handle this kind of thing a lot better than a limp-wristed millennial faggot like you.